Mirstie One Shots

By hca2004

4.5K 150 37

Well... The title is pretty self explanatory. These are just a bunch of Mirstie One Shots. More

I... Have Feelings For You Too...
No Attention
Kidnapped (Part One)
Hope This Relationship Works Out Better
Kidnapped (Part 2)
I Object!
Kirstie's Problem
A/N: I'm Sorry
The Beginning
Thank You & a Q and A
The Reveal Part 1
Author's Note
The Kiss: Part One

The Gang

165 7 1
By hca2004

(Kirstie's POV)

I sat on the couch as I looked at the clock for the hundredth time.

I sighed as I saw it was 2:00 in the morning and Mitch still hasn't came home yet. I sank down into the couch and stared at the tv screen.

Another half hour passed before I heard the front door open. My head whipped around and I saw Mitch removing his jacket with a couple of cuts on his face and bruises on his arms.

I sighed and stood up, startling him.

"Hey honey, thought you'd be asleep. How was your day?" He said and walked over to me.

"Hey honey, thought you'd be home by now." I said coldly and crossed my arms over my chest.

Mitch sighed and looked into my eyes.

"I know, I'm sorry. I promise it won't happen again." He said and cupped my cheek. I slapped his hand away and he looked surprised.

"You've said that every night this week Mitch! I miss my husband, I haven't seen you at all this week! It's pretty fucking miserable if you ask me!" I yelled out of frustration, tears threatening to spill from my eyes.

"Kirstin, you know I'm just doing my job... How else would we pay the bills? Pay for food?" He said, his face getting red from anger and his eyes turning slightly darker.

"I don't know, you could find another job! I don't like you being in that damn gang, it's changing you, and not in a good way!" I yelled, the room filled with silence, a very tense silence.

"Me or the gang." I mumbled.

"What?" He said looking at me, my eyes fixed on the ground.

"Me or the gang! Pick, you only get one because I can't keep living like this!"

"You're unbelievable, you know that? The only reason why I'm in that gang is so I can get money to make you happy!"

"Pick one already!" I screamed.

Mitch didn't respond, he just stared at the ground.

I scoffed and headed towards the door. Until Mitch grabbed my arm, I struggled to get out of his grip.

"Please don't go... I need you." He said, pulling me close into his chest.

I shook my head and tried to pull away, but Mitch wouldn't budge.   

I sighed in defeat and leaned my head against his chest.

"I just don't want you to get hurt..." I said as a single tear fell down my cheek.

He lifted my chin so that I was looking at him and he gave me a soft smile.

"I'm going to be okay. I swear." I sighed and shook my head.

"I still won't be able to see you that much." I said and looked away.

"Maybe we just weren't made for each other." I said and got out of his grip.

"What?" He said and looked shock by my words.

"Maybe we just weren't made for each other. Mitch, I just need some time to think." I said, my chest tightening as I looked up and saw the pain flash in his dark eyes.

I pushed passed him and started to run down the street.

"Kirstin! Kirst, please wait!" I heard him yell, which only made me run faster. I slowed down as I got to the cemetery and I stopped at my mothers grave.

"Uhhg, mom what do I do? I love him but I don't want to get hurt, I really don't want him to get hurt either.

I laid there for about an hour, talking about random shit. I decided to go to Scott's house, hoping he was there.

It was only a ten minute walk, but I got there in five because Los Angeles streets are pretty scary at night.

I knocked softly on the door and a tired Scott finally opened it.

"Kirst? Are you okay, it's like three in the morning?" He said with worry in his eyes.

I nodded, "Yeah, Mitch and I just had a little fight. Can I crash here tonight?" He nodded and opened the door wider so I could enter.


"So, do you want to stay up for a while and like watch tv or talk? Or do you want to go to bed? But I can't promise I'll stay awake very long."

"We can go to bed. You've got a guest room right?"

He nodded. "Your welcome to anything in the kitchen if you get hungry. So, goodnight." He smiled and I returned it as he disappeared up the stairs.

I walked into the dark kitchen, the only light was the moonlight shining through the window. I opened the fridge, grabbing a bottle of water then making my way upstairs to the guest room.

I snuggled into the bed and pulled out my phone.

8 misses calls from Mitch💕
7 texted messages from Mitch💕

I sighed and read the messages.

Kirstie I miss you.

Please, I'm sorry but I can't just leave the gang.

I made an oath.

Hun I'll get killed if I leave the gang.

Please answer me.

I'm going to make this right, find a way to get out of the gang.

If I die, just know I love you with all my heart and you're the light of my life, I honestly don't deserve you. I treat you like shit. I'm sorry and I'm going to try to be a better husband and make things right.

I stared at my phone, my jaw on the floor.

Mitch is about to die, and it's going to be all my fault.

I decided to call him.

No answer.

My heart dropped when I heard his voicemail. I jumped out of the bed and bolted out the door.

I ran as fast as I could down the street, hearing men catcalling me but I didn't pay any attention to them. I was focused on stopping Mitch before he hurt himself.

I arrived to the house in five minutes and bursted through the door.

"Mitch?! MitCH?!" I screamed as my voice echoed through the empty house.

"Oh my god, oh my god... Mitch is going to die, he's gong to die because of me!" I screamed at no one, since no one was here.

My chest tightened and I could barely breath and tears streamed down my face. I starting to get dizzy, very dizzy and I struggled to stand. Before I knew it, I blacked out. Damn you panic attacks.


"Uhhg..." I groaned as I rose from the ground, rubbing my head.

I was confused as to why I was on the floor then memories started to flood my brain. I jumped up and looked around, instantly regretting my decision. My head started pounding and I started to see black spots.

I looked at the clock and it was 7:00 am.


"Mitch?!" I yelled and still no answer.

Suddenly, the door swung open and Mitch walked in.

He was covered in blood, his nose was bleeding, a busted lip, a black eye and cuts and bruises covered him. He shut the door and fell to the floor.

"Mitch!" I cried as I ran to his side.

His big brown eyes looked at me.

"What happened to you?" I asked very worried.

"I killed him. I killed the leader of the gang. It was the only way, Kirst. It was the only way to escape!" He yelled with tears in his eyes.

I furrowed my eyebrows.

"You... killed someone?" Mitch winced.

"I had to! Kirstin he did awful things, he killed innocent people, I saw him kill a whole family because a guy owed him money! He was a horrible man!" I stood up and he grabbed my legs.

"No! Don't leave! I love you and I can't live without you. Please don't leave me!" Mitch sobbed into my legs. I ran my fingers through his hair then down his face causing him to look up at me.

"Mitchy, I'm just getting the first aid kit."

"Oh." He said and let go of my legs. I scurried tot he bathroom and grabbed all the supplies and hurried back to the Mitch who was lying in from of the front door.

I sat down beside him and started to clean up his cuts.

"I'm sorry." I blurted out causing Mitch to look at me.

"For what?"

"For making you do this. I should have just stayed out of it. But I missed you." I said quietly.

He pushed my hand away, looking into my eyes then leaned in and planted a kiss onto my lips. I pulled away needing air.

"I'm the one that needs to be sorry. I shouldn't have joined the gang in the first place. I'm sorry and I love you." He mumbled.

"I love you too." I smiled at him and kissed him, this time more passionate. I continued to cleanup his cuts but realized it would take for ever, so he decided to jump in the shower.

I sighed and jumped into the bed. Even though it's 7:45 in the morning, I was tired... very tired. I didn't sleep at all last night, well except during my panic attack but that doesn't count. I couldn't imagine how Mitch felt. And he felt like that because of me...

I sunk deeper into the bed and started to drift to sleep. A few minutes later, I heard a groan as the bed dipped in. I then felt an arm around my waist and snuggled into Mitch's chest, finally drifting into a deep sleep.

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