Will you ever find me?

By skylake607

7.6K 170 70

Clary is kidnapped by Sebastian. When he gives Clary a disguise rune and sends her back to the New York Insti... More

Will I ever be free
Breaking Point
Not a chapter
Why brother, why?
SO SAD 😭😭😭...
If only...
The hunt
Lost.... or found?
Chapter 9 (i don't know what to name it)
Chapter 10 (sorry still don't know what to name it)
Tis it truly over?

Why brother, why?

501 16 4
By skylake607

A/N ok so one quick thing. I want to apologize for the small chapters and the awful chapter names. Ok, on with the show! -S

Clary P.O.V
I woke up back in the room Sebastian brought me to before. He was sitting in a chair next to the bed. I sat up and he woke out of his daze. "Clary" he spoke my name. "Now I hope you have learned your lesson. It really does not please me to have to take time out of my very busy schedule to punish you." I looked down at my stomach and saw I definitely had cracked a few ribs. The remnants of the demon blood still burned my skin. Sebastian walked out and shut the door. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I thought of Izzy, Simon, Magnus, Alec, my parents, and of course, the one that hurt the most to think about, Jace. I thought of his perfect smile, his golden hair and the way I curled it around my fingers. I thought of the way he kissed me. I felt a tear slip down my cheek. I stayed like that for angel knows how long.

Jace P.O.V

"Clary, my fiery redheaded, short tempered, beautiful precious Clary I will find you if it's the last thing I do." Magnus was trying to track her again and I just couldn't help but think what awful harm was coming to my precious Clary. Magnus wasn't getting anywhere and tracking her was clearly not going to be an option. I racked my brain for an idea, anything that could help her but I came up with nothing. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard Izzy scream. Alec and I had seraph blades out and were out of the door in no time. Izzy was my like my little sister. I couldn't bear it if something happened to her and Clary. We ran into the library and Izzy ran over to us. Alec looked at her then me as if to say what happened. I shrugged with a look that said why don't you ask the girl that screamed. "Izzy, what happened?" Alec said warily. "H-he was here" her voice barely audible. "Who was here Izzy?" I asked hoping she didn't mean who i thought she meant. "Sebastian, he left something." Izzy straightened up and walked over to the TV screen. "He left a video and a note. I grabbed the note out of her hand and it read

Dear Shadowhunters, you better find Clary soon. She's got at least 4 broken ribs all ready. Please enjoy the complimentary video. Clarissa will be punished and made obedient, and then she will rule with me for eternity. Tick Tock- S

"Play the video Iz" I was scared to see what he was doing to her, but I needed to know. The video started with Clary strung up in chains then yelling out in pain. I winced at the sight, but I continued to watch. Then Sebastian hit her in the stomach and she screamed in agony. Next he pulled a dagger and began cutting her skin. I had to look away,but when I heard Izxzy gasped I looked back. Sebastian had cut his hand and was burning Clary with his demon blood. Anger and rage bubbled inside me. NO ONE hurts my Clary like that. I needed to get her out of there. Then I got an idea. I knew it was risky, but I would do anything to get Clary back. If I don't have her I don't have anything to live for. I retreated to my room without a word and started packing. I was going to the seelie court. I had my weapons prepared and I was ready to go when I heard a knock on my door. Alec came in and took one look at my weapons then said, "whatever insane suicidal plan you have in your head you are not doing it." "Alec, I have to get her back, you saw what he was doing to her." Alec shut my door and walked toward me. He surprised next by saying "Look Jace if you tell anyone this I'll deny it, but Clary has grown on me. She's like my little sister now and I'm scared for her too, but whatever you're planning isn't gonna help her." I was shocked that Alec actually cared about Clary that much. "Now do you mind telling me exactly what it was you were planning to do?" he asked me. I told him my plan about asking the Seelie Queen. He looked at me like I was insane. "Jace, swear on the angel that you won't carry out that plan. It might just hurt Clary more. Who knows who Sebastian has allied with." "I swear on the angel I won't go to the court." I said half mad he stopped me, half glad that he did. I knew there was a reason he was my parabatai.

Clary P.O.V.
I heard a knock on my door and Sebastian came in. "Hello sister, we have somewhere to attend. Now,I trust that you'll be more obedient this time?" I didn't want to make him angry again and I was all ready in a lot of pain so I just nodded. "Good. There are a few outfits in the closet that you can choose from. Be downstairs in 15 minutes." And  with that he closed the door and left. I opened the closet and quickly decided on a short red dress with some intricate beading on top.  I grabbed some black boots and ran a brush through my mane of curly red hair. I saw makeup in a drawer but after putting all that on I was in so much pain I didn't have the effort to do it all so I quickly brushed  on some mascara and applied some lipstick. I descended the steps to find Sebastian standing at the bottom in a black shirt, black jeans and boots. He took my arm and we vanished to our destination.

Sebastian P.O.V
Angel, she looks gorgeous. I want her. All to myself. And  I know just how to get her.

A/N thanks for reading! Don't forget to comment what you think! Constructive criticism is always welcome! If you please recommend this story to some friends! So plot twist a Sebastian point of view. Hmm what does he mean he knows how to get her? There will probably be another update in the next 24 hours. Yay. Also season 3 of shadowhunters starts in 13 days!! Who else is excited!  -S

(Clary's dress below)

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