The Elemental Circle

By kirabelle15

16.2K 692 31

I had always thought I was a dud. No real power grew from within me but ever since I met him... (Complete sto... More

The Elemental Circle
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twent-One
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five

Chapter Sixteen

383 22 0
By kirabelle15

"No! Her heart can't freeze!" Nick yells.

"Well really it should be frozen by know. You must be very controlled and very hot to do what your doing." Prince Collin says.

"What is that?!" Nick yells.

"You keep her thawed. I don't know how but you do," he says.

"Nicolas why is it when I mention your body temperature as hot you take it wrong but when anyone else does it's so serious?" I ask.

"Nicolas?" The prince asks.

Yes," Nick says.

"Riley and Nicolas?" Prince Collins ask.

"Yes, Prince, I'm Nicolas and the freezing girl is Riley. I point fire and she takes spirits!" Nick yells.

"I thought it was Take names and point fingers" Zalub says. I roll my eyes at him and I go in a fuzzy state again. I smile and laugh. They look at me.

 "Don't get worked up boo," I say and polk Nick on the check.

"Boo?" Zalub asks.

"Oh no. Please no." Nick says.

"What is it?" The prince asks.

"She is in a high state this happened yesterday and it was strange." Nick explains.

"No way I am not high! Why do you insist I'm high Boo?" I ask pushing him away.

"You are," he says.

"No I am not! See!" I yell and stand up.

"What's going on in here Collin?" A man yells. He is six foot maybe and has white and green spiked hair. His eyes are green and he is wearing a gold crown bigger then Collin's. I fall down on Nick and the man looks at us.


I snap my head up.

Riley I am a spirit

I sit up and try to stand again but Nick holds me down. "Nicolas let me go!" I yell. The man walks to us. He looks at me struggling with Nick. I hear my name again and I know I have to find it. "Nicolas let me go! Ugggh why are you doing this boo?" I yell mad.

"Father her eyes," Prince Collin says.

"Wow they are wonderful they turned purple!" The king yells.

Nick is really strong. I struggle against him badly. "Nicolas please let me go!" I yell.

"Sir what's all that ruckus?" A man asks. He is Five foot ten at least and has dusty blonde short hair. His eyes are golden. Be side a woman who stands strongly at six foot three. She has red eyes and dark red elbow length hair.

"Nicolas let me go now!" I scream.

"No! Ry, you aren't well!" Nick yells. The woman stares and the man walks to the king. I go limp in Nicks arms. Josh walks over here too me.

"Boo you don't understand!" I yell.

"Riley listen he is not letting you go you need help or you are going to die," Josh says.

Riley come to me

"Shut up! Shut up! Go away you trapped soul!" I scream.

 "Ry it's okay," Nick says.

"No it won't Nicolas like I told you us Spirit people drop like flies. I'm going to die," I say.

"Riley don't say that! Ry please!" Nick says.

"Nicolas?" The red head asks Nick.

"Yes ma'am?" Nick asks.

"Nicolas I'm cold," I whisper.

"Will your shirt off?" She asks.


"Please?" She asks. Nick lets me go and slips off his shirt. I feel the heat off his skin and make a unhuman noise. The woman walks to us and looks at the on fire heart on his chest.

"My baby!" She yells and pulls Nick in a hug while I'm sitting there in his lap freezing.

"What are you doing?" Nick yells.

"Gema what is it?" The blonde man asks.

"Nicolas it Fifth!" She yells.

"No he is gone like the princess," he says.

"No he has the mark and a mother knows her son! This is Zalubs twin and I would know who came out of me wouldn't I?" She yells. She makes a really good point.

Parker walks to us confused. "No way! It makes sence now. Nick must be adopted!" Parker yells.

"Boo can't be he looks too much like uh I think her name is Sarah," I say.

"No he looks more like her," Parker says pointing at the woman. The man walks over here and looks at the mark on Nick. Then he looks at me with wonder."Boo?" he asks.

I nod my head. "Nicolas is Nick or boo," I say. Zalub walks over here too. He looks at it and Nick pulls me back to cover it. The heat hits my body and makes me dizzy.

"Whoa you okay Ry?" Nick asks.

  "Cold, dizzy, and sorta warm," I mumble and close my eyes.

"You my son! I knew you were alive I just thought you wouldn't be warming up a drugged girl," Gema says.

  "Collin go get your dear mother!" The king yells. Collin runs out the side door.

 "I'm not drugged!" I yell not opening my eyes and yawn.

  "Nicolas who is she?" Gema asks.

  "Riley Quinn and well the prince guy said I'm the only thing from keeping her heart from freezing,"Nick says.

"Oh well that's something new," the man with blonde hair says.

"How long can you be apart?" Grma asks.

"Twenty minutes maybe,"Nick. says thinking hard about it.

"That is much worse than Collins." The king says. The door opens my eyes pop open as a woman walks in around five foot nine and her bright neon pink hair and neon eyes. Her hair goes all the way to her hips and she has a silver crown. She walks to me and Nick with a very graceful sway.

  "I hope my hair doesn't knot in your hand again," I mutter.

 "Queen April, it Fifth!" Gema shouts.

 "Boo I sleepy. I don't know why and head hurts." I say.

  "Nick her eyes are purple, she must be trying to do some spirit stuff."

  And then I pass out.

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