Star Wars EpisodeIVAU: Reviva...

By miamircada

1.6K 78 2

Several years after the famous Anakin Skywalker mysteriously disappeared, Chancellor Organa informs Padme of... More

Visualizing the Main Cast
Anakin's Whereabouts
The Mission
Mobs Gone Wrong
The Rebel Alliance Meets
News of Pessimism
Old Ben Kenobi
Eden's Data Card
The Chase
Ben's History Lesson
Organa's Message
Chancellor Organa's Dinner Banquet
Welcome Aboard
The Search for Eden
The Scramble
The Tie Fighter Chase
The Incomplete Prophecy
Lux's Last Stand
Meeting Lando
Dinner and a Deal
Escape from Cloud City
The Jedi Temple
Ben's Retelling
The Jedi Archives
Han's Prerogative
The Interrogation

Trouble on Batuu

36 2 0
By miamircada

This is the beginning of Part IV: Across the Galaxy.

"Morality may consist solely in the courage of making a choice." ~Leon Blum


Luna's POV

"And we're coming out of hyperspace," Han announced as we came close to a planet covered in a blanket of forests and mountains. I knew this planet all too well. Before, when I would do errands for Jabba, I would always stop here to chill out and stuff.

"This is Batuu?" Luke murmured under his breath. "I've heard stories of that place. I hear there's an outpost there dating back to the pre-hyperspace days,"

"Wow, what useful information," I rolled my eyes. Sure, history and geography is important if one wants to navigate the galaxy, but how useful was the information Luke just blurted out? Close to none.

After several minutes of silence, Han landed the ship at an unidentified outpost.

"Wow, what a beautiful place," Eden mused as she looked at all the trees in the nearby forest.

"Shut it, Eden. We're not here to go sightseeing," I snapped.

"Now, now, we're all friends here. The last thing we need is a divide amongst us," Ben stood between me and Eden.

"Fine, if you say so," I huffed as I stormed out of the Millenium Falcon. "This way,"

I led the gang to an unidentified cantina, where EDM music was blasting from the speakers. Many kinds of species were partying like there was no tomorrow.

"What can I get you, miss?" a voice beside me called out. The bartender was resting his head on his hand, elbow on the table. I know we're not here to sightsee, but man, a drink was in need here.

"Sure, I'll take a Blurrgfire," I paid my credits as the bartender handed me a weird mixture that looked like root beer combined with water.

"I hear the famed Anakin Skywalker is here," a hoarse voice yelled over the music. A suspicious alien with brown skin made his way through the crowd. I knew this guy quite well. He visited this cantina frequently. I highly do not recommend visiting this place if you've got a bounty on your head.

Plus, what's this guy's deal with Anakin? Does he have a bounty on him? I hope not. If so, what would he be doing here? That would be a stupid mistake on his part.

"Look who it is," the sketchy alien came up to me. "Luna Levrel, Jabba the Hutt's errand girl,"

"Not anymore, Harkos," I snapped.

"Oh, really? Who are you working with, now?"

"I'm helping Han Solo and his squad,"

"Why? Are you trying to capture Anakin Skywalker himself? He's here,"

"Oh, cool," I shrugged. I'm done with being Jabba's errand girl. I'm tired of being ordered around to do morally unjust things. It's time I do the right thing, and I can start by protecting Anakin Skywalker.

"Are you gonna help me or not?"

"I would love to, but Han Solos's always on the move," I lied. "Excuse me," I made my way to where Han and Chewbacca were. Han was also chugging down a glass of Blurrgfire.

"Where were you?" he asked.

"I ran into Harkos. He's looking for Anakin," I whispered in his ear.

"Oh, really?" Han raised his eyebrows as Chewbacca growled. Suddenly, the music stopped. Everybody turned to give their attention to Harkos, who was holding a microphone.

"Look, y'all, I've got a bounty on a certain individual named Anakin Skywalker. If anybody has seen him, report to me at once," Harkos howled through the microphone.

"That damned bastard! He's probably working for Yvonne and her goons!" Eden hissed once she reached our table.

"Who's Yvonne?" I turned to look at Eden.

"She's always got a bunch of Stormtroopers or 'subordinates', as she calls them, around her,"

"Outta my way!" a middle-aged man with shaggy brown hair made his way through the crowd, zipping past me. Wait a minute...

"Holy shit! That's...that's...Anakin Skywalker!" I stuttered.


Author's Note: By the way, Harkos is NOT my character. Anyway, that was Anakin Skywalker, but where is he going? What will Luke and the gang do now that they have found him?

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