Not Your Average Football Girl

By jeadeaday

1.3M 31.9K 8.8K

**UNDER HEAVY EDITING** Kaeleah looks like the type of person you would consider a cheerleader. Everyone expe... More

Authors Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
A/N: Other Story Descriptions
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter 28 (Continued)
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One

Chapter Eight

46.3K 1K 241
By jeadeaday

"All football players please report to the front of the school, the bus will be loading soon." Ms.Lola says from the school intercom.

I get out of my seat in english grab my bags and head out the door with Austin.

"So umh, are you ready for today?" He asks awkwardly.

We have a slightly better relationship after the team bonding day.

"Umh yeah." I reply back equally awkward.

"I just want you to know I respect you. A lot." He says scratching the back of his head.

"Umh, thanks. I'll let you know my level of respect for you after the game." I tell him.

"Why after the game?" He asks confused.

"If you can prove you have my back on the field. My respect will come flowing out of me."

"Cool, alright." He says and the rest of the way to the bus is spent just enjoying eachothers company.

"Are you sure you can make it tonight?" Devin asks Andrea.

"Positive babe." She says and kisses him and it quickly turns into a full blown make out session.

"You know I passed by the storage room on my way here and there's no one there, maybe you can go there." I yell to them

"Fuck off Kaeleah!" Devin growls. The beast has been unleashed.

I put my hands up in surrender and back up laughing.

"Man, your just a little trouble maker today." Ryan says putting his arm around me.

"It's what I do." I say and shrug.

"Load the bus!" Coach yells.

I pick up my bag from the ground and head into the bus and sit three seats from the back on the right side. My usual spot. I plug my earphones into my phone, blast the music and pull my knees up to my chest. I close my eyes ready to get into game mode.

Someone taps my head and I open my eyes to see Cody. This little shit wont leave me alone.

"Yes?" I say and take out one of my earphones.

"Are you ok?" He asks.

"I'm perfectly fine." I say.

"Then why are your eyes closed?"

"Why won't you leave me alone?"

"That's not an answer."

"Dude, leave her alone before she punches you in the face." Dev says from across me.

"Thank You." I say and put my earphone back in my ear.

He taps me again and I look up.

"What?" I ask irritated.

"Why can't we just talk?"

"Cause I don't like you." I state simply.

"Come on, it's a long ride, just fo-"

"What part of I don't like you don't you understand? Leave me the hell alone!" I close my eyes again and put my earphone back in my ear.

I'd say five minutes later someone taps my shoulder.

"What the hell do you want?" I snap at the person next to me.

"Woah there, I was just gonna ask if you have your speaker." Jay says with her hands up in mock surrender.

"Yeah, it's in my duffel, now no more interruptions alright?"

"Gotcha sis." She says giving me a mock salute and leaving.

Finally some alone time.

"Hey Kaeleah!"

"What the fuck do you want?!" I yell

"Bye Kaeleah" Lance says walking back to the front.

I hear Devin laughing beside me and I turn to him.

"Seriously what's so funny?"

"Nothing, just get into game mode." He says waving me off.

An hour later we pull into the parking lot of Northside High.

I quickly grab my bag and get off the bus first, already pumped up for tonight.

"Calm down there tiger." Jose says putting a hand on my shoulder to halt my jumping I assume.

"I'm calm, I'm just so ready for this." I say bouncing on my toes again.

"Is she always like this?" I hear Cody ask Tyler.

"Oh yeah, that's how you know she's in game mode, and there's no way you can get her out of it until an hour after the game." He says chuckling.

"Alright go change then meet me in the boy's locker room" Coach says to me and Jay.

Jay and I rush to get ready, we put on all our gear and head to the boy's locker room.

"Ok guys, first game of the season, give me all you got! No slacking off during the game. They may have been an easy win the last three years, but things do change. So go out there and kill it like I know you can!"

We all cheer and start heading towards the field.

"Now welcoming the away team Caramel Heights Titans!" The announcer says and you hear a chorus of cheers and boos.

I lead my team out to the field hearing some very rude comments about Jay and I. Damn critics.

"Does it bother you?" Austin asks me.

"Does what bother me?"

"All the rude comments." He says.

"Nope." I say popping the P.

"Does it bother Jay?"

I look over at my sister and see her laughing with some of the boys.

"Nahh, we don't let it bother us."

"If someone ever draws the line, let me know." He says seriously.

"Awwwh, is someone playing the big brother role?" I ask reaching up and pinching his cheeks.

He slaps my hand away and gives me an annoyed look. "I just care about you ok?" He says.

That statement there makes me smile. It's great to know he's finally warming up to me.

The refs call the captains onto the field. Jose, Tyler and I all run onto the field.

The ref tosses the coin in the air, catches it and puts it on his wrist.

"Home team calls it." The ref says.

"Tails." One of the boys call.

"Tails it is. kick-off or receiving?" He asks them.

"Receiving." I scoff at that and they look at me.

"What?" The boy on the right asks.

"Should've picked kick-off" I say in a sing-song voice.

"Whatever, this is why we don't let girls play on our team." He mutters.

"Are you sure that's the reason or are you all scared to watch a girl play better than you?" I ask self-righteously.

"That's enough. Shake hands." The ref orders.

The three shakes hands and with Tyler and Jose.

"I'm still here you know."

"Shake hands." The ref orders them.

"Don't worry, I don't have any diseases. But you might, so nevermind the handshake." I say and walk away with Tyler and Jose.

"Defense, go out there and kill it. Give me everything you've got." They all holler in reply and run out on the field.

"You're like their mom." Lance says next to me.

"Nahh, I'm more like their big sister." I say and watch as one of my defensive lineman tackle the wide receiver with the ball.

"You guys were not lying when you said this was an easy win."

"Yeah, but I don't want any slacking, at all."

Fourth down and the Bulldogs decide to go for it. The QB gets tackled on his attempt to run the ball down to get to the 10 yard marker.

I put my helmet on and my offense form a huddle around me. "Ok guys, split formation, passing to Cody, Cody you pass to Tyler, the rest block for Tyler. Break!"

I get in position behind Alex.

The ball hits my hands and I toss it off to Cody who tosses it to Tyler who runs it down to the 8 yard line before being tackled.

We huddle up again. "Ok, Tyler and Jose stay open, strong blockage. Break!"

"So last night Riah was over at my house-" Alex starts saying.

"Just pass me the goddamn ball." I say.

The ball hits my hand and I bomb it out to Tyler who takes it in for a touchdown.


"Holy shit Kael!"

"What? I'm dead serious."

"You're disgusting." I say after my little laughing fit.

I'm at the hospital with Kael. The game ended 47-12, and once we got back to school, I drove straight to the hospital.

"Hey, might as well enjoy my time here." He says shrugging.

Kael was telling me about this girl he met here when he was walking around, and they got it on in a closet. My brother's disgusting.

"You don't enjoy it like that!" I say to him.

"She was hot, so I regret nothing." He says smiling at me proudly.

"The fact that I'm related to you makes me sad." I say and sit in front of him on his hospital bed.

"That hurts. Right here." He says putting a hand over his heart.

"And I care why?" I say.

"I have a mean sister." He grumbles.

"I'm older than you, so me being mean is part of the job."

"Older by a minute and a half, it doesn't count." He says and scoffs.

"Still older." I say and shrug.

"Come." Kael says scooting over and patting the spot next to him. He puts his arm around me and I put my head on his shoulder.

"I miss this. Hurry up and come home."

"Yeah you're saying that now, but watch, the moment I step foot in the house you're gonna wanna take back that statement." He says and laughs.

"So very true." I say and we sit there in comfortable silence until my phone goes off in my duffel.

The begining of Move by Little Mix starts playing.

"Aly?" Kael asks. I nod and climb out of his bed to answer my phone.

"Hey baby, tell me your name. I got a fever for ya I just can't explain."

"Yes, Aly dear?" I say into my phone.

"Where you at?" She asks.

"I'm at the hospital, why what's up?"

"I'm home alone." She says. I sit on the bed with Kael again and put my phone on speaker. "Dads went out, Jay went to a party, and I'm here alone."

"Hey sissy!" Kael says says excitedly.

"Oh my gosh, Kael! I miss you! When're you coming home?" She asks.

"When are you coming to visit me?" He answers her question with a question of his own.

"I'm sorry, I've been busy. You know with dance and practice and a competition's coming up. Also, I don't have a car." She explains.

"I'm just kidding." He says laughing "But to answer your question hopefully next week."

"But can you come home Leah?"

"Yeah I'll be home in a bit, I guess." I say and we hang up after saying bye.

"So, I guess I gotta go." I say going to my duffel. "Here." I say handing him my laptop and the camcorder that I took from John after the game.

"So here's tonights game. I'll be leaving now." I say pulling my duffel over my head.

"What no goodnight kiss?" He says mockingly.

"I am not kissing your cheek for a while because of what you told me." I say and walk out.

"I look around, round look around, look it over

I take it up, up take it out and take you nowhere

Trading in who I've been for shinny celebrity skin."

Kael's ringtone sounds in my duffel and I answer it confused because I just saw him not even five minutes ago.


"I forgot to tell you something." He says.


"When you get home, make sure you take a shower, okay? You stink."

"Fuck off Kael, I came right after my game."

"I'm just telling you."

"Goodbye Kael." I say and hang up.

I unlock my truck, get in and head home.


"Aly! I'm bored." I say dragging out the Y in her nickname and lay on her bed.

"Then go do something." She says simply turning back to her laptop most likely on Tumblr.

"Since you're on Tumblr, can you follow this blog for me." I say looking at her.

"My screen isn't even facing you. You know me so well. But sure, what blog?"

"Umh, they're fan pages. 1dmusicuniverse and bestivals." I tell her looking at my phone.

"Directioner pages?" she asks.

"You know it. Aly, I'm hungry." I say sitting up.

"Me too. Pizza or tacos?" She asks.

"You are not allowed to ask that question Als."

"Why not?" She asks.

"Cause you can't choose between pizza and tacos, duhh."

"Ohhh! True, very true. If only there was a pizza taco place."

I laugh at her and shake my head. "Let me get my keys then we'll head out." I say getting off her bed and meeting her downstairs.

"You got me feeling emotions, deeper than I ever dreamed of

Oh oh, you got me feeling emotions higher than the heavens above

I feel good, I feel nice, I've never been so satisfied"

Aly and I sing along to Ariana Grande's cover to Emotions by Mariah Carey on our way to Taco Bell.

Aly's phone rings so I turn the volume down while she answers it.

"Hiiiiiii.....Yeah.....Heading to Taco Bell.....No......Can you?.....Do you need a ride?......Ask your brother......Well I can ask my sister....Ok, hold on." Aly turns her attention to me "Kae, can you pick up my friends?" She asks.

"Who are your friends?"

"Zariah and Jaeanna."

"I've never heard of these friends, but sure. Does dad know they're coming over?" I ask as we pull into the driveway to Taco Bell.

"Yeah, I asked earlier. They just need a ride."

"Yeah, I guess. Do they want anything?" I ask waiting in the line.

"Anything from where?" Aly asks. She's such a blonde sometimes, but so am I so I can't say anything.

"From Taco Bell, Aly." I say.

"Oh, oh I knew that. Let me ask." The line moves up and so do I. "Do you guys want anything from Taco Bell?......Are you sure?......Well we're going to get you something anyways......Yes, we're picking you up, I'll call you when we're outside. Just text me the address.....See you in a few." She says and hangs up.

"Sooo?" I ask as we pull up in front of the place where you take your order.

"Welcome to Taco Bell. Can I take your order?" the person says.

"They said no, but they're such liars, so just get the 12 pack taco box." She says and goes back to look at her phone.

"Umh yeah, can I get two Taco 12 packs. One full of soft and the other full of hard and that's all." I say and wait for him to tell me how much I have to pay then pull up to the window.

"Your total is $21.98." the girl at the window says.

"Oh my god, Elaina it's so nice to see you again!" I exclaim with fake enthusiasm.

"Ugh, shut up." she says and gives me my change.

I pull the AUX cord out of my phone and take a picture of Elaina.

"Delete that!" She says trying to grab my phone.

"No way, this is gonna come in handy one day." I say and and send it to the football whatsapp group.

"Here's the order." I look up and see Chassidy.

"Wow, this just made my night." I say and take a picture of her also.

"Here's your food, now leave!" Elaina says handing me the box.

"Now Elaina, is that anyway to talk to customers?" Some guy says and I'm guessing it's her boss.

"No sir." She grumbles and walks away.

"I'm sorry about her." The guy says and now that I can see his name tag I can call him his name.

"Well Kristian, it's no problem at all." I say and give him a small smile.

"Here" He says handing me two fudge brownie things. "It's on the house." He says.

"Thanks." I say and drive away.

"He was hot." Aly says.

"He's probably in his 20s Al." I say and laugh at her. "So where do your friends live?"


Haiiiii cx so another update cause I have no life. Thanks for reading!

Love you Lovebugs c;

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