Lone Wolf || Tyrion Lannister

Oleh AngelicTrickster

291K 8.1K 1.5K

Her hair was kissed by fire, but ice ran through her veins. Poised was her demeanor, hidden was a mighty howl... Lebih Banyak

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Important Notice
Important Notice

Chapter Ten

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Oleh AngelicTrickster

That night, Anari slipped from her chambers to speak to Sansa. The entire situation didn't sit well with her, and she wanted to find answers. Anari knew that the only way to do that would be to speak with her father. However, she was no fool, Anari knew that no one would allow her to see him.

So, Anari had a plan. She could only hope that Sansa would be willing to do her part. Once at her sister's door, Anari knocked a few times before she was allowed entry. Sansa had been getting ready for bed when Anari knocked, so she was quick to slip on her robe before allowing her sister entry.

"What is it?" Sansa questioned.

"I have an idea in mind for how we can get more answers," Anari began. "This entire situation doesn't sit well with me. I do not believe for one moment that father wants the throne." She continued as she watched as Sansa frowned. "If father wanted the throne all along, he could have taken it once the Mad King fell, but he didn't. What does that tell you?"

"That he didn't want it," Sansa replied.


"But... he could have changed his mind," Sansa tried.

Anari gave her sister a look in return. "Why would father want to be King of the Seven Kingdoms?" She questioned. "Robert was his best friend, why would he all of a sudden betray him like that? If father truly wanted the throne, then why would he be so adamant about sending us home? It makes no sense."

Sansa thought about Anari's words, and she knew that her sister was right. Ned wanted absolutely nothing to do with the throne, so why would he be trying to steal it as Cersei claimed?

"The Queen and the others won't give us answers," Anari began. "They'll tell us lies or they'll change the topic. The only way we'll know what is going on is if I speak to father."

"How will you do that?" Sansa asked. "He's been placed in the cells."

"I'll need you to distract them," Anari replied. "Beg Joffrey for mercy on our father, keep them talking while I head down to the cells." It was simple really, and she hoped Sansa would go along with it so she could get the answers she needed.

If she was going to protect them, then she needed to know everything. Thankfully, Sansa agreed, as she too, wanted their father freed. With their plan in motion, the sisters went their separate ways to get some rest.


In the morn, Anari ordered for some food to be brought to her chambers. Once the servants left, Anari took a few loaves of the bread and a skin of water. Tying a cloth around her waist, Anari placed the bread and an apple into it before securing the water skin around her neck.

As planned, Sansa went to court to distract Joffrey and the Queen. This gave Anari some time to sneak down into the dungeons and into the cells. She was careful about it, using the training she had learned from Syrio to be swift and sudden.

It was difficult to see once she got down into the cells. However, it also meant that she'd have less of a chance to be caught. As she crept down the long hall, Anari managed to see her father sitting on the ground. There was a torch near him, so she was able to see him clearly.

Pausing though, Anari frowned as a guard walked by and kicked Ned to keep him away. Her father did not look good, he looked tired and he looked like he could use something to drink. It was difficult to see her father in such a state, however, she moved closer anyway.

Ned's eyes were closed as Anari approached, so he didn't see her coming. Unable to help it, Anari crouched down and reach towards him to gently touch his face. Ned flinched at the contact, his eyes opening as he blinked.

Once he realized who it was, he frowned. "Anari," he gasped. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to see you," she replied. Taking the skin from around her neck, she opened it and gave it to him. Ned drank it gratefully, not once second-guessing her. He knew he could trust his own daughter to give him water, he did not have that same trust for Lord Varys.

"Where are your sisters? Are you all alright?" He asked after taking a hearty pull from the water.

"Sansa is in court right now," Anari replied. "She's trying to see if Joffrey will have mercy and at least give you a trial of some sort." Anari hated the situation her father was in. It bothered her that he didn't even get a trial, which was not right in the slightest.

Ned had a right to a trial, as he couldn't be automatically assumed guilty just because Joffrey and his mother decided so. As happy as he was to see his daughter, Ned couldn't help but worry for her. "You should not be here,"

"I had to come," Anari argued. Reaching into the cloth she brought with her, she offered him one of the pieces of bread. Ned, once more, ate the food gratefully. He was so tired, so hungry, and so thirsty. "I need you to tell me the truth, father," she began. "Did you or did you not try to take the throne?"

"No," Ned replied as he looked her in the eyes. "I did not try to take the throne, I do not want it." He stated. "Anari, listen to me, you and your sisters are not safe. You need to get out of King's Landing as soon as possible."

"I'm not leaving you," Anari frowned.

"Listen," Ned implored. "Don't trust anyone, alright? Not the Lannisters, not Lord Varys, not Littlefinger, no one."

"Lord Baelish?" Anari questioned. "He's been kind to me, father. Why can't I trust him?"

Ned's face darkened at her words.

"Did he touch you?" He asked.

"What?" Anari asked, her eyes wide. "Father, no, he hadn't done anything to me." She didn't understand why Ned didn't like Lord Baelish. "Why can't I trust him?"

"He's a liar, Anari," Ned replied. "He's one of the best liars here, you can't trust a single word that comes out of his mouth. He is not someone you should take lightly." Not only did Lord Baelish betray him, but he betrayed Catelyn as well. "He's the one that turned against me, I trusted him and he betrayed me."

Anari's face took on a similar expression to Ned's as her eyes hardened.

"I'll kill him," she whispered, feeling her anger rise. Anari felt used at that moment; all this time he'd been trying to befriend her and he had been leading up to doing this. He used her in such a way that she would believe him and not question his lies.

It seemed ironic now, as he had been the one to insist that she and Sansa were innocent of her father's supposed crimes. "No," Ned replied. "Don't draw attention to yourself," he implored. "You need to be here for your sisters. If anything happens to me, they need to be able to turn to you."

"No harm shall come to Sansa while I'm around," Anari promised. "Not if I can help it."

"What of Arya?" Ned questioned, curious as to why she left out her youngest sister.

Anari frowned in return, as she realized he didn't know. "I don't know where she is," she replied. "She fled her dancing lessons, Syrio, he-" She cut herself off with a sigh. He tried to protect Arya, and he died doing so. "Syrio was killed protecting her, she managed to escape."

Ned frowned, however, he knew there really wasn't much anyone could do. Both of them froze, however, when they heard footsteps approaching. The guard was coming back, and Ned knew Anari needed to leave.

"You have to go," he said, his tone low.

"I won't leave you," Anari didn't want to leave her father down there another moment.

"If you are caught down here, you'll be punished," Ned whispered. "If you're punished, then Sansa will have no one. Please, Anari, go."

Anari frowned as tears welled as she looked at Ned. "I love you father," she whispered as she placed a kiss to his cheek. Quickly, Anari gave him the rest of the food she managed to bring before she left him. Ned was quick to hide the water and food before the guard reached him.

Once the man passed, Ned let out a sigh. He never should have agreed to be Robert's Hand, he never should have left Winterfell.


Two more days had passed since Anari had visited Ned in the cells. She kept the information she had learned hidden. Anari didn't think it would be wise to tell Sansa what she had learned yet, so she refused to answer any of her questions.

However, that day would be Ned's sentencing. Anari wore a pale green dress and once more styled her hair the usual way. She also wore Robb's necklace before she left her chambers. She stood next to Sansa outside and before the people.

Many gathered to witness Ned's trial, and Anari could only hope things turned out for the better.

Despite her nerves, Anari stood tall next to her sister. Though, she couldn't help the frown that threatened her composure as Ned was brought out of the cells and dragged before the people. Many of them shouted at him and screamed vile things.

Anari disliked the word traitor, but she had an even bigger incentive to loathe the word. Her father was not a traitor, how could the people think so ill of him when they had been so welcoming when they had first arrived? It was as if they didn't know her father at all.

Soon, Ned was brought to stand before the people. However, someone threw a rock at his head, which caused him to stumble. Anari's frown deepened as Sandor helped Ned back to his feet. Ned looked to his daughters, which caused Anari to give him an encouraging smile.

Please, Anari prayed silently. Let him go free, let him live.

"I am Eddard Stark, Lord of Winterfell and Hand of the King," Ned began. "I come before you to confess my treason in the sight of Gods and men," it killed him to lie, but he knew that his daughters needed him. He needed to do whatever he could to stay alive and help them. "I betrayed the faith of my King and the trust of my friend Robert," he continued.

Seeing Anari down in the cells had made Ned reconsider his position. He needed to protect Sansa and Anari. Ned could only hope that Arya would be safe enough with the Night's Watchmen and find her way home.

"I swore to protect and defend his children, but before his blood was cold I plotted to murder his son and seize the throne for myself," Ned felt his stomach twist in knots as he continued to lie. "Let the High Septon and Baelor the Blessed bear witness to what I say; Joffrey Baratheon is the one true heir to the Iron Throne,"

Joffrey grinned as Ned spoke, pleased that the man had broke. It was easier than he thought, but it thrilled the boy to know that the honorable Ned Stark was finally brought down low.

"By the grace of all the gods, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm," Ned finished.

"As we sin, so do we suffer," Maester Pycelle said as he stepped forward. "This man has confessed his crimes in the sight of gods and men; the gods are just, but beloved Baelor taught us they can also be merciful," he continued. "What is to be done with this traitor, Your Grace?"

Joffrey stepped forward to address the people. "My mother wishes me to let Lord Eddard join the Night's Watch," Joffrey began. "Stripped of all titles and powers, he would serve the realm in permanent exile."

While Anari didn't like the idea of her father going to the Wall, she much preferred him being out of the cells. If he went to the Wall, then at least he would be with Jon, and if he made ranger, that meant he would be able to leave Castle Black and perhaps pass through Winterfell.

"My Lady Sansa had begged mercy for her father," Joffrey continued as he looked to both women. Sansa had a hopeful smile on her face as Cersei stood with a small, smug, smirk on her lips. However, no one was prepared for what Joffrey was going to say next. "But they have the soft hearts of women," he scoffed.

He turned back to address the people, an almost manic smile on his face. Anari felt her heart drop, waiting in anticipation for what Joffrey was going to say. She knew it wasn't going to be good.

"So long as I am your King, treason shall never go unpunished," he stated loudly, which got the people to cheer. Turning, Joffrey grinned widely. "Ser Ilyn," he ordered. "Bring me his head!"

The people roared with approval as Anari froze for a moment. Immediately, Sansa began to scream and plead as Ser Ilyn placed a mask over his face and moved to grab his sword. "Stop, stop!" Sansa screamed. "Please, don't do this! Please!"

Seeing her hysterics, Ser Meryn took hold of Sansa's arms to keep her from running towards Ned. Unable to hold herself back any longer, Anari cried out for her father. With Ser Meryn holding Sansa back, this gave Anari the chance to lunge forward.

Quickly, she tried to run to her father to shield him with her own body when she felt herself being grabbed as well. "Let me go!" She growled as she twisted violently. "Let me go, please! Please, Sandor, let me go!" She looked up at him, her eyes wide and pleading.

Sandor said nothing as he looked down at her, but even though his face was impassive, she could see the emotions in his eyes. He pitied her, that much she could tell. "Stop, someone, stop him!" Sansa screamed.

Anari twisted and pulled, hoping to the gods that Sandor would let her go as she looked back to her father who lowered his head in acceptance. "No, no, no," she struggled violently, thrashing and twisting.

Ilyn Payne lifted his sword up high, before being brought down in one strike. With that one blow, Eddard Stark was beheaded.

"NO!" Anari screamed. All at once, her ears rang as she heard the cheers of the people. Her breathing came out harshly as Sansa fainted at the sight. She froze in Sandor's grasp as her wide eyes filled with tears. Her heart broke as she felt a piece of herself fade away.

It was a piece of her heart where she kept her father. The moment Ned Stark died, part of Anari did as well.

As her eyes scanned the crowd, they soon went up to where Joffrey stood. In an instant, her sorrow was replaced with pure rage as she looked at the boy. Her eyes hardened as her tears fell, he did this, it was his fault.

Joffrey met her gaze with a smug grin on his face. However, his smile faded once he took in her expression. Instead of overwhelming grief and sorrow, Joffrey could only see hate and rage within the older girl as she looked at him. She held his gaze, her eyes glinting murderously, which made him nervous. Unable to help it, Joffrey flinched as he broke eye contact to look at Sandor. "Dog," he ordered. "Take her to her chambers and guard her for the night," he said. "I don't like the look she's giving me."

Sandor turned Anari away from the scene, though he kept his hold on her shoulders as he did so. He began to lead her away and back into the Keep. Despite her tears falling, Anari held her head high.

Anari wasn't going to give Joffrey the satisfaction of seeing her grief. No, the only emotion he would see from her will be anger and hatred. Anari was not known for her temper, nor was she known to be a hateful woman. However, at that moment, Anari hated Joffrey and Cersei more than anyone else in the world.

Anari was going to be strong; she was going to hold her head high and play their game. Anari was going to make them all pay.

A wolf does not bow before a lion.


The only sound in the hall was the dull clink of Sandor's armor. Once they were far enough away from Joffrey, he had let the girl go. However, he still walked behind her, just in case she tried something. While she tried to keep her composure, Anari's shoulders began to shake as silent tears rolled down her face.

This wasn't fair, Anari didn't want this. Her father was innocent, and Joffrey knew that they all knew that Ned was innocent. Yet they killed him anyway. Anari would never forgive them for this, never.

Soon enough, they were at her chamber door. Turning, Anari offered a small, watery, smile. With nothing to say, though, she entered her room and gently shut the door. Anari didn't care if he saw her tears, she had nothing to really hide.

Walking over to her vanity, Anari stood before her mirror. She took in her appearance with a frown. Her eyes were a dull grey, and they were red-rimmed. Her face was flushed and had tear marks down her cheeks. Her hair was slightly messy from twisting and turning to hard in Sandor's grasp.

Sitting on her table was the doll Ned had given to her. It was the last gift she had ever received from her father. Her fists clenched at her sides as her tears renewed. It was her fault, had she done more or something different, then perhaps her father would still be alive. She should have protected him, insisted he let her help him.

Letting out a body wracking sob, Anari hit the mirror. The moment the glass shattered, all of her composure broke as she lost herself to her anger and grief. Her fists pounded on the table, not caring as the glass embedded itself into her palms.

She threw everything, but the doll, from the table and onto the floor. The small boxes of jewelry and brushes fell to the floor with a loud clatter as the clay ewer shattered on the stone floor. Anari let out another sob as she turned to the wall and raised her fist to hit it.

However, before she could, Anari's hand was caught.

Sandor had resigned himself to a boring night standing in front of Anari's door. What he didn't count on was the deep, almost soul-shattering, sob he heard from the other side of the door. Not only that, but the sound of glass breaking caused his ears to perk up.

It was long before Sandor entered the room to see Anari throw everything from her vanity table before turning to the wall. Moving quickly, Sandor grabbed hold of her wrist before she could hit the wall and injure herself any further. Anari ripped her hand out of his hold and turned to cause more damage before his arms came around her to stop her.

He couldn't let her hurt herself, he just couldn't.

"Let me go!" Anari growled as hot tears rolled down her cheeks. "Let me go!" The girl was strong, Sandor would give her that, but he was stronger.

"Quit yer fussin' girl," Sandor rumbled. "I'm trying to stop yah from hurtin' yerself." She struggled a little longer before she seemed to give up. Just as Sandor was about to release her, Anari turned in his grasp and clung to him. Her cheek rested in the gap between his armor and neck as she cried into his armored chest.

The cool metal soothed her warm face as she trembled. Unable to stand any longer, Anari began to fall to the floor. She held onto him so tightly, that Sandor had no choice but to follow her down to the floor where Anari wept in his arms.

Normally, Anari would have more self-control. However, she couldn't hold this in. This was different from watching Bran's fall and sitting vigil at his side, it was different when she tended to her father after Jaime's attack. There was no coming back from this, there was nothing anyone could do.

Her father was gone, and Anari couldn't stop it.

Sandor was highly uncomfortable as he kneeled on the floor with her. He wasn't sure what to do, but he allowed the girl to cry into him. He had seen mothers calm their children down by holding them and rocking them, so he tried that. Gently, he rocked the girl a little in the hopes that she would stop crying.

Slowly, her tears began to subside as her eyes began to burn. With her tears gone, only dry sobs heaved her body before she was reduced to whimpers. Anari felt Sandor rocking the two of them slowly and clung to the man tighter as she closed her eyes.

She wished for this to be a nightmare, and that when she woke up, everything would be fine. With her eyes closed and the steady rocking, Anari began to quiet down and stop trembling. After a few moments, Sandor looked down to see that Anari was asleep.

Carefully rising to his feet, Sandor picked her up and gently placed her on her bed. Looking at her sleeping face, Sandor brushed a strand of hair out of the way before he backed away from the bed. Even now, she looked beautiful. Shaking his head, Sandor left the room and closed the door.


Her eyes ached when she opened them in the morning. Taking a moment, Anari glanced around her to see she was laying on her bed. The last thing she remembered was crying. However, her cheeks flushed when she realized she had cried in Sandor's arms as he held her.

As she moved to get off the bed, Anari hissed at the pain she felt in her palms. Looking down, she saw the small shards that were embedded in the skin. Anari looked around her room to see that her vanity was destroyed and all of the boxes and brushes she had on the table had been thrown to the floor.

Anari felt embarrassed by her meltdown, however, it helped just a little to let all of her emotions out. Standing from her bed, Anari changed her dress, mindful of her hands, before she walked over to the door and opened it. As ordered, Sandor was still standing there.

Hearing the door open, he turned to see Anari standing there with a sheepish smile. She played with her fingers before looking back up at him. "Thank you," she said. "For what you did yesterday."

"Yah don't need to thank me, girl," Sandor replied.

"But I do," she insisted. "You stopped me from doing anything reckless. Bruised and cut hands are the least of my worries." She held up her hands to show him the wounds.

"You should see the Maester," Sandor said as he looked at her hands before back to her eyes. "Get those cleaned up."

"I will," Anari nodded. Somehow, she just knew that it was his way of accepting her gratitude. "I don't particularly want my hands to get infected." She smiled faintly. Sandor nodded in return as she left her room and closed the door behind her.

Wordlessly, Sandor followed her to the Hall. As they walked in silence, Anari couldn't help but let out a sigh. She had hoped, in the back of her mind, that this had all been a nightmare. That her father was still alive and everything was okay.

However, Anari refused to cry anymore. She had her moment the previous day. Now, she was going to stand tall and not give anyone to satisfaction of seeing her weak or seeing her cry. Sandor left once Anari entered Maester Pycelle's Hall and got treated for her minor injuries.

After removing the glass, he placed a thin paste to the cuts before wrapping them up to keep them protected. "Change these in the morning and leave them on for a few days," Maester Pycelle instructed. "Come back here in three days."

"Thank you," Anari smiled faintly before she left. She walked to Sansa's room, knowing her sister would need her now more than ever. Anari knocked on the door and waited a moment before she entered. Sansa was seated on one of the settees, her shoulders shaking as sobs left her lips. "Oh, darling," Anari sighed.

In an instant, Anari was at her sister's side as she clung to her. "Anari," Sansa whimpered. "Father's gone, why did he do that?" Sansa didn't understand, Joffrey said he would give Ned mercy. This was not mercy. "What are we going to do?" She questioned.

Sansa was beginning to realize that Joffrey was not the person she thought he was. Anari had tried to warn her, but she didn't listen. Now, she felt like a fool. Anari pulled away and wiped Sansa's tears as she looked at her sister. "We're going to stay strong," Anari replied. "We're going to stay strong and stand tall, alright?"

Sansa nodded in return, grateful to have her sister there to help her. Once she calmed, Anari helped Sansa get ready for the day. Once both girls were presentable, the two went to the throne room where Joffrey and the court was.

Sitting on the floor was a minstrel, who sang a crude song. It seemed more fitting to be sung at a tavern, not in front of Joffrey and the court. When his song was finished, Joffrey ordered for his tongue to be removed before he dismissed the court.

Joffrey seemed to be showing his true colors now that he was King. It seemed he was less willing to hide the little monster he truly was. "You look nice today," Joffrey said as he approached the girls.

"Thank you," Sansa replied flatly. "My Lord."

"Your Grace," Joffrey corrected. "I'm a King now." He mocked, a smug smirk on his face. "Walk with me," he ordered. "I want to show you something." Anari hesitated to follow, unsure if she was allowed or not. As much as she wanted to protect her sister, she was still limited. However, Joffrey turned when he noticed she wasn't following. "Both of you."

The two sisters walked side by side as Joffrey lead them down the halls. Ser Meryn and Sandor's armor clinked as they walked behind the girls. Glancing at Sandor, Anari offered him a small smile, which got a small sneer in return. Anari's smile widened slightly as she turned back.

Anari was beginning to see that there was more to Sandor than he was letting on. She felt honored to see it, so she only found his façade amusing now more than frightening. Joffrey lead them outside and towards a bridge that lead to the walls of the Keep.

"And as soon as you've had your blood," Joffrey said to Sansa. "I'll put a son in you."

Anari kept her face neutral, but inside she was furious. How dare he talk about such a thing the day after he killed their father? Anari wondered what happened to him to make him so terrible. However, now that he had a crown on his head, he was nearly untouchable.

Anari had heard the people talking, saying how Robb and her mother had assembled the North and were prepared to rebel against Joffrey. Anari remembered that Robb had promised he would bring an army to come and get her.

She never thought he would need to, but she could only hope that he and their mother would win. All Anari wanted was to go home and be with her family. "Mother says it shouldn't be long, now," Joffrey continued smugly. Soon enough, they paused at the bridge.

The sisters looked up to see what he wanted them to look at. However, Sansa recoiled into her sister at the very sight. "No, please!" Sansa shouted. "No." She hid her face in Anari's shoulder as the older girl looked away, her jaw clenching.

"This one's your father," Joffrey pointed to one of the heads that were mounted on pikes. "This one, here," he continued as he turned to look at the girls. However, he grew annoyed to see them refusing to look. "Look at it and see what happens to traitors!" He hissed.

Anari shook her head as she kept her head turned to the side. Their father was not a traitor, he was honest and true. Ned was wrongfully killed, and Anari could only hope Joffrey would pay for what he had done.

"You promised you'd be merciful," Sansa whimpered as she clutched Anari tightly.

"I was," Joffrey sneered. "I gave him a clean death, now look at him." He ordered.

"Please," Anari tried. "Let us go home, we won't do any treason," she continued. "I swear it." Anari just wanted to take Sansa and leave to Winterfell, that's all she wanted to do.

"Mother says I'm still to marry your sister," Joffrey replied. "So, you will stay here and obey," he sneered. "Look at him!" Squeezing Sansa's shoulder, the sister's finally turned their heads to look up at the pike where their father's head was mounted. "Well?"

"How long do we have to look?" Anari questioned, her voice barely wavering. She wouldn't give him the satisfaction of seeing her in pain.

"As long as it pleases me," Joffrey replied. "Do you want to see the rest?"

"If it please, Your Grace," Sansa replied, matching her sister's tone.

"That's your Septa, there," Joffrey pointed to another head. Anari frowned as she looked up at Mordane's head. The woman tried to give them time to escape and she had lost her life to do so. Anari would be grateful for her sacrifice. "I'll tell you what," Joffrey began. "I'm going to give you a present. After I raise my armies and kill your traitor brother, I'm going to give you his head."

Unable to hold back her anger, Anari leveled the boy with a harsh glare. "Or maybe he'll give us yours," Joffrey paused at the look in her eyes. While he was a vicious boy, he was also a coward. Anari openly challenged him, and he was hesitant to accept.

"My mother tells me a King should never strike a Lady," he said as he looked to Meryn Trant. "Ser Meryn," he ordered. Anari was turned around as the knight raised his hand and hit her across the face twice. Anari didn't flinch as she took the hits, her lip bloodied.

Anari felt her anger rise even further as she turned to look back at Joffrey who was now looking back up at the heads on the pikes. Looking down at the ground below the bridge, Anari noticed that they were fairly high up. If he were to fall, surely he would die.

With her face hardened, Anari took a step forward to push the boy off the side when she was stopped. "Here, girl," he said as he took a kerchief and gently wiped her split lip. He knew what she was going to do, and while he didn't blame her, he knew it was for the best that he stopped her.

Not only was it his job to protect Joffrey, but he also didn't want the girls to be in any more trouble than they already were. If it was found out that Anari killed Joffrey, then she would most likely lose her head as well. Sandor didn't like seeing the girls in pain, but he took satisfaction at seeing Anari was staying strong.

She carried a heavy burden, but she carried it well.

"Will you obey now?" Joffrey questioned. "Of do you need another lesson?" Neither one of the girls answered, which caused him to scoff. "I'll look for you in court." He said as he walked away. Ser Meryn followed him, while Sandor lingered.

"Save yourself some pain, girl," Sandor said to Anari. "Give him what he wants." He advised Sansa.

Besides, he was mostly protecting the Stark girls right now. If it was found out that Anari killed the King, she would lose her head as well. He would as well because he was supposed to be protecting the King. So, he decided to help her.

"I don't care what happens to me," Anari replied. "I just want him to pay." Sandor snorted, his lips quirking faintly.

"Don't let other people hear you sayin, that, girl," he warned. "Besides, who's gonna look after yer sister if yer locked away or executed?" He questioned. Anari frowned before she nodded. As much as she wanted to fight, she knew that Sandor was right. Look back up at him, she held out his kerchief. "You'll be needing that again." He dismissed as he turned back around and walked away.

Anari turned to Sansa and held the girl as she cried once more in her arms. Anari smoothed her hands down Sansa's hair as she held her sister tightly. Anari was going to have to be smart, she would need to plan ahead to keep up. However, she knew she had to keep her promise.

It was the last promise she had made to her father, and Anari intended to keep it. While she was going to fight with everything she had, Anari was also going to protect her sister. She could only hope that Robb would win this war so that they could all go home.

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"I made a promise to protect you. Honor or not, that is one I intend to keep." - A story of a Lion and a Wolf, two beings brought together by the ver...
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A daughter born admits snow with ice in her eyes and fire in her heart A son born admits flames with fire in his eyes and ice in his heart The union...