Our Love Is Torture

By sparkleVS

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"You may be one thousand miles away, or one hundred years away from me, but I know that you're still with me... More

Prologue & Cast
Chapter 1 - The Invitation
Chapter 2 - The Meetings & The Party
Chapter 3 - Fights & Regrets
Chapter 4 - A Million Sorry's
Chapter 5 - Starting Fresh
Chapter 6 - Go Away
Chapter 7 - The Sexy Bestfriend & The Shock Statement.
Chapter 8 ~ Back there again after 10years.
Chapter 9 ~ Broken Love
Chapter 10 ~ "You're lost and someone needs to fix that"
Chapter 12 ~ I kissed you goodbye.
Chapter 13 - Trouble & Regrets
Chapter 14 - Conflict & Sweet Kisses.
Chapter 15 - Confusing texts & Disloyality
Chapter 16 - It's NOW & NEW
A/N thank you!
Chapter 17 - Circling back to deception
Chapter 18 ~ Breakup's & Pain
Chapter 19 - "Shanyana is just a stupid little girl."
Chapter 20 - The Love, The Truth & The Goodbye Letter
Chapter 21- When His Eyes Made Her Heart Stop
Chapter 22 - You're My Best Notification
Chapter 23 - When The Rain Got Beautiful
Chapter 24 - All You Do Is Walk Away
Chapter 25 *Part 1* - Secured & Shattered
Chapter 25 *Part 2* - Secured & Shattered
Chapter 26 - Love The Way You Lie
Chapter 27 - Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Chapter 28 - All That I'll Ever Need
A/N - What has happened? Theories, Character Talks, Sequel? etc.
Chapter 29 - The Calm before the Storm
Chapter 30 - My Heart Is So Tired
Chapter 31 - Kiss My Troubles Away
Chapter 32 - The Broken Prince
Chapter 33 - Home Is Where Heart Is
Chapter 34 - The Wrong One
Chapter 35 - You're Mine
Chapter 36 - Things You Said
Extended Epilogue *BONUS*

Chapter 37 *Last* - Forever

1.1K 40 409
By sparkleVS

Warning: Mature Language and Sexual References.

It's here. And it's the end.

Make sure to leave a VOTE and COMMENT.

It the longest yet. Last chapter.
Here we go.


Rohan shaked his head, "No." He stated, a small vicious smile playing on his lips. It was the first time I'd seen him smile since he came back... and fuck, I'd been lying if I said it wasn't a beautiful sight.

"Not being with you was the hardest thing I had experienced in my entire life..."


Aisha's POV

"No Rohan! Don't say that. Tell me why? Why now? Why did you have to come back?" I ask him.

"Why do you think Aisha!?" Rohan shouted, throwing his hands dramatically in the air.

"Well I don't know! Maybe you should just go back to Alexis yeah? Back to the better priority!" I responded back in the same tone. I had nothing to regret at what I was saying, I was right. His reputation means the most to him, he dosen't care about my feelings.

Rohan let out a frustrated groan, running his fingers through his messy hair, "Better priority!? Are you kidding me? That was all a lie, I told you about what happened. She just kissed me out of nowhere and I pushed her away. Because the only girl I want in my life is YOU! Get that through your fucking head!"

There was pause.

My heart raced frantically. I wanted to cry because it felt like I've been punched in the chest. In between those beautiful messages he sent me, I saw how he mentioned everything with Alexis was fake. That dosen't mean I believed him though, and right now he's doing a great job in proving me wrong.

"Listen... please." The pain in his voice, got me out of my thoughts as he step forward and took my hands in his. His touch lighten my entrie body, sending chills down my spine and butterflies in stomach.

"You know I've always struggled with this..." He spoke, gripping my hands tighter, pushing them closer to his chest. "Everyday, it was impossible to think about the ways you could hurt me. Because as history proves, everyone who comes near me, eventually ends up leaving me-"

"That's not bloody true! Your an Idiot to think that." I exclaimed, shaking my head, my fingers closing around his hands.

Rohan nodded, "I'm not going to disagree with you on that-"

"Yeah you better not be!" I interjected, cutting him off. He let out a small chuckle, before pulling my body closer with our hands. "The thing is, underneath all the bullshit that made me push you away, there were parts of me that clung to you when I left, and now, without you, I struggle to function."

Tears stung to my eyes, I looked away from his. It was impossible to look into his eyes and not cry while he was saying all of this, "Rohan..." I sighed, a huge breath leaving my lungs, like I was drowning and struggling to breath.

"The thought that keeps me up at night is that I had my chance to be whole and right, and I blew it." He claimed, letting go of my hands just to have them circle around my waist.

"Yes, you did." My eyes find his again, "You completely blew your chance, do you have any--" I stop, as my voice gets croaky, the tears threatening to spill out. "Do you have any idea how much you hurt me?" My voice soften, as I felt a tear slid down my cheek.

I grabbed his hands from my waist and pulled them away and took a step back. What hurt the most that he let me pull away.

"You left me Rohan! Not just once, not just twice but three times! Without even telling me! And you also walked away numerous times too! When I told you, I loved you, you didn't give me a answer, which you know what? It's fine, I respected that, but whenever I needed you, you were never there. And I always was, I gave you so many second chances and yeah! Your freaking right, cause you blew it away!" My voice rose at everyword I spoke, I gained courage to look into his eyes and all I saw was guilt and hurt and so much fucking pain.

"I'm better now Aisha... Trust me-"

"Trust you? That's the last thing on my list--"

"Let me fucking talk!" He shouted, taking a step forward with open arms, but I take one back immediately, rejecting him to come near me.

"I need you okay! I want you now."

I shaked my head, "Yeah but I don't. I don't wanna get hurt again!"

"You're the one who taught me that. If you're hurting, you don't have to stay hurting. I'll take your hurt from you. I'll take it all from you. I'd go through all the torture again if it meant getting to see you just one last fucking time. I'm a selfish fucking man and when it comes to you I'm the most selfish man of them all, because I want you regardless of the fact that I'm no good for you..."

"I don't..." I started, but stopped when I realised I had no clue to what I was going to say.

Rohan's eyes spoke volumes of how he was feeling. Sad, but determined, rimmed in red, wide open and clear. "And if this is all coming to an end before it even has a chance of beginning again then there's no fucking risk in telling you what I have to tell you now. What I have to say to you before it fucking swallows me with regret."

I shook my head, both fearing and anticipating to what was coming next. But nothing could've prepared me for those three little words that trampled over me, feeling like being stepped over.

"I love you."

I shook my head again, not to disagree but to shake the words from my brain. Words he couldn't have really said. They had to be. Either way, my heart couldn't take much more. With those three little words that held so much power I felt them reach down my throat into my chest and start snipping away at the fraying threads stitch by stitch.

"No, no you can't just love me." I heard myself choke out. The rain of tears have started, leaving me completely ghostly numb. "You just think you do..." I rationalised.

"Fuck that," he said, anger lacing through his words, his eyebrows pointed inward causing lines on his forehead to appear. "You think I decided NOW that I loved you?"

"Well maybe you don't..." I whispered, covering my face with my hands, choking on a sob.

"No wait, stop!" He reached over and uncovered my face. Letting go of my hands, he placed his on the sides of neck, cupping it. Making me look at him. Which was so goddman loving. Fuck.

"I love you because I fucking love you. I've loved since way back before I fucked it all up. I thought if I pretended to be happy that I'd be happy but it took months of sitting in the dirt being tortured every single fucking day to realise that the real torture was not telling you how I felt since the very first day."

"You..." I started but got cut off by him.

"I ranted and railed about love at first sight, because the concept is fucking ridiculous to me. But the very first day I saw you, it happened. You landed in my arms and ruined me without saying a fucking word."

"When you saved me," I said, unable to yet again find my voice. It came out as a whisper.

Rohan shook his head, staring into my eyes "No, when you saved ME."

"I have no idea how or why you were able to love me. I was an asshole, so busy trying to run from my feelings, I didn't figure out you were my gift; the precious reward I'd somehow earned with all my pain. I'd spent so long believing I got what I deserved when people left me, that I didn't stop to think I got what I deserved when I met you..."

"Rohan." I tried to swallow down the lump forming in my throat that was threatening my airway, causing me to breathe erratically. My chest heaved up and down with the need to catch my breath. I pushed through his hands and wrapped my arms around his back, hugging him tightly. His fimilar minty scent giving me warmth.

He nuzzled his face in the crook of my neck, breathing slowly. I felt a smile growing on his face, which made my heart flutter.

"Why did it take you so long?" I asked.

"I promised myself that I'd find you. Find us again. I promised you that I'd come back to you. What I didn't realise was that before I could do that, I had to find ME first. And there wasn't anything you or anyone else could do to push that along."

I smile, pulling him closer, "Did you find you?"

He placed a gentle kiss on my neck, and tralied up towards my jawline. "Fuck yeah, I did."


"Something like that."

He pulled away to see my face. Pushing my hair back, "I love you Rohan. You know that. I love you determined, tough, resilient..." His brows furrowed as he drank me in, stroking the curve of my face with his fingertips. "I love you broken, insecure, scared, furious and pissed off..." He let a small smile loose, before throwing his head back and laughing, which was the most attractive thing ever.

"Keep going, any more words?" His eyes connected with mine again, twinkling misheavously.

I laughed, "Well... I love you with everything I am. And yes, Am I terrified of you hurting me? Of course. Probably the same way you're terrified I'll hurt you.
But I'm brave enough to know it's absolutely worth the risk."

His eyes soften, as he leaned in a placed a soft kiss right next to my mouth. "Also, as one of my amazing friend once said... If Rohan Nanda comes back to your life, give him another chance- because he thought you deserved it. I think that too."

"Who is this amazing friend of yours?" Rohan asked, pulling me even more closer then before, leaving small kisses on my cheeks.

I giggled, "Ayan." I replied.

"He's actually alive?"

"Shut up." I snorted, hitting his arm.

"Fine." And then he finally placed his lips on mine.

He's kissing me hard and needy. A sharp inhale from both of us sounds incredibly loud in my eyes, and in a quiet apartment. We kiss eachother desperately, lips connecting and pressing, fitting together like it's their purpose, then parting to make way for low moans.

The effect he has on my body is instantaneous and powerful, and I grip his shirt hard, pulling him closer if that's even possible. My hands roam everywhere. Across his board shoulders and arms. Around to his back and up to his shoulder blades. Back down his sides and onto his rockhard abs. He groans into my mouth and explores me just as hungrily.

His lips leave mine, only to be placed on my neck as he trails wet kisses all along my neck to my jaw, then bites my earlobe, making me moan out loud.

I felt him slow down as he runs his hands up to the waistband of my jeans and blinks long and slow before pushing a finger beneath the hem of my shirt.

"Your skin is so soft," Rohan whispers as he splays his hand over my stomach. He moves his fingers up until he's touching the underside of my bra.

"Your alright?" He asks, placing his lips back to mine. I shake my head and with a steadying breath, and place my hand over his.

"Show me how much you love me Rohan." I mummer. I felt him smile between my lips as he pulled back and looked into my eyes.

"If I show you how much I love you, you wouldn't be able to walk tomorrow..."

I laugh, "That's fine by me."

He kisses me unreservedly, passionately, and at last I feel that, after taking so many steps backwards, we're finally moving forward. Towards love. I don't know what the future holds for us, but just knowing that Rohan is there, and is willingly open to the experience is the best feeling I've ever had.


Rohan's POV

Two weeks later...

"How long Tina?"

"She'll be back in 5 minutes..." She spoke, taping a box full of junk. Tina stood up and trailed towards the kitchen.

"Yeah okay, you said the same thing 5 minutes ago," I ponited out, rolling my eyes.

"Two weeks, man," Tina said, coming up to my side from the kitchen and holding out a bottle of cold beer to me.

"What?" I asked, taking a swig.

"You'd been with her for two weeks. Day and night. Fightin' like an old married couple about everything then fuckin' like newlyweds. Every day for two weeks," she went on.

"What are you trying to say here?" I asked, looking away from Tina and at the beer in my hand.

"I'm saying you love her. She loves you. Can't imagine why you haven't told her that you want to marry her yet."

I laugh, shaking my head. "Well I think you already have your answer. It's only been two weeks."

"Well your stealing her away from me today!" Tina whined, adjusting her glasses.
"Make sure you keep her happy."

I nodded, giving her a small smile.
It was true. I was stealing Aisha away from her, because I couldn't stay in Paris for long. I had to go back to London and Aisha was moving in with me. I don't ever fucking think I'd ever been this excited or happy in my life then I am now at this stage. I'm very fucking happy.

Aisha is happy too, not as much exitced as I am though, she's a bit scared. She not ready to leave Paris. She's not ready to leave Tina, I guess girls just like to reflect on sad parts more rather then seeing the future ahead of them.

"You shouldn't be sad." I spoke, trying to comfort her. I know she didn't show her emotions but I could feel that she was as terrified as Aisha.
I knew that expression of hiding sadness all too well.

"Why would you say that!?" She speaks angrily, the tip of her nose red.

"Because you're moving in with your boyfriend too," I pointed out again.
Tina Sharma had found herself a man, which meant both her and Aisha are also leaving this apartment. Which is why there tons of boxes and suitcases spaltered around the room.

She hesitated, "Y-yeah, true, but... forget it, why am I even explaning this to you?"

"Adam? Isn't that his name?"

"Yeah but like we're still early into our relationship and--"

"No wait," I inserted, running a hand over my messy hair. "Aisha told me you guys dated years ago and then broke up. And now your together again, she refused to tell me why though..."

"Yeah well, your not going to know anything more than that. Adam's a great guy but I'm just a little nervous to live with him." Tina said, was she scared about her boyfriend? Or is she always a 'little nervous.' Though I sensed something was up. Like it isn't right.

My eyebrows lifted, "What? Both of you are moving in with your boyfriends, that's fuckin brilliant, stop stressing over shit." I told her.

"Yeah but we're leaving eachother! I'm her bestfriend, and she's my bestfriend, you won't get it!"
I would like to say she was shouting but unfortunately her voice is just a high-pitch-famous-business-lady type voice. To summarize it, it's pretty annoying.

"Correction lady, sorry to break it to you--but Ayan's her bestfriend,"
I felt like I hit a nerve there, as her eyes widened.

"Oh please!" She cringed, muttering a little- 'ew.'

I shrugged, taking a sip of my beer.

"Let's not drag irrelevant people into this conversation!"

I almost choked on my beer at the statement, unable to contain my laughter. I placed the beer down and threw my head back and laughed out loud.

"Ayan's cool though," I offered, a little smirk grew on my face.

"If Ayan's cool, then burning yourself in a massive pit of fire is cool!" Tina exclaimed.

I chuckled "Jesus lady, why so much hate?"

"He's literally the most infuriating and irritating person in the world. Do you even know how many clients he's stole away from me?"

"So?" I questioned, "You can steal his clients then."

"Things don't work that way." She expressed, "He's the boss!" Tina rolled her eyes, making me laugh.

"What's going on guys?" A quirky voice chimed from the doorway.

A wide grin formed on my mouth, as I immediately stood up, walking over to Aisha and indulging her into a hug.
"I missed you," I said, breathing in her vanilla and honey scent, pressing my lips on the hollow of her neck. She smiled, leaning her warm body against mine, wrapping her arms around my neck and pulling me closer.

"You ready to go?" I whispered against her neck.

"Yes. Just let me talk to Tina first."


It wasn't really a talk... just lots of tears and hugs, and gay shit like-- 'oh I'll miss you,' 'be safe,' 'we'll see eachother again'... blah blah blah.

"Are you guys done yet?" I asked a bit annoyingly.

"Oh calm your man tits! I'm spending my last minutes with Aisha. After that she's all yours." Tina exclaimed, wiping a dry tear from her face, which was now all blotchy and patchy. Aisha closed their distance, and hugged her tight, which what seemed like that was the 30th time they were hugging in the last two minute duration of their 'talk.'

I sneered at Tina at her misleading comment, "Man tits? There called Pecs lady, muscle pecs, ask Aisha - She loves to do all sorts of things with them--"

"Rohan! Enough!" Aisha shouted, pulling away from her as Tina's eyes narrowed at me. "Can't you just give us a minute?"

"A fucking minute Aisha? I've given you like five minutes!"

"Well too bad! Wait more." Her eyes went back to Tina's as they got involved into another conversation of the memories they hold in Paris.

I huffed, "You guys are acting like someone is dying. Seriously!"

They both ignored my remark and continued before closing off as Aisha squeezed her tight, "I love you T! Make sure to facetime me everyday!"

Tina nodded, another wet tear shed from her eye, "Yes and you make sure to send me all the pictures of where ever you go in London! Oh and I love you too A!"

I yawned, scrolling through my instagram feed as they shared their so called 'last moments' together.

I felt a warm hand grip mine and looked up to see Aisha. She leaned in and placed her lips on mine briefly for a second, "I'm sorry. Thanks for waiting, ready to go now!"

I smiled at her and nodded, this wasn't really the right time but I still checked my girl out, admiring how breathtaking she looked today with that yellow summer dress on. Not only today, like everyday she was perfect. Every morning when I see her face, every night when I love her to bed, every time I kiss her. Every moment I spend with her, is just her looking gorgeous.

Her small hand gripped mine like our hands were made for eachother, as she walked ahead, towards the door. Our packings were all in the cab outside, the driver was just waiting for us.

Before leaving, my head quickly whipped around to catch Tina watching us with a small smile playing on her lips. When she saw me turn my head, she immediately mouthed-- 'TELL HER'

I didn't even get a second to give her a smile or mouth something back without Aisha noticing, we were out the door in no time.

But I got what she meant.

"Why are you smiling that?" Aisha questioned with a confused look. Her eyes watched me with a frown on her face.

"Nothing," I looked at her, tucking a strand of hair falling on her face, behind her ear. She smiled at that gesture, "I'm exitced for you." I told her.

She wanted me to tell Aisha to marry me.


Aisha's POV

Two months later...

Sometimes love didn't spring up on you in a moment of blinding clarity. Sometimes it crept up on you on a Tuesday morning while you were standing at the sink doing dishes, the feeling settling into your soul in a way that made it too heavy to ignore anymore.

That was how it was.

I had been washing dishes on a Tuesday morning. And Rohan was in the other room singing his own song. But he wasn't doing it in the soft, sweet, melodic way he usually did. He was doing it loud, out of key, and obnoxious. Because he was drunk and hungover from last night.

Him and Ayan went out and partied hard at some friends house. It was weird at how close their bond become. And it pissed me off at how stupidly drunk he was when he came back home last night.

This morning he was still in that zone, rather then taking a shower and drinking water, he was laying on the bed singing his song-- while I was in the kitchen.

I could hear him from downstairs and I wanted to go at him and hit him over the head with a frying pan.

To top it all of... we got into an argument too. That's why we were just ignoring eachother right now. I told him that he was not, under any circumstances, making contact with Ayan again. No parties and drinking with him.

Because I know alone, Rohan is fine. He knows his limits. But it's Ayan who's the bad influence. They fucking act like 18year teens when their togther. I didn't give a fuck at how much he kept trying to reach out for another boys night out. I told him no. But he didn't listen and we ended up getting into a heated debate.

What can I say?

Rohan was still stubborn.

I was still bossy.

And we weren't ever gonna fuckin change.

And I didn't want either of us to.

Because the only thing better than Rohan being soft and sweet was Rohan being loud and angry, spitting fire at me, then we kissed until we made passionate love, until we burned through the urge to fight.

We weren't traditional.

We weren't the couple next door with two-point-five kids, a dog, and a meet-cute story they liked to drag out at dinner parties.

We were dark and rough around the edges.
We fucked as hard as we fought.
We challenged and supported one another.
We loved with a love that was half-possession and half never wanting to tame the wildness in the other.

Ayan was right when he asked me the other day... 'How aren't you guys NOT married yet?"


Such was life with Rohan. It was all good.

Both of us standing our ground, too stubborn to give in. And both of us really, really liking that quality in the other one.

I actually loved that quality in Rohan.

In fact, I loved pretty much everything about Rohan. Even the ones that pissed me off. Like his possessiveness. His borderline psychotic jealousy. His bossiness.

I also loved the things that made me go all melty inside.

Like how he says my name when he was holding me at night. Deep and soft. And how he taught me how to play guitar. And keyboard tunes. He let me look into his work and lyrics. He takes me to the recording studio and shows me all the material there. Rohan just never once treated me like I'm somehow less than a worthy opponent because I'm a female. He treated me like a princess. Like how he took me to concerts and movies. How he taught me to snorkel and ride a surf board.

Everything he does makes me fall deeper in love with him everyday. Especially on those days when, despite knowing so much about me already. He still wants to keep exploring. How he attempted me to teach him how to cook Pancakes. And I just love how he always rememberes to buy me the crunchy penut butter jam, not the smooth one. Other qualities I like are a bit more personal, but I like how he gives me soft and sweet when I need it and hard and rough when I want it.

Who knew Rohan Nanda will get me out of my shell and show me a hundred thousand things worth living for...

The list why 'I love Rohan' keeps going on and on.

My outside life is a bit different. And people surrounding my life, AKA the ones I love - also have a pretty hectic life going on.

Rohan introduced me to his manager Aman, and I absolutely adored him. He told me how passionate Rohan was about when it came to music. He also told me all the non-passionate things, like his laziness and foul langauge towards his management. He told me, the day a fan broke into his hotel and Rohan hit him with his guitar, breaking it.

He told me the night where Rohan asked for drugs from streetgirls in India - that one got me a bit angry. I'm pretty sure I yelled at him for doing that, though him being a doucebag, he just sat there and laughed.

Ayan's in London. Which is the best. He's incredible and so fun... also pretty depressing considering the fact that my boyfriend hangs out with him more rather than spending time with me. Did I mention that they have a 'Boys Nightout' every second day? It's not only them, bunch of other idiots too.

I thought if Rohan met Ayan again, he would murder him. But no, they hit it off immediately, leaving me just standing there.
Then the next minute I come downstairs they're sprawled on the couch, playing video games and drinking beer... and talking alot of shit. I don't even fucking know anymore.

Anyways, stuff regularly about Ayan that I do like is that he's still my bestfriend. He is the kindest person towards me. I saying 'towards me' - cause it is. I've noticed that he is pretty uptight towards alot of other people he dosen't know. But the days Rohan's busy, Ayan's always there for me. He gave me a tour of his office, he told me how much his dad hates Tina... and well, also hooked me up on alot of juicy gossip.

Ayan said that Tina was using her boyfriend Adam to get a position in his field. He said she wants to leave his business, and go up against him. It would make sense since Adam is rivial to his dad in the industry, which means Ayan too.

I was bit shocked to hear him say something like that, but I told him it couldn't be since her and Adam had a thing years ago too. Tina also knows him from the past.
At that, Ayan just shaked his head and laughed, he ended the conversation by saying-- 'She can do anything for herself.'


Me and Rohan are currently in Hawaii. And it's absolutely beautiful. It was cold in Paris, it's freezing in London. We needed a little summer vacation and Rohan took a break and decided we needed to go somewhere sweet. Not that our lives wasn't amazing before. We needed more of eachother.

It was night time. I stepped onto the
moonlit beach. I smiled, when I saw how beautiful the beach, the moon, the whloe atmosphere was.

I walked up to the water, the wind tossing my hair around, realizing that for the very first time in my entire life, I wasn't thinking about sad shit. Or my mom. I wasn't obsessively focusing on all the things that had gone wrong, that had been taken for me.

I was, in fact soul-deep-- happy.

And it was new and wonderful and terrifying.

But I knew that there was no going back.
Not ever.

I watched the infinite beauty of the sea.

I stood there for a long time, lost in my own little revelation until I felt Rohan walk up behind me, slipping his arms around my waist, resting his chin on my shoulder.

"What are you doing out here?" he asked and I rested the side of my face on the side of his.

I closed my eyes tight and felt the discomfort I still feel at sharing my feelings, then opened them, looking out at the water. "Realizing for the first time that I'm really happy to be alive," I said honestly.

His arms squeezed me tight. "Oh, love..." he said, taking a deep breath, before letting me go.

"Rohan I..." I started to say how much I love him for this but he must have picked up on something, because he started shaking his head.

"No, sweetheart. I got something to say first." He said. Then he got on his one knee, bending down.

A squeal left my mouth, I could feel my heart hammering against my chest. "Wait Rohan, OH MY GOD! Let me breathe just slow down, I think your just in a good mood, do you need time to think? Wait I think you do, Rohan pl--"

"Shut up and let me speak, woman! I was going to speak first anyway!" he said, shaking his head.

"No I was!" I retorted.

"You're not going to pull out the bossy card here. I started first, I'm going to speak. Case closed."

So yeah.
That was totally us.
Arguing over who got to talk first.

"Aisha Khurana," He said, taking my hand and pressing his lips to it, effectively shutting me up. Making my eyes lower at him. "You are the biggest goddamn pain in my ass. And I swear you can pick a fight with me over the sun coming up in the morning, then another one going down at night. But there's no one else in the world I'd rather fight with."

I felt the tears stinging my eyes because I hadn't expected that. Whatever I thought he had been preparing to say, that was not it. I didn't expect words like that from him. And I wasn't prepared for it.

I blinked at the tears and he kept talking.

"You gave me so much. You showed me things about myself I didn't know were there. You gave that to me when you gave yourself to me," He paused, pressing another light kiss on my hand, which he held.

"You deserve the very best, someone who will back you up without limits, let you grow without borders, and love you without end. Will you let me be the one Aisha?... I love you. That means I would defend you with my life even if the odds were insurmountable. It means I will comfort you in the difficult and painful times. It means I will dance and rejoice with you when times are good. It means I will never betray you, never give up on you..."

Holy hell.
I mean I knew one day this day would come. And I was mentally prepared but as soon as Rohan spoke, the words landed like a punch. Knocking out all my air. Making my heart speed up into dangerous levels.

He reached down to his leather jacket pocket and pulled out a diamond ring. I gasped at how beautiful it was. He grinned, showing off his attractive dimples "The box didn't fit in the pocket... dosen't matter though, it's still pretty expensive."

I laughed, kicking his knee playfully, urging him to just say it.

"So, what do you say...?" He asked, smiling up on me. "Will you marry me?"

A warmth spread through me, foreign, yet somehow comforting. Like it blanketed all my insides. Like it would never allow the cold in again.

I nodded heartedly. He slipped the ring on my finger and it fitted perfectly. Without wasting any time, I grabbed his shoulders and pulled him up, immediately pressing my lips to his.

"Thanks," I said, lowering my eyes at him, my heart beating nonstop. I think it's gonna pop out of my chest.

"You gonna tell me you love me or should we keep fighting?" he asked, lips twitching. He knew me too well.

"I'll fight with you later," I promised, cradling his face in my hands, leaning in to press an another soft kiss to his lips before pulling back and looking into his eyes.
"Right now... I need to tell you, Mr. Lover, My Badass Rockstar, Rohan Nanda..." I started and his eyes warmed. "That night on New Years Day, you caught me in your arms..." I reminded him and he shook his head at the memory, but he was
smiling, "That was the first day of my life. There was nothing before that. Not really. That day was the day I started living. And I'm pretty sure it was also the day I started loving you." His eyes closed, staying that way as he took a deep breath before looking at me again. "I love you," I finished, throwing my arms around his neck.

"Always?" He asked, pressing a kiss on my temple and pulling me closer as we hugged.

I nodded, tightening my arms around his neck, "Forever Rohan. Forever." I whisper to him.

We started of as a broken promise, one never meant to be kept.
We ended as a promise of forever.

We're never going to let eachother go.
It will stay. Always and Forever.



Thank you so much for all the love.

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