Professor Phantom

By phantomdrone

65.4K 2.1K 632

Danny Phantom or should I say King Phantom yeah that's right Danny is now the official king of the ghost zone... More

! Chapter One !
!Chapter Two!
!Chapter Three!
A.N (Not really important but you know)
!Chapter Four!
!Chapter Five!
!Chapter Six!
!Chapter Seven!
!Chapter Nine!
!Chapter Ten!

!Chapter Eight!

4.5K 191 39
By phantomdrone


I slowly woke up to the sounds of my fellow roommates getting ready for Hogwarts first official day of school. Yawning I started to get ready, putting on my robes and collecting my things once I finished I walked into the common room.

Spotting Draco I walked over to him but quickly stopped as I saw he was with pansy. Red overtook my vision and my breathing rapidly increased 'whats happening to me' i thought as I held my chest. I felt my self-falling to my knees "Daddy" I croaked feeling the pain getting worse.

I saw people crowding around me "Daddy" I cried again. "Someone get professor phantom" I heard Draco yell as I felt him wrap his arms around me and tell me it would all be ok. A few minutes later I heard my father and professor Snape walk-in "Move, get out of my way" my father said pushing students to get to me.

All the figures in front of me blurred together forming a giant mass of color but my father was the only distinguishable figure before me "Draco give her to me" he said to him but I just felt his grip tighten on me "What's wrong with her please tell me professor" Draco pleaded.

Danny's face softened as he looked at Draco "Give her to me and ill be able to help her Draco" this time his hold on me lessened and Danny took me in his arms. "Severus please postpone my classes," my father told professor Snape. 

He nodded and as we walked out of the Slytherin common room I heard him tell everyone that not a single word of what happened should float around the school. I looked up at my father's face before blackness overtook my vision and I passed out.


I felt Dani go limp in my arms but I just held her tighter. Getting to the painting that led to my room I spoke the password and walked in setting Dani on my bed and getting a few things from my trunk. Hearing stirring from my bed I looked and saw Dani getting up while holding her head.

"What happened," she asked "What is the last thing you remember,"I said to her. She shook her head trying to recollect her thoughts "I...I remember waking up and getting ready then walking down to the common room and seeing Draco..." as she said this her face flushed red.

"I saw Draco with.... with Pansy that's when my vision became whats happening to me," she asked her voice shaking. "Dani you're going through ghostly inheritance it makes your emotions stronger and your powers might act up" she nodded in understandment but I could tell she had questions.

"But I thought I would get my inheritance once I turned sixteen" she stated, "Normally you would but because we are not in the ghost zone but in a place where magic flourishes its speeding up your process plus October thirty-first is almost here you know what that means".  

She nodded again "Natural ghost portals will appear all over the world" "bingo," I said, "and when they open natural ghost energy will come through it will try to suppress your ghostly energy until your death day but the flow of magic will mix with it tripling the speeding process".

She was silent for a while after I finished explaining why all this was happening but then her face flushed red "wha...what about when I got angry that Draco was with pansy" she asked still blushing. I just looked at her and smiled "Dani you have feelings for him"I simply said.

A small smile graced her face as she realized that she did, in fact, have feelings for a certain Draco Malfoy. I smiled once more at her 'you really are growing up' i thought. "Dani shall I tell your professors that you won't be able to go to classes today or do you feel better," I asked "I want to go to classes dad I'm not missing my first day of school" she responded.

"That's my girl," I said as I stood up "now come on we still have a few minutes before breakfast is over" she nodded and we both walked to the great hall.


Entering the great hall I ignored the looks I was getting as I walked in with my father and quickly moved to the Slytherin table. "Dani come sit with us" I looked up to see Draco waving at me. I smiled and walked over to him "How do you feel now Dani" he asked me as I sat down "better thank you for asking"I said to him.

This moment couldn't be ruined but someone had to open their big mouth. "So Dani how are you it looked like you were dying back there," Pansy said with a small smile. God, i hated her "Oh Pansy I didn't see you there," I said as I smiled right back I saw her eyebrow twitch in annoyance.

Out little battle, if you could call it that, was interrupted by professor snape walking around handing out class schedules. When I received mine I looked over my classes then compared them with Draco's "Hey look we have most classes together" I told him.

"Yeah we do" he responded back but once again Pansy wanted to get included "Hey Draco look we have the same schedule," she said while full-on smiled at me "looks like we'll be spending most of our time together". 

'Im going to kill her' i thought as different scenarios went through my head but they were pushed out as I noticed most of the school population was getting up to go to class. An idea hit me "Draco can you walk me to class I don't know where transfiguration with professor McGonagall is".

"That's right I forgot that this is your first year at Hogwarts, " he said as we started walking out of the great hall. I smiled as we left Pansy there opened mouth and red with rage 'one point me zero Pansy' 

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