Gorillaz And Me (Pt 2)

By Pearl2002

9.5K 237 37

It's been years since the incident...but i don't remember, i have forgotten everything... My name, my friends... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28

Chapter 6

368 6 5
By Pearl2002

Amanda Crossford, Ashley Fink and Agetha O'Neill. Three blonds with three bad attitudes. The other girls called them the Triple A's in Primary.
Whoever wasn't mates with them...they were made their worst enemy...i just happened to be the girl none of them fancied.

"I-It's Sirus."
I replied a bit nervous. Si-Si was just a nickname only Mum and Danny call me. Only because of the spelling...but I keep telling everyone. Long "I" not short.
Why were they here anyways? And how did they even know I was here?

Amanda was the first to speak, stepping on my left side, grabbing ahold of the chain holding the swing. She blew a bubble with her gum and gave a wide smirk.

"Playing alone today I see. Like always."

I glanced at her anxiously. I couldn't just, not answer her.

"N-No...Danny's with me. He just went toilet."
Both girls looked at Agetha who laughed a bit in disbelief and disgust. Agetha was Danny's little sister. Same age as me just a little more...what's the word. Mean.

"Daniel? Why would he be with you? You're not dating are you?"

My face became red at the thought of that.

"N-No! I just-"

"You and him? Disgusting. If i was him, I wouldn't go a hundred kilometres of you."
Ashley snickers and goes to my blind spot. I had to turn my head to see what she was doing.

As soon as I turned my head she grabbed my eye patch, pulling it off my face.

"Hey give it back!"
Ashley blinked a bit in shock. Her expression made me cover my eye with my hand.
"Give it back Ashley!"

I shouted at her, standing up from my swing and reaching for it.
She pulled it away. Casing me to stumble a little.

Agetha shouted, catching my attention.
Turning around to face her she shoved me down, getting my uniform a bit muddy.
"You stay away my brother. You hear me, Freak? Weirdo. Or are yew def too?"

Uncovering my eye i scowl at her angrily. She gave me a look of both shock and disgust.

"Ewwwww, oh my God what the fuck happened to her eye?"
Amanda made a cringe face as Ashley still held my eye patch.

My face began to heat up as i also felt like crying.

Getting up from the ground I reached for my patch again, pushing her a bit to reach mine. That seemed to piss the three of them off more.

"Give me back my-"

"Listen here you pathetic, worthless, disgusting cunt. Touch any of us again and you'll be sorry."
Agetha wrinkled her nose in anger...this caused me to grit my teeth and press them a bit further.

Placing my hands on her sholders I shoved her into a massive puddle, causing water to splash on all three of them.
My stomach dropped as they looked at me in anger. Instantly I took off. To no surprise they chase me...

Moments later I began huffing and puffing out of breath. I began reaching for my inhaler when i was instantly shoved to the ground. Being held down and punched in the face by Agetha. As both Amanda and Ashley cheered on and kicked me.

Managing to get her off me I punched her too, but before I could do anything else I was grabbed by both girls and swirled around and giving me a few punches as well...
I wasn't very skilled at fighting but I was able to dodge a few punches.
  Both Amanda and Ashley banged heads together which caused me to laugh a bit in amusement, but i was running out of breath more and more...my vision was starting to get hazy too.

"Little BITCH!"


I went mouth first into a balancing pole as my head got grabbed and slammed directly into it.

The taste of something salty yet sweet filled my mouth. I placed my tongue there to feel...nothing...my teeth were missing!

All three girls face went pale as they looked at me...
I spit up the odd taste in my mouth.

"Holy Shite!"

Both girls looked sick to there stomach as Agetha covered her mouth in shock.

I heard Danny yell out my name from a distance.
I felt myself begin to to get more dizzy I began to well up. Crying as blood spilled out my mouth. I wheezed as i reached out for help.
"What the hell did you do Aggie?"


"Where is her inhaler."
He asked looking at the girls who looked guilty and in shock.
He lifted me up holding my head as he wrapped his arms around me.
"Where the FUCK is her inhaler!?"

"We don't know! I don't know! Don't shout at me!"
Agetha shouted with a quiver in her voice. All three if them were definitely scarred for life from this.
As for me, the adrenaline made it hard for me to feel anything right now. I was too focused on breathing.

He began shouting at them as he held me and rubbed my back. He shouted and cussed at the girls before they took off running.

I sniffles as i looked at him. He blinked a bit placing a hand on my cheek to wipe away my tears. I still felt blood ooze down my face as I spit some out.

"Come on. I'll take you home. Put your arm around me..."

I stumbled a bit as i walked, spitting out blood every now and then as I cried. All the way home he continued to rub my back and calm me down telling me to take a deep breath.

Once we reached the apartments Danny knocked on the door. I hesitated to see mums reaction as she opened the door. I knew it wasn't gonna be good.

I sniffled looking up at her...i didn't want her to be angry at me for fighting...or being slightly late for tea.

"Oh my God Sirus! What happened!?"
I looked at her face. She looked horrified as blood continued to dribble out of my mouth. Letting out I sniffle I hug her tightly and began to cry more.

"She got into a little scrap with my sister..."


She shouted at him as she held me close. I couldn't hear exactly what she said to him but she slammed the door afterwards.

"Mummy...you're not mad at me are yew?"
I sniffled and hicked a bit as i looked at her, my face dirty and swollen.

"Baby no, no no no no no I'm not mad..."
She rubbed her face against my cheek as she looked at me.
"Look at me. I love you, and I won't ever let you get hurt again. Not ever okay."

She pulled me close to her and hurried me to the kitchen, hoisting me up onto the counter she got out a washcloth and a bag of frozen peas.
"Here lov. But this on your face okay. It'll stop the swelling."

Seconds later she pulls out a bottle from the freezer, opening it and pouring some on the washcloth.


"I know it's not proper rubbing alcohol but this should help..."
She placed the cloth on a grazed part on my leg.

let out a loud yelp of pain...i soon began feeling my mouth too. I began sobbing as the pain hit me.

"I know love, I know...its gonna be sore for a bit but you'll be okay. I promise."
Finally bandaging me up I was still in pain but not as much.
"All done...lets just be lucky its your milk teeth that got knocked."

She helped me off the counter and to the sofa.
"I promise you doll...i won't let anybody hurt you again. I'm puting you back in to homeschooling program."

"What? M-Mum no. I like going to school!"

"Shhhush doll. You're tired and hurt. Get some rest."

"But Mum I-"

She shushed me again. Pulling me in for a close cuddle...
I tried not to argue back. I knew where she was coming from. She was my mum and she loved me for who I was.
I could always trust her to keep me safe. And if keeping me away from those girls meant me being homeschooled...so be it.
I let out a soft sigh as I held onto her. Not wanting to let her go.
"I love you Mummy..."

"I love you too doll...go to sleep okay. You'll feel better tomorrow."

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