The Boy Across The Lake (Boyx...

By Insane_MindRL

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Zack didn't really think of himself as somebody important. He lived in a small town with his best friend Core... More

Ooh just great!
Alone? Haha.... No
Popcorn and Pain
He'll be fine
Did You Really Have To Bring Him Into This?
Well sure you can!
The suns not shinning without you
wishing for the unwishable
I hate your lies
Pain is my motive
Lost and forgotten...
False hope
Cuddles and more
Shut up
You dropped your vagina (important authors note at end)
Sacred Land
Echoing Cries
One or Another (Semi-important Authors note)
Choices of the future

Nothing gold can stay

36 3 8
By Insane_MindRL

Corey's POV

It took me a second to thin of what he meant before it hit me, it was him. I was lost at what to do, par of me really wanted to just run out there and hug him to death, but the other half basically had me calling a hit on him, the noise wasn't helping either.

"Seirra wait" I stopped her as she headed to the door, "I've got a better idea."

I quickly jogged to the closet opening it, instantly junk fell to the floor. I blend down and rummaged through it looking for something very particular it wasn't until someone knocked again that I saw it and grabbed it.

"One minuet!" quickly I came up to town how was honking as loud as possible while bitting at the chords going to the curtains. I pulled the yellow harness on him as quickly as I could, nearly getting bit and hit in he face with a wing, before clipping on the matching leash and opening the door.

"Co- fuck!" some dude who was at the diner last night yelled in surprise jumping off the steps and onto the grass as Tom pulled with all his might to shred this 'monstrous intruder' face off.

I laughed inside while remaining straight faced, "five minuets then I let him go."

The boys eyes were glued to Tom as he bellowed at him while pulling hard against the harness. he had blue eyes a sharp playful face, well not right now but he had the looks for it, and feathery brown hair. "Ummm, ah, can you like not please."

"Your lucky that the others are locked up or else you'd be in big trouble." I wasn't lying, even though I didn't have any other geese but instead game chickens, Guinea fowl, pheasants and two peacocks who are at the zoo for a vets appointment they absolutely hated new people unless I was right next to them.

"Okay I'll be quick, Zach's waiting for you at that spot you two share or something. he said you'd know what I was talking about not get that monster away from me!" I did know what he was talking about.

"How do I know this isn't a set up?" I questioned stepping closer allowing Tom to go down the steps a few feet from were the guy still was on the ground.

"I don't know, bring that if you want!" he crawled a feet back.


"One, what?" he questioned face written in confusion.


His face filled with realization as he suddenly got up and started backing away, "come on you don't have to do this!"


I released the leash, Tom lurched forward and wobbled as quick as his puny legs could carry him. Realization only hit the stranger that he was lose until it was to late, Tom grabbed his pinky and shook his head. Yelping in pain he pulled away, but Tom wasn't having on of it only gripping on tighter and flapping open his 67 inch wings getting ready to beat the guy.

I smirked, I may not be able to beat someone up, but who said that I had to? Tom started to flap his wings furiously hitting him in the legs and arms repeatably, boy he was going to be bruised up. Finally he freed him self and bolted down the roads like hell the devil himself was after him, which the devil, Tom, was in all hissing anger.

"Back!" I sternly shouted knowing that if I didn't call him back he would follow him until he died. Once one of Zach's friend had decided to play a prank on me so at night he broke in using the window and well I found him up the tree in my front yard bruised, bleeding, and scared as all hell with Tom pacing around the bottom of the tree hissing and squawking mad that he had escaped his clutches.

"That was to funny!" Seirra laughed clutching her side as she walked out the door, "I'm so glad that you stopped me."

"He is to" I said motioning to Tom as he waddled, much like a penguin, up the steps appearing to be very pleased with himself.

"He won't attack us right?" Luke asked me staring at Tom.

"That depends on his mood" I shrugged.

Luke frowned clearly not pleased with wether or not he was going to be brutally attacked was up to Toms 'mood', "what did he even want."

I rubbed my face, a very bad habit of mine when I'm stressed, and sighed, "he said that Zach wanted to meet me in our special spot."

"Your special spot?" Seirra questioned not liking the 'secret' part, "are you going?"

"I don't know, I do have an hour before work." I was lost yet again.


"I warned you and you didn't listen AGAIN" I applied the last band aid to Luke's leg as he whimpered and crossed his arms.

"Awe is someone's pride hurt from getting their butt kicked by a chicken?" Seirra teased. I had told Luke to go get the eggs from the coop were I had several chickens but most importantly, Seth. You see Seth is a major dick, he sees something that he doesn't like and he goes out of his way to impale it with his two inch spurs.

"I didn't think that would happen."

"I specifically told you 'stay away from the hens or else you would be attacked', but you went out of your way to pick one up and Seth whooped you" I sneered, "he attacks me even if Toms not there."

"Why Tom?" Seirra asked.

"Seth's Toms bitch so if Toms around I don't have to worry as Seth won't do anything to me unless Tom does first."

"Ooh." Seirra mumbled, "so what's the plan?"

Taking a deep breath I announced "I have to go meet up with Zach."

Seirra's eyes widened, "why? How do you know it's not a trap?"

"He wouldn't put this much effort, sending that kid, into this if it wasn't legit" I answered with a slight shrug, "I need to know what's going on as eventually both of you will have to leave and that would mean I would be alone."

Seirra nodded seemingly very calm about the whole situation while Luke on the other hand didn't, "I don't know, couldn't you just move back with us and you'd have all our old school friends?"

"Friends? I had very few un like you 'Mr. Popular' so it wouldn't be much better plus it would be very awkward for me." He would never understand, panties were thrown at him left an right during high school plus had this posy which followed him around, he wasn't even the most popular.

"It's not like that" He said smiling, "I'm sure you have lots of friends you could hook up with."

"Actually I have some but not many, I'm not even sure they're s there. I have to come home anyways in about a 4 days, he texted me that he was coming home early so I guess you guys are free to come along back home with us" I said.

Sierra looked at me weirdly but didn't say anything, "so back on topic are you really going to go and meet up with that douche."

"Yes now if you'll excuse me I have to go, you guys can stay here or leave just text me later where you are so we can meet up."


I hummed along to "Stay the Night" by Zadd and Hayley Williams as me and Tom wobbled along the concrete path in the connection tunnel under the pond. I had decided to bring Tom as he get people be a little more careful, plus it may help that he kicks ass were I can't.

I yanked on the leash a little to prevent Tom from attacking a kid who's ball rolled toward him. My mind was wondering, should I really forgive him? He did send that 'Liam' guy to beat me up and lied about me. My hand met the cold metal of the handle which would open up to a small island in the middle of the pond. The island had a single tree, a weeping willow, and always had birds singing while small fish swam along the shore. It had always been our spot as it was just us, in only a friend way, Zach would bring a snack and I a couple drinks.

I let out a the breathe I was holding and gasped at what I saw.

Zach's POV

*a hour earlier*

"Come on catch up" I edged on carrying the box of lights through the tunnel.

"It's like that scene in Jurassic Park were the Velociraptors kill that black guy, what's his name?" Niall commented. I scoffed, Corey had said nearly the same thing only he went on about how 'they weren't actually Velociraptors'.

"So lets go over the plan one more time so there's no hitches" I said turning back and looking at Liam who was also carrying lights.

"We set up the lights while Louis goes and gets him, which will probably take around an hour. Then, with you standing under the tree, Corey will walk out and be like 'omg I completely forgive you' as Niall and I sing for you guys." Liam said proudly.

"Okay, sounds good" I pushed open the door revealing the beauty of this place, "lets get to work."

Liam and I worked on lights as Niall tuned his guitar, Zayn was making food for later. It took about 45 minuets to set up but once we were done it was beautiful and the lights weren't even plugged in yet.

"Oh look at this" Liam said pointing to an etching in the tree saying C/Z.

I sighed, "that was from the day we first went here, that was a while ago."

"By the way Zach, Zayn wanted me to give this to you" Liam said smirking, I raised my eyebrow and took the crumbled up paper. I scoffed at what I saw, in bold it said Fuck you asshole, I simply just dropped it as I walked towards the outlet next to the door.

"Alrighty, I'm going to plug it in!" Niall cheered beating me to it.

"Okay, be careful though to not get any grass stuck in the outlet or else you might start a fire" I warned, its been a little dry so the grass would be like kinder.

We all smiled as the lights shinned down on us like stars only its not night, Corey's going to love it.

I cussed under my breath, "Crap, I forgot the snacks and drinks and we only have 12 minuets if it go's to plan!"

"Ill get the drinks, Niall you get some snacks and Liam you go help him" I bolted back into the tunnel not bothering to unplug the lights.

Sorry that's it's been a while, its the final days of school so I'm a little out of it. Also sorry for mistakes as there are bound to be loads of them as I'm still stuck on my IPod. But anyways what do you guys think happens next? leave a comment! (also if you could tell me how to post pictures on her Via iOS that would be fantastic)


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