Chapter 14

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Weeks past. It was starting to warm up more.

Mum had hired a babysitter to stay with me while she went out...from sun up to sun down.
It was nice. Especially because it was oddly enough, Dawn. How she managed to do that I have no idea but it was worth it.

She tells me how she doesn't know how mum doesn't remember her but according to her she was just fine with it as long as it meant she could spend time with me.

I was napping on the floor as I felt someone nudge my side.
Every so often whenever I would colour or play i'd fall asleep there. Whatever felt comfortable so I slept.

"Sia-Chan. Sia-Chan, time to wake up..."
I hear that familiar accent say to me as I stayed half asleep on the floor.
As I felt my side being nudged, images began flashing in my head. Terrible, scarry images.
I was in a building, on fire... I felt my arm sting and burn almost as of it was on fire and breaking again.

Over and over i heard that familiar accent call out my name. Shouting at me as if something was terribly wrong.

Eventually the accent faded as I was being shook awake.


I quickly lifted up with a gasp and hit my head against some thing.

I groaned in pain as i hit my forehead.

Or some one...

"Dawn? Ehhh sorry...i was sleeping."
I rubbed my head as i looked at her a bit embarrassed to let her see me asleep on the floor.

"I could see that but why on the floor? An' what were you dreaming about anyways? Sounded harsh."

I sat up on my knees as I gathered my toys together.

"Ehhh...i can't remember."
I rubbed my arm as I looked at her with my Polly pockets in my hand.

"Hmmm...well, get yourself cleaned up alright. Pizza just came. My treat."


That honestly sounded great. Better than mum's cooking. A whole lot better.
Mum's cooking was okay wasn't the greatest. Pizza was easily a better choice.

Getting up, I rush to the kitchen before sliding on the tiles to stop myself.

"Easy Si-Si, easy don't fall."

I scooted myself over to the counter, opening the box.
The cheese was well melted and the pepperoni was at the right about of crisp and the crust...fluffy and crispy.
I felt myself dribble a bit as i looked at it.

Dawn looked at me and laughs.

"You really love pizza don't you?"


Dawn laughs at my response and ruffles my long blond frizz.

"Alright then. Don't just look at it grab a plate."

(Time skip)

After eating we both cleaned up. It was quite nice having Dawn baby sit. I prefer her over mum anytime.

Sitting on the sofa we both decided to settle down for a movie.
Nothing too bad. Just old Disney princess films.
She looked at me at the finish of one. Each one had the same boring ending. The prince saves the princess in some way and they kiss and live happily ever after. Blah blah blah and all that least mum calls it nonsense. To me it doesn't make since
...i mean who would marry someone days after meeting let alone kiss them. That's just strange. At least get to know each other first.

//shout out to most shipping fan-fic out there lmao 😉//

"Have you ever kissed anyone Sia?"

I turn towards Dawn. My face beginning to become hot.

"What? No! I mean i kiss Mum on the cheek sometimes!"

Dawn chuckles at my reaction as if it was funny.
My face stayed heated up.

"So... what's his name?"

My face headed up more.

"W-W-What? Who?"

She smirks at me as if knowing something was up.

"Is this bloke serious or are you just scoping out the details? Or She. I won't judge."

My face was definitely a deep shade of red.

"N-Nobody. He's just a mate. Honest."

She placed her hands on my cheeks and smiled happily.

"Aww how cute. Li'le Sia's got a boyfriend!"

"I do not!"
I fussed back with a flustered look.

She poked my side's to tickle me as she chanted.

"Sia's got a boyfriend! Sia's got a boyfriend! Sia's got a boyfriend!"

I laughed as she tickled me. I began kicking and squirming around.

"He's not my boyfriend! He's just a mate! Honest! Dawn i can' breathe!"

She continued tickling me and laughing along with me as she continued to chat.

"Boyfriend? What's this about a boyfriend?"
We both looked over to see mum standing in the front doorway.
Dawn sat up with me...both silent.
"Go on then."

She crossed her arms looking straight at me.

"We were only joking Paula. Nothin' to be concerned about."

She turned towards Dawn giving her a glare.

"Why don't you go home Dawn. You're done for the day. And for the record, her NAME, is Sirus."

I watched as Dawn got up and left, giving me a small wave as she left.

"Yes ma'am sorry. Si- I'll see you soon."

I got up as well...creeping to my room quietly.

"Don't think you can leave so quickly young lady."

I looked back at Mum...her arms folded across her chest as she tapped her foot.

"Mum i swear. We we're only joking about. I don't have a-"

I turned around to face her. My face red from blushing and from what she was going to say to me.

"Come here."
She spoke sternly but softly.
I lowered my head and hesitated as I looked at her. I backed up more, really slowly as I kept eye contact with her.
"I said, Come here Sirus."

I stepped forward now. Knowing if i left her she would be upset.


"Care to...explain?"

Oh dear.

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