Malec - the missing

By shadowdalex

8.6K 220 23

When Alec was 14 years old he went missing and never returned to his family as they sent out an urgent appeal... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21

Part 8

322 9 0
By shadowdalex

"Why you cry?" She asks as he looks at her "grown up stuff" he smiles at her again as she frowns "you can talk to me, we can be friends" she smiles sweetly as she holds her pinky finger out "pinky promise" Alec hooks his pinky with hers "pinky promise" he laughs

Catarina watches from a distance as Alec talks. "You see ,I have family like you, I have a sister and brothers. Back home" then Madzie looks at him moving out her seat to come closer "where they?" Alec bows his head "they're home ,I had to go away for a while" he explains

"You miss them?" She says putting a small hand on his knee ,he looks at it then her "yeah, yeah I do" she rubs a finger over Alec's hand "it's ok, to cry. Mommy tells me that if you cry your strong" Alec smiles at her "your mummy is right" then she walks away

Alec sits for a moment before feeling a bit of nausea over come him, Catarina walks out to him "hey Alec, I came to say sorry" Alec puts his hand out and one covering his mouth "don't tell him" then he's gone as he rushes through the house to the downstairs bathroom and throws up down the toilet ,wiping his mouth and cleaning he finishes then rushes to the bedroom

Looking through his bag he grabs his tablets out swallowing three before calming down.

Few days later

Alec walks down the stairs stopping midway as he listens to the conversation

"I'm telling you magnus, the boy needs help. If you don't believe me go check his bags ,something is making him sick and you need to help him, we need to" Catarina says as Magnus rubs his forehead "ok, il talk to him but let me check first I don't want to confront him and none of this gets mentioned to him, understood?" Alec steps back from the door before walking in "hey" Magnus smiles at him "hi darling, did you sleep ok again?" Alec smiles at him while nodding

Lunch time

Alec sat at the table when he was waiting for Magnus ,Catarina looked round at him "where's Magnus?" Alec stood up off the stool "il go look" before Catarina can stop him, alec is already up the stairs.

Walking into the bedroom he walks in on Magnus who's sat on the bed with a small bag of his tablets in he bows his head before trying to act normal "hey, if you had headache you should of said" Magnus rubs his forehead before holding the bag in front of him "what are these? And don't lie to me" alec shrugs "I don't know you found them" Magnus stands now walking to the sink in the bathroom "in your bag, I'm sure it doesn't matter if I get rid of them then?"

Alec steps forward hands shaking as nausea over comes him again "no, wait!" Magnus steps back in the room walking closer to alec "I need them..please just pass them here" alec makes to grab them but Magnus pushes them closer to himself "what are they?" Alec looks at them and him "it's a simple enough question, what are they?!" Waiting on an answer

Magnus takes one out the bag studying it "alec ,these are anti depressants" Alec looks at him now gulping "just pass them here" alec tries to snatch them again before nausea passes and he stops ,Magnus looks at him worried but no time as Alec pounces on him fighting over the tablets "no!" Magnus says

Alec tries to grab them but before he knows it he's thrown on the bed ,Magnus pockets the tablets. "How many have you taken today?" Magnus asks in a serious tone as he closes the door slightly "I don't know 6 maybe 7" Magnus looks at him wide eyes now "oh god".

Alec stands up off the bed as he walks to Magnus "please just pass them, we can forget this, I just need one or two.. please" Alec begs as Magnus looks at him

Magnus gets a sudden turn of anger and worry as he walks to alec gripping his wrist tight pulling him out the room "come with me" magnus says as he pulls Alec along

Walking into the downstairs bathroom ,alec struggles against his hold as Magnus sits him on the floor "you stay until I come back" alec wipes his eyes with tears

Coming back in Magnus kneels down to alec "this is for your own good, drink this" alec takes the bottle as he raises it to his lips looking at Magnus with his watery eyes ,Magnus nods as Alec downs the bottle then stops and finishes the rest "sorry, I'm sorry but I'm trying to look after you" Alec gets on his knees as he leans over the sink bringing the content back up along with the tablets

10 minutes later

The front door opens as Catarina walks in with the others. Noticing Magnus she walks to them "everything ok?, you ok alec?" Alec ignores her as his eyes close slowly, Magnus wraps an arm under Alec picking him up bridal style "he will be ok, he just needs rest" carrying Alec up the stairs passes Ragnor

He lays Alec in their bed as he's fast asleep, joining him as he lays next to Alec. Resting Alec's head on his chest as he runs fingers through his hair.



Alec woke up to Magnus arms around him as he looked at him asleep, alec moved his arm and began to move his legs before he was pulled back in by a strong arm. "Where you going?, it's early" alec looked at him before rolling over in the bed back to him as Magnus pulled him close, alec got up out the bed and Magnus shot up awake

As he began to put his clothes on a short t shirt showing his arm muscle ,Magnus watched. Alec changed his pants in the bathroom as Magnus got changed quick.

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