Jerk Theory (Punk Louis Tomli...

By autumn1324

319K 6.4K 1.7K

I apologize ahead of time for any cringiness, I wrote this when I was 14. Alyssa Hansel. Your everyday good... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Authors Note
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Not An Update
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Important Note
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57 (part 1)
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
New Story
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
New Book!
New Fanfic

Chapter 57 (part 2)

1.7K 56 20
By autumn1324

I APOLOGIZE FOR THE WAIT BUT IVE GOT THINGS GOING ON AND IM FRUSTRATED. I've got so much drama in my life right now that I'm crying.

Chapter Song: Dracula by: Bea Miller

*Alyssa's P.O.V.

Where is he? School ended over a hour ago. He said he'd be here. I need to quite worrying. I'm sure he's fine. "Hey beautiful, what are you still doing here ?" A voice says causing me to jump.

"What do you want Dylan?" I say feeling suddenly uncomfortable. It's been a while since he tried to mess with me.

"Don't worry. I'm finished messing with you and Louis. It's the least of my worries. In fact, I've moved on to someone else." Dylan says with so much confidence. I can't exact decipher if he's telling the truth.

"I bet you're wondering how to trust me?" I nonchalantly nod.
"Well I don't really have any reason good enough to give you other than I've learned a little responsibility over the last two, three months.

"You see somehow my parents found out I fathered Emma's child. Ever since then they've made me Help her parent Erin. I've come to love her, and wanting nothing more than to protect her. It opened my eyes a little I realize what I've done, and I regret all of it, But I see that Louis will protect you more than anything.

"At first I thought it was a game and since Louis wanted you so badly I had to want you. But it turned out to be more, for the both of us. I really am sorry, I know this is asking a lot from you, but would you think of being friends?" He sounds so sincere. Should I trust him? I really don't want to regret this.

"Would you be willing to make up with Louis, in spite of the things that he has done to you in the past?"

"I'd do anything to have a friend like you Alyssa." He says showing a genuine smile.

"Alright, then I have no idea what's about to go down when I get home, so would you like to meet me at my house?"

"Of course, would you like a ride?" He asks. As my ride pulls up.

"No it's fine my ride just got here." I say. "Put give me your phone and I'll put my number in and I'll text you my address. When you get there just tell my dad I invited you." Dylan nods in agreement handing me his phone so I can type my number in.

"Hey Alyssa. Come on we need to go." Louis says getting out of his car jogging over to me.

"What did he do Alyssa?" Louis says referring to Dylan.

"Nothing, he was actually a gentlemen." I say smiling over at my new friend. "Okay, so I''ll see you this evening?" I ask Dylan, mainly just to see how Louis reacts to all of this.

"Yes, Of course. What's the occasion?"

"My birthday. I have no idea idea what this one has planned." I say pointing to Louis. "And since I have no idea, I'm terrified and will need a friend." I finish and Dylan chuckles.

"Alright I'll be there." He says and I give him a hug before I walk over the Louis telling him we can leave.

Our car ride to where ever we are going is quiet and awkward." Louis, what's wrong?" I ask intwining my hand to his free hand and he pulls his hand from me and holds the steering wheel.

"Louis, talk to me."

"You don't want that Alyssa. Let me calm down first. If I talk then I will explode and I can't do that to you baby."

"Could you at least tell me where we're going?" I ask hoping that will lighten the mood.

"We are going to pick up my present to you."

"Why are we all the way out at the airport?" I say running over everything that could possibly be here.

"You'll see." With that he turns the car off undoing the belt and walks over to help me out.

"Louis, what's going on? I know you're mad but why are you doing all this?"

"Because we can talk about it tomorrow, I want today to be perfect for you and talking about it will only make it the opposite." Louis says pulling be into a hug. "I'm sorry about earlier in the car, it's was uncalled for." He whispers in my ear kissing the side of my head.

"Who would have ever thought the Louis Tomlinson would go soft?" I say in a teasingly manner.

"I have not gone soft." He scoffs. He can say anything he wants, but if you were to ask anyone to describe Louis in one word they would most like say things like soft, caring, etc.

"Whatever you say." I say putting a smile on my face and laughing at him defending himself.

"I am not soft, I just want to protect you with my life." He says proudly.

"So in other words soft?" I say, there is really no point behind our silly little banter. He just has a way of wording it to make him sound as tough as a nail, when in reality he's like a puppy. He's scared of losing the things he loves. Scared that one day this will all be over.

"Yes alright! The Louis Tomlinson, the cocky badass of the town, has gone soft. You know you can thank someone for that. Wanna know who?" He asks and I nod.

"Well it's a girl first of all. She used to hate me, I'm sure she still does at times. She's the most beautiful girl anyone has laid eyes on. She has brown hair like me and the most beautiful chocolate brown eye I've ever seen. I'm not sure you know her.

"She's the only girl I've loved this much that I can't ever describe what it does. She showed me what it's like to be loved and I can't thank her enough. She has saved me from myself many times, and I'm here today because of her. She's also the only girl I can think of having a future together. Her dad seems to like me enough to tell me that he approves of us and hopes we have a future together. Now we are standing in an airport waiting for her big birthday surprise to arrive. Let me know if you know her. Her name is Alyssa Danielle Hansel." He says bringing tears to my eyes.

"I love you so much Louis." I say wrapping my arms around his neck bringing his face closer to me to kiss him.

"Um.. excuse me miss, but have you seen this girl? It's her birthday and I just can't miss her eighteenth birthday, according to her boyfriend." A stranger ask hold up his phone showing a picture of a girl.

"No, I'm sorry." I say looking up making eye contact with this stranger. "Caleb?!" I say holding on to my brother tight like he may run again.

"Happy Birthday Baby!" Louis says smiling.

"Louis, you did this?" There is so much joy in my voice as he nods. Letting go of my brother I give Louis a bear hug. "I love you so much! Thank you!"

"I'm glad, come on love it's time to head to your house. There a party just for you. Thanks to the world's best boyfriend and your dad working our asses off for the last weem and a half to make this perfect."

"So pumpkin, did you have a great birthday?" My dad asks.

"Yes daddy. It's the best birthday any girl could have. I have all my friends here, some newer than others," I say winking at Dylan. "My brother is finally back, and this is the best thing anyone's done for me." Louis comes behind me give mea hug from behind.

"I love you." He whispers placing a kiss below my ear.

"Dad, Louis and I are going to have a little time to ourselves. We''ll be in my room." He nods in approval.

"What's this about?" Louis asks with a smirk on his face.

"Why does everything have to have a meaning? Can't I just spend time with you alone?"

"Hey I'm not complaining I was just wondering why!" He exclaims throwing his hands in the air defending himself.

"Just get in here." I say pulling him in.

"What you said early about having a future with me was that true?" I ask the one thing that's been on my mind since the airport.

"Of course. I only want you in my future." He says placing his hands on my face with his thumbs in front of my ears. "I only love you. I would break any of my self promises to make you happy."

"Have you really into it though?" I ask.

"No, I didn't want to think about it without you. The only times would be when the twins mention it." He says as his phone rings indicating he has a text.

"Would you be willing to like in a hour come to my house? The girls just found out its your birthday and are dying to see you." He says locking his phone and placing it down.

"We can go now, most of the guests have left. We can talk about this at your house." I tell him.

"Have I told you how awesome you are?" He says pecking my cheek. We walk back downstairs and grab Kenna before leaving.

"Alyssa! You can't look close your eyes!" The girls yell at me.
"Just hurry up girls. I'm getting hurry looking at that cake." Louis says.

"Louis! You ruined the surprise!" The girls yell at Louis. He just laughs at the girls frustration.

"Here you go Alyssa." Fizzy says bringing me a piece of cake.

"It looks delicious." I say conplimenting their work. Taking a bite. "And it tastes even better."

"If you think that's good you should try it when Louis makes it." The girls say as I look over to him.

"Thanks a lot girls." He says.

"Louis I thought you couldn't cook."

"Oh he can! It tastes like nothing at those restaurants he just gave up cooking."

"Well I'd love to taste it one day." I say sending a wink his way.

"Well you will just have to wait until we get married." He sends a wink back.

"Married? Marriage. When? Are we invited?" The questions come out so fast I don't know who said what.

"Nothing is happening anytime soon girls, this is just things couples talk about." Louis says shooing the girls off.

A/N: So I'm gunna have to end it here. I had more I wanted to write but I'm not up to finishing this chapter the way it was planned, I'll just put it in the next chapter. I'm having a rough night and I just want a break from everything. But hey I'm going to Miami Thursday with my church so I mean I get a break from life for a little while.

I apologize if I can't update soon, next week I'm a consoler for a day camp. I'm really busy too so please don't hate me if it comes late.

So enough about me, what do you think of this chapter? It was bad. I'm really sorry.

Instagram: 16nipples_9guys
Twitter: 16nipples_9guys
Tumblr: fangirling-fromadistance
Kik: daydreamer1324

Until Next Time,
Think before you speak
End bullying
Buy a monkey and name him Chuck

-Autumn <3

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