Junior Year (Sequel to Start...

By CMPunkIsAmazeballz

60.5K 1.6K 197

(READ 'START OFF FRESH' BEFORE READING THIS BOOK) Emily-Grace is at McKinley High for her second year. She ha... More

Chapter 1: Another Year
Chapter 2: Cheerleading
Chapter 3: Why?
Chapter 4: Auditions
Chapter 5: The List Is Up
Chapter 6: The Present
Chapter 7: Getting Organised
Chapter 8: The Party
Chapter 9: The Hangover
Chapter 10: The Start Of Miley
Chapter 11: I Never Liked Her Anyway
Chapter 12: Miley Again
Chapter 13: The Date
Chapter 14: I Can Be Miley
Chapter 15: Nearly Time
Chapter 16: Sectionals
Chapter 17: We Did It
Chapter 18: These Girls Are Special
Chapter 19: Loser Like Me
Chapter 20: New Assignment
Chapter 21: New Songs
Chapter 22: This Is Our Song
Chapter 23: The Day I Wish To Forget
Chapter 24: Romantic
Chapter 25: Now I'm Gone
Chapter 26: New York
Chapter 27: Back Home...Sadly
Chapter 28: Heart Attack
Chapter 30: His Date
Chapter 31: Today Is The Day
Chapter 32: My Love
Chapter 33: We Are Ready
Chapter 34: The Challenge Begins
Chapter 35: Regionals...Finally
Chapter 36: Woo Hoo
Chapter 37: Auditioning For The Musical
Chapter 38: Worst Morning
Chapter 39: The List
Chapter 40: Costume Fitting
Chapter 41: One Year Anniversary
Chapter 42: Last Rehearsal
Chapter 43: My Birthday
Chapter 44: Show Time PART1
Chapter 45: Show Time PART2
Chapter 46: Planning The Dance
Chapter 47: Packing
Chapter 48: Dress Shopping
Chapter 49: Prom...Again
Chapter 50: Prepare For Nationals
Chapter 51: Nationals, Here We Come
Chapter 52: Beach
Chapter 53: Nationals
Chapter 54: Farewell
Author's Note - PLEASE READ
Author's Note - First Chapter of Third Book Uploaded

Chapter 29: I Don't Want To Be Here

1.1K 28 3
By CMPunkIsAmazeballz

Emily-Grace POV


I flutter my eyes open. I look around the room and I see Ryder on the chair. I smile at him.

"Good morning beautiful," he said. Then, Ryder morphs into Justin. I start to panic. I try to move my hands but they are tied onto each side of the bed.

"You look...beautiful," he said and he points a gun to me. I close my eyes. Tears roll down my cheeks. "All I want to say to you is goodbye." I then hear a gunshot.

I open my eyes and I sit up.

Thank god it was a dream...or nightmare.

I look around the room. It is white.

Where the hell am I? It looks like the place in my dream.

I look at the sheets on the bed. They are white. So are my clothes.

I get out of bed and I start to panic. I walk out the door and I walk down the hallway.

"Em?" I grab a walking stick (which was leaning against the wall) and I point it at the guy's neck. My eyes soften. I drop the walking srick and I hug him.

"Ryder! Thank god it's you!" I said. Tears roll down my cheeks.

"What? What happened? What's wrong?" He asks as he wipes away a tear from my cheek.

"I-It's the dreams. I k-keep having dreams about th-the shooting," I said and I hug him again. He starts to rub my back.

"It's okay Em. I'm here now," he said and I nod. "Now, let's get you back to your room so you can rest." I nod again. He then picks me up bridal style and he takes me back to my room. I see Jake asleep in the corner.

Ryder places me on the bed and he kisses me on the cheek. Ryder then walks over to Jake and he slaps his head which makes him wake up.

"Wha-What happened?" Jake said. He then sees me awake. "Gracie!" He runs up to me and hugs me. "I'm so sorry Gracie." Tears roll down my cheeks.

"It's okay Jake," I said and I hug him tighter.

"No, it's not okay. I ignored you and made your life a living hell. I didn't mean to push you. I'm so sorry," he said. I see tears roll down his cheeks.

For the first time, I've seen Jake cry. I smile.

"Jake, you're crying," I said with a little laugh. I then wipe his tears away. "I love you Jake, I mean it."

"I love you too," he said. We then part. I wipe away the tears. "I think some people want to sing a song to you." Then, the New Directions enter the room. Jake joins them.

"Look, we're sorry that we were ignoring you. I guess we were all sad that you left," Marley said and everyone agrees.

"This one's for you girl," Unique said and music starts to play. I smile at them as I sway back and forth to the music.


Girl I see it in your eyes you're disappointed

'Cause I'm the foolish one that you anointed with your heart

I tore it apart

And girl what a mess I made upon your innocence

And no woman in the world deserves this

But here I am asking you for one more chance


Can we fall one more time?

Stop the tape and rewind

Oh, and if you walk away

I know I'll fade

'Cause there is nobody else

All (New Directions):

It's gotta be you

Only you

It's got to be you

(Oh) Only you

Hey (hey)

Michaela and Rose walk up to me and they hug me. A few tears roll down all of our cheeks. I smile at them while they sing the next verse.

Michaela and Rose:

Now, girl, I hear it in your voice and how it trembles

When you speak to me I don't resemble who I was

You've almost had enough

And your actions speak louder than your words

And you're about to break from all you've heard

But don't be scared, I ain't going nowhere


I'll be here by your side

No more fears, no more crying

But if you walk away

I know I'll fade

'Cause there is nobody else

All (New Directions):

It's gotta be you

Only you

It's got to be you

Only you


Oh, girl,

Can we try one more, one more time?

One more, one more?

Can we try one more, one more time?

I'll make it better

One more, one more,

Can we try one more, one more...

Can we try one more time and make it all better?


'Cause it's gotta be you

It's gotta be you

Only you

Only you

All (New Directions):

It's gotta be you

Only you

It's got to be you

(Oh) Only you

I clap and I smile. I wipe away a few tears.

"I love you guys," I said. They then walk over to me and they all hug me at once.

"Hello?" We all turn our heads to the nurse.

Wait, I know this nurse.

"Kelly!" I said and I slowly stand up. I then jump into her arms.

"Wow, Emily? It's actually you," she said and she hugs me tighter. "Well sweetie, you can leave tomorrow." I smile.

"Thank you Kelly," I said and I return to my bed. Everyone says goodbye and they leave, except for Jake and Ryder.

Ryder walks over to me and he grabs my hand.

"Jake and I are staying here for the night," he said and he kisses my hand. I smile.

I then realise something. I sit up and I look around the room.

"Where's Puck?" I ask.

"He is coming tomorrow. He is in Los Angeles trying to get his screenplay published," Jake said and I smile.

"Okay," I said and I lie back down. I then hear my phone buzzing. It is Rachel. She is calling me. I answer it.

Emily-Grace: Hey...Rachel.

Rachel: What happened? Mr Shue just called me and he told me that you are in Hospital.

Emily-Grace: It's okay. I just had an accident in the bathroom.

Rachel: Did you get slushied and you slipped and fell?!

Emily-Grace: I didn't slip on slushy. Look, I'm okay, alright?

Rachel: Okay. I'll talk to you later.

I smile.

Emily-Grace: Okay. Bye.

Rachel: Bye.

I hang up and I look at Jake. I sigh.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"It's just that I miss Artie. I haven't talked or seen him in a while," I said and I frown. Jake then smiles. "What are you smiling about?"

"Nothing. I'm just gonna get some food," he said. He walks over to the door and he opens it. I scream.

"Artie!" I said and I jump out of bed. I run over to him and I hop onto his lap. I then give him a huge hug. "You're here. You're here!"

"I missed you too Emily," he said with a little laugh.

"I just can't believe you're here. I've missed you like crazy!" I said and I hug him tighter.

"Emily, can't...breathe," Artie said. I then let go of him.

"Sorry," I said and I stand up. I then dance around the room.

"Be careful. You hit your head yesterday. Remember?" He said.

Oh, that's right.

I then sit back on my bed.

"We'll leave you two alone," Jake said. He then leaves the room with Ryder. I look at Artie.

"So, how's college? Have you made any movies yet?" I ask with excitement.

"I made one the other day. I gotta say, it is pretty cool," he said and I smile.

"When your movies make it to the cinemas, which they will, I'm gonna be at every premiere and bring everyone I know," I said.

"You're sweet Emily," he said and I smile. "So, how's your art going?"

"Oh, you know. It's going good. One of my paintings got placed in the art room. That's kinda an achievement...I guess," I said.

"You guess? Emily, it's great. You have one of your paintings on show. That's a huge achievement," he said and I blush a little.

"Thanks Artie. I don't know what I would do without you."


Jake POV


Ryder and I walk in to find Gracie fast asleep in bed. Artie is sitting there watching her.

"Hey...Artie," I whisper. He turns around and he wheels over to me. "How long has she been asleep for?"

"About an hour," he whispers back. "Look, I have classes tomorrow. I have to go."

"Okay. Thanks for visiting her," Ryder whispers and Artie smiles. He then wheels out of the room. I look over at Ryder.

"Hey dude. Thanks for always being there for Gracie when I wasn't. I appreciate it," I whisper and he nods.

"Of course I would be there for her," he said and we continue to stare at the beautiful young lady in front of us.



Gotta Be You-One Direction

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