The Elemental Circle

By kirabelle15

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I had always thought I was a dud. No real power grew from within me but ever since I met him... (Complete sto... More

The Elemental Circle
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twent-One
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five

Chapter Fifteen

422 22 0
By kirabelle15

Chapter fifteen

  "Wait that's not possible!" I say and move to get up but fall in the floor.

  "Geez Ry now I miss you calling me boo," Nick says as he picks me up.

 "Yes it is we live here to be isolated, me and Malcolm are the only two left in the U.S. We aren't not too sure about anywhere else." She says.


"Yes and we are engaged," Malcolm says as he kisses her on the check.

 "What do you know of the Searchers?" Nick asks.

"Well they were made by the King and Queen to surve them undercover and then the Jaded men came by sea claiming to be from a Island. Then the Jaded kidnapped kids and blamed it on the Searchers were framed and disgraced and the Jaded threatened to kill the princess and later the prince. My third cousin is in the Searchers." Malcolm says as he sits on the table. 

 I turn so me and Nick are face to face. "Did I call you boo?" I ask.

 "A lot."

  "That's what I call Josh when he is sick." I say. I almost want to start to laugh.

 "It's okay you were slowly freezing to death." He says. Nick wraps his arms around me into a hug. I move my head on his bare chest.

"Do you think you can put some clothes on?" Josh asks as he walk in here.

  "If Ben gives me them. My other ones are soaking wet from the snow," I say. Ben hands me my bag as I sit up. I put on a t-shirt and fuzzy batman pj pants. I amost fall as I stand up to pull them over my butt but Nick cought me. I smile at him.

"A little dizzy still," I say. Nick puts on pants but not a shirt. Then I realize that Nick is sweating. When he sits down beside me I touch his forehead which burns my hand.

"Nick are you ok? Your head buned me!" I ask as I point at my hand where there is a small burn.

 "I'm good," he says as he smiles.

 "No your not Nick," I say giving him a harsh look.

 "I'm all good," he says and smiles.

  "You're sweating."

  "You're pushy but yes I'm sweating because I've been using my element more than ever trying to keep both of us warm. I won't stop even if you ask Riley because you said yourself I'm the only warm thing to you and you can't die," Nick says.

  I sit there looking at him. "Well we have a room ready for you two I guess you are sleeping in the same bed but first lets eat," Nehnah says. I stand up slowly and slowly walk to the dinner room where I hear Josh. I stop at the door to steady myself and go and sit down. I'm cold but no where near as cold as I was outside.

  Nehnah, Malcolm and Nick come in and we eat roast beef with potatoes. "So tell me everything from the start," Nehnah says.

  Nick goes in detail of how he read his father message of me and how we ran and stuff. I slowly eat while only barely paying attention. "Well you need to go to the royal court soon," Malcolm says.

  "How? We are on a mountain and I freeze if I am outside and we don't even know how to get there," I say without thinking.

  "We have our ways. Be ready in the morning," Nehnah says. I get up and Nick shows me to our room. I climb in the king sized bed and pull covers on me. The bed dips under Nicks wight. He slips under the covers with me.

  Nick falls asleep first. His very soft snores are still as soft as this morning. He moves in his sleep and wraps his arms and legs around me. His warmth sending me to sleep.

I wake up and Nick and I are a tangle of pale and tan. Arms and leg. White purple and red. I'm sure you could barely tell where we were in this tangle.

  I try to sit up but his fingers are tangled in my hair. "Nick your fingers refuse to release my hair," I say as I polk him.

  "What?" He asks going to rub his face with his hands yanking my hair. "Ow!" I yell.

  "What is- Oh my that must hurt," Nehnah says as she walks in.

  She helps untangle my hair and Nicks hand. Parker and Philex walk in and start laughing so hard. Gwen comes and hits them then laughs herself.

 "Nick how does that happen?" Parker asks.

  "I don't know," he says lowly. Which make them laugh harder. Nehnah pulls the first knot out and almost yanks my hair out. "Owww!" I yell.

She works on it more. She finally is on the last knot. She pulls and pulls and it won't cone out.

"Cut it! Just cut the knot!" I yell.

 "No," she says. She gets it undone and brushes my hair with a brush. When she finishes she shows me to a real shower. I take a long shower and go to eat.

"You seem better," Ben says.

"Food, sleep and a shower helps a lot except that I'm still cold." I say. I eat a lot and then Nehnah says they are ready. A man walks in dresses in dark purple. I can't see his face.

"This is Mehakue and he is a travel Searcher. He can make a air portal," Nehnah says. We all sit there for a while. Then Mehakue makes a portal. We get our stuff and walk threw it.

  We walk in a big room so big my house could fit in it. In front of us are two throwns which are gold. I shiver with cold. Nick pulls me to him and rubs my arm. Heat shoots through my body. A boy no wait the prince walks in with another boy. He shivers like he is cold to. I stop myself from saying I know your pain.

  "Hello! I am Prince Collin and this is the second son of Nicolas Flynn, Zalub Flynn. Well he is Nicolas the fifth's twin really," Prince Collin says.

 "Nick Richards," Nick says as he wraps a arm around my shoulder. Zalub is six foot three and has shaggy yellow hair, so yellow you can hardly tell if it is yellow or red. He has golden eyes like Nick and he looks strong. I shiver again and Nick looks at me worried.

"Who is the girl under your arm?" Prince Collin asks.

"I'm Riley Quinn. What's today?" I ask.

 "February twelfth," Zalub says.

 "Come up here and take a seat," Prince Collin says. We start two at a time and me and Nick will go last. We start to move. We start to go up the stairs when I fall. I hit the marbel floor hard. My body goes threw a spasms of shivers.

Cold surrounds me. Then my vision dots in black. "Nick!" I yell.

   I'm overwhelmed with dizziness. I hear people run to me. "Nick I might throw up!" I scream.

"Ry it's okay," Nick says, "I need a bucket!"

  I start gagging. Then I throw up in a bucket. " Oh by the star! It's blood!" Zalub yells. My lungs feel icy and my blood is cold. I breath in sharply. "Nick my my blood is cold," I whisper.

  Nick pulls me in his lap and I feel heat burn threw our clothes."What's wrong with me?" I ask no one in perticular.

"Well your heart is being frozen dear," Prince Collin says.  He is sitting in front of me and his purple eyes are watching me. I make a face and roll my head back. "How do you know?" I ask.

"Because my heart is too."



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