By souneique

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By souneique


I was in my room painting my nails, listening to Ella Mai who knew. My moms been gone for a couple of days. Which became a regular thing.

I was a little relieved she was gone because of my suspension. For one, when she find out, if she find out, she's going to be my ass. For two I'd have to be around her for 14 days straight.

That's why I do so good in school. I be so glad to get away from her I'm proud to be there and do my work to get my mind off my problems.

My phone began to ring causing my music to stop playing. I sighed and threw a little tantrum because I really didn't want to be bothered right now.

I roughly grabbed my phone looking at the contact that read; grandma. I sucked my teeth and rolled my eyes not really interested in hearing anything she had to say.

My dads mom didn't fuck with us.

I sat my phone back down patiently waiting for it to stop ringing, and for my music to continue playing, for I can paint my lovely toes in peace.

Once the phone stopped ringing "U" by H.E.R began playing. "Ahhh yeah this my shiiit! Every time that we go ouutt you find something to show ouuut played the fool but I know noooowww"

I sung dipping the brush back into the bottle, then brushing over my already painted toenail giving it a second coat.

Nick busted into my room with a bored look on his face. He held his phone in his hand. "Grandmas calling"

I sucked my teeth."what the fuck yo' "

I paused my music and handing my hand out in a give me gesture. Nick sighed and lazily walked over to me, dropping the cricket phone in my hand."I don't understand why you won't just answer. She's been calling for awhile now and every time you force me to ignore her"

I furrowed my eyebrows while looking at him. Then looked back at the phone."Nick you don't know why we're ignoring her. If you knew you wouldn't want to talk to her either. She's evil as hell" I said giving him back the phone due to the ringing stopping.

"She said she misses us a lot"

"She what?" I said cutting him off."you talked to her nick? Damn you really don't listen at all. If Mom found out you was talking to her that'll be both of our ass but yours the most. I try to warn you but you don't. Fucking. Listen." I said standing up.

I grabbed his shirt and forced him out of my room."since you think you know everything. Grandma said I was daddy's "maybe" and you was an  "abortion"  baby" . His facial dropped and I could see the anger overcoming his face.

I quickly closed the door and locked it. When Nick got mad the only way to calm him down was to leave him alone or It would turn into a fist fight.

The last thing I needed was another one of those.

I could hear him slam the door to his room and start punching walls. "Can't handle the truth" I said more to myself, going back to my bed and grabbing my phone.

I noticed a text from grandma and shook my head. She was not giving up to get in touch with us.

I decided not to be this petty and read the text. I wasn't actually hearing her voice or taking to her so I was good.

The text read:

Hey grandmas baby, I guess your still ignoring me. I talked to Nick a couple of days ago and he said you guys were fine.

I thanked nick in my head for not telling or business. Last thing I needed was for someone who didn't care to act like they did.

Text continued:

I'm glad to hear that, I know what I said on the day of your father funeral wasn't very adult like. Actually it wasn't very grandma like. I should've never said that about you two, at least I should've never said it in front of YOU Nykell. Your just like your daddy. Stubborn as hell. I ran into your bestie, as you young kids call it. She showed me a few pictures of you and your beautiful. You got that smooth brown skin just like your daddy! She also showed me some pictures of oh my that boy is handsome and when he's older all the ladies are going to be on him. You both are a reflection of your father. I haven't been feeling very good over the months. And I think my time is coming to a end. I just want to see you guys..please. Think about coming to my barbecue? It'll be fun. Maybe meet a few of your cousins. You can even bring your cutie bestie LOL grandma loves you! Bye bye

Text ends

A tear dropped on my lip surprising me. I didn't even know I was crying. I wiped my tears and bit my lip. I was starting to feel horrible for what I said about her.

I stoop up and slid on my adidas sandals. I already had on some black leggings and a plain orange hoodie, and my braids were up in a bun.

I grabbed my phone and went over to nick room, just to check on him. I peeked through his room. Noticing he was sleep.

I looked at his walls relived there wasn't any holes or dents this time.

I closed the door back and left out the apartment. I needed fresh air and someone to talk to.

I went over to Courtney side of the projects. I waved and said hi to a few who called out "Hey project princess"

I knocked on Courtney's door a few time before the door being flung open. Her little sister Allyssa stood there with a whole bunch of colorful beads in her hair looking like a rainbow.

"Princess!" She yelled rushing me with a hug. I chuckled and hugged her back."Hey pretty lady, court here?" I asked.

She nodded and grabbed my hand, pulling me into the house. I quickly closed the door due to her pulling me so fast."geesh girl slow down" I said.

"Allyssa! What I tell you about opening my damn door. Is you crazy?" Their Mom fussed coming out of the kitchen.

Their mom was beautiful. She was real thick and had pretty chocolate skin stayed glowing and she kept herself slayed. She also kept her kids slayed.

Courtney had three siblings. Allyssa, Jr, and the baby, Kayden.

All of her siblings was chocolate just liked their mom except for Jr. Courtney was like I said before, light brown,And so was Jr.

Just like me Courtney and Jr's father died. Except theirs died when she was 4 and he was 10.

"Hey mom" I said smiling. She looked at me turning her frown into a smile."Hey baby, you better get your little sis in check girl. Her ass keep opening doors and don't know what might pop out at her little ass" she fussed going back into the kitchen.

I looked down at Allyssa."you heard her girl"

She smiled and continued to pull me towards Courtney room.

"Knock knock" I said walking in. Courtney quickly look at me, then to Allyssa.

"Lyssa get out! You can come back inside in a couple of minutes ok?" She quickly said.

Allyssa did a little pout but followed orders and got out. I closed the door and sat on her bed.

"Damn girl, you rushed her out..what you doing? Bagging up work?" I asked followed behind a little laugh.

"Nah girl" she said shaking her head."I'm on the phone with Marcus and you know she talk to fucking much. ' mommy! Courtney on the phone with uncle Marcus! ' " . Courtney said mimicking Allyssa.

Marcus deep voice laughed. "Aye, chill out on my niece mane, wassup Kelly" he said.

I got into the camera view since they was on FaceTime and smiled."whats good with you my nigga, treating my bestie right?" I asked already knowing the answer.

Marcus was our age, he was just Courtney's two siblings uncle. Which was why they been lowkey to their family.

"Of course man, you already know" he said smiling. I looked at Courtney catching her admiring Marcus.

He was cute, chocolate skin with a little fro and tapered sides. He played basketball and had a little cash.

"That's good. But I gotta talk to her real quick so can she call you back?" I asked. Marcus nodded."Ayo Courtney, Imma pick you up a little later aight?"

Courtney nodded and smiled. "Ok bae I'll talk to you later".

"Wait, take the phone somewhere private real quick" he said. Courtney looked at me and I shrugged."do as papi says"

She stood up, grabbing her phone and went to the hallway. She also grabbed her earphones.

I lasted down on her bed kicking my slides off and checked my phone. I had another missed call from my grandma and a text from Prince.

Text read:

Wassgood with you? What you up to?

Text end:

I decided not to reply. I wasn't really in the mood to be bothered with him right now. Actually I wasn't in the mood to be bothered with anyone.

I went to me and nick thread the sentvhim a text.

Text read:

Hey nick, i don't know if your up yet but I left a 20 under my pillow. Oder some pizza if you get hungry, sorry for telling you that earlier I just don't want you to get brainwashed and think I'm trying to keep you from someone who loves you. Well, I guess she so loves you. I'll talk to you about that when I get home! Don't spend that 20 on some nonsense foo' save me some slices, love you ❤️

Text end:

I sighed and rubbed my temples. Sometimes I felt like I was nicks mom. That roll kinda been handed over to me since our father died.

Courtney came back into the room with a goofy smile on her face. I smirked."what happened.

"Girl he so freaky" she said plopping down on the bed. I laughed, holding my stomach.


After a couple of hours of talking, and gossiping it was getting dark.

"I talked to my grandma" I said finally bring up the conversation.

"What?" She said popping up. Courtney knew all about the little altercation that happened. And she knew how much I was hurt over that.

"Well not actually talked, she sent a text" I Handed her my phone allowing her to read the message.

I looked at her as her facial expressions changed repeatedly.Once she finished reading the paragraph she handed me back the phone."awww Kelly, you have to forgive her"

I put my phone in my pocket and sighed."I know but, Court...she called me a daddy's maybe. And she called Nick a fucking abortion baby. What type of shit is that?"

She nodded her head in agreement and started to nibble on her nails."you've got a point"

I stood up and slid on my adidas slides."I know"

"But...she did say I can come with you. So it won't be like your all alone Nykell" Courtney said standing up. She pulled her jeans up since the came down a little from her laying down.

I smiled and put my hands on my hips."you won't give up will you?" I asked."nope" she said smirking, grabbing her ringing phone." My bae here"

"Y'all so cute, I need to get me a lil' boo" I said as we walked out of her room."ma' I'll be back in like 2 hours ok?" Courtney yelled to her mother.

Her mom came from her room with baby Kayden, who was sucking on his fingers."be back before 12 ok? You know how the cops is on curfew around here"

Courtney nodded her head while zipping up her Michael Kors coat.

Courtney had a lot of named brand clothes due to her brother spoiling her to death. He owned a tattoo shop and business was booming.

He also had a fiancé and two kids.

Sometimes I wished my life was like Courtney's even though her dad died, unlike my mom her mom didn't die down. She actually came up.

Courtney was moving out of the jects soon. Jr was helping her mom out, plus her mom was offered a good job.

I gave Courtney Mom a hug and said goodbye to the kids. Me and Courtney walked outside and came to meet with Marcus black Rolls Royce.

Me and Courtney hugged goodbye and I watched as she got into the car. I waved at Marcus before waking over to my side of the projects.

Like any other community, kids were still outside playing at the playground. Adults sat in front of the apartment either gossiping, smoking, and even some barbecuing.

"Hey princess, tell ya' momma I said hi" Tonya, a old friend of my moms said. I waved and said " I will Tonya, you looking good girl" I complimented.

"Me? Girl look at you. You then got all thick! Ooweee you look just like how yo' momma did back in the day" she said smiling.

We finished our conversation and I went back to the apartment. When I walked inside I seen nick knocked out on the couch with sponge bob playing on the TV.

A box of pizza from papa johns was on the coffee table and some wings was on the side.

"Mm" I said more to myself. I walked over to the box and opened it, startled when I heard a voice.

"Where'd you been." my mom asked."I didn't even see you, you scared me" I said grabbing a slice of pizza.

"Did I ask that? No. I asked where was you at?" She said with anger filling her voice. I sighed." I was at Courtney house just talking with her"

She stood up. "What made you think it was a smart idea to leave my son here by himself? What if somebody came up in here trying to rob us and killed him?" She said walking towards me.

I stepped back a little, "Mo-"

"Baby? What's taking you so long" a ugly fat man said coming downstairs, shirtless. He had a beer belly and looked dirty.

I looked at him, feeling uncomfortable as he looked at me with lust. I looked back to my mom."who's that?"

"None of your damn business. I'm not finished talking with you. Take your brother upstairs and go into your room. I'll finish talking with you tomorrow" she said rolling her eyes at me.

I furrowed my eyebrows but did as she said. I went over to nick and shook him until he woke up. When he did I told him to come upstairs with me.

As I walked past the man I could feel him staring at me. I felt the need to say something to him about his unnecessary staring but I thought against it and continued my way upstairs. Picking up my pace.

Something didn't sit right with me about him.

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