Rejected And Now Revenge For...

By awshlay

530K 12.9K 1.6K

After four months of Klover's pack thinking she's dead, she finally proves them wrong when she has to come ba... More

Prologue- I'm Just Gonna Let It Roll
Chapter 1- I Hate This Song, Just Like I Hate You
Chapter 2- The World Turned Way Too Fast
Chapter 3- The Last To Know(part 1)
Chapter 3- Last To Know(part 2)
Chapter 4- Stop And Stare
Chapter 5- One Way or Another
Bonus Chapter 1- Safe and Sound
Chapter 6- Sad Beautiful Tragic
Chapter 7- The Heart Never Lies
Bonus Chapter 2- Everything Has Changed
Chapter 8- Something Great
Chapter 9- Human
Authors Note
Chapter 10(part 2)- Dark Side of Me
Chapter 11- Sink or Swim
Chapter 12- You're In Love
Chapter 13- Water Under The Bridge
Chapter 14- Ashes
Chapter 15- The Final Judgement

Chapter 10(part 1)- Dark Side of Me

15.6K 452 66
By awshlay

hey guys its Monday and its an update lol see I kept my promise!! So enjoy, all the Luke questions are going to be answered!!! yep that's right its luke's pov yaaaaaaaay! enjoy!!! Another update next week so don't forget!

Chapter 10- Dark Side of Me 

Luke's POV

I take a seat at the table with the pack right next to my beautiful mate, Julianna or Jule, whatever. She's ridiculous when it comes to her name, I don't understand why she had to change it in the first place but whatever makes her happy. I smiled at her as she smiled at me, I can't believe I finally had her after all this time. I still don't really understand why she took so long.

Why she just came to me now when we've been mates ever since she entered that house. Didn't she feel our connection then? Why did she just come now? I mean I guess some of this blame is put on me as well because I never really admitted it to myself and I never talked to her back at the house but still. Nothing. She looked at me like I was just another person in the house well up until a couple of months ago when she had that incident.

No one still has no idea what happened that day which is weird. The doctor here had no idea why she went out like that, he told us that it might have been stress but I don't buy that. There was legit electricity come out from her body before she passed out. How does that happen from stress? It doesn't.

You know after all that, that's not even what bothers me the most. What bothers me the most is the way she looked at me before the electricity. She looked at me like didn't know that we were mates until that very moment. Her beautiful smile had faltered a bit like she was disappointed but why? Why did she look at me like that, why was she disappointed?

"Luke? Luke? Lucas?" Jule was waving her hand in my face. I blinked my eyes a few times because I was completely lost in my thoughts I looked at her with a dumb look on my face and she laughed, her cute little laugh and I let it echo in my head.

I couldn't help but smile. "Sorry". I looked down at my food and picked up the burger that sat on my plastic plate.

"You okay?" Jule whispered in my ear. I just looked at her and nodded with a reassuring smile.

She smiled. "Good". She took her fork and stabbed it into one of the shell noodles and began to talk to Anne who sat on the other side of her. I took a bite of my burger and realized how weird the few weeks had been. Like for one Mason and his player ways nowadays. I mean he used to be the kid who was a total pushover and now its the opposite. He's the king of this place.

He doesn't even sit with us anymore, he sits with some of the jocks from the football team, which its also weird that he tried out for the team. The last time I checked, Mason hated football but after that whole Kelly mess he changed and most of us think its for the worse but I am of the few that thinks this is good. I might actually be the only one, I mean the kid needed to grow some and he finally did and look where that's gotten him, like I said he's the king.  

I looked up from my burger and spotted Brad come in through the doors with anger written all over his face like he had just gotten into it with somebody but his face quickly changed when he walked over to his buds at the table in front of us. He changed his expression so fast like he didn't want to talk about whatever just happened. He sat down empty handed. I realized that i was watching him for too long and changed my line of sight.

But my face immediately changed when my line of sight landed on that bastard.


Man, I hated that guy. The nerve of him to touch my mate, to talk to her, to even look at her made my blood boil. How does he not understand that she is my mate, everyone knows that you don't mess with someone else's mate, who does that and obviously Kevin didn't get that. 

But he better get it fast because the next time he touches her or even talks to her I'm going to make sure he gets it. 

And as if on cue Kevin looks at me and then squints at me like he has the right to or something but he doesn't. He doesn't see me trying to get at his mate so why is he trying to get at mine. He just needs to back off.

He does. My eyes widen at the voice that I thought I had gotten rid off. 

Thought you got rid of me, did you? My eyes refocus itself on the table this can't be happening not again.

I told you to leave me alone. 

Yeah and I did, I didn't bother you for a week. 

I meant forever.

He laughs. You think I'm gonna leave forever, dude your crazy if you think that's going to happen.

Why? Why can't you just leave me alone?

Because unfortunately I'm the other side to you.

That's impossible. You just started to bother me a couples weeks ago.

Did I?

Yes you did.

Wow you really are stupid.

I growl.

Calm down tough guy, there's no need for that. He laughs. Not like you can do anything to me anyways.

My fists clench and unclench. I shut my eyes closed and aggravation spreads through. And when I open them I can feel the change of color in my eyes but it feels different. 

He laughs. I've been waiting for a chance at this and I finally got it. 

What are you talking about? I try to unclench my fists but I don't. I can't

What did you do to me?!

Don't worry you'll get your body back in a while.

Before I can respond to the voice inside my head someone bumps into me or him. I can feel myself turn around but its not like I'm the one doing it. My body quickly stands up and looks down on the freshman who bumped into me. I can see the fear in his eyes but I can't stop myself because I'm not in control. 


Sorry Luke, its my turn. 

And before I can say anything to stop him he brings my right fist and socks the freshman in the face. The freshman falls to the ground covering his left eye, the gasps of the cafeteria is heard all around and every head is on him.

He laughs like he's taunting me. Good luck with that.

And immediately I feel the throbbing in my right hand. He gave me control back and I smile at this.

"Luke what the heck is wrong with you?!"  Jule cries and she drops to the freshman who's on the ground. He removes his hand from his eye and there's blood coming from it. My eyes widen, did I really just do that.

No, Luke, I did. There's a dark vibe that comes from this guy. How is this even possible?

I look around and everyone stares at me like they are waiting for an explanation but I don't give one. I don't have one. At least not one that they'd believe.

I look at Jule who is taking care of the freshman, she turns around and gives me a look that I've seen before. The look of disappointment, the same exact way she looked at me the day of the incident. She holds my stare and when I've had enough I look away. 

The presence of another is approaching the situation and when I look at who it is, it's Kevin. My brows furrow, why is he here? 

He squats down next to Jule and takes a look at the freshman who's still coddling his eye like a baby. I mean its not like I wanted to hit the guy but seeing him on the floor like that makes him look so pathetic.

"You alright?" Kevin asks the freshman. The freshman nods and Kevin gives him a hand so he can get his pathetic ass up. 

"Go to the nurse, she'll take care of that". The boy only nods, he quickly looks at me and I quietly growl and he runs off with his friends in the direction of the nurse.

Kevin turns around to me with a disgusted look on his face. "So what? You think you're mister tough guy and can beat on kids like that? Why don't you pick on someone your own size?" He takes a step towards me.

"Maybe I will," I say and I take a step towards him and we're only inches from each others faces. My eyes are changing color and I can feel myself losing control again.

"Stop it," I hear Jule say but I ignore her but Kevin doesn't and his head snaps to her. I frown yet again and glance over at Jule and then back at Kevin. Wait what the hell?! 

I look back at Jule who's looking at him, a look that I've never seen before, a look she's never given me before. I growl and her head snaps to me and she growls back without any hesitation. This only make me angrier and I feel myself start to lose control and my eyes change into its grey color when my powers start to enhance. But before I loose it Jule backs off suddenly.

Her eyebrows furrow and the her way of concern takes over instead of her stubbornness. She squints at me and walks over to me with an eyebrow raised.

"What happened to your eye?" she asks. I quickly understand what she means and I look down because I don't want her to see it.

"Its nothing," I say.

"Luke come on what--" I interrupt. I look her straight in the eye.

"I. Said. Its. Nothing," I put emphasis on every word and before she could respond I turn for the door and refuse to look at anyone in the eye because I can feel their stares as I head for the exit.

I can hear my name being called but I pretend like I don't hear and get out. I walk faster and faster and the next thing I'm running my way to the bathroom

I stop in front of the big mirror that reflects my self and I lean in closer and just like I expected the black dot in my right eye was there. But this time it wasn't small, it had gotten bigger, it had grown. 

Why is this happening? Is there something wrong with my powers why are my grey eyes turning black.

I told you I was apart of you.

My eyes look up from the counter and into the mirror. This is your doing!

Who else would it be?

Why?! Why are you doing this?!

Because its time you give me a chance.

A chance at what?

The chance you never gave me when we were kids!

What are you talking about?!

Wow you really don't remember me do you? Well I think its right about time to make you remember.

Before I could answer my eyes roll to the back of my head and I'm surrounded by complete darkness. I can't see anything but I start walking because I hope to see a light somewhere but then the lights turn on but they don't come on all at the same time. They come on one by one and it leads to a chair, a white chair. I walk closer to the chair and before I can stop, the chair swivels around and my eyes go big. 

There's a person who sits in the chair and he smiles and its not a trusting one. He wears from head to toe black clothing. But its not the fact I've finally seen the voice inside my head its the fact that he looks exactly me.

And the fact that he laughs and it sounds dangerous. He smiles and its not trusting. He took control over me. So what does that add up too?

There's only one real thing that it could add up too.

He's the dark side of me that I never wanted to meet.







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