The Quest

By delusional_wanderer

377K 11.1K 3.1K

Alannah is no stranger to adventure, having been raised by the wizard, Gandalf the Grey. Having little memor... More

Prologue: The tale of Galadhel & Alatar
The Quest: Chapter 1
The Quest: Chapter 2
The Quest: Chapter 3
The Quest: Chapter 4
The Quest: Chapter 5
The Quest: Chapter 6
The Quest: Chapter 7
The Quest: Chapter 8
The Quest: Chapter 9
The Quest: Chapter 10
The Quest: Chapter 12
The Quest: Chapter 13
The Quest: Chapter 14
The Quest: Chapter 15
The Quest: Chapter 16
The Quest: Chapter 17
The Quest: Chapter 18
The Quest: Chapter 19
The Quest: Chapter 20
The Quest: Chapter 21
The Quest: Chapter 22
The Quest: Chapter 23
The Quest: Chapter 24
The Quest: Chapter 25
The Quest:Chapter 26
The Quest: Chapter 27
The Quest: Chapter 28
The Quest: Chapter 29
The Quest: Chapter 30
The Quest: Chapter 31
The Quest: Chapter 32
The Quest: Chapter 33
The Quest: Chapter 34
The Quest: Chapter 35
The Quest: Chapter 36
The Quest: Chapter 37
The Quest: Chapter 38
The Quest: Chapter 39
The Quest: Chapter 40
The Quest Chapter 41
The Quest: Chapter 42
The Quest: Chapter 43
The Quest Chapter 44
The Quest Chapter 45
The Quest Chapter 46
The Quest Chapter 47
The Quest: Chapter 48
The Quest Chapter 49
The Quest Chapter 50
The Quest: Chapter 51
THE QUEST: Chapter 52
Epilogue: We're here

The Quest: Chapter 11

8.6K 275 77
By delusional_wanderer


"I cannot hear her anymore, Aragorn." Legolas said worriedly. The three continued to follow the trail left by the uruk-hai, all while Legolas kept his eye in the distance for any sign of Alannah. "I've attempted for hours. I'm beginning to fear for her safety."

Aragorn looked troubled as he exchanged a morose look with Gimli, who also worried about her.

"She's battled beside us. You've seen her with a sword. She can protect herself, Legolas. Once we rescue the little ones, we will track her." Aragorn urged the group to pick up their pace as Legolas paused to look behind him at the rising sun.

"A red sun rises." Legolas turned with a pained look. "Blood has been spilled this night." He accelerated his pace, quick to reach the hobbits so he could find Alannah. They were deep into Rohan by now, surrounded by a rocky terrain and no villages in sight. The three hunters paused as they heard the sound of horses approaching and Aragorn quickly motioned for them to hide behind a rock to see if they be friend or foe.

The familiar sight of the Rohirrim rode past them, dust rising from the ground as the horses hooves clashed into the dirt. Aragorn stepped out from behind the rock, Legolas and Gimli following suit as he began to address them.

"Riders of Rohan!" He boldly exclaims. "What news from the 'mark?" He watched as the riders circled back, surrounding the three hunters with their swords and spears drawn. Anger began to brew within Legolas as he pressed his back to his friends to form a protective circle against the riders.

"What business does an elf, a man, and a dwarf have in the Riddermark?" The leader demanded. "Speak quickly!"

"Give me your name horse master, and I shall give you mine." Gimli boldly responded. The man descended from his horse, approaching the three hunters confidently.

"I would cut off your head, dwarf, if it stood but a little higher from the ground." The leader threatened. Fatigue, worry and anger took over Legolas as the threat to one of his friends was spoken and he quickly pulled an arrow from quiver, loading his bow and aiming it at the man. He was faster than they could respond before he spoke. "And you would die before your stroke fell!" Legolas warned. He kept his eyes narrowed on the man, even as Aragorn cautiously placed his hand on Legolas's arm and pushed it down.

Aragorn began to speak more calmly to the man, stating their business in the plains of Rohan. He explained the orcs they were tracking and that they were on a rescue mission for the tiny hobbits, Merry and Pippin. The man finally removed his helmet and revealed himself to the three hunters as Eomer, leader of the Rohirrim of Rohan and nephew to King Theoden. Eomer gave them two horses as he pointed them in the direction of the burnt orc corpses they must have been tracking, piled up nearby before departing from the three hunters to their banishment.

Legolas felt his heart grow heavy as they approached the large pile of flame riddled bodies, hoping not to find the hobbits or Alannah amongst them. Gimli pulled a small belt, belonging to one of the halflings out of the ash and hesitantly showed it to Aragorn.

Angrily, Aragorn kicked a helmet and sent it flying over the pile to the other side as he cried out in anguish. Legolas bowed his head and crossed his arm over his chest in honor of the presumed fallen hobbits. They stood beside the burnt corpses for a moment before something caught Aragorn's eye. It was clear that two hobbits had laid in the dirt nearby, and crawled away from the battle. He began to follow the tracks, Legolas and Gimli following him, careful to not let the small glimmer of hope in their hearts to take hold.

The tracks led to the edge of the Entwood, Fangorn Forest. The three hunters stood before it skeptical and unknowing of what mysteries they would find within it, only sure that Merry and Pippin had fled into its dark and mysterious woods. Legolas looked behind them, scanning the pile of bodies and the many tracks on the ground for any sign that Alannah had been there.

"She did not come this way, my friend." Aragorn comforted him. Legolas smiled slightly before his face fell again, realizing that if this was not the direction she took, then he had no idea where she could be. They pressed forward into the forest, hoping to find the hobbits inside, and alive.

They remained alert as they walked through the tangled trees, listening to the trees groaning around them. The air was thick and the ancient forest dark, mesmerizing the elf and irritating the dwarf. Legolas was almost enchanted by the magic in the woods, listening to the emotions the forest had held onto for so long. He kept his bow in front of him, ready to launch an arrow into any foe that crossed their path. He continued in his attempts to reach Alannah, pushing affirmations of his love and concern to her to no avail. As he scanned the distance through the forest trees, his eyes caught something his companions could not see: a tall figure shrouded in white making its way in their direction.

"Legolas, what do you see?" Aragorn quietly asked as he stood behind Legolas. Gimli raised his axe, ready to defend against any unwanted foes. Legolas squinted his eyes, clearly making out a wizard's staff.

The Wizard stepped behind them as they turned to face him, raising their weapons in an attempt to take him off guard. His magic was swift and great, causing Aragorn to drop his sword and quickly dodging Legolas's deadly accurate arrow. They stood in the midst of a blinding white light that emitted from the mighty wizard, awaiting a certain death from the only white wizard they knew to be Saruman.

"You are tracking the footsteps of two young hobbits." The glowing wizard stated, his voice familiar yet different. The three hunters tried to shield their eyes in an attempt to see the wizard clearly, but the blinding glow was too bright.

"Where are they?" Aragorn asked, desperate to find them safely.

"They passed this way the day before yesterday. They met someone they did not expect. Does that comfort you?" The wizard replied.

Aragorn stepped forward hesitantly. "Who are you? Show yourself!" He demanded.

The wizard finally stood out of the blinding light, revealing himself. The three hunters looked in awe at Gandalf, who was miraculously alive. They knelt in admiration for the now white wizard who had died and resurrected, still having much more work to be done in Middle Earth.

After Gandalf relayed what happened to him after he fought the Balrog and was resurrected as Gandalf the White, he directed them to follow him. Merry and Pippin were being cared for in Fangorn by Treebeard, and now their search for the hobbits had finally come to a close as Gandalf lead the way through the tangled forest. He informed them that they would immediately travel to Edoras, the capital of Rohan, to begin the next stretch of their journey. Legolas's thoughts still never strayed far from Alannah as he sprinted to catch up to Gandalf.

"Gandalf, I cannot reach Alannah. I fear for her safety." The elf felt he owed more explanation to Gandalf about her whereabouts, their engagement, as well as the horrible things that she had endured since he died. Gandalf stopped and pulled Legolas to the side of the path, out of earshot of the others.

"Alannah is safe, for now, Legolas. We will find her in Edoras. I congratulate you both on the betrothal, although I knew long before that it would happen between the two of you. Rohan is under Saruman's influence and even your elven connection with her is severed until we can break his control over the land." Gandalf turned to continue leading them through the forest before Legolas placed his hand on the wizard's shoulder, stopping him again.

"Alannah," Legolas spoke quietly. "Suffered abuse at the hands of Boromir before his death. I failed her and I offer you my deepest apologies for not protecting her as I should have." Legolas knelt on his knee in the forest as Aragorn and Gimli looked on, suddenly realizing the content of their conversation.

"Off the ground, Legolas!" Gandalf scalded lightly, hitting Legolas's shoulder with his staff. "What happened back there was of no one's fault except Boromir's. It was Boromir who allowed the ring to influence him and it was Boromir who did those despicable things. Best to move on from that ugly business and make haste to Edoras. You will rejoin her soon, and I am eager to see her as well."

They followed Gandalf as he led them out of the old forest and into the grassy plains of Rohan. He whistled loudly into the air, the sound echoing through the hills and mountains. A magnificent white stallion stampeded from far away, drawn to Gandalf's call.

"This is Shadowfax, Lord of all the horses, and a very old friend." Gandalf introduced the horse to his companions, who bowed to the honorable stallion. Soon they were all off on their horses, riding as fast as they could to reach Edoras.

"I'm coming, meleth nin." Legolas sent the message to Alannah knowing she would not hear him, but hoped all the same.


Alannah had just finished dressing as Eowyn slipped back inside the bedroom. She noticed her friends eyes were still rimmed red as she sat down a small plate of food on a nearby table.

"I'm sorry, Alannah. I just visited Theodred's body. We will entomb him tomorrow." She explained solemnly. Alannah nodded understandingly, feeling the same sadness as Eowyn.

"What has happened here Eowyn? I can feel the change in the air somehow, its not how it was before." Alannah leaned against the window, making out three horses galloping towards Edoras in the distance. Her heart longed for Legolas, but now she had no idea where he was or if she would ever see him again since he had seemingly cut off contact with her.

"Since uncle has fallen ill, Grima has been nothing but a serpent in his ear. That is why you should stay hidden, I do not know what would happen." Eowyn's voice was full of resentment as she pushed the plate of food towards Alannah.

"Please eat my friend. We all need our strength."  Eowyn smiled softly as Alannah came to sit beside her and began to nibble on a piece of bread in hopes of appeasing her friend.

But only a moment later, the sound of a great disturbance from the main hall drifted toward the room. Alannah jumped from her chair and retrieved her sword as Eowyn ran to open the door. She looked outside, the distinct sound of fighting flowing through the air.

"Wait here Alannah! Hide until I return!" Eowyn pleaded as Alannah stood with her sword drawn. She disappeared behind the closed door before Alannah could protest. She looked around the room before deciding to hide behind the dressing panel nearby, clutching her sword to her front tightly.

"Legolas. I'm in Edoras, I think there is trouble. Forgive me for leaving, I was only trying to find help for Merry and Pippin. If you withdraw your pledge to me I understand but I do love you." She concentrated on every word as she visualized her message reaching him. "But the king and his people need help. Please come and I will leave without you ever seeing me again."

A moment passed before she heard him. "Alannah." Legolas voice whispered in her head, nothing more. Heavier footsteps than that of Eowyn's came down the corridor and stopped in front of Eowyn's door. Alannah gripped her sword tighter as she held her breath, willing her hands not to shake. She knew that at any moment, she would need to be focused and precise just as Gandalf had instructed her if she would survive an attack indoors.

The door slowly creaked open as someone walked inside, walking across the room and stopping on the other side of the dressing panel. She exhaled as she jumped out, ready to swing her sword only to stop suddenly, dropping her blade to the floor. Alannah gasped as her mind tried to process what she was seeing, beginning to wonder if she was going mad. Gandalf stood in front of her smiling softly, alive with his arms open. She crashed into his chest, taking a deep breath of the familiar scent of pipe weed in his robes. Finally, she felt safe and began to weep hard against him as he wrapped his arms tightly around her.

"Sshhhh my sweet girl." Gandalf comforted her. "I'm sorry for the delay." Alannah looked at him and smiled, satisfied that he still retained his usual humor.

"You're alive." She whispered as he wiped the tears from her eyes, in equal joy and shock. He sat her down at the table and hugged her once more before chuckling softly and wiping the tears from her cheeks.

"That I am. You'll also be relieved to know that Merry and Pippin are as well and are tucked away safely in Fangorn Forest." He responded before pulling out a chair and sitting next to her. He propped his staff against the table before taking notice of her elven clothes.

"You visited Lothlorien, and spoke to the Lady Galadriel." He stated more than questioned. Alannah nodded and smiled as she thought back to the beautiful woodland. "I'm sorry, my sweet girl. I prayed I would have been with you. Forgive me I didn't tell you of your heritage sooner."

"There is nothing to forgive, Gandalf. I trust you had your reasons." She squeezed his hand before pulling the glass bottle from her pocket and handing it to Gandalf. His eyes widened as he took it, holding it up to the light peering from the window before returning it to her palm.

"Please tell me the night, and I will be there when you wake for any questions you may have. As for the matter at hand, Rohan is now back under King Theoden's control. Grima has taken off, probably back to Saruman. There is still much work to be done." Gandalf stood from the table, seemingly troubled by the glass bottle and grabbed his staff.

"Walk with me, child. To the main hall." He held out his arm to escort Alannah out of Eowyn's room. Alannah leaned into Gandalf, comforted and relieved that he was alive. As they walked through the halls, Alannah felt as if the dread that she had sensed there the previous night had been lifted, leaving behind a sense of renewal.

"I've heard of a betrothal to a certain elf prince?" Gandalf asked as raised his eyebrow at her bare finger. Alannah sighed as she pulled the ring from her pocket and showed it to Gandalf.

"Yes, Gandalf. Legolas asked me in Lothlorien." She began to put the ring back into her pocket before Gandalf abruptly stopped walking.

"Why aren't you wearing his token?" He asked sternly as he leaned on his staff, staring at her sternly. Alannah tried to think of how to answer him, herself not sure of how to explain her concerns.

"While we were searching for Merry and Pippin, there were times he wa cross with me. Of course he apologized but I left them and came here to ask for help from Theoden. We were communicating somehow with our minds and then he just stopped. He wasn't pleased I left and I kept trying but he never responded. I assumed he had changed his mind about us." Alannah sighed, realizing she must have sounded crazy the way she was rambling but Gandalf looked at her sincerely, his eyes full of understanding.

"And why would I change my mind about something like that?" Legolas walked around the corner and into the hall, smirking as his eyes locked on hers. A look of surprise crossed Alannah's face as Legolas stood in front of them while Gandalf smiled softly at her before walking past Legolas, leaving the two to talk over the miscommunication.

"I'm sure you two would like to have some time to catch up, iron a few things out." Gandalf rounded the corner, leaving the two alone together.

Alannah blushed, unable to find the words to say to Legolas. He walked towards her and carefully pulled the ring out of her pocket.

"I did try, meleth nin, to reach you. Saruman's powers had a strong hold on these lands and I could not penetrate them." He traced her hand with his finger, listening as her breath hitched in her throat. "Elves don't make and break betrothals lightly and I have no intention of doing so." Legolas whispered as he slipped the ring back onto her finger.

"I'm sorry. I did not know what to think. When we were out there, you seemed so angry with me." Alannah had a hard time looking him in the eye, not wanting to see him become upset with her. She felt his hand gently lift her chin so he could meet her eyes.

"I was wrong to be harsh to you. For that I apologize." Legolas placed his hand on his heart in sincerity. His spirit could feel the heaviness dwelling within her heart still, only a little lightened since he last saw her. "Let's go somewhere more private where we can talk, you need to." He pulled her behind him down the corridor and out of the front door of the main hall. The guards that stood near the entrance nodded as Legolas led them down the steps and through Edoras. The capital was bustling with talk from the people about the return of King Theoden and the banishment of Grima as the couple made their way to the front gates.

"We will be just beyond the wall. We will not be needing horses." Legolas stated to the guards as they opened the gate doors wide for them. The wind whipped Alannah's hair around as she followed Legolas along the border of Edoras. He sat down on a large rock and motioned for Alannah to join him, having found the perfect spot blocked from the constant gush of wind. Against the rocks, the wind seemed to move past them instead of against them as they watched the tall grass of the Riddermark sway back and forth.

"I can sense that you're troubled." Legolas whispered as she leaned against him. He pulled her closer, keeping his long arm wrapped around her body.

"Why am I here, Legolas?" She asked sadly. "How and why did all this have to happen?"

Legolas didn't respond, or even move as he waited for her to continue.

"I feel homesick for a place that doesn't exist. If it does, I do not know where it would be. As long as I can remember I've never laid down to sleep in a bed I call my own. The past few weeks I've lost and gained loved ones all at once. My heart still pains from it all." She closed her eyes as she thought of Boromir. "I never thought he would do those things." She whispered under her breath, dropping her head in shame.

"You need not speak of what happened by the falls if it pains you." Legolas assured her. Alannah shook her head.

"You know what he tried to do." Alannah looked out across the Riddermark, many miles away from where that evil took place.

"Boromir confessed his sins before he died, he asked us if you would forgive him on his behalf. I believe that you should, but of course, that decision would be up to you." Legolas kissed the top of her head as he listened to her steady breathing.

"Tell me Legolas, if you had walked upon us, what would you have done?" Alannah asked, her voice trembling. Legolas tensed his jaw as he tried not to let his anger show through.

"I would have run out of arrows." Legolas responded coldly. "What can I do, meleth nin? To ease this pain for you?"

"I just want to live." Alannah responded. She stood and began walking back towards the gates before pulling the bottle from her pocket and showing Legolas. "Tonight, I can try to put everything behind me."

He smiled softly and joined her, rubbing her back with his hand. "And look towards our future."


Theodred's funeral was full of grief and mourning. The sorrowful song Eowyn had sung as they entombed her kinsman rang in Alannah's head for the remainder of the evening. The whole of Edoras was quiet as the kingdom mourned the fallen prince following his burial. The lord and ladies of the court had dispersed, retiring for the day leaving the King and his requested audience alone in the main hall. Aragorn, Gimli and Gandalf sat at a long table close to the throne as Legolas escorted Alannah to join them. Plates of food lay on the table, Gimli having already helped himself. When the dwarf saw Alannah approach, he stood up and made his way over to her. His red hair was sticking out in a frenzy, his temper showing.

"If I was your father... with you running off like that....dangerous!" Was about as much as Alannah could make out as Gimli continued to scold her. He finally huffed and stepped forward, wrapping his arms around her. "Don't run off again, girl." He settled on a more soothing tone, or as soothing as a dwarf could sound. Legolas smiled as Gimli stepped back, respecting the dwarf even more so for caring about Alannah in such a way.

"Eat, drink! There's plenty!" Gimli exclaimed as he took another mouthful of bread. Legolas motioned for her to sit but she refused, looking instead at Gandalf.

"I'm retiring early, tonight." She stated seriously as Gandalf put down his tea cup. He leaned forward on his knees, flickering his eyes to her pocket.

"You should eat a little." Legolas whispered as he rubbed his hand down her back. He knew it would be a difficult night for her and part of him wanted to prolong the time before it.

"I'm very tired. I'm sure I can stay in the guest room I used when I last stayed here." Alannah turned to King Theoden, bowing slightly in his direction. Eowyn stood beside him, stopping him before he could answer her.

"That room is far too small. How about the one in the north wing? It's much more spacious and private." Eowyn's eyes drifted from Alannah to Legolas, then back to King Theoden.

"Very well. We're glad to have you in Rohan once again, Alannah." King Theoden nodded to her as she turned back to Legolas. He bowed his head to her, willing to agree to anything she desired. He hastily snatched some bread and cheese from the table before grabbing the bottle of wine that sat before Gimli.

"That's mine, elf!" Gimli grumbled. Legolas smirked back at him as he followed Alannah down the hall, up the stairs and down a lone corridor in the back of the palace. Eowyn was right, it was very quiet and secluded from the rest of the castle. Dust had settled onto the doorknobs from where they haven't been turned in so long, the rooms probably bare or used as storage for older furniture and assorted wares. Alannah and Legolas finally came to the main room at the end of the corridor and opened the door expecting to find it also covered with dust and cobwebs.

Instead it appeared as if Eowyn had been two steps ahead of everyone else. The room was already clean and prepared for her stay as the bed was made with fresh linens and a stack of wood neatly positioned in the fireplace. Legolas sat down the food on a nearby table and began to pour Alannah a glass of wine before she stopped him.

"I don't think I can eat." Alannah moaned as she lay across the bed, kicking off her boots. Legolas ignored her as he tore off a piece of bread and sat beside her, unable to help as his eyes roamed her body as she lay beside him.

"Just a few bites and then you can sleep, meleth nin. I'll join you." He compromised, pulling her to the table with him. She nibbled on the bread and cheese as he quickly ignited the wood in the fireplace. Alannah blushed as she watched him remove his cloak and jerkin, revealing the stunning light blue tunic beneath it that illuminated his fair skin.

"What?" He asked with a smile as he caught her staring at him. She quickly looked away, finding herself unable to eat anymore and placing the bread on the table.

"What are your plans while I'm asleep?" She questioned, looking around the room and unable to locate anything that would entertain him.

He shrugged his shoulders lightly as he picked up the bread that she placed down and took a small bite.

"I'll watch over you and if nothing seems to trouble you while you sleep, I'll take a quick bath. I won't leave this room, you have my word." He placed his hand on his heart as he spoke, determined to keep her safe even from the pain her memories may cause. Alannah walked over to the bed and pulled the heavy blankets down, readying it for her induced sleep. Legolas eyed a folded nightgown nearby and laid it on the bed in front of Alannah and began to help her undress. She recoiled from his touch as he began to loosen the ties on her tunic, the memory of Boromir roughly pulling her top open surging to the forefront of her mind. 

"I'm sorry, Legolas." Alannah whispered as he cradled her head to his chest. He moved to the window and glanced out into the darkness.

"You understand that after you drink it, that you will relive everything you've ever experienced, everything." He stated. "Can you bear to live through it again?"

Alannah held eye contact with him as she pulled her clothes off, desperate to prove her own strength to him. He watched her drop the last of her clothing to the floor, the drop of it landing the only sound in the entire room. Her chest rose and fell heavily, her nerves causing her breathing to quicken. He stared at her seriously, waiting for her to direct him on what to do.

"What love will you show me before we're married?" Her shaky voice managed to choke out. Legolas's blue eyes trailed down her body and back up to meet her eyes. It was impossible for him to control the reaction she was having on his body and his arousal was apparent. Alannah tensed as he closed the shutters to the windows and locked them before he crossed the room to stand in front of her.

"Le bainon, meleth nin." Legolas spoke softly as he cupped her cheek. He tilted her head back slightly and kissed her deeply. She willed her body to relax as his tongue mingled with hers causing the heat from the fireplace to feel cold in comparison to what they were producing. Alannah untied Legolas's tunic and let it fall to join her clothes on the floor. His skin was soft and warm under her fingertips as she traced the soft definition of his abdomen down to the hem of his pants. A small moan escaped his lips at her touch but was all too soon replaced with surprise as he quickly pulled the nightgown over her bare body.

She looked at him confused as he took her hand and led her to the bed.

"Did I do something wrong?" Alannah asked nervously. Legolas smiled as he pulled her down onto the bed with him.

"No Alannah, you've done nothing wrong." He answered, still smiling. "You're not ready, and that is fine. If after you wake and you feel at peace, I will deny you no longer. I'll speak to Gandalf about the vows and exchanging of rings, send word to my father. I don't think either of us will be patient much longer."

His smile faded as he sensed a growing darkness in the East stretching over the land. He pushed away the feeling instead focusing on the woman in his arms. Alannah nodded before pushing herself off of the bed and retrieving her tunic from the floor. She pulled the bottle from her pocket and looked at Legolas.

"How long do you think it will take?" She asked as she pulled out the glass stopper. Legolas tensed his jaw as she held it in front of him.

"I'm not sure." He answered quietly. Alannah quickly swallowed the sweet tasting contents of the flask and began to walk towards the table before falling to the floor, her mind consumed in darkness.

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