Friends with Benefits

By fahvy_xx

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Read at your own risk. ____I was a little bit young when I started this book,so the beginning chapters are a... More

chapter 1-hayley.
chapter 2-just friends
chapter 3-club joker
chapter 4-history class.
chapter 5-jake
chapter 6-Deal Check
chapter 7-friends with her
chapter 8-Camping Trip
chapter 10-good morning to me
chapter 11-finding ourselves.
chapter 12-back home
chapter 13-Truth or Dare 1
chapter 14-Truth or Dare 2
chapter 15-Desmond
chapter 16-Fuck you,I really don't care
chapter 17-The confession
chapter 18-dating officially
chapter 19-am sorry it didn't work out
chapter 20-He's my boyfriend and not yours
chapter 21-Explanations Explanations
chapter 22-heartbreak /painful rerun
chapter 23-such a Gentleman
chapter 24-hickey
chapter 25- exams are over
chapter 26-Clinton's party
chapter 27-justin
chapter 28-Lust
chapter 29- cleared
chapter 30-period
chapter 31-you have nothing to worry about
chapter 32-time apart
chapter 33-it sucks being away from him
chapter 34-what could possibly go wrong
chapter 35- prep
chapter 36-Naked
chapter 37-Today
chapter 38-Am yours,only yours,no one else
chapter 39-back to reality
chapter 40-i do like him
chapter 41-unbearable
chapter 42-snapped.
chapter 43-yeah,am Hayley.
chapter 45- i dont like you hayley,am in love with you.
chapter 46-vacation
chapter 47-las vegas baby!
chapter 48-Tease
chapter 49-I love you
chapter 50-make a wish
Authors Note

chapter 44-Am pregnant

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By fahvy_xx

(Hayley's pov)

After leaving Justin's house,I got home and cried my eyes out,I mean how could I not,the guy doesn't know how much his kisses and words affect me and he would probably never know,I feel sick,sick to the bones,I just wish there was a way I could let him know but oh well,there's none.
I look out my window and it was pouring down rain,surely everywhere was cold now,I took my sweater and put it on,entering my bed and covering with my big thick blanket..grandma melda had bought it for me when I entered 18 and sure have loved it from the start.
As I was at the verge of falling asleep,I heard a knock on my door,what?,who could that be,the rain would totally drench anyone who dare to come out..with so much groaning I walked to the door and opened it.

Anne!!!susy!!!...jezz you're drenched,come on in I said as I stepped away from the door for them to enter.

Thanks babe,Anne said with her clothes literarily dripping.

Get off those clothes guys,my poor rug won't suffer for this.

Oh,its good to know you care for our health and not a non living rug Susy said as her voice was laced with sacarsm.

After they pulled their clothes,I got them fresh clothes and we sat on the bed.

So care to explain what you guys are doing here at 8 I said as I checked my phone.

Well,we were in the neighbourhood,just visiting around and wanted to have a sleep over here,we should have been here long before now but we went to codos and we've been there since before the rain decided to be oh so kind and pour down.

Oh,why didn't you guys just call,I could have prepared the food and stuff.

Well we can prepare now,what do you have susy piped up.

Well just tacos and chocolate chip cookies I brought fromJustin's, i made them today.

Great then ,do you have juice or alcohol Anne asked.

Yeah I do,I stood up and brought all the items,I sat on the floor while Anne and susy layed on the bed.

After chit chatting about school and how it has been for each of us,we settled on watching the vow.

After an hour or so,the movie was finally at an end.

I really love this movie,this movie actually made me have hope of love at a young age even though I wasn't in love till recently..or rather in like.
I just love love I said in a dreamlike manner.

Uh oh,how cool but I don't like the ending part Anne said frowning.

Yeah but at least we had a little hope that it can still work out I defended the movie.

Immediately the film was finished, the girls drank alcohol while I drank juice.

So tell me,how's things with Justin Anne said sitting up from the bed.

Yeah,I mean we've witnessed how he changed girls like clothes for weeks now,that's preety hurtful susy said giving me a sad look.

Well,its preety much the same,I briefed them up on what has been happening ,from the day I stormed out of the cafeteria till today, they just stared at me not saying a word till i was done.

Wow,I honestly don't know what to say Anne said sighing.

Yeah I know I said.

Do you think you will be able to tell him about it anytime atall? Susy asked.

Well I dunno,I guess I won't because our friendship will be ruined...imagine i tell him,and he doesn't feel the same way,our friendship will never be the same,heck it's not even the same right now but he doesn't know that.

What if you're over thinking this,Susy said,what if you both are over thinking this,what if he actually feels the same way but is scared for this so called friendship like you are and dosent want to ruin it and so is hiding his feelings too,just like you are??,ever thought about that?.

Susy,I sighed,the thought has crossed my mind but it's just too good to be true so no,I don't think so.

You know what,we should get a plan to get him to notice you more then a bestfriend maybe then he would realise how much he likes you because I feel he's in denial Anne said.

I smiled lightly at them,don't worry guys,am good honestly,I mean as long as I can hide my feeling from him...but in all honesty I really don't know if I can for much longer,I can't even stand seeing him be with other girls...I really dunno I said as tears started to drop from my eyes,I hadn't realised I was crying.

Its okay babe,we are here for you Anne said hugging me.

Thanks I said smiling lightly.
Enough about me,tell me about you guys,how's things going with your relationships..?

Des is the sweetest thing yet,and our sex life is great,anne giggled excitedly.

Let's hear it then I said smiling.

Well we went on a date recently,he took me to a fancy restaurant, and from there,we visited his parents,and oh they were so sweet too me,I also met his little sister Amy,she's the sweetest of them all,after that we came back and had sex when we got back to his was great she said in a dream like manner.

Wow,when was that??,you mean to say you had sex recently and I was at the same building??,wow,just wow Anne.

She giggled and covered her face with her hand.

That's really lovely Anne, susy said.

So how about you susy,what's been going on Anne said looking at her.

well you know, the usual she said looking away.

Uh,what's the usual,and we know every time you say the usual, there is nothing usual about the situation I said looking at her now.

She sighed,okay,promise you won't tell blake she said looking at both Anne and me.

Noooo,you like another guy and you've fallen out of love for blake
Anne said in a panicked tone.
Such a drama queen.

Hell no,never, susy said

Oh good she said raising her hand and putting it on her chest and breathing hard as if to say she's relieved..I chuckled at the sight.

Just to be clear,you still love Blake right I asked.

No,I don't love him guys,am in love with him she said her eyes twinkling.,he's just the best even after two years.

Okay good then what is the issue here?

Well,am pregnant she said so fast I thought I heard wrong.

What??'re....pregnant???!!! Anne scream talked,clearifying I hadn't heard wrong.

Yeah?...susy said more like a question than a statement and she looked away.

Wait,wait,wait,how come,I mean you're soposed to be on pills right? I asked confused.

Yeah, am soposed too,I mean have been taking it regularly until last month when I stoped because we hadn't really had sex,we were both busy so I didn't see the need too but last two weeks,he came at night unannounced and we had great sex,, I just kind of forgot about not taking them the past month,after that week,the next week I was starting to feel funny so I went to the hospital and the doctor confirmed that I was pregnant she said as she played with her fingers.

Oh babeeeee,that's wonderful,you're going to be a mom,am going to be an aunt,we have to get names ready,how about Beatrice for a girl then Sam for a boy.

Anne!,susy piped looking at her.

What??..early planning are always essential Anne said.

Guyssss,I don't feel happy susy said looking at her dress.

And why not I asked looking bewildered.

Well,I guess am just scared you know,Blake might not like the news seeing as we are two years away from graduation she said.

Its okay,just try and tell him first,and from there see what happened I said.

I guess that's the right thing to do susy said .

Yeah it is,now loosen up,you're going to be a mom.

She smiled,I know...wait,what if I get fat and Blake falls out of love for me,what if I sleep way too much or look ugly,oh God, I think am going to be sick she said her face going pale.

Waoh waoh waoh,slow down those horses okay, he's not going to fall out of love just because your fat or you sleep too much,you need it remember,for the baby,besides its not entirely your fault,how could you have known he was going to show up and have sex with you that night? Anne said smiling lightly.

Yeah i guess you're right,I shouldn't over think this,I can totally do this,right? She asked looking at me and Anne.

Right me and Anne both said in unison.

Okay then,she let out a breath and smiled.

Now loosen up okay and don't you dare drink alcohol again,I don't want you making our baby an alcoholic from birth I said smiling.

She smiled an it was her easy going smile,she was going to be a great mom that's for sure.

Hey guys,hope you're enjoying the story,keep reading and don't forget to vote,like and comment,also feel free to suggest or ask questions..let's move on🙌🙌🙌

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Hi, this is my first book. If you have any suggestions then please leave in comment section. Was it on your expectations or not plz let me know.