I have a child?! {z.m}

By _beaniezayn

708K 15.1K 6.6K

It was all a mystery until they were reunited. He disappeared and she made up lies. She was pregnant and he h... More

I have a child?! -Zayn Malik
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60

Chapter 34

8.7K 188 42
By _beaniezayn


I just wanted to get this straight with y'all! In this story it's 2015. I made it that way so that Delaney's age could work out. I want y'all to know that some of the things that are happening in this story are happening now (2014 real life) are happening a year later (now in the story) in 2015. Just think of it as things going back one year. But I want you to know that some of the things I'm writing is fictional. If you don't understand what I'm saying, please feel free to ask me. If you understand just move on :)

Ariana's POV:

5 months later

"Ariana! How does it feel to have yet another number one song on the charts?"

"Over here! Who inspired your song Problem?"

"Ariana Grande! What's it like dating Zayn Malik from One Direction?"


Flashes from cameras nearly blind me so I have to close my eyes for a few seconds at a time. It seems like more and more each day I'm getting bombarded with paparazzi.

"Excuse me, please." I said as kind as I possibly could. I squeeze through them and their giant cameras.

"Where are you guys headed?"

"Why are Zayn and your child in that black SUV?"

We are currently outside the gate in front of my house. Isaac, Scooter, and with my two lovelies are in the SUV Isaac is picking us up in.

Zayn and Delaney already went out and got in like 20 minutes ago but I had to finish getting ready.

"Get out of the way!" I heard Zayn yell. I look through the paparazzi and see him through the rolled down window of the back seat.

"Zayn! Where are you guys headed?"

"Heard you're announcing a new tour soon! Where are you guys traveling to?"

I push myself through some more people until finally reach the door of the back seat where Zayn is. I hand him my purse through the window.

"Can you please step back so I can get in?" I asked loud enough for the ones super close to me and the car to hear. "I have somewhere to be. It's important."

"Who designed your outfit?"

"It's black jeans and a black flare top. I bought it online, it's not designer." I commented and gasps fill my hears.

"You don't wear designer?"

"I don't always. Now move please!" I begged. Why are they so shocked that I'm wearing high waisted jeans and a black top that flares a little and shows my stomach?

(A/N if you look through my pictures on twitter @_beaniezayn you'll find what she's wearing!)

I open the door and end up pushing people out of the way. One man stumbles and I don't realize until I've gotten in the car, sat down, and shut the door that he lost his grip on his camera and it dropped to the ground.

I gasped. "I'm so sorry!"

"You will be when the world finds out what kind of bitch you are for pushing it out of my hand!" He growled at me. I frown and start to apologize again but someone in the front of the car has my window rolling up.

"Hey!" I said irritated. "I was trying to apologize!"

"I know but we have to go! You're already late!" Isaac sounded overwhelmed. Why is he overwhelmed when I'm the one who just basically got mobbed?

He starts to pull away, being careful not to hit someone and when he gets far enough away from them, he speeds off.

"Mommy you look pretty." Delaney complimented. I look around for her and see her sitting in her booster seat in the row behind Zayn and I. I smile at her.

"Thank you. But you look much prettier." I said and she giggles. She's in a little yellow sundress and sandals. Her cheeks are pink from a little sunburn she got yesterday while playing outside with Zayn.

Speaking of him, our relationship over the past 5 months had progressed in the right direction. We go on dates and do things just like anyone else.

It does make me upset that he owns his own apartment now but he's basically over at my house all the time except for sleeping which happens on occasion.

"What about me?" Zayn asked and I look to see him pouting. I smile and peck his cheek.

"You're beautiful." I commented sweetly. His hair has grown more after he cut it earlier this year. I personally love it long and tall just like it is now. His face is freshly shaved, thankfully. I got onto him for having a beard and he finally shaved. I guess having a beard is something prideful for a man. Something I'll never understand and it's obvious I wasn't supposed to.

"Thank you." He said while chuckling. "You're way more beautiful though." He pecks my lips.

"Uh yeah, no PDA while I'm here." Isaac said. I look at him through the rear view mirror and smile brightly. He rolls his eyes and I can see a smile for on his lips. He's one of my best friends.

Zayn and my management has worked out the relationship between us and Delaney. They finally processed that we love each other and that Delaney deserves to have her father in the picture.

The media started dying down about us being together. More people support it but there are still those stubborn fans between the both of us that hate it. I don't really care though.

Zayn and I discovered our ship name. It's simple but we love it. I saw Zariana trending on twitter a couple months back and then right there I knew that we'd be okay with the fans.

Right now we are on our way to a very important meeting with my management. Delaney was required to come but Zayn wasn't. He's still coming because I want him there.

"Nervous?" He asked, taking my hand in his.

"A little bit." I replied. "I hope it's not bad news. I don't think I can deal with that."

"It's outta be good news. Problem is and has been number one for weeks babe." He kissed my cheek. "They're probably going to congratulate you or something."

"I hope so." I said. "I just wonder why they needed Delaney to come."

"I was thinking about that too." He replied. "I have no idea why they'd want her to be there."

"I guess we'll find out." I smile up at him.

"I can hear you talkin' 'bout me." Delaney said from behind us. I make a face at Zayn and we both turn around to look at her.

"We sure are. We're talking about how much we love you." I said and a smile breaks out onto her face. "We're so proud of you graduating from kindergarten!"

She just graduated last week in mid- May. We had my grandparents, Jennette, Lexi, the rest of One Direction (which was quite chaotic since it was a room filled with five and six year olds with the exception of siblings who knew who they were), Isaac, Scooter, and Justin. I was surprised he could make it since he's been busy lately.

"I'm going to first grade!" She said happily.

"We know it!" Zayn said to her, a wide, proud smile on his face.

"My little girl is growing up." I have to use every muscle in my face to keep from crying.

"Awe," Zayn said softly. "Don't cry."

"I'm not." I said smiling. "I'm just so happy."

My body is suddenly slammed forward and I hear Isaac cursing and honking his horn. I look through the front window horrified to see how close we are to another car. We had almost crashed.

"Jerk!" Isaac yelled. "Don't just stop in front of me!"

"Jesus, Isaac. My daughter is in here! You could've killed us!" I snapped up at him. He sends me an apologetic smile through the rear view mirror.

"It wasn't my fault! This damn car decided to stop in front of me." Isaac said.

I look back to see if Delaney is okay. She has a frightened look on her face.

"It's okay love." Zayn assured her. "We are okay."

She nods and lets out a breath. I turn back around and face the front. Isaac and Scooter are having a conversation but I don't really pay attention. I look out the window to see where we are.

I see the building where our meetings are held and I hold my breath. I'm nervous to find out why we were asked to have a meeting.

Isaac drives through the green light at the stop light and pulls into the parking area. He drives us to the front. "You guys can get out here and I will go park."

"Thanks Boots." I smile. He sends me a friendly wink. His last name isn't really boots, but I take it as it is and refer to him as that. Zayn gets out on the side we are closet to but I look back to Delaney. She is unbuckled and ready.

I hop out of the car, grab my purse, and push the seat forward so she can get out safely. She comes to the end and I help her to the ground. Then I place the seat back in the right place and shut the car door.

Isaac drives away and we meet up with Scooter who was on the other side. I take Delaney's hand and we walk into the building and a nice breeze runs over our skin relieving us from the extreme heat that Los Angeles has been experiencing for weeks. It's nearly 100 degrees fahrenheit.

"Catherine said it was on floor 4 and room 490. I'm not sure though. Let me check." I said while pulling my phone out of my purse. I can't help but picture our interviewer from this past January who's name was Catherine when I say the name. That's not the one we are seeing today because she isn't apart of my management.

I scroll through my messages and find Catherine's last messages to me. "Yeah, it's room 490."

"Well let's go then." Zayn said.

"Shouldn't we wait for Isaac?" I asked remembering that he's parking. "He's a good friend and I want him there."

"I'll wait for him. You go on." Scooter said and I nod.

"Thank you." I replied smiling. With Delaney's hand still in mine, we walk to the closet elevator and get inside. I press the number 4 and it immediately takes off and before we know it, the door is opened and we are walking out.

We walk down the hallway and the numbers increase. "445 is right here so we still have a ways to go." I said.

We walk down the hallway for what seems like hours but is only another minute at the most. We find room 490 and I knock.

I hear a muffled voice. "Come in!" And then I open the door to see a nice office that has way more space than you'd think.

I see Catherine and she smiles. "Welcome. How is everyone doing today?"

"Pretty good." I said smiling. She's in a good mood so this has got to be great news to be told. "Can we wait a moment before we start? Scooter and Isaac should be on their way up."

"Sure, sure." She said. She looks down to my legs and right then I realized that Delaney was hiding herself behind my legs. "Hello sweetheart."

She holds onto my legs and I watch her peek around. "Come out Delaney, I don't bite." Delaney lets to of my legs and comes and stands in front of me. "Do you want a lollipop?"

Delaney looks up at me for a response. "She'd love one." Catherine smiles at me and walks over to her desk.

"Have a seat you guys." She said. "What color do you want, Delaney?"

Again, as I'm lifting her into one of the nice comfy chairs, she looks at me for a response. "Be a big girl and tell her what color you like."

"Blue." She finally spoke. I give her a look. "Blue, please." I smile in satisfaction. I take a seat in the chair next to her and Zayn does next to me on the other side.

"You seemed like you liked blue." Catherine smiles at her.

"Pink is my favorite color but I like blue lollipops." Delaney explained, breaking out of her shyness a little bit.

"Oh, I see." Catherine responded smiling. She walks over to Delaney and hands it to her.

"Thank you." Delaney replied and a smile tugs on her lips. She immediately opens the package and places the lollipop in her mouth. "Mommy," She attempted to say but it sounded a little off since her mouth is full.

She puts her hand out and I put mine out too. She places something in my hand and I quickly realize it's her wrapper. I roll my eyes and place it in my purse.

"Thanks." I replied sarcastically. She giggles a little bit.

I impatiently wait for Scooter and Isaac to hurry up and get here. I am so anxious to find out why we came here.

After a few agonizing minutes, there's a knock on the door and Catherine calls them in. They walk in together and rush beside us.

"Sorry, we had to stop of floor 2 and 3 first for others." Scooter informed us.

"Well that's quite all right." Catherine said. "Now shall we discuss the meaning of being here?"

"Yes." I said immediately.

"A bit anxious, are we Ariana?" Catherine smiles widely. She sits in her chair behind her desk. "I mean, I'd be pretty anxious to hear what I had to say if I was you. I'd also he excited. Especially if I was being told that I'm going on a world tour in a month."

I didn't quite process what she said right then. But when I realize what she said, I stand onto my feet. "What?!" I shrieked in shock.

"The rest of management had okayed it and we've already booked the dates in not only America, but places in Canada, Europe, and possibly some in Japan." She said and I squealed a little bit.

"You're serious?! I'm going on tour?!" I squealed loudly. I can't believe this!

"I'm serious." She said happily. "A world tour Ariana. Tickets go on sale this Friday morning and then you leave in a month."

"I can't believe this!" I almost screamed. I throw my hands in the air and then place them on my face and then back to my side. I'm do excited I can barely stand it.

"We've been planning this for months, Ariana. We've already got your backup dancers, obviously Isaac as your choreographer, backup singers, stylists, and an opening act." She continued to make me excited.


"Iggy Azalea." She said and I gasped.

"You're kidding!" I breathed. "Oh my god, Iggy! She's coming on tour with me!"

"Yep, the fans loved her in Problem and we just had to bring her with us." Catherine said.

"I think I'm going to have a heart attack." I held my heart. "This is the best day of my life."

"Well don't do that." Catherine joked. "Wouldn't want to have to cancel it."

"Never." I said grinning. "Do I let the fans know or do they already know?"

"If the fans already knew, don't you think you'd know too?" She asked. "They don't know. All you have to do is broadcast it on twitter and bam, people will be wanting to buy them."

"I'm so excited." I squealed doing a little jump in the air.

"The reason for Delaney's appearance here is because she's obviously not going to stay at home while you're gone for a few months." Catherine said. "And One Direction are going on tour too so Zayn couldn't watch her."

That's right, One Directions tour starts in less than 3 weeks. That means Delaney will be away from her daddy and she'll be upset a lot.

"Of course she will be coming with me." I said. "I want to experience this with her by my side."

"I assumed." Catherine said.

"Why are you talkin' 'bout me?" Delaney asked curiously. I sit back down and look over and see her lollipop in her hands and her eyes looking at me curiously.

"Cause you're coming with me on my tour baby." I informed her. She looks a bit confused still. "We are going to go to different places and you'll love it. It's fun."

"Is daddy coming?" She asked hopeful.

I frown. "No, daddy had his own tour with Harry, Louis, Niall, and Liam."

She pouted. "But I want daddy to come."

"You and I both, babe." I said. I turn and look at Zayn who half smiles at me.

He looks behind me and at Delaney. "We can call each other all the time and sometimes the guys and I will come see one of mommy's shows and then maybe you guys can come to one of ours."

"When are you leaving me?" She asked sadly. I guess none of what Zayn just said made her feel better.

"In a few weeks. I'm not leaving you babe. I'm going to see you as much as I can." Zayn said to her. "Because I love you."

"He will still be here for a while, Del." I said. "No need to worry right now."

She nods and slumps back into the chair. A frown still lays upon her lips and an ache bothers my stomach. I feel bad.

"Can Lexi come on tour with me?" I asked with hope.

"Uh-uh. That's an absolute no. You and Lexi are a recipe for disaster when you're together." Catherine said and I laughed.

"Can she at least come and stay with me for a little while but not the whole time?" I asked.

"We'll see." She said but I know she'll say yes. "Don't even ask if Jeanette can come too because that's a no for sure."

"We don't talk anymore because of what happened." I frowned.

"Well, she did get her kicked off nickolodeon for the rest of her life." Catherine said.

"And got Sam and Cat canceled." I said upset. "I wasn't going to ask if she could come anyways."

Her nudes (which in my opinion weren't bad because it was a bra and underwear which is like a swimming suit) got our show canceled and I got mad at her for ruining that for us.

"Well good." She replied.

"Now, your designers will be here tomorrow morning. We need you to meet in the studio where you have photo shoots and they will take numbers to make your personal outfits for the concert." She explained. "Then you'll rehearse Yours Truly in the studio. Your first concert will be here in town and we have our crew already working on the set up for the stage at the arena. In two days, you'll go and learn the new dance moves on set. We've been working on dance moves for a long time so we will use those too."

I nodded. "Make sure you get lots of rest for these next few weeks because you're going to be more busy than you've ever been."

Again, I nodded. "I think that's it for today. But at the studio by 11am tomorrow."

"Okay, thank you for everything!"






So, tour plans are in stalk! :)

Tell me what you think of this chapter by commenting. It takes only moments of your time and it makes my day 10000x better!


Do you like my new cover?? TELL ME.

And btw, I lost the picture of their child and I can't find it on google or anything (I'm really unorganized sometimes) so I've changed the character for Delaney to Mackenzie Foy when she was 5/6 (Google it). The old Delaney was a random picture I found of a random girl. Lol.

Anyways, chapter goals:

20 votes +


I know they're higher but this book is important to me and surly you can show your gratitude by voting, couldn't you?

I will likely update quicker if you vote:)


Love y'all.

Twitter: @_beaniezayn

(Is anyone going to WWA in St. Louis? I am!!)

-Mackenzie xoxo

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