Gorillaz And Me (Pt 2)

By Pearl2002

9.5K 237 37

It's been years since the incident...but i don't remember, i have forgotten everything... My name, my friends... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28

Chapter 8

331 11 0
By Pearl2002

Mum had been acting up all day. Twitching and being extremely talkative...it was starting to freak me out a little.


"What is it doll? You want to go to the park? The shops? Wanna go out for ice cream~?"

I struggled to move around in my blue puffer jacket, my scarf covering my face...having it be -4° outside wasn't ideal for an outing...in fact there weren't many people out at all.
The wind blew making it even colder.

"Mum I'm cold, can we just go back home. Please?"

She looked at me shivering, her cheeks were really red from the air.
All she had was a denim jacket and a purple scarf.
Her face looked chapped from the cold as she itched her face a little.

"Cold? Lov' it feels amazin' outside. I dunno why you where that silly puffer jacket."
She began removing my scarf and placing it over her shoulder.
"Breathe a little lov'..."

I shivered more as I felt the cold wind blow, sending freezing cold chills through my whole body.

"M-Mummy I'm cold!"
I began to complain and groan from the discomfort of being outside.
"It's f-f-f-frezing Mum."

Letting out a sigh...a puff of air escaping her mouth.

"Fine lov' alright..."
There was brief silence as we just stood there.
"Want to go to toy crazy?"

"Wot? No...mum i wan' to go home! You're already unwell. You're only gonna make it worse."
I tried to explain to her but once again she didn't listen...
Tightly grabbing my hand she pulled me towards a nearby bus stop where we stood there and waited for the bus.

It began raining...like usual. I felt the heavy drops fall on my jacket, as well as my face. I gritted my teeth as I shivered...bringing myself closer to my mum.
All she did was ruffle my hair and smile...she was shivering too but looked unphased. I wish Dawn was here to get me...even if I only saw her once. At least she wouldn't let me freeze to death. I had only seen her once. It was strange how she was there one day then gone the next.

As we went on the Bus mum pulled me closer to her as we sat together. She was freezing...but it didn't seem like she minded one bit.
We didn't say anything to each other on the way but she seemed real fidgety.

I worried for her a lot... Especially now...she seemed off...way off.

"Oh, Sirus look at the Christmas lights!"

She pointed out the window to the row of white fairy lights streamed across houses...nothing too interesting and haven't seen before.

For some reason part of me knew Christmas wasn't something to fuss about.
Mostly because mum never fused about it too much. Sure we'd decorate...when we got up to it. Most years Father Christmas never came. I began to doubt if he was even real...or maybe if he just forgot about me.
I mean, if you really think about it...he is old, and old people forget right? So maybe he forgot about me?

I felt mum hug me close, she was never really physical unless she was really happy or worried about something. In this case...she seemed some what scared.
Most of the bus ride was silent. Every so now and then we'd make small talk but nothing meaningful. However, she was still quite fidgety.
What was she so wound up about.
I looked at her as she started out the Window.

Leaning on her I let out a long sigh.


She turned to me, her eyes red and her face chapped from the cold.


"I...I just want to let you know...whatever happens, whatever is happening...it's okay. I might not know what's happenin' or why but, I promise its going to be alright."

I sniffles as i leaned my head on her arm, I wrapped my arms around her softly as I felt her sniffle again. She was crying...but i knew she felt relieved somehow.
"Whatever happens, I'll always be here with you, okay mum. So...So don't be upset. Because I'm here, and I promise im not going anywhere. So...it's okay."

She pulled me up to her lap and wrapped both her arms around me and kissed the top of my head.

"I love yew so much Sirus."

I smiled softly as I cuddled into her, feeling her warmth warmed me up too.

"I love you too Mum..."

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