The Quest

By delusional_wanderer

377K 11.1K 3.1K

Alannah is no stranger to adventure, having been raised by the wizard, Gandalf the Grey. Having little memor... More

Prologue: The tale of Galadhel & Alatar
The Quest: Chapter 2
The Quest: Chapter 3
The Quest: Chapter 4
The Quest: Chapter 5
The Quest: Chapter 6
The Quest: Chapter 7
The Quest: Chapter 8
The Quest: Chapter 9
The Quest: Chapter 10
The Quest: Chapter 11
The Quest: Chapter 12
The Quest: Chapter 13
The Quest: Chapter 14
The Quest: Chapter 15
The Quest: Chapter 16
The Quest: Chapter 17
The Quest: Chapter 18
The Quest: Chapter 19
The Quest: Chapter 20
The Quest: Chapter 21
The Quest: Chapter 22
The Quest: Chapter 23
The Quest: Chapter 24
The Quest: Chapter 25
The Quest:Chapter 26
The Quest: Chapter 27
The Quest: Chapter 28
The Quest: Chapter 29
The Quest: Chapter 30
The Quest: Chapter 31
The Quest: Chapter 32
The Quest: Chapter 33
The Quest: Chapter 34
The Quest: Chapter 35
The Quest: Chapter 36
The Quest: Chapter 37
The Quest: Chapter 38
The Quest: Chapter 39
The Quest: Chapter 40
The Quest Chapter 41
The Quest: Chapter 42
The Quest: Chapter 43
The Quest Chapter 44
The Quest Chapter 45
The Quest Chapter 46
The Quest Chapter 47
The Quest: Chapter 48
The Quest Chapter 49
The Quest Chapter 50
The Quest: Chapter 51
THE QUEST: Chapter 52
Epilogue: We're here

The Quest: Chapter 1

20.2K 517 262
By delusional_wanderer

"What are the elves like?" Alannah asked curiously as they rode the horses west of the Misty Mountains. Boromir looked back at her briefly.

"They're not much different than you... and I." He answered vaguely. "Wise, kind, perhaps a bit odd."

He looked towards the sky, determining the time from the position of the sun.

"We'll arrive in Rivendell by mid-morning, I know it's been a long time since you've been on such a journey." Boromir eyed her as she gripped the reigns of her horse. Alannah shifted in the saddle, uncomfortable with the baggy male garments and padding she was ordered to wear if she was to leave Minas Tirith on this quest with Boromir. She adjusted the small blade on her hip that Gandalf had gifted her years ago, wondering if she would ever have to use it. The steward of Gondor had only consented to her travels with his son, Boromir on the condition that she was disguised as his male companion, as to not draw the attention of any other suitors.

"I'm fine. I thank you again, I know your father was displeased that you suggested I accompany you. I just assumed that Gandalf would have come to collect me sooner." Alannah sighed as she remembered the white washed walls of the great city of Gondor. It had been almost a year since the grey wizard had asked the Steward of Gondor to take her as his ward until he returned. Only, he had returned just a few days prior to use the cities library and still did not take her with him, let alone stop to visit with her.

"I can't do it Boromir." She said in a soft and cautious voice. "I won't marry him." Boromir looked back at her once again before directing their horses off the road, leading them to a small creek that was obscured by vibrant green bushes and tall oak trees. He descended from his horse and tied their reigns around a tree before helping her off of her horse as well.

The pain in her hips from the long journey caused her to collapse into Boromir's arms as he lifted her down. He couldn't help but to embrace her, pulling her into his chest. She smelled of lilies and parchment, her room always filled with fresh flowers and books high in the city walls. She gently pushed him away, forcing herself to walk steadily and sit by the water. Autumn was approaching, the myriad of green and red leaves fluttering down to the ground around her the telltale sign that summer was at its end.  She almost felt renewed as she listened to the nature around her, calming her as would a mother's lullaby.

"Boromir. You're a noble man and a good friend. You've been nothing but gracious to me, but none of this can happen. Not with your father, and not with you." She pulled a cap off her head, allowing her dark waves to cascade freely down her back. Her hands were sore and blistered from holding the reigns too tight on the journey as a growing anxiousness festered in her heart.

Boromir pulled some clean linen from his saddle bag and came to sit next to her, gently examining the wounds on her palms. "My father has grown fond of you, perhaps too fond. I agree, he is too old for you to marry and I apologize that he's put you in such a position. Gandalf entrusted him to watch over you just until he returned for you."

"Too fond?" She snorted. "He ordered that I portray myself as a man to ensure I would be returned to him unspoiled, as if the first man that saw me would steal my virtue. He threatened death if I didn't comply. He's grown obsessed, he's ill. Have you lost all sight?" She held out her arms and motioned to her disguise, her irritation plainly painted onto her face.

She remained silent as he wrapped the cloth around her hands, careful to not cause her any more pain. The water flowed past them as Boromir tied off her bandages, stealing glances in her direction as he considered what he would propose. "Alannah, I know you do not love me. I care a great deal for you and my desire is that maybe one day you can feel the same. I could speak to my father and if he consented..." Boromir was interrupted as she placed her bandaged hand on his arm. He hesitantly looked at her face, studying it for any sign of a chance, for hope.

Her green eyes pierced his, her face serious as she shook her head no. "I'm sorry Boromir. I cannot." He shrugged her hand off softly and bent down to refill their water skins. "I trust the words Gandalf spoke to me. He's foreseen that all the answers to my past will be answered on a quest. You know those answers but why won't you tell me?" Even when she spoke forcefully, Boromir only stood to help her up and walk her to the horses.

"You've told me what he has foreseen for you, many times. High in hills and deep in earth, your fate unfolds in cool springs, when the veil is lifted from the bluest of windows." He sighed as he spoke the words, knowing that they were what held her farther from his heart. "My father forbade me to. I apologize. The elves can help more with your hands than I can with rags." He lifted her into his saddle before mounting his own. "Like I said, we'll be there soon." He remarked coldly as he led them back to the road to Rivendell.


Hidden in the foothills of the Misty Mountains, Boromir and Alanah arrived in Rivendell. Alannah was in awe of its beauty yet felt a familiar comfort in it. Leaves cascaded around the sheltered haven, radiating a peaceful atmosphere for its inhabitants. A soft mist settled across the landscape, causing it to glow as the sun shone down.  The elves that inhabited the settlement looked at them in wonder and yet in knowing. When Elrond called a secret meeting amongst the leaders and representatives of the many realms, he made sure that Alannah knew to keep herself hidden, until Gandalf himself asked for her to be brought before him.

Alannah was whisked away to a quiet room, adorned with many flowers and windows where she could enjoy the beautiful view that the city had to offer. She walked out onto the balcony and watched as various figures rode through the city, also hurrying to join Lord Elrond. She felt as though she could finally breathe, as if it was for the first time in her life. Many elves came to visit her, yet she remained silent as they tended to her wounds, fearing they already knew her secret. She had never seen an elf, or at least she could not remember if she had or not. She had never met her father, and had the few memories she had of her mother had been reduced to feelings she carried in her heart. Home had become an abstract thought, a feeling or place that she could never possess. Gandalf had stumbled across her during one of his many travels and had grown fond of her, finding different places for her to live until he thought he had found some other place that she may grow call home. Minas Tirith had been the grandest of all the destinations he had set out to send her, and she could not fathom the thought that he had sent her there knowing what would have come to be expected of her from Denethor ii, the Steward of Gondor.

  Finally, her door opened and entered a tall, beautiful elf maiden. Her hair long and dark as her own. It was as if she floated towards her when she approached and knelt beside her. She shifted in her chair, attempting to sit with her legs open as a man and push her shoulders back to appear larger than she was. Her breasts ached from the tight wrappings that she used to hide her womanly curves and she held her breath, hoping that her secret would not come to light. Still feeling as if the Stewards eyes had followed her to the other side of Middle Earth.

"You're safe here, Alannah. I know what you are hiding. I am Arwen, daughter of Lord Elrond." Her voice was like the softest bells that have ever been tolled, yet Alannah never saw the maiden's lips move to speak.  Alannah allowed her to gently remove the cap from her head as Arwen moved to sit behind her, combing the tangles from her hair.

"Did Boromir tell you?" Alannah whispered, fearful now that she had been found out. She could sense Arwen smile behind her as she pulled the comb through her long strands and allowing her natural wave to take form.

"Boromir has not. However, not all elves can be fooled." Arwen replied. "When you rode into the city, I felt your heart, only a woman carries that sort of pain. Soon, it will be replaced with great joy. I'm sorry that is all my father permits me to tell you, mellon nin."

Alannah turned to Arwen, confused and desperate to understand the elf's riddle. Arwen smiled as she stood, placing a kiss on Alannah's cheek before she walked out of the room, leaving the door open for her to the main halls.

Alannah walked into the doorway to follow her, determined to learn why she was here in the first place, only to see that the beautiful elf had disappeared. She quickly walked through the halls of the palace, searching for her when she suddenly stopped, hearing a familiar voice beaming through the tree lined palace.

"Gandalf!" She exclaimed as she rushed towards the voice, pulling the cap back on and furiously tucking her long hair underneath it. Many voices echoed through the halls, making it difficult for her to find her beloved guardian. She saw a balcony in the distance at the end of a smaller hallway, inconspicuous and clearly not meant for anyone to enter. The voices grew louder as she approached and even though she knew that she should not be sneaking upon what was an obvious private meeting, she felt her heart pulling her forward as if she was in the exact right place at the right time.

Suddenly many loud voices erupted from the balcony.

"No one trust an elf!" One voice exclaimed as Alannah hid herself behind a column, listening to the arguing that was happening just a few feet from her.  She had heard many tales about the ring, Sauron, orcs. Many fears coming from the residents of Minas Tirith. She weighed her options, fearing that this would be her only option to flee while she could. Amongst the loud voices shouting and hurled insults, she heard a small voice speak that caused the entire company to fall silent. She peeked around to see a hobbit standing amongst them, volunteering to take the ring to the dreaded and evil Mordor to destroy it once and for all. Beginning with Gandalf, a few begin to pledge their assistance to the hobbit, accompanying him on his quest. When Boromir spoke also pledging himself, she pulled herself away from the thought, unable to find herself amongst the ones mentioned to embark. More hobbits began to emerge from their hiding place, excited to be going with their friend on such an adventure. Gandalf looked at them and then suddenly turned his head towards Alannah's direction, even though she was completely hidden from their sight. She held her breath, waiting to be discovered or for the chance to flee.

"Boromir, will your ward be accompanying us as well?" Gandalf asked curiously as he looked at Boromir and back towards the white column. Alannah felt all eyes trained on her hiding place and stood froze in her position, suddenly unable to move.

"C-Connyn?" Boromir asked curiously, using the fake name chosen for her as he peered around the column. She hadn't become accustomed to the masculine name she was to use and cringed when she heard it spoken out loud. Alannah stepped out, careful not to speak as she ran into Gandalf's arms, relishing in the sweet scent of his pipe and the warmness of his embrace. His arms wrapped around her tightly, feeling the heavy clothes and wrappings on her body. He shot an angry glare towards Boromir before bending down to whisper in her ear.

"Alannah, I will settle this for you. Go change and rest, we have a long journey ahead of us." He smiled as he pulled away from her, holding an endearing look in his eyes. Alannah peeked around at the men that she would soon be traveling with. The hobbits, a dwarf, Aragorn, Boromir, and an elf that she suddenly caught eyes with. His blue eyes pierced hers, making her feel all too aware of the heart she had in her chest.

     Legolas stood tall next to her, his long blonde hair cacading down his back. He quickly turned his gaze away, puzzled at what was happening silently between Gandalf, Boromir, and the young man. Another mortal to add to the unconventional and unexpected mix that was indeed shorter than Boromir, too young to be a squire, and too different in appearance to be of relation. The elf turned to speak to the other elves that had travelled with him as he watched Gandalf lead Boromir and his ward down the hall and out of sight.


"I did NOT send her to you to be auctioned off like cattle Boromir! I asked nothing of the sort from your father!" Gandalf boomed as they stood in Alannah's room. The very floor seemed to shake from the wizard's anger as he chastised Boromir for the situation that Alannah had been put in. Boromir paced back and forth, occasionally glancing at Alannah as he thought of what to say to the intimidating wizard while Alannah sat at the table and forced herself to take small sips of water as the two went back and forth with each other.

"I understand Gandalf, I've spoken to her about taking her hand myself..." Boromir was interrupted by Gandalf slamming his long staff into the floor.

"Absolutely not!" Gandalf came to sit at a table in the center of the room, pulling his pipe from his robes and lighting it, taking short puffs from the weed as he ignited it. "Do you remember what I told you, Boromir? This is not the path fate has laid out for her and you and your father do not have her best interest at heart! Having her pose as a man, what is this foolishness?" He scoffed as he chewed at the end of the pipe.

Boromir was growing frustrated as he tried to explain. "I hold her best interest! It was safer to travel this way and you know that to be true. No one knew how long she would be housed at Minas Tirith, and perhaps marrying would have been less of a burden on any debt she incurred."

Gandalf glared at him as he pulled a coin purse from his robes and tossed it to Boromir's feet. "There! Return that to your father, her debts have been paid thrice over and you both can leave the idea of a betrothment to her in the past where it shouldn't have been thought of to begin with."

Gandalf rose to leave the room, stopping as Alannah rushed over to pull him back. The wizard stepped back inside and placed his aged hand gently on her cheek. She leaned into his comfort, him being the only resemblance of a father she had ever known.

"Boromir, please leave us." She asked softly. Boromir nodded his head softly to her before tossing the coins onto the table in the room, closing the door shut as he left.

"I'm so sorry Alannah. I should have come back for you sooner." He sat back down at the table and offered her his pipe. She declined the offer, only enjoying the sweet aroma that he puffed out of it. She looked at him pleading with her eyes.

"You want to know who you are and where you will be going." He stated, not needing to hear her ask him herself. She nodded and waited patiently for him to finish his pipe weed.

"My dear Alannah. I can only tell you what I do know about your past, your future is not mine to reveal to you. That you must discover for yourself my sweet girl." Gandalf spoke as he looked out towards the mystical gardens of Rivendell.

"Please." She urged him to continue. She felt as if she would not know where she was going if she didn't know where she had been, tired of aimlessly wondering what would become of her. Gandalf took a deep breath as he finished the last of his pipe.

"I know you do not know much about the world outside of mortals. Perhaps that is some fault of my own. Your parents loved you very much. You were born in a beautiful forest, very secluded I may add, where your mother and father had settled after they wed. You were born in the time of Spring, as many of you are." He paused, realizing that he had said enough for the time being. Gandalf felt, for one reason or another that it was not the time to reveal all he knew about Alannah, and that it would be best for her to learn along her journey, bit by bit.

"And? Where were they from?" She asked softly, barely satisfied with the newly revealed knowledge of her lineage.

"In all good time sweet girl. We will depart soon, gather only what you need, it will be a long and arduous voyage for all of us." He said as he turned and walked towards the door, gripping his staff tightly. He paused as the prophecy he had spoken over Alannah came to the forefront of his memory, as well as the many men she would be travelling, specifically the sapphire eyed elf, Legolas.

"For now, humor Lord Boromir and his father's request to keep your true self hidden on this quest. If anyone is to discover you, I will see to it that you be respected and kept as equal among them, for you owe nothing to anyone. You are your own master my sweet girl." Gandalf eyed the sheathed blade on her hip and smiled as she nodded, respectfully obliging to his request.

~Hello! I hope you enjoy this fic. I've been working on it for quite some time and am just now getting around to sharing it. ~

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