Chapter 25 *Part 1* - Secured & Shattered

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Hey sexy people, whatsssup??
I'm back with a new update yay! There's nothing much to say besides the fact that the tralier is ready, I just need to find a way to give it to you guys :)

Anyways I hope you all enjoy the chapter, it's split up in two parts, you'll get to know more information on that once you reach the end.
Ps. There is a unkown person's pov, but you'll know ;) he's probably my most favorite character haha!

Don't forget to Comment and Vote.

Enjoy 💗


Aisha's POV

Coming out of the hotel, I feel the light sprinkles falling down from the sky, the rainy season is just never ending...

I held my umbrella high, fixing the aqua coloured headphones on my head, my hair tossled down to my shoulders as I enjoyed the music blasting from my ears.

🔊 "But you'll never be alone
I'll be with you from dusk till dawn
I'll be with you from dusk till dawn
Baby, I'm right here"

I smiled to myself, the streets of paris looked extra beautiful today, the music felt good. I was pretty happy, despite the fact Rohan walked away from me, I was fine.

As I neared my apartment building, my legs slowed down, as soon as I saw the sight infront of me.

A sharp breath escaped my mouth, the world around me froze, my eyes were just set on the two figures close by. Abhi and Tina. His hand held the white envelop.

My white envelop. My letter.

As soon as he went to give her the letter, it accidentally fell down from his hand and landed into a gigantic pit of puddle.

I cupped of mouth with my hand, trying to hide my gasp. I closed my eyes as my heart broke into pieces.

So that's why it was missing, cause they stole it. And all of the time I was sure that 'nobody could ever take it'... it was also pretty clear why they did that.

Bunch of idiots who couldn't respect others privacy. Invading my personal life and to the stuff close to my heart made them succeed in life.

I opened my eyes. He picked it up, rougly unfolding the sheet and passed it to her like it was some sort of garbage & she scrunched it up, popping it inside of her bag.

They bid eachother goodbye and went in their separate directions.

And me? I just stood there... I could feel the tears that started to well up in the corner of my eyes, but I wasn't gonna let them fall.

'You're not that weak Aisha," I remind myself.

I'll talk to Tina, I will ask her the reason she stole the letter... but I know if I see her right now all I'll do is scream and slap the shit outta her.

That's not a good idea, I want to calm down first.

So I turned back around, and walked back. I know where I was going. I'll go the favorite spot, it's right across the hotel, a beautiful park, a sea view ahead.


Ayan's POV

"It's absolutely disgusting!"

I huffed, folding my arms - I glared at my dad, who dosen't seem to figure out that I don't give shit about what he says.

"Designing City in Paris is as same as ours; who cares if their getting more deals and partnerships--"

"Who cares?... EVERYBODY who works here does, except you!" He yelled back, my Dad's face instantly grew red.

"Yes, because I'm the one who started this business! I'm the reason why today the fashion industry has grown into a more larger recognition."

"Than expand it a bit more--"

"NO NEED DAD," I slammed my hands on the desk and jerked up from my chair, "We already have Paris taking care of that!"

"Paris...Oh wait! You mean Tina Sharma? the girl who been stealing all our deals, the one who's been going around saying how much 'HER' company has succeeded when in general, you were the one who gave her everything she has today!" His voice had a hard edge.

I held my head high and gazed at the pale ceiling, my breathing slowed down as I tried to maintain my anger, I will not let the words to come out of his mouth, ruin me.

I looked back at my father in a stare that could have frozen the Pacific.
"Why the fuck would she try to break her own company apart!?"

"Exactly that! She wants the whloe designing city to herself, by bringing YOU down, she can do that, I think it's already working by looking at the charts." He exclaimed, his face cortorneted everytime he said 'she'

"For Gods sake! It's not a bloody competition, she's not helping herself out in anyway, she's helping us out, our branch is way bigger known than the one in Paris!"

"Ayan! She's destroying the legacy we've built, before it completely shatters, save it."

I took a step towards this man, who I should be calling 'Dad', but is nowhere near.
My vein was almost popping out of my temple and my fists tightly clenched.

"Don't call me that," I growled in resentment, "You're not my father, I'm Mr. Mehra for you!" I raged in anger.

"NOW GET OUT, before I call security!"

He leaned forward, a evil smirk on his face - he smoothly grabbed my collar from both of his hands and tugged it down, almost like he was fixing it.

"I'll leave you... but mark my words Ayan, to you she might be a advantage to get numbers up, but one day when her successful attitude will be all over her, she'll start treating you like you're the most pettiest thing in the world." Bitterly shaking his head, he patted my shoulder.

I stayed quiet, just looking at him.

I've always been that sparkle of light people wished they had in their lifes. Even as a child I never cried, seeking to make others happy. Often people sought me in times of trouble and I gave all I had - my whole heart had showered love upon them.

Yet when my time to suffer came, when my world was a hurricane of ice, every light switched off.

"I don't think you realise," I said, pushing him slightly "But I really don't give a fuck... I don't need your help to know what might come may way, I'll fight by myself. Whatever it is. Whoever it is." My voice held sharpness, my tone was sour. I was very much clear.

My so-called Dad walked off. He held the door handle, not before looking at me with a smile on his face, "Well goodluck with that!" He spoke, and then the last thing I heard was a door slam shut.

Moments of emptiness still come like an ambush. I feel the chill in my blood, coldness bringing the synapses of my brain to a stand still.
There is a silence to my soul, a part of it is pain, the other part of it is completely emotionless.

And I choose to avoid the 'showing pain' part cause all this world has instore... is cruelty.


So guys that's a wrap for now! I have chosen to split the chapters in parts cause It's pretty long, and the change of setting wouldn't have made sense.

PART 2 OUT IN TWO DAYS, (if we get enough votes in less than 15hours, I will update it tomorrow)


Sneak peak: it will make you sooo happy, than wouldn't even take a second to break your heart! 😔💔

Alright haha, that's enough - XoXo
Bye! ❤💫

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