Unplanned {Harry Styles Fanfi...

By styles_is_my_life

177K 6K 627

Laney always wondered where her life would take her after graduation, but what she didn't expect was to have... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 5

5.4K 191 27
By styles_is_my_life

I haven't seen Chad in three days. After he got home and stormed off to his room that one night, he has been leaving early and getting home super late. I would hear him rumaging around in the kitchen each morning and I would hear the garage door open each night when he would come home.

I wasn't complaining about it. I just didn't understand it. I straightened my hair and put on some red skinny jeans with a black sweater. It was the first of October and it was getting really cold.

As I was sitting at the counter in the kitchen eating some breakfast, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I pulled it out and saw that I had a message from an unknown number. I clicked on the envelope to open it up.

Hey. I haven't heard from you in a bit. Is everything going okay?

It took me a minute to realize that this was Harry's number. I was a little bit irritated that he hadn't waited for me to text him like I told him to. I brushed it off and text him back.

I'm fine. Just been a long few days.

We text back and forth for the next hour. I found myself smiling as his texts came through. I unloaded the dishwasher and reloaded it. After the whole house was put back together (it didn't take long cause I clean it everyday) I sat on the couch with a book. It was only ten and I didn't know how to spend the rest of my Friday. I wished that I could just go into town and shop, or meet up with my mom.

I hate to keep asking, but I'd really just like to go get coffee with you or something.

I put my book down beside me and contemplated what to do. My need to get out of the house and do something without Chad following me was getting overbearing.

Okay. But I have to be back by three. And I'm going to need a ride.

I didn't know what I was doing, but I was going to go along with it.

Text me your address. I'm leaving my place right now.

In the back of my mind something was telling me to back out now while it was still possible, but I pushed that thought as far to the back of my mind as possible and sent him the address. I walked up the stairs and put on a pair of black leather boots. I put a hair tie on my wrist just in case, and grabbed my purse off the hook in the closet.

I looked out the big window in the sitting room and saw that the clouds were dark. I grabbed my black knee length winter coat and sat on the couch to wait. About twenty or so minutes later, I saw a black car pull up in front of my house. At first I was worried that it was someone else and not Harry, but as the drivers door opened, I saw the same boy from the restaurant and I became excited. 

I walked to the front door and met him in the driveway before he could get even halfway to the door. He smiled at me and I gave him the best smile I had. We walked to the car and he opened the door for me. I was a little unsure. I could still walk back in the house and pretend this whole thing never happened.

My feet had other plans as they shuffled towards the car and I sat down in the passengers seat. Harry made sure I was in before he shut the door and jogged around to his side. He got in and started the car, turning the heat on full blast.

"It's bloody cold in this state!" He said as he rubbed his hands together. 

"Sorry where are my manners. How are you love?" He flashed a dimply smile at me and I laughed.

"I'm fine. Cold. But fine." He chuckled and started driving. We drove in silence for a few miles. You would think it would be awkward, but it really wasn't.

I kept looking over at him out of the corner of my eye. Honestly, he was rather attractive. He had a dark blue beanie on his head with a few dark brown curls poking out at the bottom. He was wearing black jeans and white converse. He wore a heavy black jacket, but I could see a bit of a white tshirt poking out near his neck.

I suddenly realized I was in a car with someone I barely knew, and I had no idea where he was taking me.

"So um where are we going?" I asked him as I looked out the windshield.

"Well I know of this small coffee shop in the middle of town. Unless you want to go somewhere else?"

"Oh no. That will be fine." The rest of the ride was quiet except for the low hum of the music from the radio and the heater that was on high.

We drove through town until he pulled into a small parking lot and pointed to a brown bricked shop across the street.

"That's it." I nodded my head and started to reach for the handle. Harry jumped out of his side of the car and jogged over to my side, getting there just as I was opening the door. He pulled the door the rest of the way and offered his hand to me. 

I declined his hand and climbed out. We waited for a clearing before crossing the street. Harry opened the shop door and let me walk in.

The small shop had was quite cozy. It had seven round tables. There was music playing and it was decorated in orange and black for the coming holiday. We walked up to the counter and a cheery girl took our order. After our drinks were brought to us, I led us to a table near the corner of the shop.

I sipped on some hot chocolate while Harry drank a coffee. I didn't mind coffee, but I was totally craving chocolate and so it was a sudden decision when I placed my order. Harry refused to let me pay, claiming that he was the one that wanted to get coffee with me so he was the one paying.

"So, erm, tell me about yourself." I asked as we sat across from eachother looking out at the people walking along the sidewalks.

"Uhm what do you want to know?"

"Just. Anything I guess."

"Okay, well erm, I'm from England. A small town called Holmes Chapel. My parents got divorced when I was younger and my mom, Anne, remarried a nice man named Robin. I have an older sister named Gemma. Uhm nothing too exciting."

"Haha okay how old are you? What brought you to the U.S.?"

"I'm nighteen. I'll be twenty in February. I moved here back in August to attend school. Me and a friend came down together and we share a flat near the university."

"I'm sorry a what?"

"A flat. Um they call it a. Erm. An apart- something here."

"Oh an apartment. Oh okay. Well that's nice."

"Yeah it is."

We finished our drinks and decided to just walk around for awhile it was one so we still had time. We stopped in a few shops here and there and had fun talking and trying on silly hats and such. Soon I decided I should be getting back. I didn't think Chad would be home until late again, but better safe than sorry.

"So I told you about me. Now it's your turn to tell me about you."

"Well there isn't really much to say. I graduated grade school last May and yeah. I'm an only child. My parents live about ten minutes away from here. Nothing real exciting." I shrugged my shoulders as we neared the car. He opened my door and I got in. He got in on his side and we started the drive back to my place.

"What about that guy you were with at the restaurant? Is he your boyfriend?"

I bit my lip and contemplated on what I should and should not tell him.

"Erm no. He's my, uh, my husband."

I saw his jaw tense and his grip tighten on the steering wheel.

"How long have you two been, uh, married?"

"Just since July."

He opened his mouth like he was going to say something, but instead shut it quickly. It was silent for a few minutes and then he spoke.

"Why do you let him treat you like that?"

His voice was quiet and I couldn't help but sense some anger mixed with sadness. 

"I just. He. Well. That was uh just once."

I lied. I had the chance to tell someone what was going on in my life, and I lied. He gave a single nod of his head and the car was silent again. As we neared the house, I had to blink a few times when I saw the garage door was open.

My heart started racing, my head was pounding. I started gasping for breath as Harry parked next to the curb.

"Looks like your husband's home. Thanks for coming with m-. Laney. Laney! What's wrong? Take a deep breath. Laney look at me. You need to take a deep breath!"

I was still gasping for air and Harry's eyes had a worried look as he grabbed my face and turned it to look at him. I tried to take a deep breath and copy his movements. It took a few times, but I finally got enough air and I calmed a little bit. I closed my eyes and continued taking the deep breaths.

Just as I opened my eyes, I caught movement near the front door. I looked out Harry's window and saw Chad stepping out the front door.

His eyes were dark and he shut the door behind him as he folded his arms across his chest.

"I need to go. Thanks." I stepped out of the car and ran around the back before Harry could say another word. I waved him off as I walked up towards the front door. He gave me a reluctant stare before slowly driving away from the curb.

"Inside. Now."

His voice was laced with venom. I quickly obeyed and stepped through the door. Taking my coat and shoes off and placing them in the hall closet. Just as I shut the door, Chad was standing there and he grabbed my shoulders, pushing me up against the wall.


"I. He. We." My voice was shaky.

"SHUT UP!" Drops of spit were coming out of his mouth with every word. I was trembling, tears forming in my eyes. I turned my head down, trying to hide the tears.

"LOOK AT ME!" Chad grabbed below my chin and jerked my head up to face his. A whimper left my mouth from the force.

"Chad. I didn't mean to. It's not what you think. I just needed to ge-"

A harsh sting came over my face. My head had quickly turned to the side from the force. I reached my hand up and felt the warm tingly spot on my cheek.


Another clap sounded throughout the quiet house as his hand came in contact with my cheek again.. The tears started streaming down my cheeks and I reached up to touch the stinging, tear streaked skin. The touch burned and I hissed in response. Chad pushed me out of the way and climbed the stairs swiftly.

I fell to the floor from the force of his push. I covered my stinging cheeks as the tears fell freely. Chad hit me.

My husband hit me.

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