Only Olivia

By RostonChelsea

78.9K 4K 160

Being a governess was truly the only path open to Olivia Fairfax. Left as a child on the doorstep of Miss Cle... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Quick Note!
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Five

Chapter Twenty-Four

1.6K 75 11
By RostonChelsea

Miss Olivia Fairfax called upon Mrs. Cecily Dove at her home on Grosvenor Street three days later, eager to speak with an old friend. It was on a quieter, less fashionable street, a change from the Dryden townhome. But the woman appeared far more at ease and decidedly happier than she ever did in the Dryden home.

"Olivia, it has been too long!" She greeted, rising from her chaise lounge. Olivia dipped into a curtsy. The new Mrs. Dove radiated contentment though her lips still quirked into her signature smirk.

"I fear it has. But you look very well, Cecily. Does Grosvenor Square agree with you?"

"I must admit it does. It is not nearly as smart as Berkley Square, but I believe I will live." Cecily folded her hands on her lap. "How are you faring? Cat called upon me last month. As you know, she is an incorrigible gossip and had much to say on the topic of your life."

"Yes, I ended my arrangement with Dryden."

Cecily waved her off. "I do not speak of that. It does not warrant a mention. The sheets are all in a flutter over him courting that Austrian woman. I wonder instead over a certain unattainable earl's proposal of marriage to a certain governess friend of mine."

She leaned back on the couch, draping an arm across her eyes. "She was not supposed to mention it to anyone."

"I can be very persuasive. She truly did not want to share."

"As the rest of the ton has not heard, I imagine she has only told you."

"Yes, yes, but what about Linville?"

"We have not spoken of it much since that evening." Olivia huffed. "I cannot even think of it right now."

"Very well, let us speak of your reason for visiting?"

"I am soon to have far more money than I will ever use. I want to start a home for orphans and other unwanted children. I know there are such establishments for boys, but girls can be more suspect to a harder life on the streets."

"And you have come to me? I am no philanthropist, Olivia."

"Of that I am aware, but you have a daughter. Another husband would have forced you to abandon her due to the circumstances of her birth. I, too, am fortunate in my life. I could have ended up on the streets or in a brothel. I want to help others not as fortunate as me."

Cecily, too, had been lucky. Dryden did not force her to give up Lucy and even provided for her in their divorce. She shuddered to think where her beloved daughter might have ended without Matthew's dedication and Dryden's kindness. The news recounted the sad fates of many of those orphaned girls. It was not pretty.

"I will help. Where do we start?"

"Ellis has lent me the use of his steward to locate some properties. He surmises his man will have an assortment ready to view within a fortnight."

"How very helpful of Linville," cooed Cecily. "I will be pleased to assist you in this endeavour."

"The dowager countess is to aid us. She is very keen on this Home for Girls."

Cecily leaned forward in her seat. "You have met the dowager? She is a treasure, is she not?"

"Oh yes, she has been very kind to me. She, too, has decided to undertake the task of finding a place of refuge for these girls and women."

"We absolutely must take tea together, dear girl! Is she aware of her son's interest in you?"

"I know not why that is of any consequence. But, tea sounds best. Ellis mentioned Lady Linville plans to host a dinner party soon. As far as I know, it is to be an average English one, but one never knows..."

"I have never been to one of her infamous parties. I hope it to be Indian themed for I have purchased the most divine length of a ruby red sari!"

"I will be sure make sure you receive an invitation." Olivia immediately regretted saying the words. Her companion's blue eyes narrowed at the implication.

"So, it is like that," said Cecily. "You are quite close with a woman whose son you have no plans on marrying."

"Ellis has been a friend of mine from the very beginning. He may be interested in marrying me, but I am not so sure."

"He is handsome, intelligent, progressive and wealthy," she listed, counting off her fingers. "Not to mention he has a delectable physique and there are countless rumours of his prowess in other arenas."

Olivia did not have the energy to look shocked. Any fool knew of Ellis' penchant for mistresses and women did like to gossip especially about such tawdry matters as a young earl's bedroom skills.

"Indeed, he is all those and more. But, well, you were the one who said I don't know men well yet."

"You must be a little more familiar since you are declining the proposal of a delicious specimen of a man who has no wife or some conniving Austrian woman to ruin anything."

"I am worried of women of Italian extraction," admitted Olivia. She may feign indifference to Dryden and Miss Leitner, but his betrayal cut her deep. She enjoyed Ellis' company far too much to allow him to even the opportunity to do as much damage. She knew, deep in her heart, even the hint of infidelity from him...well, it was certain to hurt far more than Dryden's.

Cecily blinked. "I had almost forgotten about all those women. The gossips say he has thrown them over and is eager to wed."

"It is true."

The doubt hung between them. Cecily stroked her chin, observing her friend. "There is no certainty in life. But Linville has always spoken highly of you and not because he had desire to bed you. I cannot imagine he would hurt you." She admitted great curiosity at the man's transformation over the past year. Truly, she had not spoken to him in ages.

Olivia replied in a small voice, "That is what you all said of Dryden and look what happened there."

"T-that was unexpected by all of us, Olivia. That woman is--well, I suppose it takes them both to cause such a ruckus. Where are they anyway?"

"Vienna, I imagine."

"Naturally. Married yet?"

She shook her head. "Not that I have heard."

"Good. Perhaps he came to his senses."

"It is getting late," she said in lieu of reply. "I am attending the opera tonight."

"With the Baynes?"


"Sitting in the Linville box?"

Olivia coughed to clear her throat. "It is a distinct possibility. "

"I shall not keep you. Do keep me abreast of the news with our new endeavour. Oh, and your dear mother-in-law's dinner party plans."

Pursing her lips, she answered, "Always a pleasure, Cecily."

Ellis Nicholson, earl of Linville, was a man who listened to his mother, obeying even her most ridiculous soiree plans. She planned and executed lavish, exotic affairs that titillated the ton. They left feeling as if they had escaped their jaded London lifestyle for one evening. Some chased that emotion all the way to Egypt, to India, to China. The rest returned to their homes and continued living their stilted lives.

She visited him in his study, face grave, eyes scheming.

"Another dinner party?" He inquired. Deeds and account statements bearing the name Olivia Fairfax littered the desk before him. They detailed her worth, her business interests, and her plans for her Home for Girls. Ellis happily played the role of solicitor, much to his mother's amusement.

He stacked the papers and pushed them away.

"It shall be a coup d'etat, but it is not yet it its final stages. I require your mind on the matter of exposing a fraud."

"What the devil, Mama? A fraud?"

Amelia drummed her fingers on his desk. She rested a hand on her hip. "My dear Salomon has been wronged these past years, suffering imprisonment under false charges. I returned to London to correct these wrongs and restore him, yet this man is wily."

"This fraud has taken over Monsiuer Moreau's life, but you are unable to expose him since you lack enough evidence."

"Exactly, dear boy. What can we do about this?"

"I will need access to whatever proof there may be. From there, I can figure out our next course of action."

"It's a shame you were born an earl. The law suits you."

"That is what Olivia says," replied Ellis. A tiny smile upturned his lips.

Amelia smiled. "You have a habit of bringing her up into conversation as if you wait with bated breath until someone mention some fact or word you are able twist to connect to her."

"I am too obvious," he muttered.

"You care for her then? I assumed when I first met her, but it has become more apparent as the months pass."

"I do." Ellis looked to his mother. "With the help of Alex, we have uncovered the name of her father. Why are you suddenly so interested in the mystery of Olivia?"

"It is near and dear to my heart for many reasons," she replied, extending her hand. "The name, please."

"You want me to write it out on a scrap of paper? I can easily just tell you."

"Please, Ellis, for the drama!"

Groaning, the earl scribbled out the name on a slip of paper. "Here, Mama."

She folded it up and then unfolded it in her hands. A sly smile grew on her lips.

"My suspicions were correct. This shall make my dinner party unforgettable." Amelia tossed the paper back onto his desk. "I have much to do and Cecily and Olivia are due to arrive any minute." Just then a knock echoed in the corridor. Smirking, she departed with her usual flair for the dramatics, following the sound.

Cecily Dove, former wife of Lord Dryden, arrived first. She came alone, explaining that her enigmatic husband had taken charge of their daughter for the day.

"He is watching her?" The dowager repeated, certain she heard incorrectly.

"He even gave the nanny a day off," she added. "He rushed me from the house before I was able to object." Raising a shoulder, she said, "It is but a few hours. Where is the harm?"

"It is odd to hear of a man taking such an interest in his daughter."

"I said that to him. But he is a peculiar sort and replied that a daughter is still his child and he loves her all the same or some drivel like that."

"Well," was all Amelia could say.

"Where is Olivia? It is unlike her to arrive anywhere late? She is so disgustingly prompt."

The words had only seconds to hang in the air before Brookings announced her arrival. Miss Fairfax rushed into the room shortly after. Her russet bonnet askew on her head, contrasting to her white face, devoid of its usual rich colour. She wrung her hands together, eyes roving between the two ladies.

"You look as if you have encountered a ghost," exclaimed Cecily.

"A strange man stopped me on the street near the Baynes' and claimed to be my father."

"What man?" Amelia asked.

"I have never seen this man before in my life but he claims to be a vicomte."

"Le Vicomte de Beaumont?"

"That's the one!" Olivia moved to take a seat. "He showed me a miniature of my alleged mother. To be certain, she does resemble me. But, there is no way he is my father."

Cecily and Amelia exchanged a surprised look. "Why?" They asked in unison.

Olivia removed her glove and held out her hand. "Look at how brown I am. He claims to be French as is my supposed mother. They are both quite fair-skinned. It does not make sense."

The dowager leaned forward. "Did you tell him that?"

"I do not trust him. So, I expressed shock and awe at the news. He claims my signature is needed on some contracts and such, so he is to call a sennight hence with them all in order."

"Will you not be in Bath?" Cecily inquired.

Olivia smiled. "Indeed. After speaking with the vicomte, I returned to the Baynes and spoke to Lord Baynes. He says he will accept the man as they are acquaintances and look over the papers." She removed her other glove and set it on the table.

"It is improper to accost women unknown to you in the street. That is not the making of a nobleman. There was a keen urgency in his voice I distrusted."

"You appear rather calm about the entire affair," Cecily observed, tilted her head to the side. "I would be a frantic mess. But you are so poised."

"I may be overly suspicious, but this man has been searching for his daughter for some length of time and he luckily stumbles upon me right outside the Baynes household. He has no business on that street. Cat also says he eschews the company of Frenchmen, which I, too, find odd. He seems to take great pains to avoid any contact with them."

Amelia finally spoke and said, "You are right to take his claims with a grain of salt. With the Revolution and Napoleon's ascension, it is easy for men to masquerade as others."

"If my real parents are French aristocracy, there is a chance they are deceased and this man is simply trying to steal their money and prestige." Olivia pulled off her bonnet and summoned a large smile. "Let us discuss our project instead."

"If we must," drawled Cecily.

"I have interviewed women for positions in the Reformatory as teachers and caretakers. They are wonderful! You will adore them as I do!" Amelia sang, handing stacks of papers to Olivia. "Those are there references and some other information.

"I have contacted a modiste to design uniforms for the girls and spoken to a cloth supplier. Thanks to my connection, we will receive summer weight and winter weight fabric at a fraction of the price."

"And I have secured a large manor on the fringes of Mayfair. I have signed the deeds and we can start decorating it soon."

"Well, that is all we needed to discuss, no? Perhaps we return to the previous topic?" Cecily suggested, raising her fair brows at Olivia. "Or, Amelia, tell us of your dinner party."

"I promise it will be an unforgettable night."

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