Nightmare or Reality?

By Shinigami_Quincy

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Waking up in a place you don't know is one thing but waking up to find you have been transported to Hueco Mun... More

Nightmare or Reality?
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 10

214 11 1
By Shinigami_Quincy

The next day flew by quickly, I still wasn't allowed to leave my prison but did have the company of Grimmjow who ignored me most of the time. A low rank Arrancar did stop by and take care of my wounds, I luckily had the patch over my eye removed and didn't lose complete sight in that eye. I did however have a cluster of black lingering in the far left corner of my eye leaving me with a larger blind spot than most there. With my other wounds were healed and I was giving the ok to begin to wonder the next day.

I hide the smirk I felt come on when I heard that news, it meant I could start trying to find a way out and see if I could do anything to help with what I knew was coming up soon. I had charted out a calendar to when I knew Orihime would arrive here and when Ichigo and the gang would follow. I kept it hidden by putting it on the shower wall with waterproof eyeliner that I had no use for now and was brought here with my things.

Today, marked that she would be here within a week, which gave me little time to figure out what exactly I was going to do. I sighed as I marked off another day on the makeshift calendar, after my failed escape I had been unconscious for nearly a week and with the last few days of recovering I had lost time. My best chance of getting out of here was either getting the Hôgyoku or getting one of the Espada or Arrancar who don't believe in Aizen to take me to the world of the living.

"Yo! Brat! You have already spent an hour in there already! Get the fuck out!" The loud booming voice of Grimmjow broke my concentration and the loud pounding on the door didn't help either.

I let out a rather loud sigh and quickly stood up, tucking the eyeliner away in one of the dress's pockets before smoothing it out and charging toward the door. I flung the door open with force my hazel gaze darting on the arrancar's form towering in front of me.

"What the hell do you want Grimmjo..." I felt my voice die in my throat as I noticed a figure standing off to the side and behind him.

The annoyed look on my face quickly turned into a confused frown as my gaze slowly took the figure's details into focus. My heart nearly stopped as I thought I recognized a smirking Gin, who put a finger to his lips before vanishing within a blink.

Grimmjow's scowl didn't fade as he just watched my reaction and glanced over his shoulder at what I was staring at. Seeing nothing the former Espada rolled his eyes and focused his glare on me once.

"What the hell you staring at? There is nothing there." He snapped, a snarl gracing his lips.

My surprised gaze darted to him as it turned into a glare, "Shut up and stop acting like you care."

"I don't care, brat."

It was my turn to roll my eyes and push my way past the tall non-human, "Whatever, I'm going to walk around for a bit."

"As if you are. I don't feel like following a brat like you around." Grimmjow retorted, turning toward me as I made my way to the door.

I stopped at the closed door and shrugged not turning to face him, "Then don't. I don't care if you follow or not. It's not going to be my ass that gets in trouble if you don't."

With that I took my chance as left the room with a slam of the door behind me, only doing it for an effect since honestly I kind of wish he did come with me. Pushing back my shaking resolve I took off down the hallway and began to reexplore my surroundings. Within a few minutes, I found the kitchen, meeting room, audience hall (which I dubbed throne room #1), throne room #2 and the door that took me to the indoor desert. I stopped in front of that door knowing that the last time I was on the other side I ran into a handful of Espada. Would I run into many more if I dared to go forward?

I let out a small sigh and pushed my way into the overly bright space once more taking a few seconds to adjust my eyes before seeing nothing but walkways, red towers and piles upon piles of sand. I closed the door behind me and started to follow the pathway in front of me that stretch out to a few miles ahead until it reached other building. Glancing my hazel eyes up to the fake sun and blue skies, I let a small sad smile grace my lips. Right now and the few hours I spend here last time was the most time I had seen some sort of sunlight in the last three weeks.

My feet began to taken me along the path as I just listen to the sound of the silence that filled the air. Like before I summarized that this place had a sense of beauty to it even though I was a prison. After a bit I began to overheard a set of voice from below the walkway, as I drew closer I looked over the edge and spotted two familiar Arrancar ahead.

"Tsk, this is just so boring I wish we could just attack them now. Those pathetic humans wouldn't see it coming."

My gaze narrowed on the one that spoke as I could only see his back but the odd shape of the collar of his, felt like a red flag. As I turned my gaze to the second arrancar, I stopped dead as I saw he was staring me down with almost a hateful scorn.

"Master Nnoitora." The small arrancar stated nodding his head toward my direction.

The said arrancar stopped his grumbling and turned his hidden gaze to me. Oh dear god, I thought as I watched a large creepy smirk break out onto his face. His form suddenly vanished from my sights as a familiar whoosh sound occurred to my left, right in my new blind spot.

"Well if it isn't Aizen's little toy." The Espada hissed in my ear his voice sending chills down my spine.

I whipped around to face him, my back being pushed up against the small wall behind me. Nnoitora was arched over me, his one hand was placed to my right blocking off a way for me to escape the other creeping toward my face. He was encasing me like a spider hovering over its prey before taking the fatal blow. His smirk didn't flatten as I quickly tried to mask my full blown terror. Of all the Arrancar I had to run into it had to be the woman hating asshole who already spoke up against about me being there.

"What's a thing like you doing alone without her owner?"

"Im taking a walk and I don't have an owner." I sniped back bravely which wasn't the smartest idea.

The Espada face hardened slightly before his grin grew wider, "Well if that's the case how about me and you have some fun."

His overly large hand landed on my exposed shoulder and his fingers started to pull at the fabric. My eyes widen at his implication and quickly tried to smack his hand away which he grabbed tightly.

"You know the more you struggle the more fun it will be for me." Nnoitora hissed, his face dipping down toward mine while his other hand roughly grasped my face.

"Stop it! Let me g-" my cries were cutoff as the 5th Espada's lips came crashing onto mine so forcefully I almost fell back over low bearing wall.

Strangled muffled screams came from me as I struggled to push him away with me with my free hand. I pounded on his chest which he just ignored and continued to run his tongue across my lips before he bit down on my lip making me gasp. He quickly took advantage of my open mouth and slipped in his tongue which dominated my own.

Tears started to break the surface as my assault continued on, quickly pushing them back I bit down on the Espada's tongue. The taste of blood filled my mouth and the foreign bleeding tongue left my mouth along with his hand disappearing from my chin. I spat up the Arrancar's blood before my gaze darted to the red face Nnoitora.

Fear flooded my senses once more as I took in the pure rage and slight pleasure plaster on the Espada's face. Blood was running down the corner from of his smirk and he quickly licked it up with a look of glee.

A loud booming laugh came from him as his hand wiped his mouth then snatched my face again.

"I'm going to have so much fun breaking you."

Nnoitora started to creep toward my face when suddenly he was yanked back completely, his grip completely absent. My eyes darted behind to see an Arrancar I had least expected to see pulling him back. Her olive skin and blonde hair was a red flag identifier, she was the third Espada of Aizen's Army, Harribel.

"What do you think you are doing, Nnoitora?"

The Espada in question's face contoured into one of disgust as he wrench his shoulder out of the woman's grasp.

"That's none of your business, Harribel. It's just between me and the little brat here."

Harribel's blue eyes narrowed and she crossed her arms, "This young lady isn't your business. You have heard what Lord Aizen said about harming this girl. Do you want to lose your rank?"

Nnoitora scowled toward the blonde haired woman before shooting me a similar glare.

"I guess you lucked out this time, bitch." He snarled at him before vanishing along with his Fraccion.

I swallowed my fear and turned my gaze to the woman in front of me who was just glaring at the spot where her comrade left.

"Thank you, miss-Harribel." She stated her gaze falling onto me and softening.

"Are you are ok, Miss Samantha?"

I gave a nod and wiped my mouth, "Yes I am. Thank you again."

I bowed forward to the Espada in thanks which seemed to amuse her but not in the sinister way but a motherly way.

"That is good to hear. Don't be so timid, men here will walk all over you if you act like that." She stated sternly, I watched her gaze look me up and down before continuing, "Join me and my subordinates for some tea."

I felt myself blink several times to see if I heard what I thought, "Really? You would like me to join but I'm just a human."

Harribel gave a sincere chuckle before nodding, "Yes you are but you also look like you could do with some female company."

I nodded and gave a small smile, " I'd like that very much, Thank you."

Her eyes narrowed as if she was smiling behind her collar before turning and gesturing me to follow.

"Come along. My room is this way."

The walk was quiet but didn't feel awkward or tense since the Espada was walking beside me rather than in front of me. Before I knew it I was in front of a large door that was in one of the red pillars that surround the sandy landscape. Harribel moved forward and pushed open of the door, revealing a large white room that had two couches, a table, a large pile of pillow in the far corner and three arrancar that all turned to the open door.

"Master Harribel."

The three woman arrancar called out to the Espada in unison before they turned their gaze to me. I felt my stomach twist as their eyes watched me carefully, and I glanced over each one of their features.

The closest one was tall with dark skin and wild hair that was top with a white bone head piece. Her hollow hole was just right above her navel and wore a very exposing top. The one by the table had a covered hand up to her face and had long green hair that was top with a curved bone fragment that looked like an eyelash. The last arrancar was sitting on the couch with a permanent scowl on her face. She had short blue hair that parted in the middle and a bone fragment down the center of her scalp and had a small horn protruding from it. Their names were lost on me but I recognized their faces the second we walked in.

"Master Harribel, what is she doing here?" The tall dark haired arrancar exclaimed, her shocked gaze shifting to her leader.

Harribel walked into the room, her arms crossed under her bust.

"She will be joining us for tea, Mila Rose." The Espada's blue gaze turned back to me and she gestured her head forward.

"Come in Samantha."

I scurried inside and close the door behind me then made my way toward the center of the room. Harribel watched me before looking toward her fraccions, "Samantha this is Mila Rose," she gestured toward the dark haired woman who nod, "that Sung-Sun," the green haired woman lowered her sleeve showing me a small smile, "and that is Appache" the woman on the couch scoffed slightly toward me.

I swallowed my nerves and gave a bow, "It's nice to meet you all and thank you for letting me join you."

"What have I told you about being timid, now come and join us."

Tea went by without a hitch all the female Arrancars were slow to warming up but once they did, it became an enjoyable time. Hours passed and I actually enjoyed myself for the first time in weeks. Before I knew it, it was evening and Tosen had come to take me back to my chambers.

After thanking the 3rd Espada and her Fraccions, we made our way back through the hall. Tosen walking in front of me silently and always seem to give me dirty looks. I followed him like the good little prisoner I was suppose to be. He let me into the room and and closed to the door with a slam that just made me jump slightly.

I sighed and glanced around the room and saw that Grimmjow wasn't anywhere to be seen. Taking the red flower clip out of my hair (which I wore because I didn't want to feel the wrath of Aizen again) , I made my way toward the bathroom my hands running through my hair. I felt after my strange day involving an assault to myself...I needed a long shower.

I pushed the closed door to the bathroom and drew to an immediate halt as my eyes fell on a strange sight. There stepping out of the shower dripping wet was Grimmjow...completely naked. My gaze widen as they darted up and down his body quickly before connecting with his electric blue eyes. Heat flooded my cheeks as my mouth fell open to give a so sort of response.

"What the fuck?! Get out!" He shouted, his cheeks getting red in either anger or embarrassment.

"Sorry! Sorry!" I screamed back, retreating and slammed the door shut.

My face was flush as I leaned against the wall beside the door my mind keep darting to that uhm*cough* sexy *cough* image.

Quickly moving away from the door, I tried to push away the image plaguing my mind and try to find something else to preoccupy my time. After about thirty minutes of humming and fiddling my dress, I heard the bathroom door finally open from my spot of the couch.

My hazel gaze darted up to Grimmjow who was jacketless and had a towel slung over his shoulders. I felt my cheeks grow hot once more as I darted my gaze away and quickly got up. We both made our ways to pass each other when Grimmjow grabbed my arm drawing to a halt.

"Hold on a second."

My head darted up to him as his narrowed blue gaze fell down on me. His hand let go of my arm and fell on my chin making me freeze. Was he going to take advantage of me like Nnoitora did or worse?

"What happened?" His words floored me as I felt his finger prodded at certain parts on my chin making me flinch. There were bruises?

"Who grabbed at your face?" He repeated being more direct with his question.

I looked down before looking up into his eyes, my expression growing still.

"Nnoitora tried to force himself on me."

The former Espada's eyes widen before he became confused.

"Tried? What stopped him?"

I swallowed, "I bit his tongue, hard."

He stayed silent as his hand leaving my face slowly, "Hard enough to draw blood?"

I nodded and watched a flick of amusement flash in his eyes before he nodded and turned forward.

"Next time, knock, brat." With that he made his way to the couch and sat down, his focus on something else.

I stared at him for a second, surprised by the concern he just showed me. Hiding a small smile I made my way into the bathroom, unaware of the blue gaze trailing after me.
Hey guys!

Now that was an interesting chapter, don't you think so? We have some great moments with Sam and Grimmy, Nnoitora and Harribel. Some interesting chemistry between her and Grimmy that might spark something or maybe Gin? Hmmm let me know what you guys think and who you would maybe like to see our girl with.

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