unexpected love >> tomlinson

By Raquel519

5.9K 116 65

He was there for fun. She was there to brush off a heartbreak. More

1. Unexpected Love
2. Clubs and Boys
3. Hungover
4. Blue Eyes
5. Here's My Number, So Call Me Maybe
6. I Can't Believe Im Doing This
7. Ice Cream Parlor
8. Chests and Notes
9. Ice Cream Date
10. What If We.....
11. Confidence and Class Dreams
12. Breaking In
13. Skype Calls and Reuniting
14. Brush With Death
15. Apologizing and One Big Question
16. Answers and Confessions
17. Never Have I Ever
18. Class of 2013
19. Mom! Dad!
20. Help! Please! Help!
21. Please Remember
22. Sweaty Palms and Memories
23. Sass Masta From Doncasta
24. Keep Your Head Down
25. Trust is Tested
26. Anxiety
27. Niall and Apologies
28. Interviews and Necklaces
29. "Are you ashamed?"
30. Caught & Nightmares
31. Classic
32. Their Memory
33. "You're My Idiot."
34. Cliche Performances & Tired Eyes
35. Scare
36. Suit and Tie
37. Models & Talking it Out
38. Birthday
39. Surprise!
40. The Letter
41. Choosing; Forever
43. Promise

42. Found

29 0 0
By Raquel519

Songs for this chapter:

Chandelier - Sia

Fall For You - Secondhand Serenade

You Found Me - The Fray

Amnesia - 5 Seconds of Summer


7 months later

Third Person POV

"Come on! You need a day out! All you do is study!" Valerie pouted. Emily turned and looked at her.

"Maybe it's because I have a test in two days that determines if I pass or fail," Emily said and turned back around to continue staring at the material she'd trying to understand for the past 6months.

"The test is in two days! You still have tomorrow to study! Come on, you are practically dating that book. Get out and have a little fun," Valerie said from her closet. Emily sighed.

"And how would I do that?"

"There's a new club opening up down the street," Val suggested.

"I'm not legal."

"That's what fake IDs are for," she wiggled her eyebrows.

"Valerie no! I am not going to go and illegally drink!" Emily exclaimed.

"But no one would know," she whined. Emily shook my head. "Ugh Emily! Can't you just do one fun thing in your life?" Valerie flopped onto her bed exasperated.

"Maybe studying is my type of fun," Emily teased. They both knew that studying was the last thing they wanted to do.

"Shut up," Valerie threw a pillow at Emily's face, "Can't we just go and do something?" Emily shrugged and looked back at her notes. They sat in silence; Valerie pondering what there could possibly be to do and Emily trying very hard to study.

Suddenly Emily shut the book.

"Let's go," she said looking at Valerie. Valerie shot up.

"Go where?"

"To that club," Emily said nonchalantly standing up and walking to the closet to pick out an outfit.

"Whoa whoa whoa. Hold up. You're suggesting we go to that club even though we both aren't legal?" Valerie exclaimed.

"Well, it's like you said. Get a fake ID. And please, this is LA. They don't care do they?" Emily smirked. Valerie was shocked. The entire time Valerie knew Emily, Emily was the study hard and no time for parties type person. Valerie didn't know what to think of this new Emily. But she decided to take advantage of it.

"Are you sure?" Valerie asked.

"Of course! What's the worst that'll happen?" Emily walked into their bathroom and closed the door to change.

"Have you ever gotten drunk Emily? Have you ever even had alcohol?" Valerie asked.

"Of course! I'm not that boring," Emily shouted thru the door. To be honest, Emily was frightened. What if they got caught? What if something happened again? But she was doing this for Valerie. Valerie wanted a fun night so Emily was going to give her one. Emily unlocked the door and stepped out.

"You look hot," Valerie said. Emily smiled.

"You ready?" Emily asked. Valerie nodded.

"Let's do this."


"Louis, you can't go out," Harry said.

"Why not? I went out last night and the night before and you didn't have a problem with it. In fact I went out all last week and you didn't care! Why now Harry? Why now? We are in LA, just let me go," Louis snapped. For the past 5 months Louis had been going out to party's, getting drunk, and sometimes getting high. Sure he know what he was doing was wrong. He knew that getting drunk and then having sex with 2 girls a night (3 if he got lucky) was wrong. He knew that the fans hated him and that he was getting out of control. But he couldn't help it.

"This is getting out of control! You have sex every night and you get high and drunk and you're ruining your image!" Harry exclaimed.

"I'm Louis Tomlinson. I can do whatever the fuck I want," He turned away from Harry.

"No you can't Louis and you know that. Every since Emily left you've-"

"Do not! blame this on her and do not use her against me," I yelled.

"Ever since she left you've been like this. For five months you've been like this! Aren't you tired of it?! You need to get yourself together. She's moved on, why can't you?!" Harry wasn't one to raise his voice but he was done with Louis.

"News flash, we all miss her too Lou, you aren't the only one," Harry spat and stood up.

"You're supposed to be my friend," Louis said, "My best mate."

"Yeah well until the old Louis comes back, I'm not going to be friends with this new one," Harry shook his head and walked away.

Fine, Louis decided. If he doesn't need me then I don't need him. Louis looked at the clock. It was half past 9. He stood up, grabbed a piece of paper and wrote that he was out. He ran his fingers thru his hair (which he hadn't done anything to in days) and walked into the LA night.


He walked in and immediately ordered a shot of the strongest thing they had. The bartender look at him like he was crazy but he just shot him a look and the bartender made him one. He downed it and asked for another and another until he had that familiar tingling feeling. Buzzing he walked straight into the crowd of people dancing.

She stood with a Mai Tai in her hand watching the crowd. Valerie had gone off somewhere and Emily let her. Slowly sipping she scanned the crowd. She knew they were in town. She also knew they liked to party. But what were the odds of them being here. She tried to stay away from magazines and any gossip sites just knowing his face would be on the cover. She knew his life was out of control and she knew that he had sex with a million girls a night. But she didn't care. She just hoped he got an STD or something.

While she was finishing her drink Valerie came stumbling out from the crowd and grabbed her hand.

"Come on," Valerie giggled. Emily relented and let her take her into the crowd. Mai Tai in hand she danced with Valerie and let her hair down. After all this was what you were supposed to do when you were in college.

"I'm going to go get another!" Emily screamed. Valerie nodded and Emily pushed thru to the bartender.

"Mai Tai," she said. He nodded. She turned and watched the crowd of people dance. The tender tapped her shoulder and handed her her drink. She thanked him and took a sip walking back to dance.


He was drunk. He had had about maybe 15 shots (well that's the last number he remembered. after that he was too drunk to care or count). He was dancing with one girl in front of him and one girl behind as he took a swig of his drink. He noticed a red and black skirt walk by and he grabbed at it pulling the girl and the skirt back towards himself.

"Come on baby, let's dance," he breathed. She pushed away but he was quick and grabbed her and turned her around. He pulled her close and grabbed her ass. She elbowed him in the ribs and walked away. Stunned for a second he couldn't think. No one ever turned down Louis Tomlinson. He made it his mission to get her and get her to say yes.


She fixed her skirt disgusted. That was why she never went to clubs. There was always some filthy animal wanting to get into your pants. Except this wasn't any filthy animal, it was him.

She knew it was him the minute he spoke. To have his hands on her again made her stomach flip but she had to kill the butterflies. She didn't want that drunk bastard. After she left he never tried to contact her. No calls, no texts. Niall tried telling her that he missed her but she didn't believe for a second. If he missed her, he would've called or texted but he didn't.

"What's wrong?" Valerie asked. Emily shook her head and took a sip of her drink.


"Come dance," Valerie whined. So Valerie was the whiny drunk.

"I'm going to get some air. I promise I'll be right back," Emily patted her shoulder and walked out the front door.


He saw her leave. He saw the red fabric swoosh at the warm air hit it and pulled it back. And he knew he had to go after it.

Pushing the girls off of him he hurried to the front and followed the sound of her heels. She turned onto a kind of empty street and breathed out. As she was turned away he walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Hello gorgeous," she stiffened and tried to fight him off. "Can't get rid of me that easy sweetcheeks," he grinned and went to kiss her neck.

"Louis stop," she said.

"So you're a fan eh? Well tonight's you're lucky night because-"

"Louis stop!" she said again forcefully. I let her go. She turned and put her hand on my cheek and looked into my eyes.

"What are you doing to yourself?" she asked quietly.

"Who are you?" I asked. She laughed. It was a bitter laugh. Full of no emotion.

"That's great. Of course you don't remember me," she continued laughing.

He took in her hair and her eyes. Then thru his drunken state he remembered.

"Emily," He said. She rolled her eyes.

"Congrats, you remember," she turned away from him.

"Emily is it really you?" he asked.

"Yes you bastard it's me," She spat.

"Emily I've missed you so much!" He exclaimed and hugged her, nuzzling his head into his neck.

"Get off," she demanded.

"Emmy, do you hate me?" he asked. She laughed bitterly.

"You don't call. You don't text. You don't even try to keep in touch! I see why you let me go. So you could go and party and waste away your life. So yes, I do hate you," Emily spat. Louis was riled up.

"I didn't call or text because I was scared and thought you hated me! I was letting you do what you wanted. I didn't want to get in your way. I'm this way because of you," He add harshly.

"Oh no mister! You do not go blaming this on me! You made yourself this way. I did nothing but let you be. And now look at you, sleeping around wit every single girl in the world. Hell I wouldn't be surprised if you had an STD," She retaliated.

"Emily I-"

"Save it," she slapped him and turned away.


"Go away! Go away and go fuck some girls," She cried.

"Emily the only girl I wanna fuck is you," he said. She gasped, appalled.

"Fuck I didn't mean that. I mean I do mean that just not right now," he stumbled over his words for an excuse.

"It's okay, just go away," She cried.

"Emily I still love you," he said.

"No you don't."

"Yes I do."

"You're just saying that to get into my pants," she muttered.

"The only girl i care about is you. I never stopped loving you Em," he spoke.

"Bullshit, if you loved me you wouldn't have let me go," she said.

"If I didn't love you, I wouldn't be doing this," he turned her around and kissed her full on the mouth. It was a drunk kiss and it was a sloppy kiss but it was a kiss full from passion from each other.

Emily knew she shouldn't kiss him back. That'd be leading him on but she loved him to damn much to care.

Louis was just happy she was kissing him back.

The kiss was what each of them needed. Hands tangled into each other's hair, her legs wrapped around his waist; it was obvious that they needed each other.

Louis put her down and she looked at him confused. He grinned and pulled her back into the club to a private side room. They kissed again and again her legs ended up around his waist. Slowly he sat on the bed as she straddled his lap.

"I've missed you so much," Louis mumbled as he laid back so that she was on top. Quickly he flipped them so that he was on top and kissed her neck.

"I've missed you too," she moaned. She tugged at his shirt and he took it off. She let her hands wander all up and down his chest not fully believing he was here. He reached for the zipper of her dress and unzipped it and peeled off the top part leaving the rest on. He wanted to go all the way, they both did. But at the same time they both knew it wouldn't be right. So they kissed. And when they got tired of kissing they shared "I love yous" and kissed some more.

Finally Louis collapsed next to her. They were panting as she got comfortable resting her head on his chest and he found her hair to put his fingers in.

"I love you," he said.

"I love you too."

I'm so so so so so so so so so sorry that this is like 4 months late. I had so much going on and I had to put this on the back burner and then I had writers block I'm sorry!!

Next chapter is the last chapter :(

but then we have an epilogue!

thank you for reading! 4K is crazy! thank you thank you!

Oh and after this is done I might be starting an Ashton Irwin fanfic so when I post the next chapter I should be able to tell you for sure!!

I love you all so much!

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