Chapter 34 - The Wrong One

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Hello lovely people! I'm back, yay! I know you guys have been waiting forever. I'm sorry, I'm seriously so busy these days it's actually insane.

☡ Check out the video above too! Turn your volumes up! it's only a minute but it's beautiful. Well suited. So please make sure you do if you have time. 😊👍

Anyways, here we have it. This one is special, I love this chapter.
Go ahead read it! Make sure you COMMENT & don't forget to give this a VOTE ❤

Countdown: 3 chapters left...

Enjoy 💘


Ayan's POV

To say Paris was the best thing ever was a BIG statement.

I mean, it was beautiful, don't get me wrong. But if their were less people smoking and drug traffacking, and more people actually doing their job and talking in english, that would've been better. Not hating. It just happens alot around Europe.

I don't know what the fuck I'm doing here. I came here for a meeting, a very important one. And to see Tina... to see what the fuck is wrong with this infuriating bitch. That lady, or whatever she is, has no control.

It dosen't matter who's client Frank Mattews is, that fucker probably dosen't give a fuck anyway. But as much as I want to take him down like the rest, he is important. Very important for our business. My business.
So I decided to take him. But of course Little-miss-Tina-fucking-Sharma had a problem with it. Like every day.

So you know what? As much as I love the thought of a strong women fighting for her rights, I have to admit, I'm done with Tina. She wants Matthews?, then go for it. But I'll be there. And she knows, I told her how I shifted his meeting place from Rome to Paris. And in one day, exactly one day, tomorrow, we both are gonna sit in a meeting with him. I ain't gonna do shit. But she is. And I'll see what she was talking about. What absolute spectacular thing she was working on for the past two months.

It has to be something crazy right? Two fucking months on Frank Matthews. On one meeting in general. Give me a break.
If it's not some Leonardo DiCaprio shit, then she's out. Easy. No deal. I'll be done with Pairs.

But if like always, it's great... then she can take another win. But of course this would be the last. I've decided. Tina is good. But I'm better. And as wrong as that sounds. It's right.

She knows I'm here. She knows I'm also not looking forward to meet up for a coffee or lunch, or all that girly gay shit. Ayan Mehra is not about that. Just get down to business already for fuck sake. You know what I mean?

I would've got it, if she did wanted to catch up, since I hadn't seen her in ages and its been forever. But I know NO. She knows NO. It's all for Aisha.

Let's just not go there.

Trust me, I'm not pussy-ing out or anything. I know the first thing I'll earn from her is a slap across my face. But I do know about Rohan, I know he left Paris. I'm pretty sure he did meet Aisha, and I'm also pretty sure that I'm over their shit and couldn't honestly care. It's not like I search about Rohan every second. It's just hard to miss out when that motherfucker is on the news 24-fucking/seven.

I still have no fucking clue what happened between them this whloe paris-period. At the end of the day, I just hope Aisha is safe.

I don't have a problem with any of them. I just had a problem with Rohan. Code word: HAD.

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