Book Two : Emboldened (Comple...

By _Itz_Gayu_

33.5K 6.5K 1.1K

A sequel to Abashed............the story continues there after......... Rekha tricked Dev about Sona being ig... More

The Beginning----Prologue
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
New Story
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
update coming up tonight
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four (The Epilogue)
Author's Note
Sequel Out

Chapter Seventeen

1.2K 253 20
By _Itz_Gayu_

Okay an honest confession...........this one's not proof read, so pardon me for any mistakes, and secondly please read the note at the end of the chapter, and yess happy reading!!!


Chapter Seventeen


And when exactly were you going to tell me?............after Sameer managed to kill our Pia.............or rather he would have managed to sabotage our already dwindling relationship...............when Shona...........what were you waiting for?

The pain in his voice was evident............I felt as if all the air has been sucked out of my lungs..............I wished to breath but I couldn't, I wished to scream but my voice failed me...........I wished to console him but my tears betrayed me............lord this was the most deadliest bait of my if I loose my Dev's trust, then I will loose myself forever.............

No isn't like that............I wanted to tell you but, I just got to know that Pia has been held captive by Sameer...........all this while I thought she was safe at the place Ele had kept her...........

I hope I made sense in what I spoke..............right now all I knew was I had been blabbering what all came to my mind, there was no head and tail to it............but then whom was I trying to add filters to?............the one I was speaking was Dev, to whom I can speak any nonsense and be sure that he won't judge me..........

Shona listen, what all you are saying now doesn't make one thing, sit down, relax a bit............and tell me clearly what all has happened since the time you delivered Pia............if we have to save our child from that brute, we need to be clear with our facts...........

I nodded frantically..............all I want know was his support and trust............and I will do anything that it takes me to gain his love back...............he passed on a glass of water to me, while he caressed my hair lovingly as I sipped the water holding the glass into my still trembling hands...........

The night when I met with an accident, I was being chased out by my Dad.........I had no one to help, so I was walking around the streets of Mumbai, aimlessly...........I started calling Ele, but then I noticed a silhouette following me...........when I noticed carefully, I saw Sameer............he had this wicked smirk on.............I knew he meant trouble, hence I started running in the opposite direction from which he was this whole mess I didn't notice Ved's car approaching, I dashed against it and fell down, hurting my bump...........

I hid my face in my hands as Dev moved closer to me............he rolled his arms around me as I engulfed myself in his warm embrace...........

I knew then itself that our Pia won't be a normal child..........the doctor who checked me then had told me that Pia would face brain development issues........Ved provided us security, he moved us into his flat...........but Sameer tracked Ele again when she started to attend the college............inorder to keep him away from me, Ele started staying away from me............but even on my delivery day, that Sameer followed us.............he had managed to reach us, that's when Ele suggested that we keep Pia in a common room for newborns and escape from there............but when she went back to get her, Sameer had supposedly been following her...........she ensured me that Pia would be safe at the place she had shifted her to...........I knew it was risky to leave my child alone there, but then what could I do weren't there with me.........Paapa had cut all his ties with me, what would I do?...........I gave in meekly and then we moved to Delhi............but I have no grudges against Ele for separating me and Pia, coz she has done a lot for me..........whatever I'm today is because of Ele...............I owe her my life!!!!

Dev looked stunned after what I had confessed..............I'm sure he mustn't have imagined me going through so much of pain in such a short span...........he was yet to tell me why he hadn't been able to contact me during those 6 months...........but that could wait............Pia was more important for us right now............

Shona...................oh God.................I can't even could I leave you alone when you were going through so much..............I hate your Rekha Maa for this.............she shouldn't have done this to me

Wait...............what did he just say?.................Rekha could I forget her.........she hadn't even bothered to call me once after that day............okay ii can understand she may have tried calling me up but couldn't get my number.............but then if she wished to reach out to me, she could have called Ele's mom anytime............she had been living in Kolkata for quite some time before Ved decided to shift her to Chennai.................why didn't she try doing that was what I wondered the most..........

Rekha Maa.............why does she come into picture here?............what's going on Dev...........please tell me.........

He traced a palm through his hair, as if racking his brain to calm down...........

She is a cheater Shona.............she cheated us.............first of all she convinced me to marry you secretly...........then she asked us to go on a trip.............I left for Chennai and couldn't get through to you for a month because of my work shifts............and you know what.............when I managed to call you after an entire month, just to hear from you that you are fine.............she lied to me..........she told me that you have aborted our child and that you are all set to get married to a guy of your Dad's choice...........I was shattered...........I couldn't believe you could do this to me...........just to confirm if she was speaking the truth or not, I came down to Mumbai, but when I came there, you were not there.............everything was over...........I met your old cook and it was she who had told me that Rekha was the reason behind your troubles.........infact she was the one who had informed your dad about your pregnancy...........

How could someone be so cruel?............she very well knew I was a neglected child right from my childhood..........she knew how much I had craved for love all my life...........she would always console me saying that all the love I have lost on account of my Dad being least bothered about me, I will get it due back from my husband..........and when God gave me a loving husband, she pushed him away from me...............why Rekha maa............why?

Shona now listen to me carefully.............our Pia is a special obvio she wouldn't understand the difference between good and our first priority should be to get her out from that dungeon Sameer has put her we need to plan accordingly.............I guess we should involve Ved and Elena............we might need their help at some point of time.........if we land into some trouble, we should have someone to pull us out of it...........

So you call Elena, I will talk to Ved.............lets plan our moves properly before we go out and meet Sameer...........and remember one thing, Sameer will try to break us in every way possible............all we have to remember is that, we have to be together no matter what..........

We moved in our corners to talk to Ved and Elena............they instantly agreed to help us out........after sometime Dev dropped me home, promising to chalk out our course of action by the time her gets back to office............I rested for a while before getting ready and heading to office...........tonight was going to be a tough one........


The next day was a routine one as usual...........we all worked earnestly towards our new project.........the details of our mock shoot had been sent across to our clients and they had indeed loved every bit of Shona owned the stage like a diva, although I was a little skeptical about her videos being sent across, I did realize that it's all a part of her job, I simply cannot be a thorn in her path of success......

The evening arrived soon and as the clock struck 6, everyone started packing their stuff and heading towards the exit..........Rebecca had been on a week-long leave, all thanks to her broken foot..........I certainly did wish to meet up and say sorry to her..........she didn't deserve to be thrashed the way she had been.......

As the office emptied, I walked up to Shona's cabin and entered cautiously, not without knocking and asking for permission..........people around were certainly not aware of our relationship outside office, and this wasn't the time they should get knowing this as well............she looked up from her laptop, her beautiful eyes covered by thick, circular me she looked breathtaking in every single attire of her...........but today her partially concealed eyes spoke yet another story of theirs.........

They held a certain emotion which I tried hard to decipher, but couldn't........they held agony, pain, helplessness, passion and if I'm not mistaken, fear???.............but then why did she have to be scared, specially when I was around to take care of her.........I had promised her that I would save her from all the bad things in this world, and trust me Shona, I still do stay firm on my resolve..........

Aahh........we were supposed to make a move for the party..........shall we leave together or you want me to pick you up from your place at a time you are convenient?...........I wouldn't mind anything........

I behaved utter professionally, right now we weren't even sure if there was someone out there around us providing feeds to Sameer............I could see her stance softening followed by a glint of hope in her was like she was trying to assure herself that she has got me to support her, to hold her when the world tries to throw her apart............she bit on her lower lip softly, before closing down the screen of her workstation..........

Just gimme 5 minutes Dev..........I will be right could drive to your place and change, then drop me at mine and then we could drive together to the venue........would that be fine?

We drove to her place where she changed into her party attire...........following which we drove to the venue..........hope everything will go as per our plan...........hope Pia will be back with us..........


The next update might take some time.............maybe quite sometime..........coz these days I have been keeping a bit busy and I would request you all to please be patient and be by my side.............this times target will be a little higher so that it fetches me a little more time to script my next chapter...........

If the target gets completed and I'm unable to update immediately, then please bear up, also incase I finish writing sooner, I will upload even if the target is like 10 votes short or likewise.............

Target : 210 votes

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