Heroes of the World -Thunderb...

By PhoenixBunny456

8.7K 116 17

Alison 'Ali' Johnson is the oldest girl of the Johnson family, her mom used to be best friends with the Tracy... More

Chapter 1: After Eleven Years!
Chapter 2: Always Coming To Our Rescue!
Chapter 3: Past and Present!
Chapter 4: Rescues!
Chapter 5: And Romances!
Chapter 6: The Return Of The Hood!
Chapter 7: Save Your Surfing For The Beach!
Chapter 8: Space Race!
Chapter 10: I've Loved You Since We Were Kids!
Chapter 11: Crosscut Tunnels & Bore Holes!
Chapter 12: Who Would Steal A High-Tech Plane?
Chapter Thirteen: It's Not The Gear, It's The Tracy!
Chapter Fourteen: Runaway Train!

Chapter 9: We're Being Chased By a Nuclear Bomb, How Are You?

539 9 0
By PhoenixBunny456

"All right! Now somebody, get us that kill code!" Oriana orders.

"Yeah... about that." Izzy explains.

"We have a situation. The original files are under a storage facility in London. Deep under London." John admits.

"Wow... this place looks enormous on the hologram." Emily explains.

"John, I'm getting a very snooty voicemail." Izzy explains. John looks at the supposed voicemail and he looks at Izzy.

"Uh, Izzy, that's a person." John explains.

"Yeah, well, she's very snooty." Izzy replies.

"This is going to require a... personal touch." John states and looks at Izzy.

"We're going to need her." Izzy responds as they call Lady Penelope.


A beeping sound signals John and Izzy's call. Penelope sat in the backseat of FAB ONE as usual and Parker was driving. They were having a nice drive through the countryside to take Sherbert home. Penelope hits the button and opens her makeup compact case that doubled as her communicator. John and Izzy appear on the communicator in hologram forms.

"Hello you two." Penelope cheerfully greets.

"Lady Penelope, Alan and Oriana are in trouble, can you make a quick stop for us?" John inquires.

"Consider it done. Send me the details and we're on our way." Penelope agrees.

"Details are on their way." Izzy responds before the two of them hang up.

"Turn the car around, Parker." Penelope announces to Parker, "I have some International Rescue business to attend to."

"We're almost home. It won't take but a minute to drop off the mongrel." Parker complains and Sherbert barks at him. Penelope soothes down Sherbert's fur between his ears and Sherbert whines happily.

"No time, I'm afraid. You won't mind holding Sherbert?" Penelope asks.

"Not at all, milady." Parker says with a sigh of annoyance, "I'm glad I brought my gloves."

[Thunderbird Three]

Alan was focusing on flying. Oriana glances over when a beeping sound is heard and Scott and Alison appear a moment later. Oriana first rolled her eyes. They were the youngest and that meant that they couldn't be trusted to be by themselves. Oriana knew Alan's pain of expectations from their older siblings better than anyone. She loved Gordon, but she got along great with Alan as she saw him as a little brother.

"Thunderbird Three, this is Thunderbird One. I hear things are rough up there, Alan." Scott calls out.

"Ah, Scott. Everything's fine." Alan says, trying to hold back a yawn.

"Are you sure? You sound tired." Scott says. There's an explosion and Scott holds Alison protectively.

"We've got to get back to work. We're keeping an eye on your situation. Oriana, Gordon says to not let Alan get you blown up. I agree with that." Alison states and Oriana rolls her eyes looking away.

"Copy that, you two. Copy that." Alan states and the two hang up. There was a short silence.

"He worries too much." Oriana mutters.

"They all do." Alan replies, "It's like I can't do anything. You all treat me like I'm a kid."

"You are kid, Alan. But if you mean about older siblings' expectations, I hear that." Oriana replies.

"Hmm?" Alan replies.

"You often forget I'm the youngest sister of four." Oriana explains, "If anyone understands the pressure they put on you, I do."

"Yeah..." Alan says with a sigh.

"You've got someone in your corner though." Oriana states and ruffles his hair. He whines.

"My hair!" Alan whines. Oriana giggles and Alan laughs with her before he sighs.

"Oh, John. What are you doing?" Alan mutters, "How hard is it to find one number?"

"I know you're getting tired, but I can fly for a while if you'd like?" Oriana asks.

"I'm alright. This is my ship after all. I never get tired of flying it." Alan replies before sighing once again.

[London, England]

FAB ONE arrives at the location and Parker gets out first before heading around the car to let Penelope out.

"Let me help you, milady." Parker suggests but Sherbert snaps at him with a bark, "Get out of it." Sherbert barks as he still partially didn't like Parker because Parker disliked him.

"That's quite alright, Parker." Penelope states before she gets herself out of the car. She looks around at where they were.

"Are you sure this is the place?" Penelope asks.

"Quite sure, milady." Parker replies. They walk over to the door and press the button for the intercom. Another button appears and Penelope presses that button too.

"You have reached the Consolidated File Archive, London branch." The lady begins.

"Ah, yes–" Penelope begins herself before she's interrupted by the woman continuing.

"For an existing enquiry, tap here..." The lady continues.

"Oh, for goodness' sake..." Penelope sighs out.

"For a new enquiry, tap–" The lady continues until Penelope presses a button, "Can I help you?"

"I'm here to retrieve a paper copy record file for Orbital Mine. Reference–" Penelope states before she's interrupted again.

"Do you have an access retrieval form?" The lady asks.

"I'm sorry?" Penelope replies, confused.

"You can't get to the files without the proper paperwork." The lady explains.

"And how do I get the proper paperwork, in a hurry?" Penelope asks.

"You have to make a submission on a scheduled retrieval day." The lady states. Lady Penelope sighs.

"This is ridiculous." Penelope mutters.

"Which is the first Thursday of the month." The lady rambles.

"We need to get a look at this file." Penelope demands, "This is a life and death situation."

"I'm sorry. I think my job's a bit more important than some 'life and death situation'. Thank you!" The lady exclaims before closing the connection. Penelope stares in disbelief before she pops open her comms device to John's connection.

"John. They're more than a little stubborn down here." Penelope informs John and Izzy.

"We really need that code, Lady Penelope." John pleads.

"Don't worry. We're not giving up." Penelope explains. She closes the comms device and gives Parker a small smile.

"Parker... pick the lock." Penelope orders, gently.

"With pleasure, milady." Parker replies.

[Thunderbird Three]

The two continue to run from the stealth mine. It was getting down to fifteen minutes left on the timer. Oriana and Emily were both keeping track of the time. Alan holds back his yawn and he connects to John and Izzy.

"Thunderbird Five, any updates on the kill code?" Alan asks.

[Thunderbird Five]

"Everything is... under control." John responds. He looks at Izzy who looks at him.

[Thunderbird Three]

"Yeah, well, it better be." Alan fires back.

"We've only got fifteen minutes left." Oriana says, "I'd like to be alive to yell at Gordon."

"I didn't know that we were going on dates. If he had asked me properly I would have been fine with going on dates with him." Oriana states, angrily.

"A date would be nice." Izzy mutters and John's eyes widened realizing that was aimed at him.

"Uh..." John mutters and Alan snickers.

"Looks like you'll have to come down from there sometime, John." Alan teases and John gulps loudly.


Parker picked the lock and they headed into the building. The woman looked appalled that they had broken in.

"I don't know how you got in here." The woman states, annoyed.

"The door was ajar." Penelope fibs.

"I don't think so. The doors are titanium and triple-locked. I'm getting my manager." The woman replies. Penelope sits down with Sherbert.

"Yes. Yes, you get him." Penelope states, then mutters, "That ought to buy Parker another few minutes." Sherbert whimpers. The woman gets up and walks away. She takes the elevator and then Parker heads down into the elevator shaft after the woman.

"John, we're in." Penelope informs John.

"The Gray Ninja here. I've made it to the main archives." Parker whispers.

[Thunderbird Five]

"Did he just call himself the Gray Ninja?" Izzy asks.

"F-A-B... er... Gray Ninja." John responds, playing along.

"Just like old times..." Parker responds.

"Head to your left until you hit a junction." John informs him.


Parker sneaks through the facility.

"Cor blimey." Parker exclaims, shocked by the size of the facility.

"You're gonna have to get to the very end of the facility." John informs him. Parker hangs from the platform to avoid getting caught.

"If you run along the dock below you, you should be able to get there undetected." John tells Parker. Parker jumped down and ran over to an elevator going up and down.

"Ow. My back." Parker states, landing on the platform. They watch him dodge and weave people and climb on things. He grabs the file and then climbs down.

"Gray Ninja here. I've got the file." Parker announces.

"Good job. Alright, Parker. What's the number?" John asks before Parker gets caught.

"Can we help you, sir?" A guard asks.

"Sorry, Master John, it appears I've hit a slight snag." Parker announces.

[Thunderbird Five]

"Did Parker just hang up on us?" Izzy asks.

"I think he might have gotten caught." John responds.

"Of course it's never that easy..." Izzy mutters and then floats towards John slightly, "So um... Gray Ninja?"

"Because he's old and a ninja?" John suggests with a shrug.

"Who knows." Izzy replies. John hits the button for Thunderbird Three.

[Thunderbird Three]

"You holding up, Thunderbird Three?" John asks.

"Oh yeah." Oriana responds jokingly, "Everything is just peachy here, John."

"Yep. We're getting chased by a nuclear bomb. How are you?" Alan asks sarcastically.

"Don't worry, Alan. Penelope and Parker are on the case." John says.

"That's what worries me." Oriana mutters.

"We'll have that code any second now." Izzy explains.


Penelope and Parker are brought to the manager. The guard holding Parker speaks first.

"I really think we should hand them over the GDF, sir." The guard states.

"Nonsense. I recognized our guests as soon as they arrived. This is Lady Penelope Creighton-Ward, and her constant companion, the beloved, world-famous, Sherbert." The manager explains. Parker thought he was talking about him. When he realized the guy was talking about Sherbert, he looked over in annoyance. Sherbert barks and the guy goes nuts over him.

"Ugh." Parker whines.

"My children are big fans." The guy admits.

"But, sir, this is a major break in protocol." The woman objects, "There are stages to be followed."

"We'll make an exception this time." The manager tells her, "I'd rather not cause a scene. Now leave us alone while I sort this out."

"But..." The woman objects and then leaves the room.

"So, uh, how can I help you?" The manager asks.

"Mister–" Penelope begins.

"Please. Call me Oliver." The manager insists.

"Oliver, we need permission to access the archives as a matter of urgency." Penelope explains.

"I understand, Lady–" The manager begins.

"Please. Call me Penelope." Penelope replies.

"I understand, Penelope. But unfortunately there are forms that have to be completed. In triplicate. And then have to be officially stamped. The committee meets on Retrieval Thursday." Oliver explains with a chuckle.

"I'll handle this, milady. I know exactly what Oliver needs." Parker threatens, "And it's not gonna be pleasant for either of us." Parker cracks his knuckles and Oliver's eyes widen in fear.

[Thunderbird Three]

"John, what's going on? Is that number coming or not?" Alan asks.

"I don't know. I've lost contact with Lady Penelope and Parker." John informs him.

"I've only got two minutes before this thing explodes." Alan warns.

"We're just gonna have to pick a number." Oriana explains.

"It's too risky. You've only got a 1-in-10 chance." John responds.

"Let's just give 'em a little more time." Izzy says, and a beeping sound is heard. Alan got the warning alarm.

"Oh great. More vessels ahead." Alan exclaims. They fly into the field of ships and the mine retargets again.

"It's retargetted again!" Alan exclaims and grabs his helmet. Oriana puts hers on and Alan heads out of Thunderbird Three.

"Alan, have you lost your mind?" John asks.

"It's too late, John. We're gonna have to take a gamble on that last number." Alan states. He catches up and gets to the little keypad.

"Okay, I'm here. What's the code?" Alan asks.

"The kill code is 3-0-0-5-2-0-1..." John tells Alan. Alan types the numbers in.

"I got it. Just that last one..." Alan states.

"Time to pick our lucky number..." John explains.

"Seven's lucky, right?" Alan asks.

"Here's hoping." John says, "Ten seconds."

"Okay." Alan says, "Here's goes nothing." He moves to press the button and Izzy gasps when there is a beeping sound.

"Lady Penelope!" Izzy says, "Alan, wait!" Alan freezes.

"Tell us you got that number." Izzy pleads.

"It's three." Penelope announces.

"You're sure?" John asks.

"Three." Penelope replies.

"The number is three." John says. Alan hits the button and moves away from the mine. Everything gets quiet and Oriana squeezes her eyes shut worriedly. The mine completely deactivates and John and Izzy cheer.

"Ha-ha! All right! Yes! We did it!" John and Izzy say in unison. They do flips as they cheer and then Izzy giggles as she hugs John.

[Tracy Island]

"Whew..." Emily mutters.

"Tre... Tremendous! High five, Max!" Brains says. Max goes to high five him and Brains moves his hand.

"Too slow!" Brains says and Emily giggles.

"I don't know how you did it, Lady Penelope, but you saved the day." John's voice says.

"Actually, it was Sherbert and the Gray Ninja who did all the hard work." Penelope's voice responds.

[Thunderbird Three]

"So, what happens to my little friend now?" Alan asks.

"Your little friend? It's our little friend." Oriana exclaims.

"Once we get it back to Tracy Island, I can run a complete analysis." Brains announces, "Our detectors can be updated to locate any more mines out there and put them out of action. Permanently."

"That'll be a big job for someone." John states.

"You can count me in." Alan states.

"I thought collecting space junk was 'grunt work'?" John asks.

"I've got a slightly different perspective now." Alan responds.

"Good to hear. Now let's get you back home." John states.

"I'm so ready to go home!" Oriana says, "Full speed ahead, Alan!"

"F-A-B." Alan says and the group all laughs.

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