Slowly Drowning (Under Constr...

By JustSome11

189 16 0

Rayne has known for a while that her mom has been sleeping with her uncle. She has kept quite for too long, f... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Book 2

Chapter 7

5 1 0
By JustSome11

I wake up. I feel weird, my limbs are tingling. "Hello?" The only response is the echo of my own voice. I look around and realize I'm not in my room, I'm in the basement. The ties around my wrist dig in and leave long red lines. "H-how? I thought I was in my room, asleep."

A feminine laugh rings out from a dark corner. "You were, silly girl. I simply drugged you with my," The voice whispers. "Special recipe." They start to talk normal again. "You seem so confused."

"Who the hell are you?" I look toward the sound.

"My little one. I am only who you imagine me as."

"What do you mean?"

"I am only who you make me be. I cannot be who you do not want me to be." They chuckle. "Oh. Look at the time. I've got to go." I hear a door shut and fading footfalls.

I struggle, trying to free myself but the ties get tighter and tighter. I scream hoping someone will hear me. There's a clock above a door. I can only watch the ticking of the hands.

Two hours later I hear the scurrying of feet behind me. Something falls over making a metallic noise. I feel hot breath on my ankles but I can't move. Air is moving, it sounds like sniffing. A pitbull runs to the front of me, growling. He walks closer and jumps at my face. I scream and try to push him away then I realize he's licking my face. He whimpers and hides in a corner.

"No. No. Come here, I'm not gonna hurt you." He slinks out from the corner and nudges my hand. The door creaks open as my kidnapper walks in. Before she can say anything the pitbull takes off after her. She starts running to the door. He bites the back of her dress, I hear a tearing noise as the door slams shut. He walks over and spits out the piece of red fabric dangling from his mouth. I look at him. "I wish I had something to get out of here with." He starts walking behind me. "Where are you going?" He comes back with a rusty steak knife and nudges my hand with it. "Your smart." I take it and slowly cut the ties. Once I'm free, I kneel down and hold his head in my hands. "You need a name. How 'bout," I look into his two different colored eyes, one pale blue and one almost black. "Do you like Onyx? Do you want your name to be Onyx?" He jumps and spins in circles. "I take that as a yes."

"What have you done?!" I hear the womens voice but I don't know where she is. Onyx looks just as confused as I am. I look up and see an intercom.

"What do you mean?" I grip the knife tightly.

"You took my dog from me. He loved me." Onyx growls.

"He clearly doesn't. Maybe he realized how much of a sick-" She cuts me off.

"Don't you dare talk back to me. Rayne. Do you know who I am?"

"No. I don't. Who are you?"

"My name is Rose. You probably don't remember me but I am your birth mother. I gave you away when you were one. I couldn't take care of you but I thought Vic could. Vic has left you and so has your father."

"Who's Vic?"

"Oh, right. You know her as mom or Harper. She went by those names to keep you safe. Her real name is Vic. She was keeping you safe until she learned there was one of them in the family. Brad." His name echoes through my brain.

"What do you mean 'one of them'?" Onyx nudges my thigh. "It's ok. I think." I whisper to him.

"We were part of a corporation that held to many secrets. Me and Vic found them out. I took the fall for both of us. Me and Vic were best friends. When she found out they were coming after me to kill me, she offered to raise you and take care of you. Well you know the rest."

"I don't believe you. How do I know you are my mother?" She open a mail slot and slides a birth certificate into the room. My birth certificate. "This proves nothing. This could be forged." She slides a blood test in. "Fine. Let's say you are my mother. Why were you trying to kill me?"

"Because you know too much. You need to be eliminated."

"Well," I pet Onyx's head. "Your plan has failed. Onyx loves me."

She scoffs. "Onyx? Really? Anyway that's not the point. I have to go." The room becomes silent.

"Time to pick a lock." I spend thirty minutes trying and when I finally get it open the door groans as I push it open. "C'mon." Onyx follows me slowly. His short cropped ears listening to every sound closely. I open another door that leads into the kitchen. I blink at the bright light. Onyx yelps when he walks into the light. I quickly lean down and comfort him. "It's ok, boy. Your gonna be ok." He calms down and licks my face. I check the house, then lock all the windows and doors. "I need dog food, dog bowls, a bed for you, a leash, collar, and toys. I need to get groceries anyway." I grab my keys, lock the door behind me, open the back seat door for Onyx, and drive to Petsmart. It was a quick in and out with the help of some workers.

"Onyx. Don't you dare tear open this bag of food or treats. Do you understand." He moves his head and it looks like he nods. When I set the bed in the back he immediately runs to it, circles, lays down, and sleeps. "Why do you care about me so much?" He looks up at me and cocks his head. "You went after Rose but not me. Why?" He barks and licks my face. I pet him. "I love you too."

I drive home and set up a room just for Onyx. "This is your room. You'll sleep here and eat here, ok?" He walks over and picks up a toy. "No. I don't want to play right now." He whimpers and sets the toy down. I walk into what was me and Jaden's room. His pocket knife rests on the bed. I walk over and cradle it in my hand. I watch the newly sharpened blade as I open it. The next thing I know it's resting on my wrist as small beads of blood are welling up from under the blade, combining to make a long line across my hand. I watch as the crimson drops hit the white carpet. When I'm done the words 'Life Sucks' are spelled on my forearms. Satisfaction spreads throughout my body, I feel in control and relieved.

The blood keeps falling, getting slower every minute but still falling. I lay down once the blood stops. Onyx runs in whining, he sees my cuts and starts licking them. "Onyx, stop. That hurts." He looks up at me, whines, and walks away. I must have fallen asleep because when I wake up, it's dark out. My stomach growls, I haven't ate all day. When I open the fridge it's almost empty except for tortillas and cheese. I melt the cheese on the tortilla. Onyx comes running into the room at the smell of food. He starts jumping, almost knocking it out of my hand. "No! Down! This is not for you!" He stops jumping and sits, hoping I'll give him a bite. I tear off a tiny piece and give it to him. He looks at me wanting more. "No. Go lay down." He slowly turns and walks to his room. After I finish it someone knocks at the door. I pull down my sleeves and answer the door.

"Hello?" I look at the girl standing in my doorway. She's medium height, dyed dark red hair, blue eyes, freckles, and ivory skin. She's wearing a black hat, a black tank top, jeans with holes, and grey tennis shoes.

"Hi. I'm your new neighbor, Page Matthews, and I thought I would come by and say 'hello'." She sticks her thumbs in her belt loops.

"Hey. Rayne Horell, do you want to come in?"

"Yeah. Sure." She takes a step forward.

"Wait. Are you allergic to dogs?"

"No." I lead her to my living room.

Onyx comes running in barking. "Onyx! Stop, she's nice, ok?" He calms down and sits next to her legs. She reaches down to pet him and he pushes his head against her hand.

"He's a nice dog. Pit?"

"Yeah. He usually doesn't like people. I thought I locked him in his room." I sit next to her.

"Oh. So how long have you lived in this town?" She continues to pet Onyx, who is loving the attention.

"I've lived here all my life. I like your hair."

"She looks down and curls a long strand around her finger. "Thanks."

Onyx looks up at her then at me. He barks then leaves. "That was weird." I watch him walk into his room. "I don't know why he was acting like that."

"So. Do you have any family here?"

I start to remember everything. "No. I don't know where anyone is. They all either kicked me out or left."

"I know how you feel. My dad did some stuff to me he shouldn't have and when I told my mom, she kicked me out. My uncle tried the same thing as my dad and got put in jail so now I have no one." I look at her understanding how she felt.

"I know how you feel." She looks up at me. "My uncle raped me and then caused a car wreck to kill the baby."

"Oh. That's horrible. My dad made me get an abortion."

"I would be a virgin if my uncle hadn't done what he did." I look down and a tear falls. "My mom didn't care. My dad didn't know because I was to scared he would do something worst to me at the time. That fear was the worst thing I've ever felt before getting pregnant."

"I know how that is. The fear for me was swallowing me up then they kicked me out and it kinda disappeared." She swallows. "He stated to follow me after a while."

"Does he still now?" I look up worried.

"No. He stopped. I haven't noticed anything unusual." She looks up at me and I see her cheeks have turned a bright red. "They also kicked me out because I'm gay."

"Why would they do that. You seem like an amazing person. I love your personality." She starts playing with her hair. "I don't think they should've done that."

"So I'm guessing that you don't care that I'm gay."

"No. I don't." I put my hand on her leg. "You seem perfect."

She leans in and kisses me. I kiss her back and she pushes me down so she's laying on top of me. She lifts her head up and looks at me. I smile at her and she leans down again. Her lips are velvet soft. She lifts her head up and sits back on the couch normal. "I'm sorry."

"No. No. Don't be sorry, please."

"You seemed uneasy."

"I'm new to this. I've only dated guys."

"Oh. Umm. It's like dating a guy but one doesn't have a dick."

I laugh. "I know that much. I'm just new to it so."

"I should leave, shouldn't I?"

"Not if you don't want to." I look at her waiting for her answer.

"I think I'm gonna go. I'll talk to you tomorrow?"

"Yeah. That sounds great." I lead her to the door and watch her walk to her house. Onyx comes running in. "You knew, didn't you? That's why you were acting like that." I sit back on the couch thinking about her.

I fall asleep and wake up the next day to Onyx barking at the door. "Onyx. Knock it off now." He looks up at me and sits. "Do you have to go to the bathroom?" He spins in circles. "No attacking anyone. Do you understand me?" He sits back down. I open the door, he runs out and around the corner. I wait maybe five minutes before he runs back in and lays down on the couch with Page following him to my house. "Onyx. What did you do?"

"Hey. Is this a bad time?" She curls her hair around her finger as her cheeks turn red.

"No. Come on in." Onyx is happy to see her again. He runs to us, jumps up, and runs into his room. "So, about yesterday. Was that just random or was there reasoning behind it?"

"I-I do. Ummm." She smiles. "I do like you but I don't know if you like me."

"I think I do." I look down.

"Rayne Horell. Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes." Onyx runs in howling and then runs back out. Page and I start laughing.

The whole day we watch movies and talk. With kissing here and there. Page walks into the kitchen. "Do you want to eat dinner here or eat at a restaurant? I have nothing at home."

"Restaurant. I don't have anything either." We drive to Applebee's and eat there. Page pays for food and pays for gas. "Page. I do like you but are you sure we should be dating when we don't even really know each other?"

She looks at me. "Rayne, we have a connection. You can't tell me we don't. You know we do. I love you and I know you love me so please don't break up with me." She opens my door for me.

I sigh. "Ok." I turn around. "Hey. So do you want to stay here tonight or do you have other plans?"

"Yeah. Umm. I'm gonna go get some clothes from my place then I will be back."

"Ok." I watch her leave as I get Onyx settled down for bed. I hear someone on the porch. I walk out and see Page on the phone.

"Yes, I'm here. Yes, she trusts me." Someone says something. They sounds masculine. "No. I don't think she does. She seems trusting of me and my story." They say a few more things. "Ok. I will. Bye." She hangs up and I dash towards the couch as she walks in. "Hey. Where's Onyx?"

"He's asleep in his room. So what do you want to do?"

She looks down at the floor and back at me. "Umm. First, am I gonna sleep with you tonight or out here?"

"If you want to sleep with me then yeah. My room is this way." I lead her to my room forgetting about the droplets of blood on the carpet. "This is my room and you can put your clothes in that basket over there so they can be washed."

She squats down. "What are these from?" I turn around. "It looks like blood."

"It's some paint. I was moving some old paint and one of them tipped over. The lid was open and I didn't know so when I grabbed the bottle some of the paint dripped out."

"Oh. Ok. Umm, so do you have a certain time you go to bed or what?"

"Oh yea. Definitely. I also have barbies in the other room."

She looks at me confused. "You don't have to be a smartass about it. Anyway, I'm gonna get changed into my night clothes. Where's your bathroom?"

"It's right over there." I point to the same bathroom where Jaden had cut himself. She walks out leaving her purse. I repress the urge to search through it. She walks back in. She's wearing a tight black tank top and sweatpants. "I'm gonna get changed too. I'll meet you in the living room?"

"Yeah." She grabs her purse and clothes. "Could you hand me my phone? It's right next to you on the bed." I pick it up and hand it to her. "Thanks." I nod as she leaves. After she's gone, I change into a plain, light grey, long sleeve shirt and white shorts.

When I walk out, I don't see Page. She's not in the kitchen, or the bathroom. Onyx is asleep soundly in his room, the only room she could be in was mine. I slowly open the door and see her rummaging through my closet.

"What are you doing?"

"Oh. I was just putting my clothes in the bottom of it so I didn't lose them."

"Oh. Ok. Makes sense." I step forward. "So what are we gonna do now?"

She kisses me and pushes me onto the bed, she positions herself so she's on top of me and between my legs. She reaches down to unbutton my pants and I grab her hand. "No." I barely can choke out the words. She nods and places her hand on the side of my head. Her hand moves down and under my shirt to my bra clip. I feel the clip unhook and I push her off. "No. I can't. I'm sorry."

"You're right, we just started dating. I'm thirsty. Do you want anything?"

"Ya. I think I'll have some juice?"

"Ok. I'll get you some." She leaves the room only to come back minutes later.

"Here you go." She hands me a clear glass with red liquid in it.

"Thank you." I take a few drinks and get up to get more. There was still a little in the bottom of the glass. I open the fridge and take out the juice. I notice that the juice in the cup is lighter than the juice in the jug. My head starts to hurt and the room starts spinning. I fall and everything goes black.

Chapter 8

I wake up on the cold, tile floor. When I try to get up, a sharp pain shoots through my arm and side. I lay back down and pull up my shirt to reveal cut that Lead from my shoulder down to my hip. They make a rose in the end. I crawl to the bathroom and dress my wound. I slowly stand, the pain still shoots through my body but it's not as bad. The rest of my house is a mess, like someone was looking for something. 'What would they be looking for?" Onyx runs out of his room, stumbling as he makes his way across the floor. "Hey. Are you hurt." He jumps up and starts licking my face. I start to laugh but stop because I reopened my wound. "Fuck." Onyx cowers. "No. No. It's not your fault. I promise." He starts to wag his tail again.

After I let the wound stop bleeding, I drive to the store to get some more wraps for my arms and side. I walk to the check out and the cashier smiles at me.

"Hi." He has black hair, green eyes, he's skinny, and tall.

"Hi." I move a strand of hair behind my ear.

"What breed of dog do you have?"

"Pitbull. He's a sweet dog but very protective."

"You seem like a sweet girl." I feel my cheeks get hot. He smiles. "Do you wanna hang out sometime?"

"Umm. Sure. What's your phone number?"

"802-456-7734. The names Reed Hall. What's yours, so I know who's calling."

"802-990-3267. The names Rayne Horell. I'll see you soon?"

"Ya. Here's your stuff." He hands me my bags.

Onyx cocks his head at me when I get in the car. "What?" He barks at me. "Do you want a treat?" He lays down. "Ok." I open a bag and lay the treat on the seat. It's gone within seconds. "Were you that hungry?" He lays down.

When I get home one of my windows is shattered. Onyx starts barking and jumps through the window. I hear someone yelling at Onyx to get away from them. I open my unlocked door like a normal human being and see Vic.

"Tell this mutt to back off." She's standing on my table waving her hand at Onyx, who is trying to bite her without getting on the table.

"No. This is pretty funny." I sit on the couch and watch her try to shoo Onyx away. "He's not a mutt, he's a purebred pitbull. So you better watch yourself. He's very touchy about what people call him.Why are you here anyway?"

"I wanted to see you. Rose contacted me saying that she told you everything and i wanted to explain everything correctly." She shrieks as Onyx tries to bite her.

"Onyx. Guard." He sits with a low rumble in his throat. "Okay. Explain."

"LIke she told you. You are adopted, but the only reason I took you in was the fact that the company wanted to kill you and her. I couldn't let them kill you. You were just a baby and didn't know anything about the company. Rose agreed to let me take you, and told the company that she was the one who hacked the computers and that she was alone. The company told her to run and never return. Rose has been on the run since, she's only just now surfaced. I've been searching for her, I wanted to show her the woman you have become. You're so smart, loving, and so so so strong." I see a tear work it's way down her cheek.

I'm still standing with the same stern look. "How do I know that you aren't lying?"

"Raynie. I'm not lying. I love you and I would never do anything to hurt you." She's looking a me with pleading eyes.

"What about Brad. You let him do all that stuff to me. He raped me and got me pregnant, then crashed my car to kill the baby because I wouldn't get an abortion." I continue to stare at her, waiting to hear her next pathetic response.

"I was sleeping with him so he wouldn't hurt you or your dad. I had to let him do that stuff to you or else he would've killed you, your dad, and me. The company has no mercy for any living thing." She forgets about Onyx and tries to step down. Onyx jumps up at her and she scrambles back onto the table.

"Shouldn't dad have known that then?"

"He did. Us breaking up was just a cover up from the company. Me and your dad are living happily in another country where they cannot hurt us."

"If I tell Onyx to let you go, will you leave silently and without any problems?"

"Yes." Onyx backs away and leads her to the door. Before she leaves she takes one last look at me then shuts the door.

"Well. That was emotionally exhausting."

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