Friends with Benefits

By fahvy_xx

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Read at your own risk. ____I was a little bit young when I started this book,so the beginning chapters are a... More

chapter 1-hayley.
chapter 2-just friends
chapter 3-club joker
chapter 4-history class.
chapter 5-jake
chapter 6-Deal Check
chapter 7-friends with her
chapter 8-Camping Trip
chapter 10-good morning to me
chapter 11-finding ourselves.
chapter 12-back home
chapter 13-Truth or Dare 1
chapter 14-Truth or Dare 2
chapter 15-Desmond
chapter 16-Fuck you,I really don't care
chapter 17-The confession
chapter 18-dating officially
chapter 19-am sorry it didn't work out
chapter 20-He's my boyfriend and not yours
chapter 21-Explanations Explanations
chapter 22-heartbreak /painful rerun
chapter 23-such a Gentleman
chapter 24-hickey
chapter 25- exams are over
chapter 26-Clinton's party
chapter 27-justin
chapter 28-Lust
chapter 29- cleared
chapter 30-period
chapter 31-you have nothing to worry about
chapter 32-time apart
chapter 33-it sucks being away from him
chapter 34-what could possibly go wrong
chapter 35- prep
chapter 36-Naked
chapter 37-Today
chapter 38-Am yours,only yours,no one else
chapter 40-i do like him
chapter 41-unbearable
chapter 42-snapped.
chapter 43-yeah,am Hayley.
chapter 44-Am pregnant
chapter 45- i dont like you hayley,am in love with you.
chapter 46-vacation
chapter 47-las vegas baby!
chapter 48-Tease
chapter 49-I love you
chapter 50-make a wish
Authors Note

chapter 39-back to reality

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By fahvy_xx

(Hayley p.o.v)
I woke up with the sound of my alarm,I had already left Justin's house yesterday,telling him I would be fine that I needed to do homework that was due for submission today knowing fully well that I really just wanted to clear my hide since the new information I found about myself,he however hesitantly let me go,I have been avoiding him since then.

Ughhhhh I groaned as I shut the stupid alarm up,I got up from bed and dashed to the bathroom,after some minutes I was done,I picked out my clothes for today,black crop top and a skaters skirt with white converse,I put my hair into a messy bun and applied a touch of mascara and lipgloss so I don't look like someone who had just been through a breakup ..

Its been two days since I broke up with Jake and definitely still hurts but I wasn't going to let it deprive me of life,I wasn't one of those girls to sulk for two weeks, i mean literarily just staying in their room and crying their eyes out,sure I did sulk and cry but not too much of it.
Today I was going to see Temi Jake and Justin,I didn't know how to feel about this, how it would be, would the group still be okay,I mean ,ughhh,I really don't know..

I got to school,and classes passed like a blur until the dreaded lunch time came.
I got up from my now ended chemistry class as I walked to the cafeteria,I got in line,orderd my food and was about to sneak out when susy called out to me .shit.
I walked to our usual table where everyone was present,and by everyone I mean everyone,the whole group,des,Annie,Jake,Temi,Justin,Blake and Susy.
I reached the table and Justin schooched over for me,I sat down dropping my food on the table and just then Justin wrapped his hand around my waist, that made goosebumps come all over me,it was like I was shook with electricity.

Hey,he said into my ears ,his voice cool yet alluring,he then pecked my cheeks and I blushed..I mean how could I not, just looking at him makes all the memories of two days ago come flooding back, if someone had told me that today I would have feelings for my bestfriend,I would have probably knocked their tooth out but here I was blushing like an idiot for a peck..

H hi I stuttered. God am so fucked.

Susy and Anne gave me a look but I just looked away, I wasn't ready to talk to anyone about my feelings for Justin just yet.

Hayley Temi called.
I looked at her and gave her a one sided smile..don't blame me,am trying so hard not to see her in the position of the bedroom incident with Jake but its hard.

Hi,what's up?

Nothing much,just here.

Okayyy,good, I dragged.

I began eating my food when anne spoke out

This is fucking shit,I can't believe this is happening to our group right now..can we just try and get past this guys,its fucking unbearable.

Am trying Anne believe me,I said looking at her.

That's when Jake finally decided to speak up.

Hayley,uh,thanks for the surprise birthday...even though I ruined it,still,thanks.


Sure,it's the least I could do for a friend. I was sure to drag the friend very well.

He looked down and just picked up his burito on his lunch plate.

Silence,no body said anything,we just ate in silence,it was very uncomfortable. I needed to leave this place,atleast I tried for today.

I stood up carrying my lunch and trashing it inside the waste bin close to our table and was walking away when des spoke.

Hayley ,hey,where are you going?

Uh,class I said looking at him.

But the bell hasn't rang yet.

Yeah,uh,I just,library, uh,I want to get something from the library before the bell ring, I said hoping he would drop the issue.

Okay,let me walk you.

He kissed Anne and rushed to my side.
We walked in silence until we got inside the library, I moved forward,searching for nothing in particular .

Hey,I really don't know how you feel but I want to let you know its going to be okay,I might not have gone through something like this but trust me,have been broken hearted he said looking at a book.

Yeah thanks, its okay really,you didn't have to follow me here.

Nahh,its okay,I just want you to be okay,to be that lively Hayley I knew, not this one.

Wow even with little makeup I still wasn't able to cover up,

Only time des,I'll heal with time.

Just then the bell rang.

Uh,I should get to class,I'll see you later.

Yeah see you later he said hugging me.

As I jugged off to class I saw Temi and justin.,shit I forgot I took history with them...the people am trying to not make things awkward with..FML!!!!!!!!!

Today we are going to be talking about thunder and its history.
Ughhh,could things get better please.

While my dear dear history teacher was teaching,my phone beeped.

*you have been avoiding me,what's wrong,Justin  xo*

Ughhh,he noticed,I don't know why am so readable.

*no I have not, and everything is fine,now let me concentrate,Hayley xo*

*Okay,We would talk about this later,Justin xo*

Oh lord,what was I going to do now, I needed to leave without Justin knowing but unfortunately for me,this is my last class for today and then Justin will surely catch up to me.

Sir,I raised my hand up.

Yes,miss stardoff,my history teacher said looking tiredly at me.

Please, uh,can I go,I uh,my grandma isn't feeling well and she needs me at home now so I have to catch the next flight home and it leaves in 20minutes, I said hoping he would buy it.

He just smiled weakly at me,sure Hayley,you can go.

As I was going out ,he stopped me.
Oh and miss stardoff?


Do extend my greeting to your grandma.

Surewilldo...I said almost immediately rushing out.

I stopped at my locker,dropped my books,closed it and was about to leave when a hand dragged me back,I turned with fright and saw Justin.

Grandma at home really? He said rolling his eyes.

Uh,I uh,well I was just...

Looking for a way to avoid me ..he said looking at me....Hayley,come on,talk to me,what's up,you've been acting funny since we had that discussion at my apartment.

Huh hhuh,what,acting funny,uh,no j..I stuttered.

You're stuttering,you either lying or keeping something away from me,tell me please,I can help you.

I like you Justin,I like you and I want you to like me back.

Nothing really,I just feel sick,so I want to go to my dorm I said looking anywhere but him.

Okay,come,I'll take you.

No,really,its okay,I brought my car.

Doesn't matter,I'll pick it up later for you.

Knowing fully well that he's not going to drop this,I sighed and nodded..he smiled and held my hand as we walked side by side to his car.

I opened my door to my dorm room and we both went it,after shutting the door,I dropped my back on the floor,the weather was fucking cold,and I didn't feel like bathing so I decided to just change instead,after walking to my wardrobe,i was about to pull my top that i had on when I saw Justin looking at me.

Close your eyes j.

What??,you do realise have seen you in your undies before right?.

True okay,since it sounds awkward and I really didn't want him getting a feeling that am hiding something I sighed.

I took of my skirt and then reached for my top and passed it over my head tiredly,as soon as it came off I saw Justin standing in front of me.
When did he move that I didn't notice.

Jezzzz,Justin,what the fuck is your deal,you scared the shit out of me,I said putting my hand on my boob where my heart is soposed to be.

Sorry,he said but he wasn't looking at me,he's eyes was fixed on my boobs or hand whichever but on my chest.

I hit him,pervert I said but he didn't budge,he just raised his head up and was staring at me.

Uh, j??

Before I could register what next to say he was touching my skin,this action made me inhale sharply and bite my lips,he trailed his hand closely to my boobs and I close my eyes letting out a moan I had hoped wouldn't come out.

He crashed his lips to mine in one sweft go,and he's hand on my waist burning my skin as I felt hot under his touch,he moved me until my head was now touching the wall,his two hand now on the wall as I was in between him,the kiss was electrifying,it was as if the kiss got better and better each time,I moaned into the kiss,he pulled away from the kiss and started trailing hot kisses on my neck.

Hayley he called out,his voice husky and seductive.

Y yeah I fumbled for words as I arched my face away so he could reach my neck.

Why have you been avoiding me he said still kissing my neck.

Shit,he was trying to get me to talk and it was working,oh God.
Because I,I

He was kissing in between my boobs now making me soaking wet down below.

You what he asked as he slipped his hand inside my pantie.

You're so wet Hayley,I love tell me he dipped his hand into my area and started moving it,because you what.

I was forcing my mouth not to spill but it wasn't going to hold on much longer as the exciting feeling was building up at the pit of my stomach.,I bit my lips and close my eyes.

Hayley,he said kissing me now, don't be difficult, say it,you what.

Justinnnnn  I moaned out his name.

Now he was moving very fast, I could not bear it anymore as I held him in fear of me falling as I came.
Because I like...

Knock knock.

And just like that he removed his hand,raised it to our faces while looking into my eyes and licked his hand...he smilled,kissed me and strolled towards the bed leaving me breathless,from the corner of my eyes I saw him smirking.
Oh the douche bag ...I'll get him for this.
Still couldn't help the fact that I just came,I was blushing now.

One second I said to whoever was knocking at the door,I reached fr my wardrobe and pulled a huge sweater on me,Justin actually gave me this fell on my body stopping just mid thigh..
I quickly dashed to the bathroom,cleaned my self and reached for the door.
I opened it,only too see the full group here..
Today is going to be a long day I thought to myself.

Hey guys,come on in I said chirply.

They all came and sat on the floor forming a round circle.

So what's up?

Well,we thought we would just come and hang out here susy said shrugging.

But we just saw each other few hours ago I said looking at her.

Doesn't matter she said smiling.

Okay you know what's going to happen guys? Anne asked looking at everyone.

What everyone said in unison.

Well we are going to say what we don't like about ,what we like and who we like/love then take a shot she piped.

Doesn't sound like a bad idea Blake said standing up and taking vodka from the fridge with shot glasses in his hand.

Kay, so whose going first? Anne asked.

I'll start des said...I don't like people who keep things from me,I like being around friends who are cool and I love Anne he said smiling shyly.

Awwn babe,that's so sweet,Anne said shifting towards him and kissing him.

Okay I'll go second,susy said, I don't like people who think the world revolves around them,I like hanging out with friends at night and I love Blake she smiled.

Aww babe,I love you too Blake said,OK so I'll go,I don't like proud people,I like easygoing people and of course I love susy .

She smiled blushing slightly.

I don't like people that ain't fun,I like having fun and I like Jake she said simply shrugging.

Uh,did I hear you right Temi,Anne asked,you like Jake??

She blushed and looked away,yeah I do.

Well that was a shocker,how tables turn I thought.

I don't like people who don't believe in happiness,I like being around friends with no awkwardness around and I like Temi..he smiled looking at her and then she smiled back

Uh...okay what is going on here,Wow and I thought I moved on too fast.

Uh,okay,did I miss something?? I asked looking at both Temi and Jake.

Uh,well you see,uh Hayley,the last month that I and Justin broke up,and was with Jake most of the time,I sorta developed feelings for him Temi said looking anywhere but me.

Are you guys together I asked wanting to know more.

No,we think its too sudden and didn't want to hurt your feelings so....Jake trailed of.

Really hurt my feelings,ptfff,what sick joke is that,you already did .

You guy should be together if you really are into each other,I said shrugging besides am already hurt but its nothing I can't get over,plus am sorry I said looking at Jake now,am sorry for holding you up for so long,I mean I liked you but I was not in love with you,I thought I was so I kind of confused love for like maybe that's why now seeing you and Temi wanting to be together,isn't hurting me atall,on the contrary,am happy you get to be with someone you like.

Honestly I wanted him to know my true feelings towards him,I think it was better.

Yeah,I guess I kind of confused love for like too and am also sorry Jake said looking at me.

Its okay,let's just move ahead with no more issues.
So you are cool with us being an item Temi said as her face lit up, her eyes twinkling,she really must like jake.

I smiled before nodding,yeah I am.

Thank you thank you thank you Hayley, she hugged me tightly and I hugged her back.

Justin,you OK with us being a pair Jake asked looking at justin.

Yeah man,its cool Justin said.

Thanks man.

Justin just gave a slight nod.
Okay so let's get back to the game,
Well I don't like people that hate,I like travelling and I like my friends,he smiled lightly.

Now it was my turn,what can i say..
Uh,okay,I don't like people that backstab,lie to my face and pretend.

Temi and Jake looked at me but I smiled assuring them it was okay.

I like going on exciting trips with friends and I like Justin.

Omg,did I just say that outloud,I guess I did with the way my friends eyes were buldging out,shit.

I chuckled nervously,chill guys,look at all your faces,I meant as friends,jezzz,relax.

Not funny susy said.

I think it would be really sweet though,if you and Justin can be together.

From the corner of my eyes I saw Justin smiling.

Okay okay jezz,let's move on shall we? I said blushing slightly.

Uh,speaking of travelling with friends and all,have been thinking,we should all travel to las Vegas for our holiday,seeing as this semester is almost over,we only have what?,a month left des said.

Omg really babe?Anne asked her eyes glittering.

Yeah,my parents kind of gave me a beach house there so what better way to go than with friends he said smiling .

Yes yes yes,susy said,holiday trip here we come.

I giggled at her childish manner,she looked like who just won a lottery.
I turned and saw Justin staring at me,how rude,by that I mean cute of course.

What I said looking at Justin.

Your 19th Birthday is in a month time sweets,he said smiling.

Oh,I hadn't even thought about that.

I blushed at the name he called me then smiled,oh right,how nice.

So we get to spend it in las Vegas,sweet Blake said.

So what do you all say?,yeah?

Everyone nodded but me,I was planning on spending my holiday with granny melda,although i hadn't told her but I had hoped it would come as a surprise to her.

Hey Hayley,Justin called out.


You're coming too right.

I looked at all my friends expectant faces,I guess it would be fun besides I didn't want to be a downer.

Sure,that's sounds good I said smiling.

Yay,susy said giggling.

I smiled,sometimes I wonder if she was actually an 18year old or a 3year old.

After talking for a while, they all left leaving me and justin,Justin was on the bed and I was bending down to pick up all the used glasses when I saw justins head tilted slightly. The perv!

Are you checking out my ass,I asked him smirking.

He was blushing as he quickly looked away.

Justin, blush,okay,my head was definitely in the cloud,or maybe it was the vodka thinking,I wasn't one to hold my liquor.

I started giggling at his embarrassment,and soon smirked at him,I moved to the kitchen and began cleaning the cups.

Shutup he said groaning.
And wipe that stupid smirk from your face or I'll wipe it for you.

Really ?,I'll like to see you try I said still smirking.

He got up from the bed,moved to where I was cleaning the cups in the kitchen counter,raised me up so I was now sitting on top of the counter,spread my legs and came in between moving his hand under my big sweatshirt holding my waist making my shiver from his cold touch,he jammed his lips to mine immediately and we starting kissing ,I placed my hand on his shoulder holding his neck then moving one of my hand to his hair and pulling it,he let out a moan and I smiled into the kiss,soon we parted for air,our lips now swollen.

Justin,my voice coming out low and shaky.


We don't feel anything for each other right?,I asked him even though I new my own feelings was different I still wanted to have hope that he might like me.

No,we don't.

Then you really need to stop kissing me and doing all that.I said with a slight hurt look on my face which I quickly hid.

But,we are just taking care of each other as bestfriend he protested.

Bestfriends don't kiss each other justin.

Well we are different.

I smiled,let's just end whatever this is and be regular bestfriends okay.

But why?

Cause I like you justin and kissing you is killing me because I want more but I know I would never get that more with us being just bestfriends.

Just Because Justin.
And I don't want to be counted as part of your new whores since your break up,besides you can get girls at your beck and call,who would happily fuck you.

A look of hurt flashed his eyes but was gone as soon as it came and I wondered if I had imagined it.

Okay,whatever you say,he said shrugging.
He kissed me again,bit my lip purposely,pulled back,smirked and walked to the sitting room,ughhh,the nerve of this guy.

Pervvvvvv!!!!,I shouted still on top of the counter.

But you like this perv he shouted back.

Yes,yes I do like you Justin,if only you knew how much.

Hey guys,did you enjoy this chapter,don't forget to like and comment also vote,am already happy knowing you guys are reading.
Read on!!!!🙌🙌🙌🙌

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