Chapter 3

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My first day of school was...crazy.
According to Sky there was no such thing as Cooties. But I just wasn't sure... Although she was older and probably way smarter, her logic just didn't make since to me.

The rest of the day was...still crazy. I had people asking me if I was in this...insane band called Gorillaz...or if I was some sort of magical person of some sort. I didn't even know of a band called Gorillaz. It was news to me.

I came home the same way I got to school with mum. But this time it was by bus and not her car.
Mum's eyes were red and so was her was easy to tell she had been drinking for most of the day. And crying.

"How was School?"
She asked softly, looking at me. It was clear as day that she had been drinking.

I replied back simply.
"How was work? Did the meeting go okay?"

She didn't reply to either of those questions which told me exactly what her answer would've been. I wanted to ask her what was wrong but I try not to ask too many gives her a headache.

She hardly said a word on the way home. She was just... Quiet. Which wasn't unusual when she had been drinking. Something about the stuff she has in the fridge makes her go all quiet one minute then scarry the next. I knew when to keep quiet and not say anything. Sure enough another question popped into my head.
"Mum...have you ever heard of a band called Gorillaz?"

She looked directly into my eyes, she looked surprised for a moment but quickly shook it off like I said nothing.
"M-My new mates at school say it's pretty good, but I haven't listened to them yet. Do you think we could listen to them together sometime?"

"Now why would I want to do that? They're probably all rubbish. Who names a band after a bunch of apes anyways?"
She sounded a bit more upset and annoyed that I mentioned the name. Did she not like their music?

"Weren't you in a band?"

"Yes I was but that's-"
She sighed.
"That's got nothin' to do with it."

"Can we listen to-"

"Shut up."
She wrinkled her nose at me...the same way a dog does when it's angry. I always knew when to keep my mouth shut.
Mum can be a bit scarry when she's angry. Especially when she's been drinking.
She'd shout and scream at me. I never liked it when she yelled.
"I don't ever want to hear you mention that idiotic band ever again."

"Y-Yes ma'am..."
I gave a nod as I sank into my seat...not wanting to say anything more to upset her.
She just sighed. Mumbling the words "sorry." As she avoided looking at me.

The rest of the day was the same. Silent and boring...I stayed in my room while mum sat in the living room drinking glass after glass of wine until she passed out.

I was use to it. Most of the time I stayed in my room anyways, drawing or writing in my notebook.

While in there I decide to eventually get ready for was pretty late.
Putting on my pyjamas I slipped into bed and went fast to sleep. It was a long day for me... Meeting Sky and Danny. They seemed nice. Just hope im not doing the wrong thing by being friends with a boy...

I soon felt myself dreaming again. Every thing was blurry but I could easily make out what everything was.

I heard talking in the background.
Fallowing the sound I saw a small group of people in a room holding instruments. Guitars, keyboards, a drum set...
The group of people looked huge...massive. Like giants. They all patted my head and held me as they talked and laughed. It felt more like a memory than a dream but a memory of who and what.
Something kept pulling me closer to felt like I knew these people but I couldn't recognize them at all. Who were they? Where was I? Was...this just a dream? I felt like I needed to know.

After a few moments of dreaming everything went black again...and I heard the familiar girl call out my name again.


This time something flashed. Like lightning...i saw glimpses of what looked like fire and smoke and burning buildings.
The girl seemed to call out for me more and more. The last thing I recall from my dream is the feeling of falling.

I woke up with a jolt, breathing heavily in a cold sweat.
A low roll of thunder rumbled outside my bedroom window.
The fall felt so real to it actually happened.

Just what the heck was going on?

My arm was aching like it usually did when a storm happened.
Years before we moved into our small apartment in Haulstead, I went out to play and ended up falling down a load of stairs and broke my arm pretty badly.
At least that's what mum had told me. I also hit my head.
I don't remember much of anything before moving to Haulstead...only small bits and pieces but none of it made sense. So I stopped asking about it.

Mum would always tell me its better that way. She was the only one I had. The only one I can completely trust so if she tells me something it's gotta be true right?

Little did I know that wasn't always the case.

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