Secretly Super

By heyitscelina

160K 4.6K 393

"There was no where we could go, it was coming too fast. When I opened my eyes and looked out my window I saw... More

Secretly Super
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 (Part 1)
Chapter 9 (Part 2)
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Author's Note

Chapter 19

3.3K 101 0
By heyitscelina

Angel's P.O.V

I set off down the street on my adventure to the dojo. This is a pretty good time to think, I mean, you don't do much just right foot, left foot, repeat, you know?

Its a miracle that I was actually able to get past Rachael today, she's been watching me like a hawk, I guess this is when invisibility comes in handy.

Why is it that Mavor likes me? I mean I'm not—, okay no I don't want to think about it, it makes my stomach hurt.

You might be wondering why I'm going to the dojo, well it's simple really I need help rebuilding the orphanage and what better than these guys right?

This day is really nice...and hot I kind of wish I hadn't worn this sweater or these jeans, now I'm grumpy.

"See what you do Angel? You get yourself mad." I scolded myself, glaring at my feet.

"Help! my purse, someone stop him!"

I looked up, glare still in place and saw a guy running towards me with a purse.

Who does that?

I'm not in the mood for this. 

"Give the lady her purse back." I sighed, stopping in his way.

As I looked at the smirk on his face, I could tell we were going to have to do this the hard way.

"Piss off." he sneered, pushing past me.

I sighed looking up at the sky mouthing 'why?'

I was so close to the dojo too...oh well.

I turned and sped back towards him, stopped in front of him and punched him in the face, knocking him to the floor, and most likely breaking his nose.

As I grabbed the purse off the ground, I melted his jeans to the sidewalk... just for fun.

"Here you go ma'am." I smiled, handing the woman the purse.

"W-why thank you." she said, hesitantly.

"No problem."

"What should I do now?"

"Well if you want to press charges,  you may want to call the police."

"But won't they take too long? Won't he get away by then?"

"Don't worry ma'am, he won't be going anywhere anytime soon." I smiled.

"How can you be so sure?"

"Just trust me. Now, if you will excuse me, I must be on my way." I smiled, nodded, and wen't on my way.

When I finally arrived at the dojo I ran into the woman who was my teacher when I first got here.

Well obviously Angel, you were going to have to pass through her class to get to the stairs.

"Evangeline? Oh I haven't seen you in ages. How've you been?"

"Erm yeah, i've been good."

"What can I do for ya?"

"Well i'm actually here to see Jerry."

"Oh really? I thought you got kicked out...or quit." she added lamely when I started glaring at her.

"No I just stop coming because...of reasons."

"Well come on in then." she said awkwardly, opening the door.


"Sure no problem." she said happily as if we hadn't just had that awkward conversation.

How somebody could be so happy in the morning is beyond me.

I went up the stairs, knocked on the door, and waited. They better be here or I just wasted my time.

Suddenly I heard a crash followed by multiple shushing noises.

This is one of the times i'm thankful for my incredible hearing, which is most probably enhanced due to the fact that i'm an angel, but whatever. I pressed my ear and instantly heard the whispers of the guys, which a normal person wouldn't be able to hear due to the door being so thick.

"Sshh she's going to hear us."

Who are they talking about?

"Well then be quiet and she won't hear us."

"What if it's not her?"

"Who else would be here this early?"

"You're right, just stay quite, she scares me. No one should be so happy all the time."

Oh they were talking about her, come to think of it, I don't even know her name... oh well.

"Well then I guess i'll just leave! Such a shame no one's here!" I said loudly and made stomping noises so it seemed like I was walking away.

You could hear them falling over trying to open the door I had to stifle my laughter.

"Wait!" Mitch yelled throwing the door open.

"What?" I laughed.

"Sorry I thought you left."

"So why didn't you open the door?"

"We thought it was Maggy."

Oh that's her name...

"Well are you going to let me in or?"

"My bad, come on in."

"Thanks." I smirked.

"Sorry about that Angel, we just didn't want to do any favors for her." Jerry apologized.

"Oh... well then I came here for nothing." I muttered.

"What do you mean?"

"Well I was going to ask for a favor."

"Well that's different then."


"I'm pretty sure these guys would do a favor for a pretty girl any day, right boys," Jerry said and they all nodded in agreement.


After spending all the insurance money buying equipment and materials with sister Catherine we headed back to where the orphanage once stood and were surprised to find everyone already there.

I was more concerned with the glaring match between Mavor and James, than with how much work there was. I hope they can work without fighting. I would really like to finish this today so the kids can move back in as soon as possible.

"Alright, I have everyone's name on this clipboard so come find out what you have to do."

Soon everyone was hard at work, the whole Wallace clan, all the boys from the dojo, Serenity, Xavier, me, sister Catherine, and some extra volunteers. We managed to build the whole orphanage back up in a matter of only twelve hours, now we just had to paint the walls and everything.

"Hi Angel."

"Hey James."

"This is really nice of you, you know."

 "What is?"

"Rebuilding the orphanage. It was your idea right?"

"Well yeah, but it's the right thing to do. Anyone should be willing to help out fellow members of the community, right?"

"Well yeah but-"

"Hey Angel."

"Um hey Mavor." I smiled awkwardly.

Why me?

"So Angel, what are your plans after this?" James asked.


"We're going home obviously." Mavor interrupted.

"Well actually—" I tried again

"I'm pretty sure she can talk for herself." 

"Not when you keep interrupting her." Mavor glared.

"You're the one that won't shut up." James shot back.

"Actually both of—" I tried once again but with no luck.

"Well then maybe you should leave." James smirked.

"Maybe you should just back off." Mavor sneered.

"Why don't you make me?" they both growled.

At least I think they did, I kind of left once I finished what I was painting. Since it was almost break time I went over to the picnic tables to help set up lunch for everyone, which I would have told the guys about if they had shut up for a second and let me talk.

"Why are you guys arguing over here?" Serenity scolded, it was obvious it was her you could hear Serenity from a mile away when she was irritated.

"This prick wont leave Angel alone." Mavor shouted.

"Well he wouldn't let her talk." James shot back.

"Why are you talking about her anyway?" Serenity shouted back at both of them shutting them up, both finally realizing I was nowhere near them.

"Boys are stupid." Serenity muttered coming over and plopping down onto the bench.

"I remember telling you that years ago." I laughed.

"Well I was never one to listen to reason." she smiled.

"Got that right."

"That reminds me, we need to have a little talk later today."

"About what?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"I'll tell you later, it seems we have company." 

"Hey Angel, i'm sorry about before." James apologized.

"It's fine. All I was going to say was that, we were all going to have lunch here after we were done."

"Well I kind of figured seeing all this food here." 

"Yeah it's kind of hard to miss." I smiled.

"Well it seems we have finished everything, but moving the furniture back in. But we have movers for that. So enjoy the lunch we have provided as a thank you all for your help. We are so very grateful and if any of you ever need a favor you know where to find me." Sister Catherine announced and there was a round of applause.

As everyone ate and talked I couldn't help but wonder where Mavor was.

Not that I care...


"So what did you guys want to talk about?" I asked, sitting down on my bed in front of Xavier and Serenity.

"We want to talk about how you got hurt the other day."

"Well i'm fine now so it doesn't really matter right?" I sighed.

"Wrong! As your best friends we don't want to see you get hurt."

"Well then i'll be more careful next time."

"That's not the point. We promised that since we all had powers we would all be helping out." Xavior sighed.

"Okay, so how do you suppose we do that?"

"Well first we must practice." Serenity grinned.

Oh god...not again. 

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