Chapter 4

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(Three years later)

A loud bang on my door stirs me from my deep was time again...time for another hectic, wild day at school..except this time it's different. Only a bit instead of being in that daft primary school I finally get to start my first year of Secondary high school and a public one too!

Mum said diversity was good so when she signed me up for Ramsey I was absolutely thrilled!

"SIRUS! Wake the fuck up! It's time for school!"
I hear my mum yell before storming somewhere else.
She was always grumpy in the mornings due to her hangovers and such. I was use to it though. Nothing i cant handle.

As i got up to grab my thing and told my mum bye I ran my way towards the bus stop...unfortunately I had just missed the bus.

I had thrown my bag down in frustration...this happened every year since my mum refused to go with me.
Every year...and every time I'd turn around i was always met with the same disappointed and angry face.

I couldn't turn back now. When it came down to mum...I really didn't want to make her angry. I hated being yelled at. I knew i made her angry...but I knew she loved me. And i loved her too. She was just, always so strict.
I few wet drops fell on my began to rain again. It was always cloudy and rainy. Cloudy, rainy and cold. I began running as it began pouring down. The once dry pavement becoming wet and forming puddles.

Splashing my way i ran to the nearest cover...a phone booth.
I stood there, drenched as the rain came down harshly.
A loud car horn could be sounded as the rain fell. I watched as headlights showed through.

"Oy, Shiba! Need a ride?"
An unfamiliar woman's voice called out from the rain.
"Get in, I'll take you to school."

I hesitated...she didn't look familiar to me at all. A complete stranger. I stayed where I was. On fear of being kidnapped.

"M-My mum told me I can't talk to strangers. I-I can walk."
I shouted back through the rain.
Harsh wind making thick, heavy drops splash on my face. Each drop sending a shiver down my spine.

"Well 'm sure your mum wouldn't mind. I'll take you to school. Just get in."
She replied. A flash of lightning cracked against the sky making me jump.
This time without hesitation I climbed into the back seat, drenched and soaked in rain water. I shivered as I felt my school uniform stick to me.

"Thank you."
I managed to shiver out as she turned on the heater.

She had her blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail. She looked to be in her early twenties.

"It's pouring outside. I didn't want you catching your death is all. I don't think your mum would be too happy about that."
I listened to her voice...she sounded like she could easily be from London.
She spoke so casually as if she knew me already.
"My name's Dawn by the way. You?"

I spoke awkwardly. And shyly. People had a tendency to talk to me...especially since my...well animated look.
"Its...nice to meet you."

She stopped her car for a bit, looking back at me. My cheeks reddened a bit before she continued on driving.

"Say, you don't happen to be Paula's kid do you? Paula Cracker?"

I blinked a bit in confusion...she knew my Mum? I guess she was less of a stranger than I thought.

"You...know my Mum?"

She stopped the car and look back at me through the rear view mirror.

"Know her? Your mum and I go waaaayyyyy back. Probably since before you were born."

So they were mates? I never knew she had mates. Well...she had a few but most of them were blokes she had met at a pub. She'd invite them over for dinner and to stay the night with her sometimes. They always ended up making weird noises at night... So weird.

"So you're mates?"
I asked curiously as she continued driving.

"Somethin' like that lov'...yeah."
I never really knew about my mum...or her past. She never really talked about it...Maybe this, Dawn could help me find out more about her.
Seconds later she pulls into the school. Just as she said. I was pretty much almost dry but also still damp. It was still raining too.
"Right, well...this should be where your headed right?"

I give her a firm nod and a little smile. Dawn seemed nice. Nicer than any of mums other friends. And she didn't seem to question my looks either. I liked her.

"Thanks again."
I spoke opening the door to leave.
And like that she sped off...

The rain seemed to slow down afterwords. But not like i cared...i was late for class.

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