Dangerous Love

By anarosales_m

3.3K 95 3

A teenage girl who's a senior in high school, comes back to school after a tragic car accident during her sum... More

Part 1: The Night of the Accident
Part 2: Coming Back
Part 3: Losing My Virginity
The Mysterious Night
The Unknown: Part 1
The Unknown: Part 2
Unforgettable Moment
Running Away
Leah Valley
Running Away: Part 2
My Freedom
Coming Back Home
Sorry, Leilani
Keep Your Enemies Closer
My Gift & Samantha
Graduation Day
Pregnancy & Logan Williams
Moving On
Mrs. Johnson
The Bloody Gender Reveal

Coming Out & Shooting

81 5 0
By anarosales_m

Two hours later...

I woke up in the hospital, David next to me, holding my hand. "Hey love, you okay?", David asked. "Yeah, I'm fine. What happened?", I asked. "You fainted honey!", my mom said. "Am I gonna be okay?", I asked. "Yeah, you are! The doctor said. "You haven't eaten too much. So, you're gonna need to eat more and drink more water", my dad said. "Well, it's kind of hard to eat, when everything makes me sick still", I said.

"I know honey, but you have to get use to it. Remember, you're eating for 2 people now!", my mom said. "I know mom, I'll try my best", I said.

We left the hospital, I went home and rested, and I tried to eat as much as I could and drink a lot of water.

Three weeks later (July 28, 2017)...

I'm 10 weeks pregnant, David and I are almost done with the paperwork for the house we're moving into. We both couldn't wait to move into our new house. It's a Friday, David and I decided to go to the beach and spend time with his family, I was gonna meet his older brother and his little sister. Also, his nephew and her sister-in-law, and his sister's fiance. David picked me up from my house, and we left to the beach. On the way to the beach, I was getting nervous.

"So, how old are your siblings?", I asked. "My brother is 27, today is his birthday", David said. "Why didn't you tell me? I should've bought him something", I said. "Love, don't worry, I got him something and it's from both of us", David said. "Okay. How old is your sister and you're nephew?", I asked. "My sister is almost 21, and my nephew is turning 1 next week", David said. "Aww, he's still a baby!", I said. "Yeah, he is", he said while smiling.

We arrived to the beach, David got our stuff and we both walked towards his family. David's mom came walking towards me and gave me a hug, "Hey sweetheart, good to see you, please sit!", Mrs. Carter said. I went and sat down, "Hi, I'm Kayla, David's sister and this is my fiance Liam", Kayla said. "Hi, nice to meet both of you!", I said smiling. "Hello, my name is Cameron, David's brother, and this is my wife Rose, and my son Caleb", Cameron said. "Hi, it's nice to meet all of you", I said.

We all hung out and got to know each other. David's family was very excited to meet our baby. They were very caring, loving and supportive.

It was getting late, we all left. It was a nice day. David was talking to his brother, I was in the car waiting for David. Suddenly, I got a call from Samantha.

"Hey Sam, what's up?", I asked. "Hey, can we talk? Are you alone?", Sam asked. "I'm at the beach with David, but we're leaving, he's talking to his brother, I'm in the car. Why what's up? Is something wrong?", I asked.

"I'm sorry I took this long to tell you, I just wasn't sure if I was", Sam said. "Sure about what?", I asked. "I just hope after I tell you this, you won't treat me any different or stop being my bestfriend", Sam said. "Sam, don't be scared, just say it!", I said.

"I'm homosexual Ava!", Sam said while crying on the phone. I sighed, "Sam, don't cry! Don't feel bad for who you are! And, I won't treat you differently, I'm still gonna be your bestfriend. Don't be embarrassed for who you are! Be proud!", I said. "What is Logan going to think, I mean he likes me Ava! What do I do?", Sam asked. "Don't worry about that right now, we'll tell him together, okay? Does Leilani know?", I asked. "Yes!", Sam said. "Okay good. I'll call you when I'm home, okay? And we'll solve this out, love you!", I said. "Thanks Ava, I love you too!", Sam said. We hunged up.

David got in the car, "Hey you okay?", he asked. "Yeah, Im fine!", I said. "Okay", he said.

He drived for a few minutes, but then we stopped to the gasoline station because we were running out of gas. "I'm gonna go and buy a water bottle, okay?", I asked. "Okay", David said. "Do you want anything?", I asked. "No, I'm fine love, thanks", David said. I got out of the car and went inside the store, I went and got a water a bottle. When suddenly, I hear noises by the cashier. I didn't turn around. When, I was about to turn around to see what was going on, I hear shots. Two guys that were robbing the store, shot the cashier, a man and me.

I was on the floor bleeding. The two men ran away when they heard the police coming.

"Ava!", David said yelling while coming in the store. "I'm right here!", I said weakly. "Love, I'm here!", David said. "David, they shot me in the back!", I said with a scared tone. "You're gonna be okay!", David said.

The police came in, they got everyone there out. I was sent with an ambulance, David was driving to the hospital. While, I was in the ambulance, I was scared, I was worried about the baby, I didn't want to lose the baby. Suddenly, I blacked out.

Next day (July 29, 2017)...

It's Saturday, 9 AM, I woke up to see David by my side with his head down on my hand and holding my hand with one hand and the other one on my stomach.

"Hey!", I said. "Hey baby, how are you feeling?", my mom asked. "In a bit of pain", I said. "We'll let you two talk!", my dad said. They left the room. "Hey, is everything okay?", I asked with fear. "Yeah, everything is fine, the bullet didn't hurt any of your organs", he said.

"You know that's not what I'm asking", I said. He sighs, "The baby is fine.", he said. He stayed quite for a while, looking at me, then he smiles, "The babies are fine!", he said. "Babies?", I asked confusingly.

"Ava, we're having twins!", he said while smiling. "We are?", I asked. "Yes love, we are!", David said. We both started crying with joy, we were both so happy for this blessing. We couldn't ask for more.

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