
By fighting_for_love

3.1K 114 4

A girl was kidnapped when she was a baby and has been living with her evil captors all her life. Everything c... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
The End

Chapter 8

147 6 0
By fighting_for_love

I shivered under the blankets uncontrollably. It had gotten colder than I thought it would, faster too. Andrew paced around the room, glancing at me now and then. My teeth started to chatter. I curled up in a little ball, trying to get warmer. I heard Andrew groan and pace faster.

He had been right about it being unbearably cold. We had been on the ship for a month, and it was only supposed to get colder. I shivered harder at the thought. All during that day, I had sat in front of the fire with blankets draped over and around me. It was much worse at night.

A little while later, I heard Andrew's footsteps come up to the bed. I looked up as he slid in and held his arms out to me. I crawled into them. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me towards him. He was warm, very warm. I stopped shivering a minute later. I hid my face in his chest, away from the cold room. My eyes shut as I snuggled closer to Andrew. His arms tightened protectively around me and I fell asleep.

∞ ∞ ∞

I woke up in the morning feeling warm. It was a nice feeling. I opened my eyes and saw Andrew's gray gaze watching me.

"Good morning," I said, stretching. The blanket fell back slightly, letting in a gust of cold air. I shivered and moved closer to Andrew. He brought the blanket back up, then wrapped his arms around me again. It was pleasant being in his embrace. I sighed as I cuddled even closer.

"Is it really supposed to get colder?" I asked. I felt Andrew nod. I heaved a heavy sigh, dismayed. "Will it be cold where we're going?"

"Yes, but it's enjoyable there. It snows and everything is blanketed by the white softness. It's quite and peaceful. Later, kids go out and play in it, but it's still a beautiful sight," he said.

"It sounds nice," I said.

"It is," he replied.

"Have you ever played in the snow?"

"Many times," he chuckled.

"Will we be able to play in the snow?" I asked.

"It should still be snowing when we get there, so, probably."

"What's it like?"

He thought about it for a second, then said, "Cold."

"Ha ha, very funny," I said, shivering just at the thought of cold.

There was a quite knock at the door. Andrew slid out of the bed hastily, tucking the blankets back up around me. I moved to the place he had occupied and basked in the warmth his body had left behind. I heard the door open as I turned my face into the pillow. It smelled like Andrew, masculine and soapy. I heard Cook's voice, then the door closing softly.

"Breakfast," Andrew said cheerily, walking back over to the bed. He chuckled when he saw me snuggling in his warmth. He shoved me over gently and got back under the blankets with a tray of food. I sat up, taking a bowl of warm oatmeal. I took a quick bite, burning my tongue.

"Slow down," Andrew laughed, taking the bowl away from me and handing me some milk. I took a sip, letting it cool down my tongue.

"Sorry, I'm just cold," I mumbled, taking the bowl back so it would warm my hands. Andrew set the tray aside and put his arm around me, drawing me closer. I leaned my head against his shoulder and shut my eyes. Andrew was trembling slightly. I looked up at him. Our faces were mere centimeters away. I gasped as his face came closer. I didn't notice the bowl had slipped from my hands until I felt something burning against my skin. I yelped and jumped back, waving my burning hands in the frigid air. Andrew jumped up, taking the bowl with him. He quickly cleaned up the mess. He came back to the bed and gingerly took my hands.

"Not too bad," he whispered, kissing my stinging hands. His lips were soft and gentle. I shivered slightly as his lips traveled to my wrists, up the inside of my forearm. There was another knock on the door. Andrew groaned and slid off the bed, heading toward the door. I could feel the heat in my cheeks as he looked back at me. He smiled and opened the door.

Robbie walked in, a wool hat covering his fiery red hair. He plopped down in front of the fire and warmed up his hands.

"I hope you're ready for another day of reading because I don't want to do anything else. It's cold outside. I'm the only one with permission to be gone, thanks to you," he turned around and smiled. His face was red with cold. He smile slipped off his face, "Are you sick? Do you have a fever? You're face is red."

He came over and slid a cold hand on my forehead. I flinched back from the temperature of his hand.

"Oh, sorry. Well, you're not burning up, thankfully," he walked back over to the fire, where Andrew had taken the other seat. He stretched out in the chair. Robbie and Andrew conversed in quite voices, looking back at me once. I squinted my eyes, watching them. I sat up slowly and painfully, my ribs not being completely healed yet. I made a noise in the back of my throat and Robbie's and Andrew's heads snapped towards me, worry coating their faces. Andrew rushed over and helped me up, fluffing up pillows behind me.

"I'm fine," I mumbled, blushing as his hands brushed mine. I didn't like being treated as a child. I looked up into Andrew's face and saw my blush reflected in his own cheeks. He turned back to the fire and put another log in. I saw Robbie smile out of the corner of my eye. He came over and sat on the edge of the bed, pulling out a well-used book.

"This man's a genius, you'll love him," Robbie said, showing me the cover, "The writer's name is Shakespeare. He's written all kinds of things. I thought we should start out with this one, since it's funny and witty. I'll read it out loud to you and show you the words."

"What's it called?" I asked, looking at the two words on the binding.

"Twelfth Night. It's a romantic comedy, I thought you would enjoy it."

I nodded and looked at the words as Robbie started to read. After he has finished a few words I exclaimed, "That's beautiful. Andrew listen to this, 'If music be the food of love, play on, give me excess of it, that, surfeiting, the appetite may sicken, and so die.' Isn't that pretty! He's so melodramatic though. Keep reading."

Robbie chuckled and continued. I was fully enthralled when a knock came at the door. It was Cook, with lunch.

"Time has certainly flown by," I murmured, spooning some soup into my mouth. Robbie kept reading until it was dark.

"I'll come back tomorrow so we can continue," he said.

"Please do," I said, watching him as he rounded the corner, closing the door after him. Andrew was looking out the window. I tilted my head, "Andrew?"

He looked over at me, "Yes?"

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing," he said, turning back to the window.

I frowned, "Something's wrong. I can tell."

"So we've known each other that long," he sighed, standing up and coming over to the bed. He slid in, leaning against the head rest. I turned to him and took his chin in my hand, turning his face towards mine. My eyes searched his.

"What is it?"

" you like Robbie?" he asked slowly.

"Of course."

"Oh," Andrew answered, his eyes going downward.

I blinked, "He's a great man. I like to hear him read and tell stories. He's funny. He's my good friend."

"Friend?" Andrew said, his gaze sliding back up to mine.

"Yes. Isn't that what you meant?"

"Well,... no, actually. I was asking if you had any feelings toward him that might end in a proposal."

"What kind of proposal?" I asked, confused.

"You know, a ...marriage proposal," he gulped.

I smiled, "No, I don't like Robbie that way. I can't believe you thought that."

"Is it really so hard to believe?" he asked, looking into my eyes.

I blushed, looking down. I let go and wrapped the covers more tightly around me, trying to preserve some of my warmth. It was already freezing. I didn't know how I was going to survive the rest of the trip.

"Is it?" he repeated, gazing down at me. I looked up at him and nodded. "Why?"

"I don't think about Robbie in that kind of way," I shrugged, "There's also the fact that after this trip is over, I'm being given to another man."

Andrew shuddered, "I wish it wasn't so. What if you were already engaged to another man?"

My head shot up, "What?"

"What if you were already engaged! Then George couldn't marry you! Right?" he asked, excitement ringing in his voice.

"I guess. But who would propose so I wouldn't have to marry him?" I asked forlornly.

Andrew's fingers slid under my chin and lifted my face up, "Do you really think that badly of yourself? I bet everyone on this ship would ask you."

I smiled, "But I don't want everyone to ask me."

"Would you think of me horribly if I asked you?" he asked gently.

"Ask me and see."


"Yes?" I asked, holding my breath. Thinking that my life would finally go right.

"Will you marry me?"

I grinned and cried, "Yes."

Andrew beamed and held me in a soft embrace. He kissed me lightly on the forehead, then on the cheek. His lips lingered over mine when a shout was heard, "Pirates!"

Andrew feel back, aghast, "Pirates! Oh, no. Cassandra, you have to hide!"

"Where?" I asked, "Don't pirates search and burn ships?"

Andrew's horrified gaze hit mine and he nodded slowly.

"Then there's only one thing left to do," I stood up slowly, wobbled, then headed over to the box. I took out a pair of shears. Andrew hopped out of bed and grabbed my wrist.

"No," he growled, "I won't let you kill yourself."

"I wasn't going to," I said, pulling my wrist out of his grasp. I lifted up a long lock of my hair and snipped it off. Andrew groaned as the long coil hit the floor. I hurriedly cut off the rest, leaving my hair at chin length.

"I need some of your clothes."

Andrew ran to the box and pulled out a pair of tiny pants and a tiny shirt. He handed the bundle to me.

"Where did you get something so small? And why would you have such a thing?"

"They were for you, actually. For when if got colder," he mumbled.

"I am thankful," I said, kissing his cheek. Andrew spun around as I begun to take my chemise off. I painfully slid into the pants and shirt, which fit my small figure perfectly. Andrew turned around and quickly grabbed me.

"We have to get out of here, it's obvious this stuff belonged to a lady," he said, as he quickly threw my hair into the fire, then rushed me out of the room, leading me by the hand. We ducked into the kitchen right before the pirates arrived.

Andrew held on to me as we heard their barbaric shouts. I looked up fearfully as their boots clumped around.

"Don't lose me," I whispered to Andrew. He crushed me in an embrace and kissed me roughly on the head.

"Never," he replied hoarsely.

"Oi, you two," a deep scratchy voice said, "Get outta there and come up on deck. And don't even think about escaping or I'll put a bullet in your brains."

I whimpered softly as we were paraded out onto the deck.

"Found two more in the kitchen," the man said to the leader.

All of the men who had already been on the boat stared at me with fearful eyes. When we were pushed into the group, then surrounded me and put me in the middle of the mass. Andrew's hand was a a steel grip on mine as the pirates circled our group. I saw Robbie edge closer to us just as the leader's voice rang out.

"We hear that the lost princess of Belaria is here on this ship. If you give her to us willingly, we'll let you go unharmed," his voice hissed.

"There is no princess here, there are not even any women on board," the captain of the ship stated, "Whoever told you that told you a lie."

"A lie you say? We will just check every cabin to make sure you have not stashed her somewhere. And since we cannot let you leave and tell everyone of our existence, we will take you with us. Separate the strong men from the weak ones. Take the strong, kill the weak."

Andrew's hold on me tightened. He knew what group I would land in, since I was so small. The men were being separated, most of them going into the strong group. A large pirate picked me up and started pulling me away. Andrew held on to me. I cried out as our hands were ripped apart and I clutched at air. Another, larger pirate was pulling Andrew away.

"What's this?" the leader asked, coming closer, "Tears? Are you the man's lover, boy?"

"No, he is my brother," I choked out, tears streaming down my face. I quickly swipped them away and looked into the leader's hulking face. He sneered at me. He was missing a few teeth.

"What is it you do here boy? It can not be so important, since you are tiny."

"I help Cook, and clean, and sew."

"Women's work," the leader scoffed.

"Yes, but there are no women on the ship, so someone must do it."

The leader assessed me carefully, taking my rough hands in his, "These hands have seen work, a lot for one of your size and age. Can you sing, boy?"

"Y-yes," I stammered.

"Very well, take him aboard. But his brother will be in charge of him. If anyone rebels, he goes first."

My face paled as the pirate holding me dropped me unceremoniously into Andrew's arms. There was a collective sigh among the men as Andrew put me on my feet and put an arm around me. Robbie was on my other side as the pirates shepherded us onto their ship. We were led down under into dark, cold rooms. I shivered as I remembered our warm bed in our room. There were no beds down here, only cots, rows and rows of them. I huddled closer to Andrew as the pirates shoved us onto a cot.

"Brothers share," one of them chuckled.

"Get some rest; in the morning, you all start working!" one of them yelled, the rest laughed darkly and headed to their own cots.

Andrew crawled into our cot, then pulled me in with him. He wrapped his arms around me as Robbie took the cot next to ours. Robbie ruffled his fingers through my short hair.

"Nice," he commented, messing my hair up some more. I grimaced at him and fixed it, running my fingers through my hair. Andrew caught one of my hands and held it. Robbie turned around as Andrew slipped a silver ring off his pinkie and slid it onto the third finger of my right hand. He wrapped his hands around my small ones and held me tighter to him. The men from our ship watched sadly.

"When we escape, we'll find you a smaller, prettier one," he whispered softly in my ear.

The doctor of our ship passed by and paused, he muttered, "The prince and princess together at last."

I felt Andrew tense behind me.

"That doctor is so weird," I mumbled, turning around with difficulty. I almost tumbled out, but Robbie and Andrew helped me, "Thanks."

Despite being terrified, I fell into a restless sleep.


Call out to my home-boy Shakespeare!!! ILY!!! My favourite play is Twelfth Night! Yay! OMG Pirates!!! What to do, what to do!

Aw, my precious Andrew was jealous of Robbie! And, he proposed to her! He's just too cute!!!!!!!!!


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