A slave's messed up life (Les...

By OGZelink

91.4K 1.7K 224

This is Laura's story of how she came from a poor family, taken to the slave market and sold to a coven of ro... More

A slave's messed up life Girlxgirl
chapter two
chapter three
Chapter Four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
chapter thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
IMPORTANT NOTICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #lol

chapter Eighteen

1.4K 48 8
By OGZelink

"Laura! Laura we've found you, come quickly we must go, the others won't be able to hold them off for much longer." Janine rushed out running to hug her daughter and helping her up. Alex was shocked, when she was hugging her mum she looked over her mums shoulder and smiled at her older sister Toni and pulled her into her hug as well and cried into her shoulder. After Emma took in the sight before her she began to stand up and walk slowly towards Alex, "Umm Alex, who are these people?" Emma asked cautiously then stopped when she heard loud growling from behind her. She turned to see a large black wolf with dark emerald eyes. 'How did they get in here?' Emma wondered, she had the castle guarded, she couldn't afford another attack especially so soon. Alex turned to see Emma backing up and bumping into a chair while barring her fangs in defense as her father was growling viciously and snapping at her every few seconds. "Dad stop!" Alex bellowed making the large black wolf turn its head to Alex, "She's my girlfriend." Alex continued as she walked over to Emma placing her hand on Emma's right shoulder still looking at her father's wolf. "Every-" Alex was cut short as piercing howls could be heard from the bottom of the staircase, "Come on Laura we have to go Jess is in trouble." Janine hurried while beckoning her daughter to the door.

Just as Janine placed her hand on the door knob, she stopped in her tracks and turned to face Emma then her daughter, "Laura, is this true?" Janine asked mortified looking at Emma with a look of disgust plastered on her face at what her husband just told her through their mind link, Alex looked at Emma curiously then her father then back to her mother, "Is what true?" She replied completely lost for answers, "My pack link stopped working whenever we were separ-", "Is it true that your mate is a royal blood sucker?!" Janine shouted trying to keep her temper under control, "You know what their kind do to us, do you not remember what they did to Glenn! Use your head, she has forced you to believe you are mates, she's using you, now come along I will not have anymore of this foolishness." Janine ranted then grabbed Laura by her upper left arm and dragged her over to Toni, "And you, you stay away from us or you'll be ruling in hell you demon-" Janine continued as she stomped back over to Emma then snarled in her face. "Watch it lady, you may be Alex's mum but I'm her mate, mistress and queen! And guess what... your in my kingdom now." Emma seethed losing her anger, 'demon' was the word that sparked her temper. Alex was stunned this was the first proper outbreak she had seen of her mistress, she hadn't reacted this bad ever! She heard her mothers bones begin to crack and knew she was letting her wolf take control, she knew she had to step in or hell would break loose. "No mother! She is nothing like that not every vampire is bad just like not all werewolves or humans are bad, look I know this isn't what you want to hear but I love Emma and you may deny that she is my mate but I won't because she is and it's nothing to do with you who my mate is." Alex fought back stepping forward closer to her mum. Janine was about to reply but heard quickly approaching footsteps and turned her head to the door and instantly felt more on edge than she already felt.

Nicole and Taylor burst through the doors and caught themselves from flying forwards from the speed they ran, they took in the scene in front of them and quickly ran to Emma's sides. "I had been waiting on you to come for me like you promised, I tried to keep my true self a secret as best I could. Please try and listen, call off the pack and listen to what Emma and I have to say. I have so much to tell you." Alex pleaded with her mum, she was annoyed that her parents wouldn't give her a chance to explain anything or listen to her. Janine glanced at her husband and asked his opinion, while she was waiting on her husband's decision she took in her daughters appearance then stopped once she seen her stomach and not a split second later Janine had transformed into a light brown wolf with grey streaks running through the bottom of her neck. She had made a quick leap for Emma's throat but was unexpectedly kicked in mid air out off the way by Alex in her white wolf. Alex fell to the ground again in front of Emma, shook her mane and stood up but to fall back down again on her left side whimpering in pain, she had a Deep slash across the bottom of her stomach and was bleeding heavily. Janine regained her composure and stalked towards Emma again from behind only to smell a heavy scent of blood, as she got closer her eyes dropped as did her jaw and she pushed past Emma and Nicole to get to her daughter.

"Quickly Taylor! Get David, tell him Alex is seriously injured, she transformed and was wounded at the bottom of her stomach, tell him I'm trying to stop the bleeding as much as I can, go quickly." Emma rushed trying not to break down as Alex unintentionally transformed back into her naked human form, Emma tried to cover her mates naked body with the shredded clothing around her as Nicole patted Emma's back to comfort her while Emma ripped off her right sleeve of her shirt and wrapped it as far around Alex's torso it would go, and kept her hands pressed on it hoping the pressure would help the bleeding subside. She heard growling and snarling coming from above her so she looked up at two very pissed werewolves. "Please not for my sake but for Alex's sake call off the attack you are free to go after I just need to get Alex help I will call my guards off also. I will personally tell you everything myself or if you want we could wait until Alex is awake and we both tell you but just know that I love your daughter will all of my heart." Emma begged while cradling Alex's now bloody body across her lap. She didn't wait for a response, she just went back to putting pressure on her wound. "Shhh baby it's gonna be alright I promise we'll get you patched up, David will know what to do, stay with me though ok don't go asleep just yet love wait until we get David. C'mon baby you can do this your so strong, so brave. C'mon Alex I love you." Emma cooed into her girlfriends ear while beginning to pat her side. Janine silently thanked the moon goddess that she was in wolf form so no one would see her cry but her husband seen right through the fur, "Calm down my love, if we call off our attack maybe we will have Laura seen to quicker with less distractions. Try and be reasonable my love we obviously have to abandon our plan of a simple find and rescue since our daughter is being somewhat difficult, if we compromise then we could benefit alot and get our daughter back through less action and more communicative terms." Andrew advised trying to calm his own temper down and that of his wife's.

Janine's p.o.v -Alex's mum

"I don't trust her, she's a vampire." I say through my mind link with my husband while trying to figure out what that bloodsuckers plan is, "I mean what does she even want with Laura?" I then wondered and I couldn't help silently smell the vampires scent and was repulsed as the strong scent of violet's and death clogged my snout, then I realized that Laura was hurt because of her! I hate this bitch, it's all her fault! I then glance over the walking blood banks right shoulder to see how my daughter was holding up. I wanted to cuddle her into my fur and lick her wound better, she deserves more than this, I should never have left her in that market then none this would never have happened. We would probably be back with the pack getting Laura ready to take on her rightful Alpha role and me getting ready to step down as Alpha of Shadow-moon pack and become an elder like my parents before me.

Laura was chosen by the moon goddess when we had bathed her in the pool of guidance just after she was born, when I held her in the cool water I noticed that the ripples were normal then gradually started to ripple backward towards Laura and gently swirl around her causing her fragile little body to rock in my arms then a shimmering glow of the moonlight on the water started to grow brighter and brighter until its light found my little baby Laura and shown directly on her and darkened the area around us. I was fearful of what was happening, my precious little baby only two days old was already being evaluated by our gracious Luna but I trust that our Luna had some reason to take such an interest this early in our babies life, she usually waits until we are around ten or eleven years old as our strength and skills start to become stronger and more harder to contain without her guidance. We are normally brought in front of our elder tree, told to shift into our wolves and each must howl the loudest we could, then our Luna would appear as a large white wolf with piercing blue eyes that would pierce through our souls then sniff each of us individually, but with Laura she choose her right away and blessed her with the rightful future ruling of Shadow-moon pack along with the Alpha birth mark of a small darkish purple nearly black paw print on her left wrist.

Laura started to stir uncomfortably in the bloodsuckers arms so I quickly scooted around her to my daughter and nudged her with my snout, my daughter then reached her weak hand to my fur and stroked me gently as she tried to open her eyes slightly. The vampire holding her in her arms looked at me tears threatening to fall, I have never doubted what my daughter has said but I can't bring myself to trust her decision on this woman. "I'm sorry this has happened but I want you to know this is not the life I wanted for your daughter. I care and love her very much please believe me I understand it is hard since the hatred between our species has been dug too deep but we couldn't control it and I was drawn to her at that market. I have tried to make her have the best time I could since she has been here. I'm not asking you to forgive me," She sighed, I could tell she was generally trying to make amends not just for taking my daughter and making her a slave but for her own being, I am just so confused with this whole situation. "I'm just asking you to accept that I do honestly love your daughter and I will agree to whatever she chooses when she is better, if she chooses to leave with you or stay with me." She finished as she moved her gaze to my little girl and stroked her left cheek with her thumb as she held her head on her left arm then let a few stray tears run down her cheeks.

She leaned down and kissed the top of her head and some of the tears strayed onto Laura's face, I paddled over to my husband and my other daughter and slowly started to slowly shift back. "I can't seem to trust you but I trust my daughters judgment so for now I reserve my own judgment of you, prove to me that my opinion of you can change." I stated firmly standing with my back to her. I was trying to take everything she had just told me into account and Laura's opinion of her. I turned my head slightly to catch her simply nodding while sniffling. My daughter Toni then patted my back softly then we all shot our heads towards the doors again when the girls from earlier appeared again with an older man in a tight white vest shirt revealing his slight muscle with loose baggy trousers with greyish hair. They ran to Laura's side then the man in the vest shirt wanted to check Laura's wounds but the queen bloodsucker gestured for him to stop, "It's, it's her sto-mach, it's a deep slaash at the bottom." She stuttered a bit while moving a piece of clothing off Laura's stomach, the man looked over the wound I caused and gasped. He ran his hand along the edges of the cut barely touching it but made Laura inhale a sharp breath as if to stop herself from screaming. I am such a bad parent! I attacked my own child. "Stop it Janine, we're not bad parents, you didn't expect her to jump at you your intentions were good but sadly failed, she will heal quickly after all she is a werewolf." My husbands soothing voice cooed through my head, I glanced his way and smiled whole-hearted, 'No matter what they never fail to cheer us up.' My wolf June said lovingly but I let out a low growl, 'Shut up it's your fault she's in this state!' I snapped at June and instantly felt her coware her body close to the ground in surrender.

The man cleared his voice and stood back up straight, "I cannot get a proper analysis here we must bring her to the medical wing, then I can run an x-ray over her to check how the babies are and if anything is fatal. I shall get some Eternal Forgiveness needles at the ready, she will be in much pain whenever she is moved as will the babies. Taylor can you please carry Alex?" He spoke firmly with much authority, wait, babies? As in pural! "It's alright I will carry her, Taylor, Nicole please help David with the medicine. We will follow." The queen said trying to collect herself, the girls nodded and followed the man known as David down the corridor.

The queen cleared her own voice then began to lift her right leg then pushed herself up slowly in case she were to hurt Laura, 'Why does everyone keep referring to her as Alex though?' I pondered on the thought as we all continued down the halls following the vampire. We stopped two minutes later outside a completely white room with a few desks and beds. The doctor known as David gestured his hands to set Laura on the table-like bed, when she was set at the right position he pulled a x-ray camera over her stomach and turned out all of the lights as we all waited. About five minutes later the x-rays were completed and we were all told that we could stay by her bed since there was plenty of room. The vampire claiming to be Laura's mate set Laura down in her bed but did not sit down instead she went back into the room she had just walked out of with Laura.

Normal P.O.V

Emma walked over to David Johnson's desk that was covered in stacks of paper to see him standing slaving over his keyboard staring at the screen while reading the analysis that had quickly come back. Emma sighed feeling completely stressed,she put her head in her hands and sat down in the free chair next to the desk, "Well, any news yet?" Emma sorrowfully asked, she could not build up the energy to even pretend she's fine anymore, the events during the past few months had really weaned on her and she was starting to feel it all at once, running a kingdom during an internal rebellion wasn't easy. David let out a shaky breathe then stood up straight and turned to face Emma, "Well it appears she has not got any severe injuries but her womb has been cut open, when I noticed it I check each of the babies as best I could and it seems that one of them barely missed the claws and was scratched on the top of their arm." David stated not able to look Emma in the eyes. She took in the news and let out a breath she didn't know she was holding and nodded her head slightly allowing everything to settle in, "Alright, well, that's not nearly as bad as I thought it would've been. Is there anything else or is that it?" She asked her voice sounding a bit less stressed than before. The doctor nervously shuffled his weight from one foot to the other, "As I said her womb has been damaged so," he trailed of but Emma gestured for him to continue. He gazed up looking over his reading glasses slightly afraid to look at the queen, "So if the twins are to survive she will need to give birth within the hour but she is not yet strong enough, I am sorry your Majesty." David whispered.

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