My Big Mistake

By jozzyg1234

134 0 0

A teenage girl goes through a lot of difficult situations. She met a guy and fell in love with him even thoug... More

Chapter One
Author Note
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Author's note
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Author's note

Chapter 5

5 0 0
By jozzyg1234

I run around trying to get ready for school. I call Caleb to see if he could come and get me because school is about to start. He arrives ten minutes later and we rush to the school. I say thank you and rush to my first hour. I made it. Thank god. 

At the end of class, Caleb would stand there with his huge smile. I walk towards him. 

Jordyn- I'm sorry I didn't say anything this morning but I was worried I was going to be late for class. 

Caleb grabs me by the waist. My stomach has butterflies.

Caleb- It's okay love.

Caleb's POV

I was happy that I got this close to her. She was perfect for me and I wanted her to be mine right away and forever. I don't wanna only stay with her for one day. I will make sure that the bet is not a bet no more and I know how to stop it. I walk over to Devon who is sitting next to Abigail. Abigail is this girl that likes me and tells everyone else that we used to date. Only the people that are my friends know she and I were never a thing. 

Caleb- Hey, can I talk to you alone Devon. Without Abby too. 

Devon- Sure. What's up? (Walking away from everyone)

Caleb- I don't wanna do that bet anymore I actually wanna be with her I have been wanting to. I wanna be with her for a long time not a day, not a month, not even two months. I wanna be with her for years. 

Devon- Dude, I support you a hundred percent in this but she doesn't deserve a guy like you. Fine the bet is off but if you date her she will find out about everything. She would never wanna be with you after that so I suggest you to mind your own business and leave that nasty girl out of it. She will probably just use you and sleep around with other guys. I heard all about what happened before she came here. 

Caleb- YOU BETTER NOT SAY THAT ABOUT HER AGAIN. She is a good person actually she's great. She does deserve me I don't deserve her. She deserves to have the world and i'm gonna be the one that gives it to her. If you have a problem with that then go ahead expose everything I don't care if she knows anything about me but if you say anything to hurt her I swear to god you will be sorry. She didn't do anything to you so leave her alone. What exactly are you even talking about anyways? 

Devon- HA. She lost her virginity but that guy didn't want it but she did so. You really think she will stay with you forever. NO. Eventually she will get sick of you and you will hurt her. You will lose her either way so it's better not to even try and be with her, but its your decision. Whatever bro, good luck because your on your own this time. 

Caleb- Fine. I don't need you. I don't believe that's what happened. I don't believe she would do that. She's too sweet for that it's just not likely for her to do that. GO ahead and be with Abby. 

I walk to Abby with an angry expression.

Caleb- You better not hurt Jordyn and if you do all hell is going to break loose. I don't want anything to do with you so leave me alone. Don't text me because i'm already blocking you on everything. If you hurt her i'll ruin your pretty little life and you know I will so back off. 

With that, I stormed off to my next class. I was happy every time I would see Jordyn. She always cheered me up. That's what I want is someone to make me happy. Something real and long lasting. I am always there for her and everyday I fall more and more in love with this amazing girl. At the end of the day i'm waiting for Jordyn to come out. 

An everyday thing since she has been here. I wanna take her out tonight. I wanna ask her to be mine. It's been a week since she has been here but I can't wait to be her boyfriend. She finally comes to the door all excited and she gives me a huge hug. I put her down finally and we walk to my car. We get to my car and I turn her to where her back was on the window at the passenger seat. 

Caleb- I wanna take you out tonight. 

Jordyn- Awe, Can't wait. 

She looks at me and smiles. She puts her hands on cheeks and kisses me passionately. The kiss was long and perfect. I smiled and opened her door for her. I get into the car and drive her to her house. 

Caleb- I'll pick you up at seven thirty. 

Jordyn- Okay, see you then

I pull out of her driveway and all of a sudden I see a car speeding towards me. 

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