Chapter 13

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The apartment was empty when I woke up. Not a single hint of mum was around.
No glass of wine or lit cigarette...the telly wasn't even on.

I looked at the clock. 14:02pm. It was late...where was everybody?


I called out from the short hallway connecting the rooms and a bathroom together.
There was no reply.

I called out again.

I went to the living room and looked for her, and chances were she wasn't in the kitchen.
I knocked on the bathroom door.

"Mum are you in here?"

There was no answer. The door was unlocked.
Opening the door I saw that the light was off and no sign of even her makeup being touched.

I went outside, still in my pyjamas and called out to her. Still no answer.
I guess...i had the house alone today.

This was very...unusual. Mum didn't have work today and she never left the house unless she told me where she was going.
Was she okay?

Hours past...still no sign of her. It was nearly 4. Where could she be?
It was then I decided to make myself something to eat...

Eggs and toast juice.
I cringed. I wasn't much for Orange juice. It tastes too bitter. I prefer apple but mum always insists on buying it anyways. Said it made me look less like a ghost and more alive.

I didn't know how to cook but, if mum could do it, it could be simple enough right?
I was just about to turn on the stove when I heard a clatter coming from Mums room. I jumped a bit, startled.


I walked towards the bedroom, turning on the light. It was then I saw a few things scattered everywhere and her wardrobe was open.
Nobody was in her room so...who could've opened it?
I had never been inside her wardrobe before. It looked and smelled dusty, like it hasn't been touched in years.

It probably hasn't.

There were only a few items in there but not much a few old clothes an old keyboard and a wooden box labeled "Gorilla."

Sitting down I opened the box and looked in it. It was really dusty...something told me that the box was older than me by a lot.

I pulled out a few old magazines and what looked like records. None of that stood out...only a few of them. There was also photos of her with some people who looked a bit familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it. Three men and her all in poses. Mum looked really pretty wearing that cocktail dress. She also looked much younger than she was now.
All of were covered in dust and looked really old.

I kept looking through the stuff in her wardrobe not even noticing how much time had flown by. I heard footsteps.

"An' just what do you fhink you're doin's pokin' around my stuff ey?"

I turned around with an ashamed look on my face. Knowing well that she was upset...and a bit drunk.


I got up from my place and hugged Her only to have her push me away.

"Don' fuckin' touch me I've got a headache."
I backed off not wanting her to yell at me again.
"What have I told you about goin' through my things while 'm not around 'ey?"

"The door was opened an-"

"I can't have a days worth of peace without you messing things up can I? I leave the house for a few hours and i come back and you not only trash the place but you go through my things?"

Trashed...but it was spotless i haven't done anything. Knowing well she was drunk again I just backed off.

"Mum im sorry I-"

"Go to you're room Sirus. You're grounded."

My heart dropped. I haven't seen her all day, I've done nothing wrong.



Her yells made me well up. Getting up I made myself out of her room.
As soon as i left the room I looked around.

Scribbles on the wall, spilled juice and broken plates were seen from the kitchen.

I...i didn't do this! I would never do this!

I looked around but that was interrupted by two hands shoved onto my back.


racing to my room I slammed the door...hard. Accidentally but hard.

There were several stomps leading up to my room where the door swung open.

"Slamming doors now are we?"

"I'm sorry i didn't mean it!"
I began sobbing now that she was angry at me. I did nothing wrong.
"Mum you've go' to believe me I didn't do that! I would never do that!"

"Yeah? Who was it then 'ey? Fairy godmother? A demon?"

"No mum please I-"

"Tha' Danny boy been 'round? Letting him come in and...touch all over ya! Makin' a massive mess for me to clean up! Is that it!?"

I began sobbing and crying. She shoved me down again walking into my room now grabbing a few crayons that were laying on the floor as well as my spare Keyboard and a few of my toys.

"Mum, no! Wot are you doin'!?"

She marches out with them in her arms before tossing my toys and crayons in the bin.

"All of this shit. RUBBISH! All the shit I buy for you. Meaningless rubbish. And this."

She holds up my spare keyboard Dawn had given me and looks me directly in the eyes.


"This is rubbish too!"

In an instant plastic pieces went flying as well as a few of the keys as she slammed it on the tile floor so hard it broke in two.
My heart sank as I watch the keys scatter onto the ground. I began to sob and cry more letting out a loud scream as I fell onto my knees.


I looked at her through blurry eyes. Her stair was cold and harsh.

She had never gone this far before... Sure she'd throw a toy or two but never actually smash it.

That keyboard was the only keyboard I had left now... She broke it!
Moments later I began gasping as I inhaler was nowhere near me.
Her stare was still harsh and cold.
I started reaching for her as I continued to sob and gasp for breath.
She just looked at me for a few moments before crouching onto the ground and pulling me close.

"'re okay."
She held me as I gasped more, still trying to breathe properly.
"It's alright doll...deep breaths. I've got you."

My head became light as I struggled to breathe eventually to the point where I was about to pass out.

She pulled me into the sofa and started up my breathing nebulizer.
I was supposed to be using it every night but mum only uses it during emergencies.

Placing a dinosaur mask on me she stroked my hair as my breathing slowly went back to normal.

I continued to hic and sniffle as she stroked my hair.

"You shouldn't of made me so cross. I would've gave you treatment sooner..."
She spoke softly, due to lack of air I was tired.
"You do know i love you right sweetheart. You've to stop making me so angry. Can you do that for me?"

She leaned down and kissed my head as the machine hummed loudly. I continued to cry.
Maybe this was my fault? If I wasn't around she wouldn't be angry or yell.
It would just be so much better if i was never born.

After my treatment I spent the rest of the day on the sofa. I didn't want anyone yelling anymore... I just wanted to be left alone.

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