
By sarahariel16

528 39 3

I hated cliche moments but now I live them. More

intro part 2
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 Part One

Chapter 5

24 2 0
By sarahariel16

        "Run!" was all I heard Ashton say when he threw my clothes at me. I was panicking I've never gotten in trouble especially with the police of all people. We were sprinting to his car as the police spoke through his intercom to tell us to stop and put our hands up but by the time we were getting into the jeep the officer was running our way. That is until we pulled out of the parking lot and he bolted back to his squad car.

        "Ashton! What the heck!? Were we even aloud on that beach?!" I exclaimed as I ran my fingers through my wet hair. The braid was basically ruined and I knew my short baby hairs were becoming ringlets making me look like Shirley Temple most likely.

        "Nope!" Ashton yelled pushing down on the gas pedal just a bit more. We then took a sharp turn into a little neighbor hood and pulled into a empty driveway. He then turned off the car and told me to duck. As I did so I heard the police sirens zoom by.

        I was shaking and out of breath when I sat back up. Ashton pulled out of the drive way and turned out of the neighborhood towards the beach again. "What the hell Ash?" We then turned right and were driving along the beach we just escaped from.

        "What? It was fun don't you agree Vikki?" he asked laughing.

        "Don't fucking call me Vikki. Take me home now I don't need to get in trouble or my parents will kill me. Literally kill me."

        "Why can't I call you Vikki?" he questioned a bit seriously.

        "Because only my parents are aloud to call me that, and you aren't my mom or dad last I checked," I told him with disgust in my voice.

        "Well you called me Ash and only my family and the boys call me that. So I just thought how about Vikki or Tori. You don't seem like a Tori more of a Vikki and look I was correct. Plus stop worrying I promised I wouldn't embarrass you or hurt you. I know getting in trouble would embarrass you."

        "Well call me Victoria and I'll just call you Ashton. Now take me back home. Actually no take me to Kory's I don't want you knowing where I live. You are trouble I just know it," I said looking out the passenger window as we pulled into a 24/7 diner. Noticing he turned off the car instead of turning around. "What are you doing?" I asked looking at him. He turned his body towards me and took my hands in his.

        "Victoria Montgomery. Please finish the night with me. I know your a good girl, but I know there's a bad girl in you just waiting to come out and I promise you won't get caught," He said leaning onto his center console, his hands giving mine a light squeeze. I was once again star stuck by him. He wasn't bad he just knew how to live. If he was bad he would of just left me on the beach or some other scenario. I was just jumping to conclusions because of how he dressed and I reminded myself that I was acting like my dad. Judging people based on their appearance.

        I looked at his hands then back at him, "Okay. Teach me how to live out of my books. But I better not get caught because I am a good girl Mr. Irwin.

        "Okay. Well I think we should go eat because I'm starved after that little fiasco that just happened," he said letting go of my hands and hopping out of the jeep and running to my side to open the door. "Plus I want to know you better," he said with a glistening smile.

        "Shouldn't we put some clothes on? I highly doubt they will let us in, in our swimsuits."

        "Right," he chuckled. Then stepping close to me making me take a step back but taking another step was short live as I bumped into the car seat. Getting extremely close I thoguht he was going to kiss me just as he then bent his head to the side and reached in to grab his shirt. That was embarrassing...

        I then quickly pulled my jeans on even though it was extremely hard with wet legs. Then went to grab my shirt when I saw his Vans jacket right next to my shirt. Deciding I'd be warmer in that I put it on and zipped it up. Turning to him his eyes nearly popped out his head. "What?" I asked. "I can take it off and just wear my shirt if it bothers you," I said as I went to unzip it a bit sad that I wouldn't be able to wear it.

        "N-n-no. Please wear it you look amazing in it," he said a bit nervously but then he grabbed my hand and intertwined out fingers and I couldn't help but smile like a fool. "Lets eat now princess," Ashton said as we walked up to the diner door and with the opposite hand opened the door for me. "After you gorgeous."

       "How cliche of you," I said with a laugh.

        "Just being a gentlemen to a beautiful lady," he answered smiling.

        "Again how cliche."


I'm feeling inspiration today haha plus I don't want to go rake pine cones for my grandma. So since she loves that I love to write she's letting me update instead.

How do you like the Good Girls Are Bad Girls snippet in there?

Finally Kory and Taylor I miss ya'll hope Florida isn't too humid today haha.

Byeee my lovelies

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