Chapter 3 - Fights & Regrets

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"W-why did you... uh." Aisha was lost for words, she didn't know what she was rambling.

"What?" Rohan asked, confused.

"Ok listen, speak up and don't stutter." He told her, she gulped hard looking at him.

His dark brown hair was messy but still looked so hot. He had the most amazing features ever. A chiseled jawline and defining cheekbones. His eyes were the most beautiful, they held alot of meaning, dark and intense but beautiful.

"How dare you?" Aisha gathered bravery. She never ever talks like that, but when it comes to Rohan Nanda, she wanted to make things clear as she heard alot of stories about him.

Rohan glared her, she narrowed her eyes at his vigorous stare.

"How dare I what?" He spat, his voice held anger and unfathomism.

She shivered at his tone, it was true that Aisha was scared but she kept her head held high.

"You can't touch me like that!" She stated, connecting her eyes to his.

"Excuse me?" Rohan made a stuborn face. "If I wasn't there for you, you would have been kissing the ground by now!" He said, Rohan was irritated, how could she say that when he helped her.

Aisha glared at him, her eyes angrily beaming at him. Why was he being this rude? It's not even her fault.

"Oh really thank you so much then. Your my saviour, what do you call it? HERO Right? Your my hero, whenever I'm in trouble you'll be by my side right?" Aisha asked sarcastically.

Rohan kept looking at her, then slowly his lips twicted up from the sides. A wide smirk was on his face.

He found her sass and sarcasm amusing. Rohan's eyes traveled down her body and back up again. "Well I wouldn't mind being by your side." He said.

Aisha stared at him, with wide eyes.

He was flirting with her... Well of course she thought. That's what he does, he know's everything about him, he was the reason his own girlfriend cheated on him because Rohan never gave her attention, he's a pop star and all he does is use girls.

Rohan chuckled at her expressionless face. "Ok ok I was joking chill, why would I even like you? I mean, no offense but look at you. Your wearing a Indian dress in a New Year's Party, like seriously." He spoke, rolling his eyes and shaking his head in dis-amusment.

"That's a huge turn off for any guy." He then added, like he didn't even care.

"Well that's good beacuse I'm Engaged." Aisha retorted back.

 It was a lie, she was not engaged to anyone ... it was just a lame excuse to stay away from Rohan.

"Like I care and do you even know who I am? Don't to talk me with that sassy tone of your's Miss. Please mind your tounge." He demanded. Rohan had his rules, he has a big music repution, he believes everyone should respect him. 

"You think I know nothing about you?Let me explain then!" Aisha told him.

"Your Rohan Nanda the famous pop star who writes such bad songs that my ear hurts when I even listen to them .... I heard that apparently you were a very very bad boyfriend who didn't love Shanaya and caused her to cheat on you with your own best friend, who the hell does that!" She started off.

"You-" Rohan stopped as she went on.

"And Yes I do know you. Your father hates you and he was not even supporting you in the Student of the Year competition ..... but what a shame you won." She ended.

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