Human Pets

By EmileighJohnston

98.1K 1.8K 152

The world has been taken over by the animals and they have evolved into half animal and half human forms. The... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Six

6.1K 121 12
By EmileighJohnston

There are various training obstacles set around the room and a few pets are practicing with numerous weapons. I take in the whole view and it makes me feel like we are outside. The grass looks real along the floor and the ceiling is painted like the sky. Dereck must have a very rich owner because this place is set up better than some stuffy mansion. There are various weapons and tactics being practiced throughout the room, everyone putting their full attention towards their training.  

A girl runs up with dark black hair streaming down her back from a pony tail atop her head. She is wearing tight jeans and a striped green t-shirt, her face is pale and slightly fragile appearing besides the determined expression across her face. The girl halts before me then leans to my side to pluck the knife from the wall. She scans her eyes over me then at the person holding to my shoulders, who I completely forgot about.  

The man is covered in muscles and has buzzed hair causing his head to look more rectangular. His expression is excited and he smiles at me slowly dropping his arms away from me.  

"A new recruit?" He shouts happily. I am tempted to cover my ears from how loud he is but I refrain and settle with squinting my eyes.  

"Charlie, I don't think she is here to train. She looks like a wanderer to me." The girl states as she looks over me from head to toe. I fidget uncomfortably. Being the object of conversation was never really my thing.  

"Well we can at least inform her on what this room is for so when she is done looking around she has an option of where to come to." Charlie winks playfully and then bursts into laughter. The girl shakes her head slowly as her black hair sways along.  

"Yes, he is always this energetic. You'll get used to it after a while. I can fill you in a bit." The girl smiles kindly then gestures me to the clear covered sitting area shielding from ricocheting weapons. I scurry over and sit on a seat before something else tempts to hit me. She briefs the man on where she will be and leaves him at the doorway as she walks over to join me. She sits in a chair across me and folds her arms gracefully before clearing her throat.  

"Gregor Bane is the leader of all creatures and a fierce lion. He is the creature, or shall I say lion that we are planning to resist against. He is the main piece that is holding the creatures together. He is not a force to reckon with because in my opinion his judgment on things is kind of shaky. He is starting to make drastic changes to laws and the environment around here and we are worried that it's going to get tough on the pets. He has not shown any cause of harm yet towards us but I know he must have a plan." She searches my eyes for any reaction and then pats my shoulder understandingly. "It's a lot to take in but I'm sure you will catch on to information here and there and make it all your own." She smiles then skips off into the practicing area.  

It is a lot to take in, my mind is dancing with various thoughts and I still have the issue of getting Dominic back. I slowly tread down the spiral steps and skim my fingers along the binders of the books as I head to my room. It must be evening because there are very few people on the floor. I can smell a wonderful aroma of food spurring my stomach to growl and remind me I haven't eaten all day. I sigh and open the door to my room slouching as I lean against it to close.  

"You look exhausted." A familiar voice points out and then I hear a sharp intake of breath. "It hurts a bit to talk with these gashes." 

"Dominic?!" I cock my head up to look at him and find him hunched on bed holding a hand against one of his sides. He is bandaged all over his torso and his brown hair is matted. I walk over to him bringing more things into view, like the tray of food setting on the bed steaming hot and ready to be eaten. I groan and crawl onto the bed as my stomach growls louder from the delicious smell. Dominic smiles and nods at the food.  

"Go ahead, I'm permanently here so you can take your time and eat."  

                                                                        * * *

After I scarfed down the food and offered some to Dominic I hid in the bathroom to change into something comfy and then sat on the bed listening to Dominic fill me in on how some of Dereck's rebels found him and snuck him out easily without any alarms or creatures being set off. He went on about how the kidnappings were an issue to Gregor as well and how he claimed to be a "pet collector". He continued to go on about his thoughts of this underground facility and how spectacular he thinks it is but I dozed off by then, sprawled out on the bed.  

                                                                        * * *

I rub my eyes and wake slowly. The various information Dominic rambled on about vaguely sticks in my mind like a dream, only bits and pieces standing out. I groan and stretch slowly spreading the covers around me and halt quickly as my hand bumps into something. I lie still glancing around confused and finally turn my head to find Dominic knocked out with sleep curled up on the corner of my bed.  

The door slams open and both I and Dominic jump in response. Dereck strides through the doorway and quickly makes a seat of the corner of my bed.  

"We are planning today Elsie. We are going to start little then work our way up yeah? It sounded great to me, get the lion's attention and possibly bring him closer to us and the possibility of changing the world with his murder." He grins and then drifts his gaze from me to the half balled up Dominic on the corner of my bed. "The hell?!" 

"You have no record in that balloon called a head of yours on privacy do you?" Dominic groans and pulls a blanket over his head and plops it back down.  

"He phrases that like this is his damn room!" Dereck fumes and his eyebrows knit together. I decide to sit there and just shift my head from side to side as each of them put in their own opinion or insult. I groan and flop back down into bed using a pillow to muffle their voices. I think I hear something of apologies from both of them and the low noise of their feet walking off and leaving the room. I must have been right because I remove the pillow a half hour later, at least, and they are gone.

I feel lazy today so I fashion some sweat pants and a long t-shirt. I pad around the room barefoot and decide that footwear isn't needed because I am just going to roam around again today. I step out of my room and automatically bump into someone. I murmur an apology and then realize the entire room is filled with pets and a few creatures. I am surprised I made it to the crowd because there are people pressed against shelves, piling on the stairs, and standing on seats. I look up at the highest figure and spot a lean leopard.

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