My Ex (BWWM)✔ (#Wattys2019)

By LouiseC13

901K 35.1K 9K

2nd place in Wicked Awards 3rd place in The Waterfall Awards "You're real funny Kevin Reynolds, the marriage... More



9.8K 452 47
By LouiseC13

"I can't believe you're selling the house," I told my mom as we cleaned out the garage. She was thinking about having a garage sale to get rid of all the things we didn't need. My dad wanted to clean the garage before he died, he has been talking about cleaning it ever since I graduated high school, but he didn't. 

"Yeah, your dad and I were thinking about selling it before you know-" I nodded my head telling her I understood. "This place is way too big and there are no more kids to run around anymore," I looked around. I surely was going to miss this house, I grew up here, it was the only house I ever knew. It was always fun around here, all the memories we made. The meals we cooked, well everyone cooked, but me. "I'm gonna miss it," she added. 

"Me too," I told her. We started putting the things we didn't need in boxes to sell them. I reached down and spotted the black barbie doll my father got me when I was four. "I can't believe this is still here," I said. My mom laughed and grabbed it looking at it.

"Yeah, that was like over two decades ago. I remember you crying the day after your birthday because your hair wasn't blonde and pretty like the Barbie Doll I got you," I nodded my head. 

"And dad drove two hours to the only store that sold black Barbies the next day," I chuckled thinking about it now. He brought me the doll that looked like me. I remember being so happy that day because I finally had a doll that had nappy hair like me. I grabbed it from my mom again and threw it in the box to get sold.

"You're selling it?" My mom asked surprise.

"Yes, in case you forgot I am thirty years old, I don't play with dolls, mom," I said. 

"I know, I just thought you'd want to save it for your daughter one day or something," her mentioning my daughter made my stomach twist. 

"I'm not having kids, mom," I told her. My chance of having kids have truly run out. Maybe I'll be able to adopt one day, but not now. I wanted to get married and be happy then my husband and I would welcome our baby and the baby would be our joy. I knew that was not happening anymore. 

"You never know," she answered. She took out the doll out of the box and handed it to me. I looked at the doll then set it in the box of the stuff we wanted to keep. "So, how's Kevin?" She asked. Hearing his name brought things I didn't want to think about. I haven't talked to him in weeks, we were snowed in for a while, so I guess that's why I didn't see him. Now that the roads are cleared, I was not looking forward to talking to me or running into him. 

"I wouldn't know," I replied. "Last time I talked to him was New Years," I added. 

"Mhmm, never had a chance to thank him in person for what he did for us," she said. "Why haven't you talked to him?" She asked.

"We're just not in speaking terms, it's my fault," I said realizing that. I shouldn't expect him to keep apologizing for something he did over a decade ago. On top of that, he was a teenager, he made mistakes. I should learn to accept the fact and forgive him. "Doesn't matter," I sighed and continued to do the work.

"Seems like it does," she said. "What happened?" She asked.

"I embarrassed him in front of his employers," I said. "But, that wasn't the problem, the problem is I can't let go of the past," I said thinking how ridiculous I sounded. I wasn't letting go of the past. 

"What happened in the past?" My mom asked. She was really all up in my business today. I rolled my eyes at her, I sighed. I always told her everything. Even though we had our problems, we were always able to speak to each other about everything we have going on. 

"Found out why he broke up with me in high school, turns out he was cheating," I said. My mom's jaw dropped not believing it. "Exactly, I know it was in high school and I just want to forget about it, but I just found out. I thought we had a perfect relationship, I thought we were okay and to find out he was cheating on me for half of the time we were together," I said.

"High School," my mom chuckled. "Never trust people in high school. People didn't even know what a relationship meant especially the boys. You know we mature faster than them," I gave her a really face.

"You gonna use that excuse?" I asked, "it doesn't matter, but I guess you're right. It was high school and everyone's dumb in high school," I said. When I was in High School, I did some pretty dumb stuff. I once got so drunk and danced naked on the top of the roof we were having the party. Thank goodness, it wasn't a time when technology was advanced. No one had a chance to record it, Kevin took me and put some clothes on me and took me home. 

"Yeah," she replied, "so you're mad about that?" My mom asked to verify.

"Well no," I answered. "I'm not mad, I'm just, well I-I," my mom raised her eyebrows waiting for me to say what was wrong. "I don't know," I said. 

"Mhmm," my mom said. I chuckled and shook my head. "I should become a therapist," she added.

"Mom, don't push it," I said. "You just made me realize something, you didn't fix my life," she chuckled. We continued to clean out the garage. 


Kevin's POV

"Lucy, more money has to go to marketing, we have to market our product in order for people to buy it," I told her getting frustrated. I might have been learning to deal with working with her but she was still annoying. Working with her seemed like an additional job. 

"Fine," she said getting mad. She touched her stomach and sighed. I have been working with her for a while to now that her feet were hurting and the baby was bothering her. I grabbed her a chair and motioned for her to take a seat. "It's a girl," she said out of nowhere.

"I thought you didn't want to know the sex?" I asked her.

"Jamal didn't, it was bothering me so I made the doctor tell me and I didn't tell," I laughed. That was a lot of work, "Rose Louise Carter," she added.

"Brianna," I said remembering her middle name is Rose. I missed her, I wanted to see her, but I wouldn't call or text her first. "I'll get you something to eat, the usual?" I asked her. She nodded her head, she has been eating the same thing from the cafeteria for over a month. Brown rice and steak, I grabbed my phone and made my way out of the room. I took the elevator and made my way to the cafeteria. After I've left the elevator, my phone started to ring, "hello," I answered not even looking at the caller I.D. 

"Hi," I heard her voice say over the phone. "Can we meet up and talk?" She asked before I have a chance to reply.

"Yeah sure," I answered. 

"Okay, we can meet tomorrow for lunch, I don't know," she said.

"Yeah, I'll text you somewhere we can meet," I said.

"Okay, mom, do not sell that. I need it!" I heard her yell over the phone. "Sorry, I have to go," she hung up the phone. 


How's everyone doing?

Don't forget to check out my book 'Brother's Girl' if you haven't please.

Au Revoir...

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