I have a child?! {z.m}

By _beaniezayn

708K 15.1K 6.6K

It was all a mystery until they were reunited. He disappeared and she made up lies. She was pregnant and he h... More

I have a child?! -Zayn Malik
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60

Chapter 33

8.2K 195 40
By _beaniezayn





Ariana's POV:

"Can we talk about it now?" Zayn asked. We're sitting with Delaney on the couch while she watches spongebob. I look at him who is beside me and nod.

"Baby, we will be right back, okay?" I said to our daughter. She nods but keeps her eyes on the TV.

Zayn and I stand up and walk into the kitchen. I lean against the counter and look at him.

"I just- I had a dream about something that breaks my heart." He said sadly. He steps closer to me so that our chests touch. He pulls me into him and wraps his arms around me.

"What was it about?" I pouted, feeling back for how this dream is making him feel.

He doesn't respond, he just presses his lips to mine. I automatically wrap my arms around his neck and he places his hands on my hips. He surprises me by lifting me and placing me on the counter.

His lips taste of toothpaste and ... Cigarettes. I thought he had stopped because I haven't smelt smoke in a few weeks. I pull away.

"Zayn, have you been smoking again?" I asked sternly. Panic is obvious in his eyes and I cross my arms.

"I never actually quit." He admitted sheepishly. "I would always make sure you didn't smell it so you'd think that. How'd you know?"

"Your lips taste like them." I said, upset. "Zayn, those can harm you! Not only you but Delaney and I."

"I know." His face flashes with embarrassment. "It's not easy to stop, babe. In fact, it's one of the worst habit breakers."

"Did you just smoke?" I asked.

"Yeah. Before I came in here earlier I was outside. Then I brushed my teeth." He said while frowning. "Are you mad?"

"No I'm just a little disappointed." I said. "Now tell me about the dream that we came in here to talk about."

"It's not important anymore since you're disappointed." He replied, childishly. I give him a look and he looks away.

"Zayn, just tell me." I said, sighing.

"No, I think I'm just going to go watch cartoons with Laney." He said and turns around. I let him walk out of the kitchen without stopping him.

I hop off of the counter and decide to call Delaney's pediatrician. I grab my phone off the counter and search through my contacts until I find Dr. Rodgers.

I press call and after two rings, he answers.

"Hello, Ariana." He greeted. He's our personal pediatrician. Of course he has other clients but he's who I call for Delaney. Most times he comes to our house to check on her unless it's major.

"Hey Dr. Rodgers. I have a question." I said. "Delaney had been having accidents in her pants- only pee but it's shocking since she's been potty trained for two years. I didn't know if she was sick or whatever."

"It's common for kids to have accidental accidents for a few years- even after being fully trained." He explained. "But is she peeing because she doesn't want to get up to go to the bathroom or can she not hold it in?"

"She says that when she has to go that she doesn't have time to make it. I think she meant that right when she feels like she has to go, she goes. There's no ability to hold it in." I explained to him.

"Hmm, you know what? She could have a urinary tract infection." He spoke like he was into thought. "That's probably what it is. You said she can't hold it in?"

"Yeah I'm afraid so." I replied. A urinary tract infection- for a six year old? This is bizarre.

"It's uncommon that such a young girl would get it but it's not impossible." He said almost as if he was reading my mind. "I can prescribe her some Suprax or Keflex which are okay for children."

"That'd be great!" I said, relieved that she's going to get better soon.

"Good. I will fax this prescription to the closest pharmacy to you and they will prepare it. When's a good time for you to go pick it up?" He asked.

"Um, now is probably good." I replied.

"Okay. I'll make sure it's ready in the next 15 minutes- hopefully before you get there. I hope this helps and if it doesn't just give me a ring and I will be over in minutes to do some testing." He said. "Have a good day. Bye now."

"Bye. Thank you." And then I hung up.

I run my fingers through my damp hair and sigh. It's a relief to know she isn't peeing on purpose for attention. Hopefully.

I walk out of the kitchen and jog up the stairs and the noise of my feet travels throughout the house. I make it into my room and I walk to my closet. I pick out one of my shirts and take Zayn's off. I place my all pink v-neck on and place Zayn's on our bed for me to wear when I arrive back home.

I grab my purse and walk out of my room. I travel back down the stairs and to the front door where my shoes are. I slip on some flats.

"Mommy? Are ya leaving?" Delaney noticed me over by the door. Zayn looks up from his phone and at me.

"Yeah baby. I'm going to get you some medicine." I replied while walking over to where she is on the couch.

She makes a sour face. "For what?"

"I called Dr. Rodgers and he said the reason for your peeing accidents could be a urinary tract infection." I answered.

She scrunches her eyebrows. "What is that?"

"It's a boo boo in your bladder which makes you pee. It's okay though because this medicine will make it heal all better." I assured her- noticing her concerned face.

"Will I have to go back to the place?" She asked nervously.

"No honey. No more hospitals for a while, okay?" I said and she nods. She hates hospitals just as much as I do. Then again she has more of a right to than I do because of going there often for her asthma.

"Can you get me some candy? Since daddy ate mine." She glares at him and I smile a little bit. He does too and rolls his eyes.

"Yep. Do you want anything Zayn?" I asked.

"Yeah, 2 packs of Marlboro since I'm already a disappointment." He said bitterly. I frown at him.

"I'm pretty sure they don't sell death sticks in a pharmacy." I said just as bitter. "If you want to go throw yourself a pity party because I said that the fact that you never quit smoking was disappointing, go on ahead somewhere else."

"I'm not having a pity party." He snapped a little. I look at Delaney to see that she's paying attention to our conversation, frowning.

"Then stop acting like it." I snapped back.

He stands up and for a second I think he's going to walk to me but he doesn't, he turns towards the kitchen.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

He stops and looks back at me. "To smoke some death sticks. Care to join?"

"Hell no." I replied.

"Then leave already!" He turned around.

I swallow back my tears. I hate fighting with him but sometimes he pisses me off on another level.

"You sure as hell better not be planning on smoking in the kitchen!" I said sternly.

"I'm not. There's a backyard you know?" He replied bitterly acting as if I am stupid and don't know.

I shake my head and grind my teeth. "God, you're such an ass." I turn around and grab my purse that I set down and walk out of the house without another word.


When I arrive back home, it's later in the afternoon. It's only around 2:30 but it's way later than I thought I'd stay out. I guess I needed some space from Zayn who's been lying to me all this time about quitting. That peeves me off.

I park in the garage and grab the CVS pharmacy bag from the passengers seat that had some chocolates for both Zayn and Delaney and her new medicine.

I was grateful that I only ran into a few fans in the store and not dozens. They were sweet fans- not bashing on me about Zayn and I.

I get out of the car, shut it, and walk to the front door. I open it and notice that more lights are on than before I left and there are more voices.

I look to the couch and see the rest of Zayn's band, Zayn, and Delaney. I didn't expect them to be here and quite frankly, I don't mind. They look over to me when I shut the door. I just smile.

"Ariana!" Harry called while standing up, lifting Delaney off his lap. I slip my shoes off and meet him to the couch area. "Good to see you, love."

He pulls me into a hug and I laugh a little bit. "You too Harry." Delaney who was sitting on his lap, glares at me a little. I chuckle and roll my eyes. "I think someone's a little jealous."

Harry looks to where I'm looking and sees Delaney pouting. He chuckles like I did and lifts her. He sits down and places her back on his lap, earning a grin from her.

"It's been a while, hasn't it?" Liam asked and I look down at him because he's sitting and I'm standing.

"It's been like two weeks, Liam." I laughed a little bit.

"Well, it feels like longer." He smiles. I place my purse down on an empty chair and sigh.

"Delaney, you need to come take this medicine, okay?" I said and she looks at me sadly. "I know you don't want to but it'll make you get better."

I can feel Zayn's eyes on me but I don't dare look. I'm still pissed off at him.

"Okay." She huffed and Harry helped her down. She comes walking over to me and I giggle at the sight of her big bottom from the pull-up in her leggings. "What's so funny?"

"Nothing." I stopped laughing. "You're just adorable."

"I know I am." She replied confidently and walks into the kitchen before me. I hear the guys chuckle along with my own when I follow her into the kitchen.

"It's a pill this time. It's easy to swallow. It's like swallowing a food." I explained to her while digging into the bag for the medicine. I set the bag on the kitchen counter and grab the medicine.

Then I walk to the cabinet and grab a cup and then fill it with tap water. I bring it back over to the counter with the medicine and chocolate.

"Mommy," She whined. "I wanna go with Harry."

"I know babe. Give me a second." I said. I grab the chocolate I got for her and pull it out from the bag. I open it and hand her it.

She gasped. "Thanks mommy!" She cheered and automatically places a bite in her mouth. The main reason I gave it to her was because she needs someone on her stomach to take this medicine and I don't know if Zayn gave her lunch. He probably did but whatever.

I pop a pill out. "Okay, finish that bite and then you need to swallow this." She nodded and swallows the bite in her mouth. "Put your hand out and put this in your mouth."

When she does, I hand her the pill and she places it in her mouth. I hand her the cup of water and she sips it a few times.

"All done!" She cheered and hands me the water. I place it on the counter. "Can I go to Harry now?"

"Go ahead." I said and she runs out of the kitchen with that chocolate in her hands. I chuckle at her silliness.

I place some things back into the bag and push it to the back of the counter. I sigh and look around the kitchen. I don't really want to go back in there with Zayn. So I guess I will just do the dishes. There are only a few in here so it shouldn't take too long.

I spend a few minutes filling the sink up with soapy water and dishes. I let them soak for a few seconds before taking one out and cleaning it.

I hear someone enter the kitchen but I don't ask who it is. I don't need to- especially when I feel his hands on my waist and chin on my shoulder. I show no reaction.

"Please get off of me Zayn." I begged sharply. "I'm still pissed at you and I don't want you to touch me right now."

"I'm afraid I can't do that." He whispered into my ear and a shiver runs down my spine. I feel one of his hand leave my waist and remove the hair from the side of my neck where he's resting his chin and places it on the other side.

"Why not?" I asked annoyed. "I want you to leave me alone. You're such an ass."

He lightly shoves me into the little strip of counter in front of the sinks and holds me there. I whined and tried to shove him off but he doesn't listen.

I feel movement on my shoulder until I feel his lips on my neck causing me to gasp. "I'm sorry for earlier." He breathed against my neck.

"Well sorry doesn't cut it." I held my ground. My breath hitches when I feel his teeth glide over the place where he's been kissing. "Stop it."

His hands that were on my waist run to my bottom. He cups my bottom and squeezes it. I squealed a little bit in shock. He's never touched me this intensely before.

"Zayn," I whined. "I'm serious. Go back with your friends and Delaney."

He moves his hands from my bottom and wraps them around my waist in a hug from behind. "I love you."

"I love you. Now go back into the living room." I instructed.

"Why are you still mad at me?" He removes his lips from my neck. "It's a habit that I can't break with the snap of fingers."

"I know it isn't, Zayn." I said. "But you lead me to believe that you quit and you didn't."

"I didn't want you to be upset with me." He said sheepishly. "I guess that was a mistake."

"Yeah, it was." I agreed. "Why can't you just leave me alone right now?"

"Because I love you and I don't want you to be mad at me. I want to work things out." He answered.

"Not right now." I mumbled. Why is he such a much better person than I am?

"Yes, right now." He pulls my waist away from the sink and I hold onto the glass cup that I was rinsing. He keeps pulling me as I scream at him and I lose my grip and drop the glass and it shatters all over the kitchen floor. Even more angry than before, I yank myself out of his grip and stumble away.

"Ow!" I cried out as a sharp pain shoots through my foot. I try to walk away from the glass but I just step on more and it slices through the bottom of my feet. I screamed that time- the pain more powerful.

"Shit, Ari." He gets a broom. "Babe, I'm so sorry, hold on please. God I'm an idiot." He sweeps the glass from one place to another.

"What the hell happened?" Liam bursts through the door with the other guys. I see Delaney walk in as well.

"Delaney, stay back baby." I said while crying. My feet are going numb and I'm being forced to stand in them with glass in the bottom.

"Mommy!" She bursts into tears. "Mommy there's lots of blood."

"I know." I cried. "It's okay, I'm okay." I know if I can't stay strong for myself, I need to for her.

"Fuck!" Zayn cursed angrily. "I am so so sorry! I didn't mean to!" He harshly sweeps the glass away from around me.

"Mommy! Mommy!" Delaney sobbed in fright. My poor baby. "The floor is all red!"

I look down to my feet to see that I'm standing in a pool of my own blood. I only cry harder. I don't care how ridiculous I look, it's horrible pain.

"C'mon love." Harry lifts my daughter. She screams as he takes her into the living room. I can still hear her screaming at him while they're in there and if this wasn't such a painful time, I'd probably giggle.

"How can we help?" Niall asked frantically.

"Move this fucking glass!" I screamed but not at him- at my pain.

"I'm trying to baby." Zayn said. He brushes the glass around my feet away from me, spreading my blood as well.

"Why'd you have to do that Zayn? Why did you pull me?!" I screamed at him.

He looks at me with sad eyes. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, okay?!"

He sweeps around my feet and Niall comes over with the mop. He helps Zayn sweep.

Zayn throws the broom down on the floor and cautiously watches his feet where he walks. He makes it closer to me and lifts me bridal style.

I can feel my heartbeat in my feet and I'm getting lightheaded from the loss of blood. Zayn kisses my forehead and carries me over to the kitchen table. He places me in a chair and scoots one up for himself.

"Please," I begged in tears. "Take the glass out!"

"I'm getting there." He said softly. He lifts both of my feet and places them on his knees. "God, this is a disaster. Louis, can you get me some tweezers from the bathroom around the corner?"

"Course!" Louis said and rushes out of the kitchen. I wipe my cheeks with my hand and then onto my leggings. Thank goodness I'm not wearing makeup.

"This is going to hurt, babe. I'm so sorry." He said. "There are some big chunks that I can get out with my hands, okay?" I nodded quickly and I feel a sharp pain in my left foot, the one he's working on.

I arch my back and screech in pain, my sobbing reappearing. I bite onto my bottom lip as he pulls it out. I watch him place an inch by inch piece of glass on the table. I almost puked.

"There's one more big one in this foot and then I can get the small ones when Louis gets back, okay?" He asked and I nodded through my tears.

I feel him pull this one out and it's worse than the first. I scream and sob, hoping this will end soon.

"Here!" Louis runs in and holds out tweezers for Zayn. Zayn takes the rest of the glass he was working on out and places it on the table as well. It's a pretty big piece and it sickens me.

Zayn gets to work on my feet for the smaller ones. They still hurt but not as bad. I still cry in pain because now there's going to be cuts there and it's going to kill to walk.

Niall takes my hand while Zayn starts on my right foot with the big chunks again. I squeeze his hand and cry loudly. Zayn then uses the tweezers and works on getting the small ones out.

"Zayn, please!" I cried in pain.

"I know honey." He said while looking me in the eyes. He frowns even more at my state. "Can someone get some Neosporin, gauze, and two wraps from the medicine cabinet? It's the first on the left."

"On it!" Liam said and carefully sprints over to the medicine cabinet and searches for what Zayn asked for.

"There's only one left." Zayn told me and he pulls it out quickly. My feet still hurt so freaking badly. "I need a cold damp rag please."

Niall let's go of my hand and goes to the sink, careful not to step on glass. I guess that's not an issue for him since he's wearing shoes but he could still track it over to us.

I lean my head on the table as tears stream down my cheeks. "I'm really sorry Ari. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen."

I don't respond- I can't respond. My head is killing me and I don't have the energy to speak.

"Here, mate." Niall hands him the rag. My legs are shaking from loss of blood and from panicking.

"I hope this doesn't hurt too bad." Zayn said to me. I wipes it around my blooding feet and I wince and pull it back. He places my feet back.

I let him clean my feet for a few minutes and I bite my tongue the whole time. To keep from screaming.

"Can I have the stuff, Liam?" Zayn looks at him. Liam nods and hands Zayn the things to fix my feet.

First I feel a cold feeling of liquid which I'm assuming is Neosporin. He spreads it all around and on both feet. He places gauze over my feet and then wraps both of them in wraps.

"I'm all done." Zayn said softly. He stands up and places my feet on the chair he was sitting in.

"I'll clean up the mess, mate." Liam said to Zayn. "It's no problem. I don't think Niall and Louis would mind helping either."

"Wouldn't mind." Niall said and Louis nods.

"Thank you." He said and turns to me. "Want me to carry you?"

I don't respond again. I keep my head on the table and just stare at him as more tears fall. His eyes show sadness.

He leans down and lifts me up into his arms again. He leans down and kisses my forehead. "I'm sorry."

"I know." I whispered, sniffling.

He gives me a sad smile and carries me out of the kitchen. Judging by the scenery, he's walking us to the couch.

He sits down and keeps me on his lap. I hear Delaney's little sniffles and I look over to see her on Harry's lap.

"Babe," I called and she looks over. She wipes her nose and gets up off of Harry's lap.

"Are you okay mommy?" She asked as she makes it to my side. I pull myself off of Zayn's lap to beside him. I end up touching the floor with my feet and I wince.

"Yes I am. It's only a little scratch. Not a big deal." I lied for her sake. She nods but keeps frowning. "Go lay with Harry. He will make you feel better."

She nods again and walks over to him. I smile at him with gratitude.

Zayn wraps his arm around me and lifts my legs. He quickly places them on his laps and scoots me closer to him.

"Do you want to tell me about that dream of yours?" I asked quietly. He looks down and me and nods.

He carries me upstairs and tells the guys that we wanted to speak in private. Zayn explains to me that he had a bad dream that reminded him that he missed the majority of Delaney's young childhood. He feels horrible and wishes he could've been there to see her as a baby girl.

"Awe, Zayn." I wrap my arms around his neck. We are sitting on our bed now. "It's okay. You're here now and that's all that matters. Far in the future, we can have more kids and you can be there when they're little."

He sighs into my neck. "I love you so much. You always make me feel better."

"That's what a girlfriend is for, right?" I smile a little. Talking with him gets my mind off my aching feet.

He pulls away and smiles. "Wanna make out a little?" I pull his neck down and kiss him.

And we did.






Hey guys! I have a really important question!

Would it bother you if the next chapter is fast forwards 5 months?


Please comment and tell me! Please I beg of you!






-Mackenzie xoxo

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