Language Barrier

By love_is_love32

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She thought that all zombies were vicious creatures only after brains. Well according to her family and frien... More



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By love_is_love32

Wow, the first day of school and Bucky is already making a scene.

I mean really what is this guy's problem, expect his big ego of course.

Walking to the small group I see Bree trying to lighten the mood by making jokes. That right there is why I love that girl, even in situations that have nothing to do with her, she still tries to make everyone happy.

Getting closer, I could finally make out what they are saying.

"But Bucky, nothing happened. I was just looking at what was happening. You know I get curious," Addison states. He probably accused her of being friends with the zombies.

"Just keep it that way little cousin. We would not want anything to happen that could jeopardize your chances of getting into the cheer team, now do we?" He replies, tucking a piece of hair behind Addison's ear. The way he said it, it almost seems threatening and by the way Addison flinched, it was suppose to be.

Ugghh... I have had enough of this power trip. Walking towards them I slip my arms around Addison's shoulders while looking at Bucky's shocked face and ask, "Is there a problem here, Bucky? Picking on Addi? Where did the summer Bucky go? I really thought you were different, but I guess your true colours are showing."

"No, Dase, it is not like that I-" Bucky tries to explain. But looking around he suddenly stopped. Why did he-, Oh, I see, a crowd is forming. They probably heard our argument. Typical Bucky. Never wanting to look anything but perfect in the pupil eye.

Scoffing at him, I grab Addison and Bree, who now stood by the stairs, and started to walk to our lockers.

Uggh..Some people, I really wished that it was not like this. The Bucky that I be-friended this summer is nothing like the Bucky I see in front of me.

"Thank you for saving me, Daisy! You know how much I want to become a cheerleader. If something would have happened I do not know what I would do," Addison confesses while side hugging me.

"Do not worry, Addi, we got your back. This is our year and we are going to become apart of the Mighty Shrimp Cheer team. You, Daisy and I are a team and nobody is going to be able to tear us apart," Bree exclaims while walking next to us.

"That is right, Bree. Now does anyone know where our homeroom is because I think the bell is about to-" I say while getting my books from my locker, but before I could finish my sentence the bell rings.

Oh no! We are going to be late!

We quickly grab the last of our things from our lockers and rush to the classroom. Luckily our lockers are next to each other.

So much for a good first impression.

After trying to explain to the teacher why we were late, we finally got to continue with class.

For the first two lessons, it was pretty normal. Addison, Bree and I always sat next to each other which I am greatful for. Even though I seem to be confident around everyone, I really do not do so well with new people.

"And remember class, your homework is due on Friday-" said the History teacher but suddenly an alarm went off, cutting him off.

What could that be? Even though I was confused as to what the alarm meant, everyone else seemed to know because right as the alarm went off everyone went into a panic.

All this chaos around me, people screaming, running down the halls, teachers ushering students towards the zombie safe rooms, girls crying and through all of this Bree and I get separated from Addison. Oh I hope she is alright. I do not know what we would do without her.

However, through this I found out that this was the z-alert system. Which in my opinion, is just a waste of money because of course there are zombies in school. We just saw them this morning. So why is everyone so afraid?

Oh, I hope nothing bad happens to the zombies. I mean I still need to give back the necklace around my neck to the tall zombie, Bonzo. I mean this could possibly be something important to him and I was just being a good person.

But why do I feel like I am just trying to convince myself?

After an hour stuck in a little room with a lot of bunk beds and only a few lightbulbs hanging from the sealing as our only source of lighting I got fed up. I mean really people, we all know there are zombies here and by the way that, the shaggy haired zombie, Bonzo was acting this morning I do not really think that the zombies are here to cause us harm.

But I need to remember what mum said about the z-bands. They immits a soothing vibration that seems to tame the zombies' instincts to eat brains. However, through the years the zombies have discovered how to mess with the bands resulting in them being able to change their behaviour. Now some might say that this is a good thing now they can be more human right? Wrong. When tampering with the bands , they tend to short circuit, which could be very dangerous.

So with this knowledge, I cannot help but think that maybe my parents are right and that we should be afraid of the zombies. I mean, what if there z-bands glitch in the middle of a pep rally, or a school game? The zombies are putting us at risk.

Suddenly the necklace around my neck feels heavier. What will happen when I return the necklace to the tall zombie, Bonzo. Am I inadvertently putting myself in danger just by thinking about going to a zombie to give him something?

But on the other hand, I cannot just judge somebody without knowing them first. I mean just because they are zombies does not mean that they cannot be civilised.

But before I could contemplate any further, Bree suddenly pops up in front of me, saying that it was finally safe to get out of the safe room.

"Finally, I was beginning to think that we would have to stay here all day. Imagine not being able to go to the cheer tryouts," Bree exclaims while we walk through the safe room door.

"Really, that is what you are concerned about? Bree, we still do not know why the alarm was sounded or where Addison is," I say looking around, trying to see if I could find her. Where did she go?

As if hearing my inner tumoil, we finally find her walking down the hall next to a zombie? And is she smiling? What happened? But before I could question her, she quickly walks our way.

"Guys, that was so crazy! Our first day and we already have to go through z-alert drills. But luckily we still have the tryouts today. Bucky said that the tryouts will be held in the gym so come on we do not have much time left," Addison says, while dragging Bree and I towards the gym. She probably saw the suspicious look that we gave her so she is trying to take our attention away from her.

Which she succeeds to do because the moment she says that, Bree is suddenly going on and on about how nervous she is. Which I do not understand why,  Bree is one of the most peppy people I have every met so if anyone deserves to be a cheerleader it would be her.

Both of my friends deserve to be on the cheerleading team because I have never seen anyone as determined as my friends so with that thought I stop us before the gym entrance, pull my two besties into a group hug and wish them luck (even though they do not need it). Pulling out of the hug I turn towards the gym door and with one last look at Bree and Addison, I push the doors open and walk in.

Make way Seabrook High Cheer-leading team her comes Daisy Wilson and her besties.

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