Chapter 19

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"Are yew alright?"
asked a high squeaky voice in a cockney accent.
It was the man with no eyes from earlier...he was helping me? Why?
I nod my head and try to stand up but then quickly fall down due to an extreme pain shot up and down my back. It was so bad I felt like I couldn't get up. It hurt badly, even worse than skidding across the pavement, even worse than getting my teeth knocked out.
I put my hands on my back to try to make it feel better but it doesn't help that much.
" 'ere, let meh help"

he said picking me up and carrying me to a room. While he set me down he accidentally hit the spot where I fell causing me to whimper out in pain.
I sucked in between my teeth as I felt it hurt more.

"Sorreh lov, I didn't mean to get yew" het then gestured me to turn around.

"What are you doing?"

"May i 'ave a look at it lov,?"
he asked as he sat next to me. His black eyes staring right into my least I think they were. It was hard to tell where he was looking.
I was a little hesitant because he still kind of scared me a bit, but i lifted up the back of my shirt revealing the injury. If he was going to help...i wasn't going to stop him.

"It hurts really bad..."
I tell him holding back my tears of pain. I couldn't see it but it really did hurt a lot.

"Holy Shite..."
he whispers almost astonished.
He then gently grazed his icy cold hand across it. I winced back in pain... He then pulls his hand away quickly
i looked at him and saw that he was almost about to cry.

"It's not that it?"
i asked him pulling my shirt back down.
He stands up and looks away as if he was...worried.
"Let me see if we have any ice..." he then walks out of his bedroom and leaves me there by myself.

I decided to get a bit comfortable while I could.
His room was a mess. Clothes and paper everywhere, there was even doodles on the wall.
Who keeps their room like this? It was most definitely untidy.

Looking around though I see some instruments laying about.

A banjo, a melodica and a keyboard.
So...he played music.?
That's...kinda cool, I guess.
I heard conversation from downstairs. Just average conversation. The voices still had a familiarity to them. Like I've heard them talk before but maybe that was just my ADHD talking.

I continued to study the room as the muffled conversation took place downstairs. There was laughter fallowed by a bit of yelling too.

"You better not have done nothin' wrong with my Cyborg or I'll smash your face again!"
I man seemed to yell from below me.

" 'm sorreh 's not my fault. She was gonna ge' the li'le girl!"

There was brief silence fallowed by more arguing and what sounded like the blue haired man denying something.

Erin's voice seemed to echo as I heard footsteps coming up the stairs.

"Jus' tell us what happened D. We won't be angry."

"I-I can' tell yew. I've alredeh made Muhdoc upset."

D? Why did that sound so familiar? And Murdoc? That did too.
I zoned out thinking of where I heard the names before.

D and Murdoc...D and Murdoc...D and-

"You did what!?"

The footsteps then got quicker and louder as they approached.

"Dawn 'i wasn' me I swear!"

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