Escape to Paradise/Newt, book...

By -PeterStarkson-

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{Read part one first: Life in the glade} A story about Newt, after the trials take place. More

Chapter 1: New beginnings
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 9

1K 34 11
By -PeterStarkson-

I kept looking around Newts room for a while, pictures and clothes scattered around. The sound of the shower kept going, and every now and then I would hear Newt humming quietly through the bathroom door. After a minute there was a knock on the door that led out to the hallway. I trudged over, my hand slowly turning the knob and swinging it open.

"Hello, miss Emmy. Time for your testing." A woman said. Not the one from earlier, this one was a bit older. She had lines on her pale face and a few grey strands in her brown hair. I heard the shower turn off behind me, and immediately felt my heart plummet.

"Um. Okay, yeah. Let me get changed first?" I said quietly. The woman frowned, only for a moment. The fake exterior crumbled away showing her disgust with me, before she plastered a fake smile back onto her face. The bathroom door opened behind me, and I turned in time to see Newt walk out of the bathroom. He was shirtless, a towel around his waist.

"Umm, who's she." He said shyly, closing the door a bit so just his face was peeking around it.
"Uh. I have to go take care of some documents and stuff. She's just here to get me." I lied. Newt nodded.

"Oh, uh, yeah. Okay then." He paused, peeking
outside into the hallway at the woman.
"Is she just going to stand there like a weirdo while I'm half naked or what?" He said, looking back at me nervously. I couldn't help the smile that crept onto my face.
"Get dressed, I'll be back in a bit." I smiled, even though I felt like crying. Why couldn't I just stay here? Why did WICKED insist on torturing me until I just wanted to die? I turned back to the woman, the fake smile dissolving.
"Let's get this over with." I frowned, following her down the hallway.

All the struggle in my body from last time was gone. The adrenaline that had once rushed through my veins was gone, replaced by a heavy dread. It wasn't even worth refusing at this point. I finally tried fighting against them last time, and here I am again two days later. The woman opened a door, leading me inside. It was just like the last one, blank walls covered only by machines. A chair sat in the middle of the room, cold metal with straps attached to it.

"Sit down please." The woman said, and I realized that the room was empty, almost like didn't expect me to resist at all. That's what made my blood boil. The fact that they just expected me to comply, to lie down like some obedient puppy and let them poke me with needles.

"Sit down please." The woman said again. I didn't move, my hands clenched at my sides.
"No." I said quietly. She sighed, letting a hand reach up to rub her pale face.
"You already made me postpone this for almost three hours. Just sit down." She groaned, walking over to a keypad on the wall.
"No." I said again, raising my head. The woman frowned, clicking a few buttons on the pad. The door to the hallway slid shut behind me as the woman brushed off her suit.
"Sit down. I will sedate you." You said firmly. I backed up towards a tray on a table behind me, with a pair of scissors and some gauze laying on it. I inched my way towards it, the woman slowly creeping closer.
"I was given direct orders from Ava to put you under the test no matter what." She stated through clenched teeth. She grabbed my face with her hand, turning it side to side like she was inspecting it.
"Such a shame, what a pretty young face. I might have to mess it up a bit if you don't sit down." She said, spitting the words in my face like they're poison. She let go of my face, her hand latching onto my arm as she started to pull me towards the chair. My hand reached out and wrapped around the pair of scissors, bringing it out from behind me and plunging it into her arm. The woman shrieked, slinking backwards as she clutched her arm. Her eyes squinted, her face contorted in pain as she grabbed a glass container off of the table next to her. She chucked it at my head, but I ducked underneath it just in time. Some chemical and glass shards sprayed out over my head as I scrambled away on my hands and knees. The woman appeared next to me, swinging what looks like a fire extinguisher at me. I ducked once, and it connected with a cabinet behind me. The lady stumbled for a second, and I tried to scramble away. My foot slipped on the glass shards and liquid on the ground from the shattered container, and I tripped. My hands landed on the glass shards, and before I could move, the woman brought the fire extinguisher down onto my head with a crack.

The next few minutes were hazy. My vision would fade in and out, black inky dots would swim in the corners of my eyes. There was the woman's face, smirking down at me for a moment. My vision faded out and then there were two male guards strapping me into the chair. I think I passed out. The woman's face appeared in front of me as she injected the serum into my neck. My head throbbed too much to move, let alone refuse it.

"Well, at least we didn't have to worry about sedating her." One of the male guards laughed. I held up the middle finger to him as I slowly drifted off into unconsciousness.

"What's your name, small fry?" A burly man, at least six and a half feet tall with purple veins on his neck cackled.
"Newt." He said quietly. His hair was longer, falling in his face. The veins on his arms were also visible under his shirt. Dark purple and painful looking.
"Newt, eh? What the hell kind of name is Newt?" The man asked, stepping towards the shorter boy. He shoved Newt in the chest.
"You think it's okay to try taking my stuff? Huh?" The man asked. Newt shook his head.
"I didn't mean to." He said quietly. His hands clenched into fists like he was trying to control the anger.
"Then what.." The man paused, getting so close to Newt that his breath must've made the shorter boy want to gag. "What do you think you're doing with my gun." He said, his eyes narrowing into slits as the veins in his neck popped out. Newts fingers tightened around the trigger of the gun at his side.
"I was going to kill myself with your stupid gun." He mumbled. The mans eyebrow twitched. He kicked Newt in the stomach, sending his collapsing on the ground. The man snagged the gun from Newts hip, kicking him in the side one more time before turning and walking back into the crank palace. Newt groaned, turning over on his side and coughing up dark, black, blood. He leaned against a building, holding his side. He slammed his hand down against the ground.
"DAMN IT!" He yelled, his voice hoarse as he coughed up more blood onto the ground.
"I just want to die..." he whimpered. He stayed there, leaning against the building. His hair hung in his eyes, sweat glistening on his face and neck as he struggled to breathe. He took labored breaths, like the flare had spread to his lungs and made it impossible for him to breathe. Then the rage must have taken over again. Newt staggered to his feet, turning towards the city.
"I'll just have to find a new gun." Newt mumbled to himself. He started walking away, and little did he know he was heading right towards a WICKED van, full of his friends....and a gun.

When I woke up, I wasn't even going to try and stand up. The energy and motivation had been drained from my body. The woman was gone, thank god. I wanted to punch her in the face until my own hand was broken in multiple places. Instead, there was only a single guard looking down at me. He had no expression, a stern face made of stone. He undid the latches on my arms, but I didn't dare move. My body was heavy, my head throbbing. The man picked me up, my legs swinging out over his arms as my head ached. I faded out of consciousness for a while, only to wake up for a moment from being jostled in my sleep.
"What the bloody hell is this?! What did you do to her!" Newts familiar voice echoed through my throbbing head.
"She attacked a fellow worker. The other guards responded with violence." The guard said firmly.
"Oh my god, Emmy." Newt said, right next to me. I forced my heavy eyelids open slowly, just barely able to make out his face.
"Hey, hey love." Newt said gently, his hand cupping around my face.
"I'll take her." He said to the guard, slipping his arms under me and pulling me closer to his chest. He didn't say anything after that, and my eyes slowly drifted closed again. His voice was there for a while, familiar and soothing, pulling me back to the painless sleep I kept falling into.
"It's okay. Everything's okay. I got you."

(A/N) yeah this is a kinda long chapter. I couldn't find a way to break it up, so I was *ahem* bloody inspired....and I finished it.....Don't hate me please. I suck at jokes. Anyways, thanks for reading everyone

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