« First Love »

By namjoonshaven

48.2K 2.8K 846

Title- First Love Pairing- MinJoon Theme- Modern Royalty + Mafia AU © Namjoonshaven More

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3.1K 216 58
By namjoonshaven

2935 words
February 25, 2018

"지금부터 내가하는 말을 따라해라, 알았지?"
— 정호석

He wore a white sleeved collared shirt with small red flowers printed onto it. He had a navy blue tie around his neck with a striped red snake on the front. His shirt tucked inside the tan colored slacks with a checker board pattern. His sleeves were rolled up as his wrist was adorned with a leather brown watch. To finish it all off he wore princetown leather slippers from Gucci.

The man—Taehyung, poses in front of a white background, sitting with one leg folded onto the other with his back slouched back and his elbow propped onto the arm rest beside him. The couch he sat on was made of black leather with white fur pillows. His head rested onto the palm of his hand with his eyes staring directly at the canon camera before him. The tense zooming in and flickering every now and then due to the photographer positioning it for a perfect shot.

The couple flashes from the camera didn't even faze Taehyung as he stayed in his position, shifting every know and then when the photographer told him so.

"Perfect, as always." The photographer praises with a smile on his face when he revisits the shots he took.

Taehyung smirked with cocky glint in his eyes, a small hum escaping his lips, "naturally." His thick accented voice mutters.

Heels clicked against the flooring from a distance. The sound coming closer, causing his left ear to twitch and trail his eyes over to where the sound came from.

His right brow lifts when he caught site of his assistant wearing a white long sleeve ruffle blouse, a short black pencil skirt and simple black stilettos. Her long back hair straightened and her makeup—strong eyeliner with eyeshadow making her eyes have an intense glare to them and glossy red lips.

She stands before him, leaning in to whisper in his ear. The news presented to him makes his expression fall from its laid back composure. The end of his left arched brow twitches as he closes his eyes. Sighing through his nose he opened his eyes again and stands up from the leather couch.

He fixes up his navy tie and looks at his photographer, "I'll be taking my leave earlier, that won't be a problem would it?" He keeps his tone as monotone as he could.

"Of course, have a good day, Kim." The photographer waves at him with a simple smile of reassurance before unhooking his camera off the tripod.

During the time, Namjoon gave up pretty quickly at his chance to escape. He manages to find a stress ball in one of Jimin's desk drawers when he was spinning around on his leather reclining chair.

He was throwing the stress ball up in the air as he sprawled himself on the couch. A straight face plastered on his face as he sighed heavily. One moment, he threw the ball up too high and in a different direction, making it land behind the couch and dribble onto the floor till it rolled away, hitting a certain furniture.

He heaved another sigh, feeling rather sluggish to even pick it up and play with it again. Though when he looked over to the mattress, a tempting nerve inside him wanted to just walk over there and cover himself with the thick blanketing and silk sheets perfectly made.

But right when he got up and shuffled over to the round mattress, lifting the thick blanket a bit with one knee on the bed the door he heard a sudden bang against the double doors.

He becomes a deer in headlights when he looked over to the noises, hearing harsh squeaks against the flooring with harsh grunts and thudding on the other side.

He gulps as it stays silent for a couple of seconds, then the knob on the door clicked and turned slowly. Namjoon's hand let go of the blanket and stepped back behind the bed, staying as far away from the door as he could—eyeing the large window beside him.

The door swings open and all Namjoon sees is two bodies trying to move an inch on the floor with bruised up faces. Then, his eyes saw the figure that stood before them with a heavy glare.

"H—Hoseok?" Namjoon spoke uncertainly.

Hoseok steps into the room, avoiding the two bodies on the floor, heading over to Namjoon.

"We need to go." Hoseok takes hold of Namjoon's wrist to tug him out of the room.

"Hoseok, what the hell is going on?" Namjoon tries to look at Hoseok's face but for some reason the other kept looking away, avoiding his pleading gaze.

"Hoseok." Namjoon tries again as he was rushed through the halls, his eyes taking noticed of the various other men bruised unconsciously on the ground as they pass.

Namjoon's breath hitches as they turn to a corner, with his eyes looking back at the men who looked as though they weren't breathing. He looks at Hoseok once more, "Hoseok!"

The other clicked his tongue and snarled as he swiftly took hold of Namjoon's shoulders, slamming him against the nearest wall.

Namjoon gasps with a frightened look in his eyes, his knees buckled at the way Hoseok stared darkly at his own, his hands shakily trying to grab onto who knows what.

"Shut your mouth." Hoseok snaps as the grip around Namjoon's shoulders tightened, causing the latter to wince.

Namjoon's bottom lip quivers as he looks away, trying his best to shrink on himself as his breath becomes on easy by the hostile way the other, his friend, was treating him.

All he wanted were answers.

"Sorry..." Namjoon's voice wavers as he looks at the ground with a trembling posture.

Hoseok's eyes begin to soften, widen even, when he realized what he was doing. His grip slowly loosens on the other, flinching away leaving Namjoon to hug at his own shoulders.

"Namjoon." Hoseok's tone becomes a whisper as he tries to reach Namjoon. His hand trying to lace with the others.

"Listen to me when I say this...I'll answer anything you want to know just...follow what I say for now, alright?" Namjoon looked at him with a thick lump in his throat.

Swallowing it, he nods vigorously, letting out an 'okay' before following behind Hoseok who didn't utter another word.

As the two take another corner they froze when guns were positioned at their direction. Four guards were on one knee with shot guns directing at their direction with Park Jimin stood behind the guards with a gritting jaw.

"Cause anymore trouble than you already have and I won't hesitate to have my men fire." The prince spoke sharply.

Namjoon hesitantly lifted his hands up in surrender while Hoseok cursed under his breath, placing both his hands behind his head. A look of annoyance played on his expression.

Jimin sighed with his fists loosening, stepping forward he extended his hand out with a nervous look in his eye, "now, hand him over to me."

"Like hell I would." Hoseok snaps back with a nose crinkle. Namjoon looked back and forth of the two with shaken eyes.

"Don't make this anymore difficult than it already is."

Namjoon's heart started to race, and he didn't know why but he started to slowly step back from the thick atmosphere.

"I'm not making this difficult, you are. Pointing your damn guns at us—" Hoseok's eyes widen when two of the guards begin to shoot their guns at his direction.

Hoseok ducks his head low and crouches onto the ground moving aside, he noticed the way Jimin's eyes widen in disbelief and that's when Hoseok realized that Namjoon slipped, falling onto the ground, trying to run away.

The gun fires shocked Namjoon, the cause for throwing him off balance, but he quickly picked himself up and ran as fast as he could.

"Hold your fire!" Jimin shouts and the guards obey. The prince clicks his tongue as he starts chasing after the boy.

Namjoon swore his heart was pounding harder than it has ever could, his breathing grows heavy as he takes different turns and halls to god knows where. Then a familiar area took site and he realized it was the same hall where Prince Jimin's bedroom was in.

"My bag." He muttered onto heavy breath as he swoops into the room, avoiding to step onto the guards bodies. He aimlessly looked around and noticed his bag near the couch.

He rushes over to his bag, slings it over his shoulder and surges over to the double doors.

He looks to his left when he hears various footsteps coming through that direction. His his hand gripping tightly on the single strap he begins to sprint towards the opposite direction, disappearing off to a corner.

Though, his escape comes to end when his body collides with another. The big man from earlier that served hi crystal water frantically widened his eyes and spluttered out words the boy couldn't understand.

Then, the big man saw Prince Jimin from behind, that's when he knew that he had to take hold of Namjoon by the forearm and shoulder to keep in place.

Namjoon struggled and tried to break free, giving the big man a hard time because even though he looked skinny he packed some sort of muscle in him to be able to slip away by an inch.

"Please, stop running away!" Jimin's voice shouts at the top of his lungs, caused Namjoon to stiffen in the big man's hold.

Namjoon's frightened glare looks over at the Prince, along with two set of guards holding the fire arms from before in their hands.

It was silent, all you could hear was the heaving breathes of Namjoon's. The boy winces at the prickling pain in his recovering knee from running so far without the knee brace but he had to ignore it—he had to.

"Please." Namjoon could hear the way the prince's voice cracks pitifully, he too was out of breathe by the chase.

The big man loosened his grip on the other, feeling as though Namjoon would comply but when he did he saw the way clung onto his suit with one of his legs becoming weak.

"My knee..." Namjoon shutters as he spoke—barely audible for the big man to hear.

He heard it though, the big man's gaze turning over to his highness, "The boy's knee is weak."

Jimin's eyes grow concerned as he rushed over to the two.

He stands behind Namjoon, looking at the big man with a nod, "give him to me Khan."

"Of course." The big man—Khan—submits as he hands over the boy to Jimin.

The prince lowers himself along with Namjoon in his hold, he sat on his knees, letting them spread far apart for Namjoon to fit in between them.

"Khan." Jimin says at the big man nods to here what he had to say.

"Tell the royal doctor to come here immediately with a nurse and make sure that Hoseok guy doesn't leave this castle." He orders, Khan bows his head before departing, signaling one guard to follow him while the other stays put to protect the prince's side.

Namjoon was mobilized to a different room, sitting on the edge of a hospital bed. His hand griping tightly onto Jimin's bicep who sat beside him.

The doctor that Jimin called on earlier kneeled on one knee as his hands were taking ahold of Namjoon's bad leg, positioning it straight and then folding it gently.

"Mrs. Lee, do get the knee immobilizer from the cabinets." The nurse beside the doctor wearing specs, nods as she stands up to go over to the other side of the room.

"You're lucky Mr. Kim, if you had run any more longer the injury would have been more severe." The man points out as he opens up a bag set beside him on the ground.

Namjoon only nods, biting on his bottom lip. The nurse comes back with a knee immobilizer in her hands and passes it over to the doctor.

"Before I put this on for you," the doctor begins as he loosens the straps, "I need to put this cream on your knee, it will help ease the burning pain on the injured area."

"Okay..." Namjoon agrees. "Do I take off my pants..?"

"Yes, Mrs. Lee, Your highness, do you mind." The doctor looks at the two and they didn't take a second thought into getting up from their seating areas to head straight out the doctor's office. Built in specially inside the kingdom.

As Mrs. Lee closes the door behind them she looks over to Prince Jimin with a cornering stare, "Your highness."

Jimin looked over at her from staring at the ground, "Yes."

"Don't take this the wrong way but your approach on the boy frightened half to death." She softly scolds.

"First locking him up in your room against his will, and then chasing him down with four men shooting bullets at his direction...I heard the fire all the way from this side of the wing." Her chocolate brown eyes shot daggers through his head.

Jimin's shoulders sunk, so did his eyes. Looking at the ground like a child being scolded by his mother. His brows creased as he but down on his bottom lip. Guilt coursing through his system.

"I've known you long enough to know that you wouldn't do these sorts of crazy things, since you were this small, Your highness." Mrs. Lee fans her hand to where an infants height would be.

"Why did you result to such behavior when the situation would of been handled more smoothly?" She crosses her arms agains her chest, placing weight on her right leg.

"I—" he tries to look up at her but his eyes falter, defeated by her words. "I don't know...I regret it. Deeply."

Mrs. Lee sighs through her nose, "I know you do." She walks up to him closer and rests her hand atop of his heads ruffling his hair, "work things out with the nice boy or the arranged marriage between you to will never come true."

Jimin looked at her with a small glint, his lips pursed before he sighs out, looking over at the double doors of the doctor's office he notices that they were unlocking.

Out revealed the doctor fixing up his specs, his eyes glanced at both Mrs. Lee and Prince Jimin.

"He's all set, all he has to do now is rest."

"Thank you, Dr. Fang." Jimin bows his head at the man and he simply nods before moving aside and departing off to handle other business outside the castle walls.

Jimin watches over the man as he leaves and once he's out of site he looks back over to the room and sees Namjoon, his back turned at him as he reaches into the bag he always carried.

Jimin hesitated but sucked in a breath as he walks in the room. Standing few feet's away from the other he clears his throat, almost startling the male, causing his phone to practically slip from his hands.

He manages to take hold of it and clutch it close to his chest, his body slowly turning over to Jimin's direction.


"Where's Hoseok." Namjoon voices spoke over the other.

Jimin blinks for a moment before carefully picking out his words, "you wish to see him." The other nodded.

"Follow me then." Jimin extends his hand out for the other to hold but his heart sinks when all Namjoon did was look at it and brush past his presence, limping with his bad knee.

It took a while but Jimin finally lead Namjoon to where his friend would be. Then when he opened the door for the other to enter inside first, Namjoon took site of Hoseok with his hands bounded behind his back with guards who looked much stronger than him surrounding his ever corner. Hoseok was on his knees with his head hanging low, frontal bangs covering his dark eyes.

Then, when Hoseok hears the door creak open and heard footsteps come inside he lifted his head up slowly. Namjoon stood still for a second before looking over the room. Seeing it was an average lounge area he noticed a golden candlestick sitting near by on top of a table with a lamp beside it.

He motions over to the table and knocks over the candle set on the stick before wrapping his fingers around the object and bringing it over with him.

As Hoseok took notice of Namjoon's shoes, even the brace around his leg as he limped, he lifted his head up completely, immediately wanting to speak but his head snapped to the side and body tumbled over with a large thud when the candlestick held in Namjoon's hand was swung right across the side of his face.

The guards around them shuffled back with equally shocked expressions like Jimin's.

Jimin held in his breath in the now thick atmosphere.

No one dared to move except for Hoseok who was trying to lift his body up but without success. A thrumming pain in his head, pounding harshly in his system, caused him to groan.

The candlestick clacked onto the floor, rolling on its side to hand right in front of Hoseok's face. A trail of blood soon dripping down his face from the side of his head.

"That's for pinning me against the wall earlier, asshole."

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