Unplanned {Harry Styles Fanfi...

By styles_is_my_life

177K 6K 627

Laney always wondered where her life would take her after graduation, but what she didn't expect was to have... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 4

6K 187 11
By styles_is_my_life

A few weeks had passed since the little restaurant incident, and I would like to say things have gotten better. But they havent. In fact, things have gotten worse. Chad takes any chance he can get to insult me. He doesn't have a filter on his mouth at all. He says what he wants, when he wants. He also has found more reasons to yell at me.

The mail wasn't placed where he could see it. Dinner had to much pepper in it. I bought two percent milk instead of one percent. I didn't wash the windows on the outside after it had rained and left marks on them. You name it, he yelled at me for it.

I stepped out of the shower and changed into some sweats and a hoodie. As long as I was sure to change before Chad got home, I could wear these with no problems. I brushed through my hair and decided to leave it down and curly. I grabbed the bottle of gel and a napkin fell onto the counter. The napkin! I had forgotten about it. With everything getting worse, I rarely had time to think about anything beside things to make Chad happy and not yell at me.

I squeezed some gel into my hand and ran it through my hair, scrunching it and pushing my bangs back with a headband. I quickly cleaned my hands and picked up the napkin. Before I could process what was happening, I was typing the number into my phone and composing a new message.

Hey. It's Laney.

I hit send and then realized what I had done. I began pressing all the buttons on my phone, hoping that I could take back the message. My eyes widened when the little beep from my phone notified me that the message had been sent successfully.

I threw my phone against the wall, for some reason thinking that would help matters. I paced back and forth in the tiny open space in my room. I kept thinking that I was hearing the door open downstairs, but it was only ten and I knew Chad wouldn't be home until at least four. He was very serious about his job and he milked it for all the money he could get out of it.

I jumped when my message ringtone started playing. I cautiously picked up my phone and sat on the bed. I began biting my nails, a nervous habit of mine. I touched the little envelope that notified me of a new message.

Hey. From the restaurant. Right?

The voice in my head kept telling me to delete the message and not reply. But my fingers had a different idea. They moved across the small touch screen keyboard as they typed out a new message.

Yeah. You remember me? I didn't think you would.

I placed my phone in my hoodie pocket and walked to the kitchen. I didn't realize how nervous I was until I kept tapping my fingers on the counter top. A few minutes later, my phone vibrated. I turned it on vibrate because a silly part of me thought that if it was on loud, someone would hear and tell Chad. Silly, I know.

Of course I remember you. It's hard to forget someone when you meet them under those circumstances.

I debated with myself again on whether or not should text back. After weighing the pros and cons, I jumped up to sit on the counter and started to text him back. I've already started, why stop now?

We text each other back and forth for a couple hours throughout the day. I cleaned the kitchen and sitting room while I was texting. We just talked about a whole range of things. We never stayed on one topic for too long. I had just sat down with a sandwich when my phone buzzed again.

I get done with my studies around 3 and I don't work until 6. Do you want to maybe grab some coffee or something?

I wanted to say yes. I wanted to get out of the house without Chad and have some fun. But I knew Chad would be home around four or shortly after and I didn't want to risk not being here when he got home.

Um, no I can't sorry. I've got to go. Don't text me. i'll text you.

I sent a final text and then made sure to delete the messages. I plugged my phone into a charger and started up the stairs to clean my room and bathroom. I did so much cleaning around this place everyday, but really there wasn't much more to do.

When we first got married, I left the apartment one afternoon while Chad was at work. I wanted to go see my mom and gather a few things that I had left in my old room when I moved out. By the time I came home that evening, Chad was fuming mad. He was pacing back and forth and this was the first time I had seen him like this.


I parked my car and gathered the things from the backseat. I walked up the stairs to the second floor and I opened the door and attempted to manuver around it with my hands full. I made it through and shut the door behind me, kicking my shoes off.

Chad was pacing back and forth and when I caught his eye. If glares could kill, I would have been dead five times over. He started to quickly walk towards me and I hurried to place the objects on the table.

"Is something wrong?" I asked after I turned back towards him.

"Is something wrong. IS SOMETHING WRONG!? Are you kidding me right now Laney! Of course something's wrong! You leave the house without telling me! You don't answer my phone calls or text messages! I have no idea where you are at!"

My hands quickly reached towards my pants pockets. I searched each one, but couldn't find my phone.

"Ugh. Sorry. I must have left my phone in my room. I didn't really think about it when I left. And I didn't plan on being gone this long, but mom was going through our junk room and I was helping her out."

I leaned in to give him a hug as an apology, but he took a swift step back. My face dropped and I was confused at what was going on. I mean I know we had never been super close since we were forced to be together, but he had never turned down a hug.

"Do not apologize to me! Things are going to have to change around here!" He turned walked down the halls towards his bedroom.

**Flashback Ends**

Shortly after that, Chad made me quit the job I had just started a couple months before. He also made me sell my car because he claimed we needed the money from it. He bought a house about twenty minutes out of town and we moved out of our small rented apartment.

I'm not stupid, and I know the real reasons as to why I had to sell my car and move forever away from anyone. My parents on the other hand, believed every word Chad told them. They were thrilled that we were managing our money wisely and starting to build our future by purchasing a home that was ours to own.

Our parents had never came to visit us in our new house. We moved in on our own, and Chad was always sure to go and visit them quite often so they wouldn't come see us. I still found it a little strange though that they had never asked to come visit.

The hours ticked by and soon I began to start dinner. I placed the hot meal on the table and sat down to wait for Chad to get home. It was around five thirty so I was shocked he wasn't home yet.

Shortly before six, The door opened and was slammed shut. I jumped a little and turned to face the stairway. Chad stomped up the steps and I could tell he was angry. So much for a nice quiet evening. Who am I kidding, we've never had one of those.

"Erm, dinner is ready." I quietly spoke, not sure if I should speak at all.

"I'm. Not. Hungry." Chad kicked his shoes off, hitting the wall with them. He stomped up the second flight of stairs and I heard his bedroom door shut.

I placed my head in my hands and sighed. This is what my life had become. This was how I was supposed to live for the rest of my life. This was my not so happily ever after.

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